Posts tagged Guard this Treasure
Preach the Words | 2 Timothy 4:1-5 | Mikey Brannon

Good morning church family. If you have your Bible I would ask you to go ahead

and make your way to the book of 2 Timothy. Today we will be looking at 2

Timothy 4: 1-5. My name is Mikey, I am a member here at GCF and have been for

a few years now. My wife Brooke, and our 5 children love this church, and I

always count it as an honor when I have the opportunity to preach.

Pastor Ken did a great job last week as we worked our way through the closing of

chapter 3. And one passage that we looked at in particular was chapter 3 vs. 16-


There was a family that joined about 3 weeks ago, and as they stood up on the

stage and were sharing their faith and what they believe, brother said, we believe

in the sufficiency of scripture. I was in the back, I said amen! And that is really

what this passage gets to. All Scripture, not some scripture is from God.

[2Ti 3:16-17 ESV] 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for

teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that

the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

We rightly believe that when we armed with the word of God we have

EVERYTHING we need for God to accomplish everything he wills to do in our

lives. We really don’t need anything else.

The word of God is the center piece of Church. And is delivered by the man of

God, the preacher. There is no greater calling, there is no more important

assignment, there is no greater need.


One of my heros of the faith is Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones said it this way in his book

“Preachers and Preaching”, “The primary task of the church and of the Christian

minister is the preaching of the word of God”.

As Paul is writing this, We know he is nearing the end of his time here on earth.

In fact this is likely the last writing that we have. And as I studied this passage this

week, I gave some thought to how I might handle my final hours on earth.

And I pictured myself maybe in a room, surrounded by those that I love. Perhaps a

spouse, parents, or children, or even close friend perhaps would have gathered

around. Have you ever wondered how you might feel in those moments. When

you don’t have much time left, and there is so much that you wanted to say to your

children, but time will just not allow. And you realize in those moments the

difficult times that perhaps your loved ones will have to go on to face. And you

realize you will not be there to help. You will not be able share guidance or bear

burdens because your time has come to an end. What would you say in those last

moments? I think if you get this picture in your mind, then you are close to feeling

exactly like Paul feels as he pens the last words to Timothy. And so what will he

say, what is his closing plea to make sure that he leaves young Timothy headed in

the right direction.

Paul knows all too well the dangers that are facing the church. He himself has

been imprisoned and stoned. He has seen the false teachers and he knows what

they aim to do. He has seen false converts defect from the church. And with all of

this on his mind, his eyes fix on Timothy, what possible advice can he give?

[2Ti 4:1-5 ESV] 1 I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who

is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: 2

preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and

exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 3 For the time is coming when

people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will

accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn

away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 5 As for you, always

be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your



First, I want to talk about the structure of the passage, because that helps me digest

and organize the thoughts in my mind. In verse 1, Paul lays out an overarching

charge that sets the tone of the passage. Then in verse two we have the main

imperative statement of the entire passage. What is Timothy supposed to do? He is

to “preach the word”. Highlight and double underline in. That is the title of the

message, and that is Pauls main point. Preach the word.

And the rest of the passage simply explains “how” Timothy is to preach the word.

So there are 8 or so imperatives that come after that explain how the Pastor is to

preach. And we are going to go thru these this morning. Let’s look at verse 1.

[2Ti 4:1-5 ESV] 1 I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is

to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom:

We see the first verb is “charge”. It’s an important word and one we don’t use

very often. Can you imagine if you walked around telling people they are charged

to do something for you. They would think that you are crazy. The language used

here is a military term. In today’s term an officer might say “this is an order!”.

This assignment is not optional. There is no negotiation. Timothy must be all ears

because what Paul is about to say is important.

He goes on to say “in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus.” It is as if he steps

the importance up yet another notch. Paul borrows language in this phrase from a

Roman court room. In that day if you were charged with a crime you would be

given instruction of your court date, of the crime that was committed, and this

summons would say something like in the presence of the honorable judge so and

so. It is as if we are being reminded of this task that Paul is about to lay out is a

formal task. It is not optional. And none other than the Holy trinity itself will stand

and take account.

Verse 1 says he is the judge of “the living and the dead”. The idea here goes back

to God as the judge of all mankind.

[2Co 5:10 ESV] 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so

that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether

good or evil.


Paul sets the tone for this charge as one of grave importance. This task of

preaching for both Timothy and all men who would be called to follow after is not

to be taken lightly. In fact, this judge mentioned here in verse 1 will judge these

preachers with even greater scrutiny. This concept of preachers being judged in a

special way is not just here take a look at James 3:1.

[Jas 3:1 ESV] 1 Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you

know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.

One of my favorite preachers in church history is none other than Dr. Martyn

Lloyd Jones. He was an outstanding physician in London, and even as a young

man was promoted to chief clinical assistant to the King. Sounds like pretty

important work right?

When I came here, people said to me: ‘Why give up good work – a good

profession – after all, the medical profession, why give that up? If you had been a

bookie, for instance, and wanted to give that up to preach the gospel, we should

understand and agree with you and say that you were doing a grand thing. But

medicine – a good profession, healing the sick and relieving pain!’ One man even

said this, ‘If you were a lawyer and gave it up, I’d give you a pat on the back, but

to give up medicine!

MLJ said about this ‘if you knew more about the work of a doctor, you would

understand. We but spend most of our time rendering people fit to go back to their

sin!’ I saw men on their sick beds, I spoke to them of their immortal souls, they

promised grand things. Then they got better and back they went to their old sin! I

saw I was helping these men to sin and I decided that I would do no more of it. I

want to heal souls. If a man has a diseased body and his soul is all right, he is all

right to the end; but a man with a healthy body and a diseased soul is all right for

sixty years or so and then he has to face an eternity of hell. Ah, yes! we have

sometimes to give up those which are good for that which is the best of all – the

joy of salvation and newness of life.


MLJ had no problem leaving behind a physician for an earthly king, because he

knew that call he received to be a preacher for the king of kings was far more

important work.

So that is verse 1, it sets the stage, it provides the mood, the lighting of everything

we are about to discuss. Verse 2.

Preach the word. Underline this. We said this phrase is the main imperative of the

text. Not just for Timothy but all preachers will be judged based on how true they

were to the command. Preach the word.

The Greek verb for preach here is Keruso. And it means to herald. Back in those

days when there was an order from the King, perhaps a meeting that needed to

take place in a particular village, they didn’t have a website or a newspaper to

share information. There would be assigned heralds. Who would move out into the

busy parts of towns, into the markets and they would begin to shout, attention

attention, and they would pass along the information. It was a public proclamation,

given to all could hear, That is the idea about what it is to preach.

But Paul does not permit the preacher to herald just anything, he says preach the

word. You may think that should be obvious, but let me tell you it is not. There

may be a temptation by a pastor, perhaps even by pressure of his congregation to

do so something other than preach the word. Paul speaks of the entire council of

scripture. Both the OT and the NT are included. It would be a grave error to

exclude any part of the word. “All scripture is God breathed”.

I want to stop here and say why I am thankful that our church teaches verse by

verse through entire books of the Bible... Growing up topical. Strawman sermons

on easy texts. It was rare to deal with difficult passages or work through things the

pastor or congregation was struggling to comprehend. A pastor who preaches a

shallow message will only develop a shallow congregation. 7 out of 10 youth will

walk away from the faith after they move out of their parents home. Could some

of that be that we just won’t go deep in the word. To help them understand

everything they are seeing in the world, taught in schools, through the lense of real

deep understanding.


If anything of power, of God is to happen in our church it must happen through the

power that comes from obedience to this command, Preach the word. We can get

caught up in numbers, in strategy, in surveys, and start looking at all the wrong

things. To fufill the imperative in this verse, the church must be a church that is

committed to the power of preaching as the centerpiece. The church has the task to

make dead men come alive.

So now we look at the question of how the pastor is to preach. He is to be ready in

season and out of season. This is the second command or imperative. Did you

know there is no season that is not either in season or out of season? That’s all the

seasons. The preacher is to always be ready to go. The verb here has a suddenness

to it. It is like a soldier who has been put on alert. His bags are packed he is ready

to deploy he simply stands by the phone for his orders. He is ready to go, that is

the picture here.

This applies to pastors mainly, but we as the congregation can certainly apply it as

well. If our day to day life is marked by disobedience. If we are neglecting the

word, if we are neglecting to spend time in prayer. If we are living in a perpetual

state of sin, then how on earth can we be ready. It’s easy to get ready for a single

event right. We can clean ourselves up and get it together for 1 maybe 2 days a

week, but Paul says the preacher is to be ready 24/7. Not an easy thing to do, but

this is the standard by which they will be judged.

Okay more imperatives coming up that answer the question “How is the word to

be preached?” We will group the next 3 together because they are sort of similar

or related. Still in verse 3 we have:

reprove, rebuke, and exhort. This is basically 2 negatives and a positive. Firstly,

lets look at reprove. We just saw reprove back in 2 Tim 3:16. It means to correct

misbehavior or to correct false doctrine. It can almost be thought of more as a

head knowledge correction. Or to helps someone think about something rightly.

Next we have rebuke. It is closely related, but it deals more with the heart. It

carries more of the idea of the heart. When the pastor rebukes he is bringing the

congregation under conviction.


This is one of the fundamental differences between teaching and preaching. If I

am teaching you an idea or a passage of scripture I’m just talking to you so that

you understand the idea that I am trying to communicate, but if am preaching and

I am rebuking you now we have the will and the heart and conviction all taking

place. It is something entirely different.

Exhort. This is the positive. Parakaleo. Sometimes the Holy Spirit is referred to as

Paraklyte. Which is to say that he is our helper. So Exort or parakaleo is to come

along aside and lovingly encourage.

With complete patience and teaching. The preacher is not to be irritable or

impatient. Even if progress is slow and painful. I think back to Jesus and his

disciples. Things were slow. Those guys sometimes were just slow. And he

always taught with patience.

Phil Robertson movie, Blind. Phil was bad. Phil had already turned away the

preacher. Phil bought a bar. Preacher came in the bar. Phil throws him out and is

borderline abusive to his wife and family. He ends up throwing them out. And Phil

hits rock bottom. Pastors be patient. Wives be patient. Husbands be patient. Ms.

Kay aske the reverend to go back and talk to him one more time.

Vs 3 the preacher is to preach with urgency, “For the time is coming”. Throughout

church history there have certainly been ebs and flows. Times of falling away, and

there have been times of great revival. But I think the overall trend as time goes on

is that more and more people turn from God. Paul says to Timothy, hey it’s the 2

minute warning. It’s time to score because time is of the essence. The time is

coming, and I believe now more than ever the time has come where:

People will not endure sound teaching. Some translations use the pronoun “they”

here. The ESV says people, but in either case I think we should consider who

these people are that don’t endure sound teaching. At first I thought it was simply

the everybody in the world, but I don’t think that is exactly right. You see people

who don’t go to church have never endured sound teaching or doctrine. So I think

the people that are discussed here are what I call “church going people”. These are

people who fill the seats and the pews of various congregations each and every


Sunday all throughout the world. By context that is the only way this really can be

read I think. And when we think about the parable of the wheat and the tares we

know that these congregations, sometimes entire congregations are made of lost


And so as we look around the world, as we look around the churches in the low

country, as we look around right here at GCF, what is it that distinguishes those

who have been born again from those who have not. I believe it is a love and an

embrace for true sound doctrine. Paul says the day is coming when they won’t

tolerate the true word. Many times a false convert is easy to spot because they

have no love for the truth of Scripture. Sound doctrine shines a magnifying glass

on the wickedness of our sin.

Paul says they have “itching ears”. Have you ever had someone ask for your true

opinion and the second that they realize you don’t agree with them they stop

listening to you. These unconverted church goers don’t want to be confronted with

the weight of a Holy God and a wicked sinner. So with itching ears they seek out

someone to tell them exactly what they want to hear.

The text says they “accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own

passions”. I don’t know if there has ever been a more obvious time where this has

played out in front of us. There is a welcoming congregation for every lifestyle of


And the pulpits are filled with people who not only won’tt mention the sin, but

they will contort scripture and tell you that it is not sin at all.

Sin of greed. My pastor never preaches about money because he just says he lets

God deal with that.

Self-help and prosperity focused churches are filled with people who want nothing

to do with sermons that rebuke and reprove.

I remember I was flipping through the channels and I ran across a Pastor who was

preaching to a church that was literally meeting in a football stadium, and it was

full. I was shocked as I heard the sermon. The Bible was not even required for

what the man was saying. And I remember thinking how can thousands and


thousands of people sit here with a Bible in there hand and not realize that this is

not the gospel?

You know why... I know now. Paul just told me. The day is coming when they

won’t tolerate sound doctrine but they will accumulate ear tickling preachers. Here

you have 10s of thousands of people having their ears tickle, and it is exactly what

they want to hear.

For preachers, it’s not easy to say the hard things. For true believers that sit here

today, don’t fall into this trap where you avoid the hard work of searching your

heart for sin. This is why we are here.

4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. The

verb here that is translated “turn away” has a medical connotation of a dislocated

joint. It is as a person turns away so quickly that they snap their neck out of joint.

These folks are so turned off by sound doctrine or sound teaching that they snap

their necks to turn away from it.

These false converts then wander off into myths. I think there is principle that is

being taught in verse 4 that if you don’t fill your mind with sound doctrine, your

mind will be increasingly susceptible to believe a lie. (garden of eden example) By

not filling yourself with sound doctrine, or preachers without preaching sound

doctrine create in the congregation a vulnerability to deception.

5 As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an

evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Finally Paul says to be sober minded. This is to be level headed.

Endure suffering. It is not a question of if suffering will occur. Faithful preachers

who preach the word become a lightning rod for suffering. Paul knows suffering

very well and even as he writes these words his suffering continues. It is a

reminder to those who do the work of ministry, not just preachers, but especially

those who preach, ministry comes at a cost.


Do the work of an evangelist. This is the 8

th imperative. It is the call to the preacher

that he must share the gospel of salvation. Its interesting that Paul doesn’t call him

to be an evangelist, but to do the work of an evangelist. It is as if he wants him to

remember, in everything you do as a preacher, you must also in that do the work

that evangelist would do.

Simply put, the pastor is to help people come to terms with their sinfulness. To

understand that they are separated from God. To call all who have ears to hear that

the time is now to repent and to trust in Christ for salvation.

Fulfil your ministry. Do everything God has stored up for you, every good work to

the fullness of your ability.

This text of course is primarily for preachers, but we as the congregation have a

role to fill as well. We must participate in the process of sanctification.

Let’s pray.

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How to Remain Faithful to the Gospel | 2 Timothy 3:14-17

How to Remain in the Gospel - 2 Timothy 3:14-17

1st Timothy – the church every pastor should have.

2nd Timothy – the pastor every church should have.

Timothy is the young pastor leading the church in Ephesus. It is a city that needs a strong church to show the Gospel (Good News of Christ).

Paul uses this letter to remind Timothy of His Calling.

2nd Timothy

· Guard the Gospel ch 1

· Suffer the Gospel ch 2

· Continue in the Gospel ch 3

· Proclaim the Gospel ch 4

Revelation - God revealing Himself to mankind

Inspiration - Holy Spirit inspiring the words of God to the writers of Scripture.

Illumination - Holy Spirit bringing understanding to the readers.

The Word of God is:

Infallible - Scriptures are certain, reliable, trustworthy to what they speak to. Will not mislead.

Inerrant - The Scripture in the original languages is without error, free of mistakes and falsehoods.

Authoritative - the outgrowth of inspiration. As the words of God, it carries His authority. It holds truths and God's revelation of Himself to mankind.

Scripture is Profitable





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How Do We Shepherd Our Flock Well? | 2 Timothy 2:14-19

Series: Guard the Treasure

Title: How do we shepherd our flock well?

Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14-19; John 10:1-15 NIV

Bottom line: We guard (pass on) the gospel by shepherding our flock well.





  5. NOTES






Shrek the Sheep

Historic Vids

@historyinmemes On X

This is Shrek. He was just your everyday, average, run-of-the-mill Merino sheep living in South Island, New Zealand when he decided to escape from his enclosure and make a break for it to some nearby caves. He managed to live on his own for 6 years before he was eventually tracked down by his owner John Perrian, who had this to say when he finally found him: "He looked like some biblical creature."

While some sheep breeds naturally shed their wool, like Bighorn sheep in North America, Merino sheep never do. Their wool will continue to grow until it completely engulfs them and even impairs their vision (what you would call "wool blind"). Domesticated sheep have evolved based on the way humans have groomed them for thousands of years.

The earliest domestication of sheep dates back to 11,000 BCE in ancient Mesopotamia, where they were primarily used for meat, milk, and wool.

After 6 years without a shave, Shrek had enough wool on his body to produce 20 suits for large men. In total, his fleece weighed 60 pounds.

Shrek's fleece was shaved off on national television and then auctioned off to support medical charities for children. He even got to meet the Prime Minister and has since been depicted in several children's books.

Sadly, Shrek passed away in 2011 at the age of 16.

One powerful image in scripture is that of the good shepherd who takes care of his sheep well. He knows them by name and protects them fully even if it costs him his life.

Read John 10:1-15

This kind of care is rare in life. It’s rare in church life too. Yet this is what God calls us to. Starting at home, God calls parents to shepherd their flock (family) to follow the good, great and chief shepherd Jesus Christ.

How are we doing?

It doesn’t seem like we’re doing this very well.

Church Growth?

In 2023, the American church is struggling:

Churches in decline = 54%

Churches stable = 12%

Churches growing = 33%

Therefore, only 1/3 of churches in America are growing.

The Church in America is becoming more and more partisan.

Billy Graham endorsed Richard Nixon in his bid for the White House. You may have heard of Watergate and the scandal that led to Richard Nixon resigning for fear of being impeached. Billy Graham later shared that he regretted endorsing a political candidate. He realized that while you can the church through a partisan lense, that only leads to short-term growth and not necessarily the kind of growth that matters.

There is a trend for churches (left and right leaning) to double down on the partisan issues that are part of the culture war to grow their church. This is short-sighted and I believe will lead to long-term harm to the kingdom.

Sharing Our Faith

“Yet the most dramatic divergence over time is on the statement, “Every Christian has a responsibility to share their faith.” In 1993, nine out of 10 Christians who had shared their faith agreed (89%). Today, just two-thirds say so (64%)—a 25-point drop.”

I share these to say that we’re not guarding the treasure like we used to in America. While Paul speaks to Timothy as an Apostle to a pastor, the principles apply to all Christians who believe that they also have the responsibility to guard the treasure by shepherding the flock. Based on the above Barna research, only 2/3rds of Christians believe this is their responsibility down from 90% in the 1990s.

Paul writes to Timothy, the shepherd (pastor) of the flock (church) in Ephesus, on how to shepherd them well. He has summed it up in the key verse that Timothy is to guard the treasure (gospel/good news). We are called to do this in our own context. This is hard. It includes suffering and testing. Will we persevere? That’s the question, isn’t it. We can in Christ. But will we?


“Certainly, I'm happy to discuss 2 Timothy with you from the perspective of someone with extensive experience in Christian ministry and theological training. As a fellow minister of the Gospel, grounded in sound exegesis and hermeneutics, you'll understand the profound wisdom and pastoral guidance contained in this epistle.

The apostle Paul's second letter to Timothy carries a sense of solemnity and urgency, as he imparts his final instructions to his beloved spiritual son. Having fought the good fight and kept the faith, Paul knew his departure was imminent. He seized this opportunity to exhort Timothy to remain steadfast in the face of sufferings, false teachings, and apostasy that had already begun infiltrating the church.

Central to this epistle is the call to endure hardship as a good soldier of Christ Jesus (2:3). Paul uses vivid metaphors—the soldier, athlete, and hardworking farmer—to underscore the discipline, single-mindedness, and perseverance required in gospel ministry. He charges Timothy to guard the gospel as a sacred trust, contending earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints.

Paul's prophetic warnings about the rise of false teachers, characterized by arrogance, greed, and spiritual deception, ring as true today as they did then. His antidote? A clarion call to remain rooted in the inspired Scriptures, which are profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness (3:16).

No discussion of 2 Timothy would be complete without revisiting the immortal words of 2:1-2—perhaps the apostolic succession passage par excellence. Here, Paul solemnly charges his protégé to entrust the gospel to faithful men who will be qualified to teach others also. This multi-generational transfer of truth encapsulates the great commission's essence.

As seasoned ministers, we can surely resonate with Paul's poignant reflections, his tender affection for his spiritual offspring, and his longing to see the torch of biblical truth carried forth. May we, like Timothy, fan into flame the gift of God within us, unashamed of the gospel's testimony.”


I. Remind one another how to guard the good news.

A. Standing tall, not ashamed of publicly following Jesus Christ.

B. Passing on the good news that you’ve received from God through others to reliable people who will pass it along to others. Do so

      1. Intentionally

      2. Consistently

      3. Equipped

C. Persevering through the tests and suffering and so finish approved by God.

      1. As a good soldier

      2. As a dedicated athlete

      3. As a hardworking farmer

      4. As a faithful shepherd (14)

D. Keeping to the pattern of sound instruction

E. Resting in the resurrections

      1. The spiritual resurrection we have in Christ from second birth

      2. The bodily resurrection we will have when we’re glorified in Christ (at our death or his second coming)


I’ve often described Christians as canals that are conduits of God’s love. And there’s truth in that. But this reservoir picture is even better. -Darien

If you are wise, therefore, you will show yourself a reservoir and not a canal. For a canal pours out as fast as it takes in; but a reservoir waits till it is full before it overflows, and so communicates it’s surplus. We have all too few such reservoirs in the Church at present, though we have canals in plenty...       

  • They (canals) desire to pour out when they themselves are not yet inpoured

  • They are readier to speak than to listen

  • Eager to teach that which they do not know

  • Most anxious to exercise authority on others, although they have not (yet) learned to rule themselves

Let the reservoir of which we spoke just now take pattern from the spring; for the spring does not form a stream or spread into a lake until it is brimful.... Be filled yourself, then, but discreetly, pour out your fullness... Out of your fullness help me if you can; and, if not, spare yourself! - Bernard of Clairvaux

The question I want you to consider is, Do you think you personally have the responsibility to guard the treasure by passing on the good news to those who are far from God but close to you? Or do you think it’s primarily the responsibility of the local church on your behalf? I would go with the former. Because the great commission and Paul in 2 Timothy makes it clear that, as the Church, we’re to guard this treasure together.

Bottom line: We guard (pass on) the gospel by shepherding our flock well.

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.



Spiritual vs bodily resurrection

“You make an excellent point. The New Testament does teach about both a spiritual resurrection that occurs at conversion as well as a future bodily resurrection for believers.

On the spiritual resurrection:

- Ephesians 2:4-6 speaks of believers being "made alive" and "raised up" with Christ spiritually when they put their faith in Him.

- Colossians 2:12-13 refers to believers being "raised with Him through faith" when they were spiritually dead in sins.

- This spiritual resurrection represents being transferred from death to new life in Christ.

And on the future bodily resurrection:

- 1 Corinthians 15 and 1 Thessalonians 4 give extensive teaching on the bodily resurrection of believers at Christ's return.

- This will involve receiving glorified, imperishable bodies fashioned like Christ's resurrection body.

- It is the culmination of the believer's redemption - both soul and body made new.

So you are absolutely right that there is both a present spiritual dimension of resurrection for the believer's soul/spirit at conversion, as well as a promised future bodily resurrection still to come. Paul upholds both of these resurrection truths.

The error of Hymenaeus and Philetus seems to be denying or reducing the future bodily resurrection aspect, which was a central hope of the gospel. Thank you for raising that important clarification. The New Testament holds both the spiritual and bodily dimensions of resurrection together.”


"Sure, I can explain what gangrene is in a way a 7th grade boy would understand.

Gangrene is basically when a part of your body starts to die and rot away. It's really gross and can be super dangerous if not treated quickly.

Imagine you get a really bad cut or wound, and instead of healing normally, it starts turning an ugly greenish-black color. The skin around it gets all mushy and smells terrible, like something that's been left out to rot for weeks. That's gangrene setting in.

It happens when the blood flow to that area gets cut off, usually because of an infection. Without fresh blood bringing oxygen and nutrients, that part of your body just starts to decay and die right on you. It's like it's being eaten away from the inside out by bacteria.

If gangrene is allowed to spread too far, it can get into your bloodstream and make you really sick, even killing you if not stopped. Sometimes the only way to stop it is by cutting off the dead, rotting part - like having to amputate a toe, foot or even a whole leg if the gangrene gets too bad.

It's nasty stuff that you definitely don't want happening to your body. Keeping any cuts or wounds clean and watching for signs of infection is important to avoid getting gangrene. If you ever see signs of it, you'd need to get to the doctor right away before it spreads too far.“

Good summary of 2:14-19:

“2 Timothy 2:14-19 is a poignant exhortation from Paul to Timothy regarding the grave responsibility of rightly handling the word of truth. Let me summarize the key points:

Verses 14-15 - Paul charges Timothy to keep reminding the believers not to quarrel about words, as it leads to the ruin of the hearers. Instead, he should diligently present himself as a workman approved by God, rightly dividing the word of truth. This underscores the minister's duty to accurately exposit Scripture without distortion.

Verse 16 - He warns against engaging with irreverent babble and opposition to the truth, as it only leads to further ungodliness. Ministers must avoid profane chatter masquerading as deep truth.

Verses 17-18 - Paul cites the example of Hymenaeus and Philetus, whose teaching spread like gangrene, upsetting the faith of some by claiming the resurrection had already occurred. This illustrates how seemingly small errors can metastasize into damning heresies.

Verse 19 - In the midst of such threats, Paul provides assurance that the firm foundation of God stands sure, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are His," and "Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity." While apostasy abounds, God preserves His elect, calling them to holy living.

In summary, this passage emphatically calls ministers to diligent, precise, and reverent handling of God's Word while fleeing from profane speculations that shipwreck the faith. It balances a sober warning about insidious false teaching with the comforting truth that God sovereignly preserves His church amid such threats.”


  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Let’s ask some summary sermon questions:

Q. What do I want them to know?

A. How to shepherd well.

Q. Why do I want them to know it?

A. So that they’ll be more equipped to shepherd the flock around them.

Q. What do I want them to do about it?

A. Shepherd their flock starting with themselves.

Q. Why do I want them to do it?

A. To keep them from being caught up in godless chatter that destroys people’s faith.

Q. How can they begin to do this?

A. Regularly remind yourself by re-reading 1 Timothy 1-2 about how to guard the gospel treasure.


Outline Bible (Willmington) 2 TIMOTHY 2

Paul describes the duties assigned to a pastor.

I. THE ROLE MODEL (2:1-7): Paul likens the ministry to four secular occupations.

A. A teacher (2:1-2)

1. As a student Timothy was taught many things by Paul (2:1-2a).

2. As a pastor Timothy must now teach those things to other godly people (2:2b).

B. A soldier (2:3-4)

1. Give all of your energies to the warfare (2:3).

2. Give none (or little) of your energies to worldly affairs (2:4).

C. An athlete (2:5): Strive for the victor's crown.

D. A farmer (2:6-7): Work hard to harvest a large crop.

I. THE REMINDERS (2:8-10): A prisoner in Rome, Paul asks Timothy to reflect on two things.

A. God's messenger is chained (2:8-9a).

B. God's message cannot be chained (2:9b-10).

III. THE RESULTS (2:11-13)

A. If we die for Christ, we will live with Christ (2:11).

B. If we endure hardship for Christ, we will reign with Christ (2:12a).

C. If we deny Christ, he will deny us (2:12b).

D. If we are unfaithful, Christ remains faithful (2:13).

IV. THE RESPONSIBILITIES (2:14-26): Paul lists some of Timothy's duties as a pastor.

A. Remind your people of the great scriptural truths (2:14a).

B. Warn them against petty arguments (2:14b).

C. Strive to become an approved workman before God (2:15).

D. Avoid godless controversies (2:16-19, 23-26).

1. The examples (2:16-17): Paul points out two men, Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have involved themselves in these controversies.

2. The error (2:18-19): They are claiming that the resurrection from the dead has already occurred.

3. The endeavor (2:23-26): Timothy must gently instruct those who would oppose him with the goal of leading them to repentance.

E. Present your body as a clean vessel to God (2:20-21).

F. Avoid evil, and pursue good (2:22).

Outline by Merida

I. A Gospel-Centered Letter

II. A Gospel-Centered Leader (1:1-7)

A. Paul: Called by the will of God (1:1)

      1. The origin of Paul’s apostleship (1:1b)

      2. The purpose of Paul’s apostleship (1:1c)

B. Timothy: Shaped by the grace of God (1:2-7)

      1. A personal mentor (1:2-4)

      2. A godly mother (1:5)

      3. The Spirit and the gifts (1:6-7)


Key theme: Preparation for the ministry in the last days

Key verses: 2 Timothy 1:13–14


A. Courageous enthusiasm—1:1–7

B. Shameless suffering—1:8–12

C. Spiritual loyalty—1:13–18


A. The steward—2:1–2

B. The soldier—2:3–4, 8–13

C. The athlete—2:5

D. The farmer—2:6–7

E. The workman—2:14–18

F. The vessel—2:19–22

G. The servant—2:23–26


A. Turn away from the false—3:1–9

B. Follow those who are true—3:10–12

C. Continue in God’s Word—3:13–17


A. Preach the Word—4:1–4


I. Salutation (1:1–2)

II. Call to Faithfulness (1:3–18)

A. Thanksgiving for Timothy (1:3–7)

B. Call to courage (1:8–12)

C. Call to guard the truth (1:13–14)

D. Examples of unfaithfulness and faithfulness (1:15–18)

III. Challenge to Endurance (2:1–13)

A. Enduring hardship for Christ (2:1–7)

B. Christ’s example of endurance (2:8–10)

C. A faithful saying (2:11–13)

IV. Marks of a Good Workman (2:14–26)

A. Faithfulness in ministry (2:14–19)

B. A clean instrument (2:20–21)

C. Faithfulness in conduct (2:22–26)

V. Predictions of Faithlessness (3:1–9)

VI. Challenge to Faithful Preaching (3:10–4:8)

A. Faithfulness in the face of opposition (3:10–13)

B. Faithfulness to God’s Word (3:14–4:5)

C. Faithfulness of Paul (4:6–8)

VII. Reminder of God’s Faithfulness in Paul’s Adversity (4:9–18)

A. Paul’s enemies and friends (4:9–16)

B. Paul’s deliverance by the Lord (4:17–18)

VIII. Final Greetings (4:19–22)


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Retell the story in your own words.

  2. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  3. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  4. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  5. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“1 - 2 Timothy,” by David Helm, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

“1 & 2 Timothy” by John Stott

Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus, David Platt, Daniel Akin, Tony Merida

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Visual Word,” Patrick Schreiner (VW)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)


“The Treasure Principle” by Randy Alcorn

Read More
How to Treat Your Leaders | 1 Timothy 5:17-25

Series: Guard this Treasure

Title: How to treat your leaders

Scripture: 1 Timothy 5:17-25 NIV; 1:3-7

Bottom line: We care for our leaders best through rewards, discipline and wise selection.





  5. NOTES





Even today, the day after Iran fired over a hundred missiles and drones at Israel, their prime minister is under fire from many calling for his ouster. Among legitimate critiques are character assassination attempts designed to slander or just take down that leader. This, unfortunately, is common for leaders today whether we’re talking the federal government or the local school board.

But what about leaders in the church?

Paul left Timothy in Ephesus on his behalf to confront false teachers and to call out those who are behaving sinfully. He is also to make sure that leaders are rewarded and chosen wisely as well. This is what we will deal with today.

As far as our church is concerned, we are an autonomous, non-denominational church led by a team of 5 elders (aka pastors, both lay and paid). They are the position we’re talking about today. How do we treat them? Let’s see how Paul answers that question.

SERMON OUTLINE (based on the Outline Bible):


Paul gives advice concerning older and younger men, older and younger women, widows, and church elders.

I. THE PEOPLE (5:1-16): Paul gives advice concerning church members.

II. THE PREACHERS (5:17-25): Paul's advice concerning church elders.

A. Elders in general (5:17-22, 24-25)

1. They are worthy of double honor (5:17-18).

        • So in summary, "double honor" indicates these faithful elders should receive both material support as well as the utmost respect and appreciation from the church body. This ensures they are properly cared for and esteemed for their service.

2. They must never be unjustly accused (5:19-20, 24-25).

3. They must be impartial (5:21).

4. They must be proven before being ordained (5:22a).

5. They must keep themselves pure (5:22b).

B. Timothy in particular (5:23): "Drink a little wine for the sake of your stomach because you are sick so often."


I can tell you there have been plenty of times in the past 18 years when I’ve had contentious conversations with other elders about how we should lead this church. There have been times when I’ve been slandered, misunderstood, and called out. Sometimes legitimately too.

Bottom line: We care for our leaders best through rewards, discipline and wise selection.

I can tell you from personal experience, Paul’s advice here is sound and works. Ultimately, he’s simple giving us God’s words on the subject. We would be foolish to ignore them.



Let’s ask some summary questions:

Q. What do I want them to know?

A. How to reward, discipline and choose your elders.

Q. Why do I want them to know it?

A. Because churches rise and fall on leadership.

Q. What do I want them to do about it?

A. Treat their elders well by

  1. Rewarding them when they do well,

  2. Disciplining them when appropriate,

  3. Choosing them carefully.

Q. Why do I want them to do it?

A. Because they lead the church towards or away from Christ.

Q. How can they begin to do this?

A. They lead the church towards Christ by

  1. Overseeing the flock

  2. Shepherding the flock (lead, feed and protect)

  3. Preaching and teaching the flock

  4. Loving the flock


Outline Bible (Willmington)


Paul gives advice concerning older and younger men, older and younger women, widows, and church elders.

I. THE PEOPLE (5:1-16): Paul gives advice concerning church members.

A. In regard to older men (5:1a): Treat them as respected fathers.

B. In regard to younger men (5:1b): Treat them as brothers.

C. In regard to older women (5:2a): Treat them as mothers.

D. In regard to younger women (5:2b): Treat them as sisters.

E. In regard to widows (5:3-16)

1. Older widows (5:3-10, 16)

a. Widows who are over sixty, godly, and have no living chil-dren (5:3, 5, 9-10, 16): These are to be honored and provided for.

b. Widows who have living children and grandchildren (5:4, 8, 16): They are to be cared for by their families.

c. Widows who are carnal and live only for pleasure (5:6-7): They are to receive no help.

2. Younger widows (5:11-15)

a. The rule (5:11-12, 14): Let them remarry and raise children.

b. The reason (5:13, 15): This will keep them from immorality and idle talk.

II. THE PREACHERS (5:17-25): Paul's advice concerning church elders.

A. Elders in general (5:17-22, 24-25)

1. They are worthy of double honor (5:17-18).

2. They must never be unjustly accused (5:19-20, 24-25).

3. They must be impartial (5:21).

4. They must be proven before being ordained (5:22a).

5. They must keep themselves pure (5:22b).

B. Timothy in particular (5:23): "Drink a little wine for the sake of your stomach because you are sick so often."

BKC Outline

I. The Salutation (1:1–2)

II. Instructions concerning False Teachers (1:3–20)

III. Instructions concerning Conduct in the Church (2:1–3:13)

IV. Instructions concerning Guarding the Truth in the Church (3:14–4:16)

A. …

C. Responsibilities of a good minister of Christ (4:6–16)

V. Instructions concerning Various Groups in the Church (5:1–6:10)

A. Concerning various age-groups (5:1–2)

B. Concerning widows (5:3–16)

C. Concerning elders (5:17–25)

D. Concerning slaves and masters (6:1–2)

E. Concerning the heretical and greedy (6:3–10)

VI. Final Charge to Timothy (6:11–21)

A. Exhortation to godliness (6:11–16)

B. Instructions for the rich (6:17–19)

C. Exhortations to remain faithful (6:20–21)


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Retell the story in your own words.

  2. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really God’s word, what changes would I have to make in my life?

  3. Who am I going to tell about this?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions: Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

Final Questions (index cards optional)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“1 - 2 Timothy,” by David Helm, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

“1 & 2 Timothy” by John Stott

Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus, David Platt, Daniel Akin, Tony Merida

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Visual Word,” Patrick Schreiner (VW)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)


Read More
Where's a Palm Frond When You Need It? | Matthew 21:1-9

“Where’s a Palm Frond When You Need it?”


- Jesus had just raised Lazarus from the dead, so folks were pretty excited…including Jesus’


- Matthew 20:17-19

17  Now Jesus was going up to Jerusalem. On the way, he took the Twelve aside and said to

them,  18  “We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the

chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death  19  and will hand

him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be

raised to life!”

- Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons asked Jesus if her boys could sit at his right and left


- They didn’t get it…in fact, Matthew has her at Jesus’ crucifixion…

Matthew 21:1-6

As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two

disciples,  2  saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey

tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me.  3  If anyone says anything to

you, say that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”

4  This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: (the prophet Zechariah)

5  “Say to Daughter Zion,

    ‘See, your king comes to you,

gentle and riding on a donkey,

    and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’” [a]

6  The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them.  7  They brought the donkey and the

colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on.

This is referencing the Old Testament prophesy of the coming King…the Messiah

Zechariah 9:9

Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion!

    Shout, Daughter Jerusalem!

See, your king comes to you,

    righteous and victorious,

lowly and riding on a donkey,

    on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

This prophesy of the coming King was 500 years before Jesus…

In Jacob’s blessing on his son Judah, he is also pronouncing that Israel’s true and everlasting

king will come from the tribe of Judah…even referring to the donkey

Genesis 49:10-11

The scepter will not depart from Judah,

    nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, [a]

until he to whom it belongs [b]  shall come

    and the obedience of the nations shall be his.

11  He will tether his donkey to a vine,

    his colt to the choicest branch;

he will wash his garments in wine,

    his robes in the blood of grapes.

Why a donkey?

In ancient times, when a conquering king rode into a city, it was usually with a show of great

power and wealth, on a white horse in times of war, and a donkey in times of peace. Our King,

Jesus was going to ride into the city triumphantly, yet peacefully and meekly on a donkey.

Meek, meaning power under control.

1 Kings 1:32-34

32  King David said, “Call in Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet and Benaiah son of Jehoiada.”

When they came before the king,  33  he said to them: “Take your lord’s servants with you and

have Solomon my son mount my own mule and take him down to Gihon.  34  There have Zadok

the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him king over Israel. Blow the trumpet and shout,

‘Long live King Solomon!’

This represents the day that Solomon was recognized as the new king

So - The symbolism and significance of this event would be understood by everyone there…

- So, After a few years of showing people who He was, and telling those He healed not to tell

anyone, Jesus was letting the people of Jerusalem, those visiting for the Passover, the

leaders of the synagogue, the rulers of Jerusalem and every single one of us know that He

was and is indeed the Messiah…the King

Matthew 21:1-6

6  The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them.  7  They brought the donkey and the

colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. 8  A very large crowd spread their

cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.  9  The

crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,

“Hosanna [b]  to the Son of David!”

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” [c]

“Hosanna [d]  in the highest heaven!”

Hosanna: means “save now”…where did that come from??

Psalm 118:25-26

LORD, save us! (That is the word Hosanna)

    LORD, grant us success!

26  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD.

    From the house of the LORD we bless you. [a]

- They did not truly understand HOW Jesus was going to save them.


- Their expectations were not in line with the King’s will, but their own.


- They understood the prophesy enough to know that He was the messiah, but not enough to

get past their own notions of why He was there and what the Messiah was going to deliver

them from… He did not come to deliver them from Rome. He came to deliver them and all

of us from sin, death and hell.


So why did they lay down palm fronds?

Palm branches were often used in the celebration of victory and in King David’s time, they were

used to honor royalty.

Even Wikipedia says: The palm branch, or palm frond, is a symbol of victory, triumph, peace,

and eternal life. We see them in the old testament and even in the Book of Revelation:

Revelation 7:9

9  After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from

every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They

were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.

So if palm branches are so important, why didn’t we distribute them today?

Because you already have one…because I believe we already ARE one…

If we are in Christ, are we not (as Wikipedia called it) symbols of victory, triumph, peace, and

eternal life?

Everything you can lay down before the King, you already have. We know what it meant for

people to lay down their coats and palms before Jesus, but He is calling us to lay down our lives

for our King…our hearts, our minds, our strength …everything we are.

Every thought / Every action / Every relationship / Every job / Every habit / Every worry / Our

past, present and future. That is what we should be laying down before our King

In Luke 14, Jesus talks about the cost of being a disciple…

Luke 14:25-27

25  Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said:  26  “If anyone comes to me

and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their

own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.  27  And whoever does not carry their cross and

follow me cannot be my disciple.

Luke 14:33

33  In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.

Galatians 2:20

20  I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live

in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

He wants us to lay down everything we are for Him…so much more than a palm frond and a


He laid down His life for us and asks the same of us for Him.

What are your expectations of the King? Are they in line with His will or with yours?

Do you know that our King isn’t here to make you rich? Or to make you happy? Or to help you

take control of society with power. Our king said “in this life you will have trouble” and “Whoever

wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

As a follower of Jesus, If we are not living a life for Him, are we yelling “Hosannah” with our

mouths and “Crucify Him” by our actions?

This was easier when it was just a palm branch…in fact…where’s a palm frond when you need


That same king who came riding a donkey into Jerusalem as a peaceful conquering king,

conquered sin and death, delivered us from an eternity without God, and is coming back to

vanquish the enemy…and the next time, He will be riding a war horse…

Revelation 19:11-16

11  I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called

Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.  12  His eyes are like blazing fire, and on

his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he

himself.  13  He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.  14  The

armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and

clean.  15  Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will

rule them with an iron scepter.” [a]  He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God

Almighty.  16  On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:


Luke 19:39-40

39  Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”

40  “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

All of nature knows the significance of this moment…and this King…do we?


The Lord’s Supper

23 Corinthians 11:23-26

23  For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he

was betrayed, took bread,  24  and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my

body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”  25  In the same way, after supper he took

the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in

remembrance of me.”  26  For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the

Lord’s death until he comes.

Passages from The Message:

Matthew 20:17-19

Matthew 21:1-6

Zechariah 9:9

Genesis 49:10-11

1 Kings 1:32-34

Matthew 21:1-6

Psalm 118:25-26

Revelation 7:9

Luke 14:25-27

Luke 14:33

Galatians 2:20

Revelation 19:11-16

Luke 19:39-40

Read More
Who Guards the Truth and How? | 1 Timothy 3:14-16

Series: Guard the Treasure

Title: Who Guards the Truth & How?

Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:14-16 NIV

Bottom Line:  We guard the treasure by showing up living the truth, sharing the truth and exalting the Truth the rest of our lives.





  5. NOTES





Sometimes my wife Anita sends me to the store to pick up something she needs to prepare dinner. If she just needs one or two things,  I don’t usually write it down. If it gets longer than three things, or if branding and size become an issue, I will write it down. My chance of getting back home with the correct thing is exponentially more likely if I write it down than if I don’t. But being a man, I tend to want to not write it down.

It’s ironic, I think, that Paul wrote down instructions for Timothy to follow and actually believed that Timothy would follow his instructions. Especially considering that we men don’t love to follow instructions. And, yet, we have the letter 1 Timothy, because a man wrote down the instructions for another man to follow. Isn’t God good?


And that’s the context for this letter. There are issues in the church at Ephesus and Paul can’t be there to straighten things out. So he sent Timothy in his place to straighten things out until he can get there. This letter represents his instructions to Timothy to help him do just that.

“If I were preaching a sermon specifically on 1 Timothy 3:14-16, the main topic would likely revolve around the significance of the church as the guardian of truth and the mystery of godliness centered on Jesus Christ. I would focus on how these verses highlight the importance of understanding and upholding the core beliefs of Christianity while recognizing the profound nature of Christ's life, message, and exaltation.” -ChatGPT 3.5

We guard the treasure of the gospel (truth and godliness) by:


I. We are the church who guards the treasure

  1. The household of God

  2. The church of the living God

  3. The pillar and

  4. Foundation of truth (the treasure)

II. We guard the treasure/truth by

    1. Showing up and living the truth

    2. Proclaiming the truth

    3. Exalting the truth


Bottom Line:  We guard the treasure by showing up living the truth, sharing the truth and exalting the Truth the rest of our lives.

In conclusion, let’s ask some summary questions:

Q. What do I want them to know?

A. Who guards the truth in these last days?

Q. Why do I want them to know it?

A. Because it’s us—we are guardians of the truth.

Q. What do I want them to do about it?

A. 1. Guard the truth by

    1. Showing up and living the truth

    2. Proclaiming the truth

    3. Exalting the truth

Q. Why do I want them to do it?

A. Because that’s our job as guardians of the truth.

Q. How can they begin to do this?

A. 1. Show up #incarnation

  1. Share #proclamation

  2. Worship/live 24/7 #glorification/exaltation





BKC Outline

I. The Salutation (1:1–2)

II. Instructions concerning False Teachers (1:3–20)

III. Instructions concerning Conduct in the Church (2:1–3:13)

IV. Instructions concerning Guarding the Truth in the Church (3:14–4:16)

A. The church and its truth (3:14–16)

B. Predictions of apostasy (4:1–5)

C. Responsibilities of a good minister of Christ (4:6–16)

V. Instructions concerning Various Groups in the Church (5:1–6:10)

A. Concerning various age-groups (5:1–2)

B. Concerning widows (5:3–16)

C. Concerning elders (5:17–25)

D. Concerning slaves and masters (6:1–2)

E. Concerning the heretical and greedy (6:3–10)

VI. Final Charge to Timothy (6:11–21)

A. Exhortation to godliness (6:11–16)

B. Instructions for the rich (6:17–19)

C. Exhortations to remain faithful (6:20–21)

W Wiersbe sermon outline

Key theme: How to manage the ministry of the local church

Key verse: 1 Timothy 3:15

I. The Church and Its Message (1)

II. The Church and Its Members (2–3)

A. Praying men (2:1–8)

1. For rulers (2:1–3)

2. For sinners (2:4–8)

B. Modest women (2:9–15)

1. In dress (2:9–10)

2. In behavior (2:11–15)

C. Dedicated officers (3:1–13)

1. Pastors (3:1–7)

2. Deacons (3:8–13)

D. Behaving believers (3:14–16)

III. The Church and Its Minister (4)

A. A good minister (4:1–6)

B. A godly minister (4:7–12)

C. A growing minister (4:13–16)

IV. The Church and Its Ministry (5–6)

A. To older saints (5:1–2)

B. To widows (5:3–16)

C. To church leaders (5:17–25)

D. To servants (slaves) (6:1–2)

E. To trouble-makers (6:3–5)

F. To the rich (6:6–19)

G. To the “educated” (6:20–21)


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Retell the story in your own words.

  2. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really God’s word, what changes would I have to make in my life?

  3. Who am I going to tell about this?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions: Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

Final Questions (index cards optional)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“1 - 2 Timothy,” by David Helm, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

“1 & 2 Timothy” by John Stott

Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus, David Platt, Daniel Akin, Tony Merida

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Visual Word,” Patrick Schreiner (VW)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)


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Who Leads the Church and How? | 1 Timothy 3:1-13

Series: Guard the Treasure

Title: Who leads the Church & how?

Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:1-13 NIV

1 Peter 5:1-3

Acts 20:17-31

Titus 1:5-9

Acts 6:1-7

Eph 4:11-12

Luke 22:27

Bottom Line:  When we grow in Christ-like character and competency, we move towards being qualified to lead in the church.


  2. NOTES






“1 Timothy 3 (The Bible Exposition Commentary): As we noted before, even though the church is an organism, it must be organized or it will die. Leadership is a part of spiritual organization” -WW

Several others I read said that everything rises and falls on leadership. We know this intuitively. We see it in the workplace. We see it in sports. We see it in politics. Great leaders lift everyone else up. And the great leaders aren’t just great in competencies. They are great in character. So it should not surprise us that most of God’s qualifications for his leaders are based on character.


OUTLINE (Based on Wiersbe & Platt)

Key theme: How to manage the ministry of the local church

Key verse: 1 Timothy 3:15

I. The Church and Its Message (1)

II. The Church and Its Members (2–3)

A. Praying men (2:1–8)

B. Modest women (2:9–15)

C. Dedicated officers (3:1–13) THIS WEEK STARTS HERE

  • The Bible identifies 2 primary leadership roles in the church:

    1. Pastors/elders, who are servant-leaders. (Aka overseers, bishops, shepherds)

      1. Presbyter or elder, referring to the person (mature)

      2. Pastor or shepherd, referring to their role. (Lead, feed, protect, model)

      3. Bishop or overseer, referring to their role. (Watch over, see Pastor) We do not see bishops over elders/pastors in the early church.

      4. 1-3 are all interchangeable because their all referring to the same person/role.

      5. Minister or deacon, referring to those who support the pastor/elder.

    2. Deacons, who are leading servants.

  • The Bible identifies 4 responsibilities of pastors/elders: (3:1-7; Acts 20:17-31)

    1. Lead under the authority of Christ. #LEAD

      1. Our pastors/elders are accountable to the church members i.e. Matt 18:15-20

      2. Our pastors/elders are accountable to God

    2. Care for the body of Christ. #PROTECT (Acts 20:28-30; 1 Peter 5:2) “be on guard” for “savage wolves” in sheep’s clothing

    3. Teach the Word of Christ. #FEED

    4. Model the character of Christ. Bottom line: What will happen if the church imitates this leader? #MODEL

  • 3 Responsibilities of Deacons (3:8-13)

    1. Meet needs according to the Word.

    2. Support the ministry of the Word.

    3. Unify the body around the Word.

    4. Model the character of Christ is appropriate here to.

1. Pastors (3:1–7)

      1. Generally/summarily: “Above reproach” or “blameless” literally “nothing to take hold upon”; irreproachable observable conduct.

      2. “Faithful to his wife” literally “one woman man”

        1. Can mean one wife for life thus excluding divorced and/or remarried men (in every case though? No)

          1. What about the innocent party when the other was unfaithful?

          2. Paul allowed a new believer to let their unbelieving spouse leave the marriage

        2. Would not exclude widowers who remarry; Paul may not have ever married—wished for followers to be single like he; Paul encouraged young widows to remarry

        3. Does not require marriage but seems to lean in that direction; this tends to take care of itself in that the typical pool of candidates is usually mostly married men

        4. Polygamy obviously not ok

        5. Most likely meaning: Faithful to your current (some would say one and only) wife in every area of life. From porn to adultery, you are faithful. To not be is to be disqualified.

      3. Self-mastery

        1. Temperate—sober; clear-headed

        2. Self-controlled—sensible; disciplined

        3. Respectable—the outward expression of an inward self-control

      4. Hospitality—showing love to strangers (whether a traveling preacher or a needy church attender)

      5. Able to teach—specifically, the word of God. This is our authority and we must know it, believe it, and obey it. This is gifting and a skill.

      6. Drinking habits—While drinking is not forbidden by scripture, it is treated as the depressant that it is. A depressant that impairs about ability to make good judgments. This is why in the Old Testament

        1. Priests weren’t to drink while on duty

        2. Kings were discouraged from becoming drunk

        3. Magistrates were warned that they would more likely pervert justice under the influence

        4. Prophets would struggle to teach under the influence

        5. So it makes sense that Paul would discourage it to those who lead and teach in the church

      7. Temper and temperament

        1. Gentle—humbly gracious and yielded or even submissive

        2. Not violent—not a bully physically or verbally

        3. Not quarrelsome—patient with difficult people; not argumentative

      8. Attitude to money—not a lover of money; greedy

      9. Domestic discipline

        1. Analogy between the family and the church family (Oikos = household)

        2. If you don’t discipline at home well, you won’t discipline the church well, if at all

      10. Spiritual maturity—not a new believer or pride may take him down; first called “elders” because they were senior in age and mature in faith

      11. Outside reputation—the non-Christian public

2. Deacons (3:8–13)—these qualifications have a lot of overlap with elders including able to teach, at some level

      1. Self-mastery

        1. Worthy of respect

        2. Sincere—genuine, authentic, honest

        3. Not indulging in much wine

        4. Not pursuing dishonest gain

      2. Orthodox convictions

        1. They must keep hold of the deep truths (mysteries or sum total of the revealed truths of the faith) of THE faith (not just any faith) with a clear conscience (as opposed to letting go of these truths like false teachers).

        2. Trusting & Obeying

      3. Tested and approved—period of probation where the congregation can assess your character, beliefs and gifts of the candidates.

      4. Irreproachable home life

      5. If a woman deacon or wife of a deacon

        1. Worthy of respect

        2. Not malicious talkers (gossipers)

        3. Temperate

        4. Trustworthy in everything

      6. Domestic discipline

        1. Faithful to his wife

        2. Manages his household well

      7. If served well so far they receive

        1. An excellent standing

        2. Great assurance in their faith in Jesus Christ

D. Behaving believers (3:14–16) NEXT WEEK STARTS HERE

    1. The servants of the Church (14-15) -Willmington

    2. The Savior of the Church (16) -Willmington

III. The Church and Its Minister (4)

A. A good minister (4:1–6)

B. A godly minister (4:7–12)

C. A growing minister (4:13–16)

IV. The Church and Its Ministry (5–6)

A. To older saints (5:1–2)

B. To widows (5:3–16)

C. To church leaders (5:17–25)

D. To servants (slaves) (6:1–2)

E. To trouble-makers (6:3–5)

F. To the rich (6:6–19)

G. To the “educated” (6:20–21)


Bottom Line:  When we grow in Christ-like character and competency, we move towards being qualified to lead in the church.

  1. Questions to ask elder candidates:

    1. In his personal life

      1. Is he self-controlled?

      2. Is he wise?

      3. Is he peaceable?

      4. Is he gentle?

      5. Is he a sacrificial giver?

      6. Is he humble?

      7. Is he patient?

      8. Is he honest?

      9. Is he disciplined?

    2. In his family life

      1. Is he the elder/shepherd in his home?

      2. If he’s single, is he self-controlled?

      3. If he’s married, is he completely committed to his wife?

      4. If he has children, do they honor him?

    3. In his social/business life

      1. Is he kind?

      2. Is he hospitable?

      3. Is he a friend of strangers?

      4. Does he show favoritism?

      5. Does he have a blameless reputation (not perfect but above reproach)?

    4. In his spiritual life

      1. Is he making disciplines of all nations?

      2. Does he love the Word?

      3. Is he a man of prayer?

      4. Is he holy?

      5. Is he gracious?

  1. Questions to ask deacon candidates:

    1. Is this person honorable?

    2. Is this person genuine?

    3. Is this person self-controlled?

    4. Is this person a sacrificial giver?

    5. Is this person devoted to the Word?

    6. Is this person faithful? (Not perfect, but morally pure)

    7. Is this person honoring Christ in the home?

    8. If a woman,

      1. Is she worthy of respect?

      2. Is she a malicious talker?

      3. Is she temperate and trustworthy in everything?

      4. Is she faithful to her husband?

In conclusion, let’s ask some summary questions:

Q. What do I want them to know?

A. The qualifications for pastors/elders and deacons.

Q. Why do I want them to know it?

A. Because they are to select their leaders based on these qualifications.

Q. What do I want them to do about it?

A. 1. Choose qualified leaders to lead your church.

  1. Become a qualified leader whether you are ever selected or not.

Q. Why do I want them to do it?

A. Because this is what a true disciple of Jesus Christ looks like and what we’re to become over time.

Q. How can they begin to do this?

A. 1. Take the test yourself. Go through the qualifications and grading yourself.

  1. Repent where appropriate and believe that God can transform you into a qualified leader.



Elders in the New Testament are tasked with several key duties, including:

1. **Spiritual Oversight:** Providing spiritual guidance and leadership to the church community.

2. **Teaching and Doctrine:** Instructing and ensuring adherence to sound biblical doctrine.

3. **Shepherding the Flock:** Caring for the well-being of the congregation, like a shepherd caring for a flock.

4. **Modeling Character:** Demonstrating a godly and mature character for others to follow.

5. **Prayer:** Engaging in prayer for the church and its members.

6. **Protecting from False Teaching:** Guarding the congregation against false doctrines or teachings.

These duties are outlined in passages like 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-5 in the New Testament.


BKC Outline

I. The Salutation (1:1–2)

II. Instructions concerning False Teachers (1:3–20)

A. Warnings against false teachers (1:3–11)

B. Paul’s experience of grace (1:12–17)

C. Paul’s charge to Timothy (1:18–20)

III. Instructions concerning Conduct in the Church (2:1–3:13)

A. Instructions concerning prayer (2:1–7)

B. Instructions concerning men and women (2:8–15)

C. Instructions concerning elders and deacons (3:1–13)

IV. Instructions concerning Guarding the Truth in the Church (3:14–4:16)

A. The church and its truth (3:14–16)

B. Predictions of apostasy (4:1–5)

C. Responsibilities of a good minister of Christ (4:6–16)

V. Instructions concerning Various Groups in the Church (5:1–6:10)

A. Concerning various age-groups (5:1–2)

B. Concerning widows (5:3–16)

C. Concerning elders (5:17–25)

D. Concerning slaves and masters (6:1–2)

E. Concerning the heretical and greedy (6:3–10)

VI. Final Charge to Timothy (6:11–21)

A. Exhortation to godliness (6:11–16)

B. Instructions for the rich (6:17–19)

C. Exhortations to remain faithful (6:20–21)

W Wiersbe sermon outline

Key theme: How to manage the ministry of the local church

Key verse: 1 Timothy 3:15

I. The Church and Its Message (1)

A. Teaching sound doctrine (1:1–11)

B. Preaching a glorious Gospel (1:12–17)

C. Defending the faith (1:18–20)

II. The Church and Its Members (2–3)

A. Praying men (2:1–8)

1. For rulers (2:1–3)

2. For sinners (2:4–8)

B. Modest women (2:9–15)

1. In dress (2:9–10)

2. In behavior (2:11–15)

C. Dedicated officers (3:1–13)

1. Pastors (3:1–7)

2. Deacons (3:8–13)

D. Behaving believers (3:14–16)

III. The Church and Its Minister (4)

A. A good minister (4:1–6)

B. A godly minister (4:7–12)

C. A growing minister (4:13–16)

IV. The Church and Its Ministry (5–6)

A. To older saints (5:1–2)

B. To widows (5:3–16)

C. To church leaders (5:17–25)

D. To servants (slaves) (6:1–2)

E. To trouble-makers (6:3–5)

F. To the rich (6:6–19)

G. To the “educated” (6:20–21)


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Retell the story in your own words.

  2. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really God’s word, what changes would I have to make in my life?

  3. Who am I going to tell about this?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions: Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

Final Questions (index cards optional)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“1 - 2 Timothy,” by David Helm, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

“1 & 2 Timothy” by John Stott

Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus, David Platt, Daniel Akin, Tony Merida

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Visual Word,” Patrick Schreiner (VW)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)


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