Posts tagged Darien Gabriel
Why Do Our Relationships Suffer? Part 1 | John 4:10-26 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Signs & Glory

Title: "Why do our relationships suffer? Part 1

Scripture: John 4:10-26

Bottom line: Christians can have great relationships. They inevitably suffer, however, when we prioritize them over our ultimate relationship-Jesus Christ.





  5. NOTES





My opening prayer: Lord God, help us grow to be and do like Jesus, while abiding in him and leading others to do the same.


A great follow on Twitter/X is Gretchen Ronnevik. She's a middle-aged wife and mom of a large family raised on a farm. Homeschools, writes books, is biblically astute, and drops some great wisdom on Twitter/X.

She recently shared this:

“I watched the father who sat in front of us today (in church) manage his squirrelly kids by not reprimanding them, but rearranging the seating so he was sitting in the middle of them, and they all just leaned into him and relaxed, and there’s just a whole sermon there.” @GretchenRonnevikon X

I share this beautiful scene as an example of a healthy human relational interaction between a father and his "squirrelly kids". How was he able to do that without getting frustrated or angry with them?

I don't know this man at all but I would suggest that perhaps it's because he prioritized his relationship with Jesus even above his relationship with his children. This is what I'm getting at today when I ask the question of Christians especially, "Why do our relationships with other people suffer so?"

Prioritizing Jesus doesn't guarantee anything. But like the Proverbs, which are not promises or guarantees, they are rules of thumb that indicate that when you follow the proverb, you'll usually reap the reward the proverb says generally happens.

Ex. "Train up a child (Discipleship) in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." This is not a promise. It is a rule of thumb that parents would be wise to follow. But we all know parents who did this and yet their children did not walk in the way of their parents and the Lord.

But, usually, they do.

Andy Stanley, a pastor in Atlanta, shared one time at his Drive Conference their parenting goal:

Raise up their kids in such a way that when they are grown, and have a choice, they will still want to come home to see you.

The Leaky Cup

• Imagine trying to fill a cup with a hole in the bottom. No matter how much you pour in, it keeps draining out. That's what happens when we expect people to do what only Jesus can--our relationships suffer under that pressure.

The Misdirected GPS

• A GPS set to the wrong destination can take you miles off course. In the same way, when we center our lives on anything other than Jesus, we end up lost— and so do our relationships.

How many times have we seen a dating relationship cause a friend to leave his personal convictions and even his or her friends and forget who they are all for the sake of that one, unhealthy relationship. They forget who they are and how they lived.

The Unanswered Text

• Imagine a friend pouring their heart out in a text message, but you never reply because you're too distracted. This is how we often treat people around us— missing opportunities to love, serve, and share Jesus because we're too focused on ourselves.

The Wilted Garden

• A garden neglected will wither, no matter how good the soil was at first.

Relationships suffer when we don't invest in them, just like our relationship with Jesus weakens when we neglect time with Him. But with care and attention, both can flourish.

Nicky Gumbel reminded me this week about the illustration the teacher of Ecclesiastes teaches us about the 3 cords of a healthy relationship. This is how Nicky described it:

"Better Together

I have never been very good at using visual aids. I am not a very practical person. On the other hand, my great friend, Nicky Lee (who, together with his wife Sila, has pioneered [The Marriage Course]( and other courses for couples and parents), is extremely practical and often uses visual aids. When he is speaking at weddings he sometimes uses a visual aid to illustrate the passage in Ecclesiastes 4, where the writer says, ‘*Two are better than one*… A cord of three strands is not quickly broken’ (vv.9,12). As a picture of marriage, Nicky takes two strands of different coloured wool and weaves them together. Together they are stronger and yet they can quite easily be broken. Then he takes a third strand of nearly invisible fishing line. With this third strand, it is almost impossible to break the two pieces of wool. (I did try to use this illustration once but, for reasons I cannot remember, it went horribly wrong!) The point that he makes so well, and that comes out of the passage in Ecclesiastes, is that while friendships and marriages are wonderful gifts, having God at the centre of a friendship or marriage provides an invisible thread of enormous strength. In today’s passages, we see how two are stronger than one in marriage, mission and ministry."

The Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel, Classic Version, 2025: Day 52 • Devotional

Every relationship's success and health depends on this fine, infinite cord of unconditional, sacrificial love. Our relationships inevitably suffer when we do not prioritize this eternal relationship above all others. John will illustrate this several ways in this passage.

Last week, he showed us that when we prioritize our relationship with Jesus, we'll cross all kinds of barriers that prevent us from having healthy relationships with those who are different than us: race, ethnicity, nationality, political preferences, economic class, social class, education, language, gender preferences and disphoria, fashion, sense of humor, and even college football team preferences.


Jesus left Jerusalem to keep the peace with the disciples of John the Baptist and throw water on the religious leader's attempt to divide and conquer.

Jesus heads back towards his home region but chooses to take the shorter but more contentious route--through Samaria. It is in Samaria where the half-Jews live that centuries of hostility remain. John writes that Jesus "had to go" this route for he only did what his Father led him to do. Clearly, his Father had work for him to do among the Samaritans...and Jesus' 12 disciples.

Jesus is heading towards his public, Galilean ministry. John is now walking us through a series of encounters Jesus has with individuals. Nicodemus was first. Now, as Mikey showed us last week, he meets with the unnamed woman at the well. The comparisons and contrasts are stunning and show us that Jesus' mission of mercy and hope is for all--not just the Jews. Not just the wealthy. Not just the educated. Not just the religious. Not just the men. Not just the healthy. Not just those who think they have it all together...but I digress.

We will continue in this passage for 3 weeks total. Last week and next week, along with this week, will help us answer the question, "Why do our relationships suffer so?"

This is a valid question for anybody. But it's especially relevant for Christians. After all, aren't Christians supposed to have healthy relationships? Isn't that a fruit of the Spirit? If so, then why don't we? That's what I hope to uncover this week and next.


Bottom line: Christians can have great relationships. They inevitably suffer, however, when we prioritize them over our ultimate relationship-Jesus Christ.

Why do our relationships suffer? In other words, how do we prioritize them over our ultimate relationship in Jesus Christ?


  1. [LAST WEEK] We let cultural barriers keep us from having them. (1-9) We are afraid to relate to people different than we are. (This was PART 1, last week) Instead, we should

    1. Cross ethnic barriers (Latino, black, Asian, white, European)

    2. Cross nationalistic barriers (USA, Canada, Mexico)

    3. Cross political barriers (Independent, Democrat, Republican)

    4. Cross language barriers (Hispanic, Portuguese, ASL)

    5. Cross societal expectation barriers (traditional like opening the door for others; men wearing hats inside, white collar, blue collar workers)

    6. Cross gender barriers (men, women, trans, LGBTQIA's)

    7. Cross economic barriers (poor, rich, middle class)

    8. Cross professional barriers (retail, hospitality industry vs medical field, financial services)

    9. Cross educational barriers (USC/Clemson; college degrees, advanced degrees, tech college, no degrees)

  2. [THIS WEEK] We seek true satisfaction in places it cannot be found (or we settle for less than)(10-15)(PART 1)

    1. It's only found with people in a faithful community of Jesus Christ

    2. You personal relationships cannot live up to your expectations ultimately

  3. We respond to conviction with excuses instead of humility, repentance and faith. (16-18)

  4. We worship without knowing the truth. (20-26) The truth is...

    1. The written word.

    2. The living word. (Cf. John 14:6)

  5. [NEXT WEEK] We ignore or get distracted from the Harvest. (27-38)(PART 2)

  6. We don't embrace and/or share our story/testimony. (39-42)


"This interruption to the encounter provides an opportunity for us to consider the situation from the perspective of the church and its failures. The disciples were already beginning to fall into the trap of allowing their view of 'church' to be conditioned by the cultural and ethnic baggage of their day. Jesus therefore makes them think again. Their surprise at the conversation they had observed was a symptom of the prejudice that lurked in their hearts and of their failure to grasp what Christ's mission entailed.

Jesus' response is to ignore the food they had taken the trouble to bring and to express, in startling fashion, that the 'bread and butter' of his existence was to do his Father's will (4:34). If they became less, concerned about their stomachs and more concerned about the souls of the lost, then they too would share in that work. With a measure of rebuke, he says to them,

Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest' (4:35). That rebuke to the. professing church reverberates down to the present day. We too need to be less preoccupied with ourselves and our own petty concerns and more concerned with the eternal needs of a lost humanity.

It may well be that there is some significance in the fact that Jesus speaks of the fields being 'white' for harvest. There are no Middle Eastern crops in fact that are actually white when ready for reaping!

However, the first thing the disciples saw when they looked up was a crowd of people - clothed for the most part, probably, in white robes - coming towards them (4:30). This immediately made them appreciate what Jesus was saying. It was in a human harvest that they were to be involved - and one that was to include even their traditional enemies! The amazing sight of almost an entire village of Samaritans coming to faith in Christ, and their more amazing testimony - 'we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Saviour of the world' (4:42) - is an unprecedented witness to the fact that Jesus is the Christ. The end-point of this circuitous diversion in Jesus' itinerary has been to bring two groups of people - the residents of Sychar and the twelve disciples - face to face with themselves, with God, and ultimately with Jesus in his true Messianic credentials. This also is the end-point of the gospel."

Let's Atudy John, Mark Johnston, pp. 64-65

The bottom line is that...

Bottom line: Christians can have great relationships. They inevitably suffer, however, when we prioritize them over our ultimate relationship-Jesus Christ.

Our marriage would have failed long ago if I hadn't prioritized my relationship with Jesus over even her. By learning to love him more, my capacity to love her has only increased. He's still making me less selfish and entitled.

Our now-grown children would not come home now that they have a choice. And when they come, they bring their own children. (Sometimes they even leave them with you!)

Andy Stanley shared one time their parenting goal: Raise up their kids in such a way that when they are grown and have a choice, they will still want to come home to see you.

My relationship with my dad could get bumpy depending on how much advice he insisted on giving our kids. I remember one time blowing up at him because he was leaning hard on one of our daughters about her future plans. He wouldn't let up and I lost it. Because of Christ, that was not normal for me. So he was able to forgive me and we were able to move forward without long-term hurt or drama.

My relationship with my mom used to be tenuous because while I was in seminary I confronted her on her faith in a pretty harsh way. My desire was a good one (make sure she knew Christ). But my execution was not good. Over time, however, as I let Christ shape me into a more gentle, patient, trusting-in-Jesus person, she was able to see Christ in me and that overcame my clumsy, insensitive sharing with her. Now we have an amazing relationship that I cherish dearly.

Those things didn't happen because I'm such a great guy or we're such great parents. Those relationships have gone well, overall, because we prioritize our relationship with Christ over all others.

As a result, we cross barriers to have relationships with people who are different than us.

We seek true satisfaction in the living water of the Spirit of Christ over any one person or family.

We respond to conviction to sin with humility and openness to what he would have us learn.

We don't limit our worship to a place, liturgy, style, time, building because to truly worship the Lord is to do so in spirit and in truth. We make knowing him through the word a priority because that's our best source of truth about who God is and what he's doing.

We lift up our eyes to the harvest that matters most to Jesus. We have a vision for our lives that puts our relationship with him at such a place, that what matters most to him matters most to us as well. This is where our true priorities are revealed. Do we love the least, the last and the lost around us enough to enter into a relationship with some of them?

We share our story with others. We prayer-care-share like the Lighthouse Movement teaches. We pray for others who are in our personal circles of influence. We care for them as God gives us opportunity. Then we share with them our story and how they can have a better story through Jesus as God opens those doors.

What about you?

Peter puts it all in perspective in his first sermon:

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬


How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:

Take out a card or piece of paper right now. Write down the answer to these questions:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.

Lord's Supper, 1 Cor 11:23-26 is good passage.

Also, say something like, "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." (past, present, and future)



The phrase “lift up your eyes” appears multiple times in the Bible. Here are some key passages in the ESV translation:

1. Genesis 13:14 – The LORD said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him, “Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward,”

2. Genesis 31:12 – And he said, ‘Lift up your eyes and see, all the goats that mate with the flock are striped, spotted, and mottled, for I have seen all that Laban is doing to you.’

3. Isaiah 40:26 – Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name; by the greatness of his might and because he is strong in power, not one is missing.

4. John 4:35 – Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.



  1. What do I want them to know?

  2. Why do I want them to know it?

  3. What do I want them to do?

  4. Why do I want them to do it?

  5. How do they do this?


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


R. Kent Hughes, "John: Preaching the Word" Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Matt Carter & Josh Wredberg, "Exalting Jesus in John"

FF Bruce, "The Gospels & Epistles of John"

RC Sproul, "John"

Köstenberger, "John"

DA Carson, "The Gospel According to John"

Mark Johnston, "Let's Study John"

Leslie Newbigin, "The Light Has Come"

Patrick Schreiner, "The Visual Word"

John Piper, “Look at the Book”

Walvoord, Zuck, “The Bible Knowledge Commentary” (BKC)

Warren Wiersbe, “The Bible Exposition Commentary” (BEC)

D Willmington, "The Outline Bible" (OB)

"NIV Study Bible" (NIVSB)

"Chronological Life Application Study Bible" (NLT)

"ESV Study Bible" (ESVSB)

"The Bible Project"

Nicky & Pippa Gumbel bible reading plan app or via YouVersion


Perplexity AI

Google Gemini

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Should Jesus Matter More Than Me? | John 3:22-36 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Signs & Glory

Title: “Should Jesus Matter More Than Me?”

Scripture: John 3:22-36

Bottom line: It's not about me. If I follow Jesus, He must become greater--I must become less.





  5. NOTES





My opening prayer: Lord God, help us grow to be and do like Jesus, while abiding in him and leading others to do the same.


Should Jesus matter more than me?

I mean we just read John 3:16 where we see that God loved the world--us--so much that he gave his one and only son (the most precious thing he could give) that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. That makes it seem like God is making much of me! That I matter to him!

And we do! "But God demonstrates his love in this, that while we were still sinners Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

But it's because of that great love for us that he demonstrates his greatness even more. This is why he's worthy to live our lives for. This is why he matters most.

In our world, our culture, it's all about #1. It's all about taking care of myself. What's best for me. What's in it for me. But this isn't at all how the Bible teaches us to live. In fact, it's 180 degrees the other way. It's not about me. It's all about Jesus--my creator and savior.

2. The Olympic Torchbearer Who Knew His Role

In the Olympic Games, the torch relay is a huge honor. Runners carry the flame for a short distance before passing it to the next person. No single runner tries to hold onto the torch forever—each one understands their job is to carry it for a time and then hand it off.

John the Baptist saw his role the same way. He wasn’t the light—he was just carrying the flame until Jesus, the true light, arrived. He gladly stepped aside because he knew it was never about him.

Tie-in: Are we holding onto our own importance too tightly, or are we willing to pass the torch so Jesus can be seen more clearly?

So, should Jesus matter more than me?


Why? Good question. The apostle John answers this question 4 ways in John 3:22-36. Let's take a look.


Jesus & company move out from the city of Jerusalem to the Judean countryside to preach and baptize. Seeing the planned transition from J the B to J the C, this causes heartburn for John's disciples. Not unlike when a beloved pastor moves on from a church, the congregants are sometimes reluctant to follow the new pastor, even though it's often God's will.


Bottom line: It's not about me. If I follow Jesus, He must become greater--I must become less.

Main Idea: John the Baptist’s response to his disciples shows us why Jesus must take first place in our lives—and why we must be willing to step back so He can be exalted.

Jesus matters more because...

  1. The Church (Bride) belongs to Him. (22-29)

  2. He comes from above (heaven). (30-31)

  3. His words are God's words. (32-34)

  4. He holds my eternity. (35-36)

Let's break this down a few verses at a time.

1. Jesus Matters More Because the Church Belongs to Him (vv. 22–29)

The Best Man Who Tried to Steal the Show

Imagine a wedding where the best man keeps stepping in front of the groom, trying to take the spotlight. Instead of celebrating the couple, he gives a long speech about himself, tries to dance with the bride, and insists that everyone pay attention to him.

That would be ridiculous, right? After all, that day is for the bride and groom. It's their day! And the best man should be pointing everyone else to them. That's actually his job!

But that’s exactly what happens when we try to make life about us instead of pointing to Jesus. John the Baptist understood this—his joy was in stepping aside so Jesus could take center stage.

Tie-in: Are we content being the “best man” who points to Jesus, or are we still trying to be the main attraction?

So, Jesus matters more because the Church (aka the Bride) belongs to Him..

• John calls himself the “friend of the bridegroom,” rejoicing that the bride (God’s people) belongs to Jesus, not to him.

• It’s not about building our platform, reputation, or influence—it’s about pointing people to Christ.

• Application: Am I more focused on my own importance, or am I helping others love Jesus more?

2. Jesus Matters More Because He Comes from Above (vv. 30–31)

• John contrasts himself (earthly) with Jesus (from heaven). Jesus isn’t just another teacher—He is God’s Son.

• This means He deserves absolute authority in our lives.

• Application: Who has the final say in my decisions—Jesus or me?

3. Jesus Matters More Because His Words Are God’s Words (vv. 32–34)

• Jesus speaks with firsthand knowledge of heaven, and God has given Him the Spirit without measure.

• To reject Jesus’ words is to reject God Himself.

• Application: Do I listen to Jesus above all other voices—culture, opinion, even my own desires?

4. Jesus Matters More Because He Holds My Eternity (vv. 35–36)

• The Father has placed everything in Jesus’ hands—life, judgment, salvation.

• Belief in Jesus leads to eternal life, but rejecting Him brings God’s wrath.

• Application: Am I fully trusting in Jesus, or am I still holding on to control?


John the Baptist knew his role—he wasn’t the main event, just the one pointing to Jesus. His joy was complete when Jesus was exalted. So, should Jesus matter more than me? According to John, there’s no question—He must.

Application questions for us today:

• Am I more focused on my own importance, or am I helping others love Jesus more?

• Who has the final say in my decisions—Jesus or me?

• Do I listen to Jesus above all other voices—culture, opinion, even my own desires?

• Am I fully trusting in Jesus, or am I still holding on to control?

Bottom line: It's not about me. If I follow Jesus, He must become greater--I must become less.

What about you?

Peter puts it all in perspective in his first sermon:

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬


How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:

Take out a card or piece of paper right now. Write down the answer to these questions:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.

Lord's Supper, 1 Cor 11:23-26 is good passage.

Also, say something like, "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." (past, present, and future)



ChatGPT describes a Jewish wedding in Jesus' day in this way:

"A traditional Jewish wedding in Jesus’ day followed a structured process with deep cultural and theological significance. Understanding this context helps illuminate John the Baptist’s statement in John 3:29:

“The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore, this joy of mine is now complete.” (ESV)

Stages of a Jewish Wedding in Jesus’ Day

1. Betrothal (Kiddushin) – The Legal Commitment

• The marriage process began with betrothal, a legally binding agreement arranged by the families.

• The groom would present a bride price (mohar) to the bride’s father as a symbol of his commitment.

• A written contract (ketubah) outlined the husband’s responsibilities to his wife.

• The couple was considered legally married at this point, though they did not yet live together or consummate the marriage.

• The groom would then leave to prepare a home for his bride, often an addition to his father’s house.

2. Waiting Period – The Groom’s Preparation

• The groom would spend months, sometimes a year, preparing a home for his bride.

• The bride remained at her family’s house, preparing herself and staying pure for the wedding.

• The exact time of the groom’s return was often unknown, adding a sense of expectation.

3. The Wedding Procession – The Groom Comes for His Bride

• When the groom’s father declared that everything was ready, the groom would gather his friends and go to the bride’s house, often at night.

• The bride and her attendants would hear the groom’s approach, and she had to be ready to go with him immediately.

• This imagery is reflected in Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1–13).

4. The Wedding Ceremony and Feast

• The bride and groom were escorted to the wedding feast, which could last up to seven days.

• The marriage was consummated, symbolizing their full union.

• The feast was a time of great joy, with music, dancing, and celebration.

How This Relates to John 3:29

John the Baptist identifies himself as the friend of the bridegroom (what we might call the “best man” today). In Jewish custom, this role was filled by someone who helped prepare the wedding and ensured everything was in order. His greatest joy was seeing the groom receive his bride.

• Jesus is the Bridegroom – He has come to claim His people (the bride).

• John is the Friend of the Bridegroom – His role was to prepare the way for Jesus, not to take center stage.

• The Bride Represents God’s People – In a broader biblical theme, the Church is the bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:25–32, Revelation 19:7–9).

John’s joy is complete because the groom (Jesus) has arrived and is beginning to gather His bride. His ministry was never about himself but about preparing the way for Jesus.

A traditional Jewish wedding in Jesus’ day followed a structured process with deep cultural and theological significance. Understanding this context helps illuminate John the Baptist’s statement in John 3:29:

“The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore, this joy of mine is now complete.” (ESV)

This is helpful in thinking through John 3:29 as well as the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13.


Willmington's OUTLINE Bible (JOHN 3):

Jesus meets with Nicodemus and tells him in order to be saved, all people must be born again. John the Baptist tells his disciples that Jesus is the Messiah.


A. The argument (3:22-26): A debate occurs among John's disciples concerning which baptism is valid-those performed by John or Jesus.

B. The affirmation (3:27-36): John once again gives testimony concerning the greatness of Jesus.

1. Jesus is the bridegroom, while John is but a friend of the bridegroom (3:27-29).

2. Jesus must become greater and greater, while John must become less and less (3:30-36).


  1. What do I want them to know?

  2. Why do I want them to know it?

  3. What do I want them to do?

  4. Why do I want them to do it?

  5. How do they do this?


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“John,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in John, by Matt Carter & Josh Wredberg

The Gospels & Epistles of John, FF Bruce

John, RC Sproul

John, Köstenberger

The Gospel According to John, DA Carson

The Light Has Come, Leslie Newbigin

The Visual Word, Patrick Schreiner

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

Nicky Gumbel bible reading plan app or via YouVersion


Google Gemini

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Why Every Christian Should Live Zealously for the Lord | John 2:12-25 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Signs & Glory

Title: Why every Christian should live zealously for the Lord

Scripture: John 2:12-25

1 Cor 3:16-17; 6:18-20; 1 Peter 2:4-8; Romans 12:9-11

Bottom line: Every Christian should live zealously for the Lord and his kingdom mission.





  5. NOTES





My opening prayer: Lord God, help us grow to be and do like Jesus, while abiding in him and leading others to do the same.


"Another day in paradise," January 13, 2025, Bill Murphy, Jr.

"Honest to God, I just could not stop thinking of wonderful things that have happened to me and blessings that I've had, so it was lovely. It was lovely. And I got to a point of grace with about two minutes to spare when I found out it wasn't actually happening.

— Jim Carrey

Seek immediate shelter

It was a beautiful morning. But aren't they all in Hawaii?

A little below 80 degrees at the weather station in Oahu, with nearly no cloud cover: the kind of day that people on the mainland sometimes wish they had (but almost never get) at the beginning of January.

• Honeymooners were waking up in each others' arms in their hotel rooms. A woman named Lydia Warren and her husband were vacationing on the beach.

• A college student named Makena was showing her visiting boyfriend the Pearl Harbor memorial. (It's open at 7 a.m.; who knew?) Her father, a TV news producer named David Patterson, was on the freeway, about to dial into a conference call.

• Oh, and here's a quirky one: Actor and comedian Jim Carrey was up early, working on writing a memoir.

Then: panic. At 8:08 a.m., Hawaii's civil defense and emergency agency sent an alarming text to every single person in the state with a cell phone. It read, in all caps:


Local T.V. put a chyron message on the screen as well, against the backdrop of things like a college basketball game between Ole Miss and Florida, or else a Premier League soccer game from London between Tottenham Hotspur and Everton:

The U.S. Pacific Command has detected a missile threat to Hawaii. A missile may impact on land or sea within minutes. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. If you are indoors, stay indoors. If you are outdoors, seek immediate shelter in a building.

Remain indoors well away from windows. If you are driving, pull safely to the side of the road and seek shelter in a building or lay on the floor. We will announce when the threat has ended. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Take immediate action measures.

Can you even imagine? Of course, you probably remember this -- along with the fact that in the end, there was no inbound missile. By the way, the date was January 13, 2018, so seven years ago today.

In fact, officials at the civil defense agency realized this was a mistake pretty quickly, but it took them 38 minutes to confirm that and then figure out how to send a second message telling people that the first alert was in error.

There's a lot about this story - but the biggest part that has stayed with me is how people spent those 38 minutes when they thought they and everyone around them was going to die.

Lydia Warren and her husband raced back to their hotel -- not so much because they thought it would be safer, but because they thought that their bodies might be more easily identified someday if they were found near where they were staying.

David Patterson called his daughter and learned where she was. He told her to use her phone to record video of Pearl Harbor visitors processing the possibility of an imminent attack.

She later said this calmed her down, as she figured her father wouldn't tell her to spend what could be her last minutes videoing if he wasn't pretty sure the alert was a mistake.

My favorite reaction is probably Jim Carrey's. He was engrossed in work and missed the initial alert, but his assistant called to tell him they had 10 minutes to live.

He tried calling his daughter and some other family, wondering if there was any way to get off the island, and finally realizing everything was out of his control.

He explained all of this on an episode of The Tonight Show two years later (video here):

Jim Carrey: And we had to say goodbye. And I sat on the lanai and looked out at the ocean, and at that point, I started going, "Okay. Well, what can I do with this last moment of time?"

And I just decided to go through a list of gratitudes, and honest to God, I just could not stop thinking of wonderful things that have happened to me and blessings that I've had, so it was lovely. It was lovely.

And I got to a point of grace with about two minutes to spare when I found out it wasn't actually happening. And all I was planning to do was close my eyes an be thankful, 'cause it's been a good ride.'

Jimmy Fallon: What did you do when you found out that it was a fake missile test?

Carrey: Then I got pissed off, and heads rolled!

The front page headline in the Star-Advertiser newspaper the next day read, in giant type: OOPS! (And in smaller type: "'Wrong button' sends out false missile alert.")

Later, officials said that wasn't right; it was instead an employee who was absolute, 100 percent convinced that a missile was en route, and who sent the alert -- but was simply wrong.

I guess I've mentioned this theme a few times recently -- but isn't it funny that even being told you are going to die within a few minutes can turn out to be a gift?

At least that's what I take away from Carrey's account. Sometimes, I suppose you value things most when you're suddenly about to lose them.

As for everyone affected that day, I feel for them. It must have been hard.

Then again, after it was all over, they were still in Hawaii.

Jesus is Angry

Jesus is angry. How can Jesus be angry? If God is love, how can Jesus-who is God-get angry? Genuine love is compatible with anger.

In fact, genuine love is sometimes demonstrated by anger. At times anger proves love is authentic. Let me give you an example: a friend of mine is passionate about ending modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

He writes and speaks about it. He's visited Washington to meet with politicians. He has traveled to foreign countries to learn more about stopping it. He's worked hard to bring it to people's attention. I don't doubt his commitment to ending trafficking. I don't doubt his love for those in slavery. But I would doubt a claim that he never got angry about it. I know his love for the abused is real because he gets angry when he sees the abuse.

Jesus gets angry about how the Jews have turned his house of prayer and mission into a house of corrupt commerce.

The Court of Gentiles

The court of the Gentiles was the one place on the Temple Mount where anyone could engage with the God of Israel formally. But it was clogged with commercial enterprise instead of prayer, worship and evangelism.

Matt Carter writes, "Jesus levels a charge, but the charge is not unethical practices. They have twisted the purpose of the temple. Jesus is denouncing impure worship."

I would add they've forgotten the purpose of the outer temple court: mission to the nations.

We do that too when we make our Sunday worship experience all about our wants and needs. When we see the Lord as he truly is, we are transformed to live on mission with him 24/7.


Last week, Ken showed us how Jesus first displayed his power at a wedding in Cana, not far from Nazareth and Capernaum. He discreetly turns water to wine demonstrating his power as Messiah to his disciples and mother. This was part of his first week of public ministry. John called it the first of his "signs," or, miracles that point to who he is and why he's come. From Capernaum, Jesus leads his family and disciples to the temple in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover together. It's about to get dramatic.

We pick it up with Jesus and his disciples in the temple in Jerusalem. This is the only temple of the Jews. It was the symbol of the nation and religion of Israel. It was the icon of their identity and the place where they 1) Met with God, and 2) atoned for their sins.   


Every Christian should live zealously for the Lord and his kingdom mission.

Why? The answer is the message I'm about to give:

It's because of his power, his passion and his promise.

I. His power. (2:1-11) We saw last week how he powerfully transformed water to wine. He demonstrated this discreetly to reveal his power to his family and disciples; to help them believe he could powerfully transform our lives too.

II. His passion. (2:12-17) We see his passion and zeal for his father's house. In fact, his zeal consumes him. We see this in the cross.

Story by Kent Hughes, commentary on John, p. 47

"One evening the great conductor Arturo Toscanini conducted Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. It was a brilliant performance, at the end of which the audience went absolutely wild! They clapped, whistled, and stamped their feet, absolutely caught up in the greatness of that performance. As Toscanini stood there, he bowed and bowed and bowed, then acknowledged his orchestra.

When the ovation finally began to subside, Toscanini turned and looked intently at his musicians. He was almost out of control as he whispered,

"Gentlemen! Gentlemen!" The orchestra leaned forward to listen. In a fiercely enunciated whisper Toscanini said, "Gentlemen, I am nothing." That was an extraordinary admission since Toscanini was blessed with an enormous ego.

He added, "Gentlemen, you are nothing." They had heard that same message before the rehearsal. "But Beethoven," said Toscanini in a tone of adoration,

"is everything, everything, everything!"

This is the attitude we need toward ourselves and toward the Lord Jesus Christ. I am nothing, you are nothing, but he is everything!

That was John's attitude, and it is the attitude of every authentic messenger of Christ."

III. He promise. (2:18-22) We will see his promise fulfilled in our resurrection one day based on his resurrection 2,000 years ago.


Application: When we're tempted to doubt or find ourselves lacking zeal, REMEMBER THE RESURRECTION!

From Tim Keller, The Songs of Jesus, p. 153

"MISUNDERSTOOD. David is being scorned for his zealous devotion to God (verse 9). When he prays and repents, he is laughed at (verses 10-11). His world is not so different from ours. Even when Christianity was taken for granted by Western society, the most devoted believers were silently laughed at.

Today they are also despised. The world does not understand the Gospel of grace, in which holy living is the result of humble, grateful joy, not a way to earn heaven. The world therefore sees all righteous living as self-righteousness and bigotry. We should not be surprised at this (2 Timothy 3:12), but we should also undermine this false narrative by living lives of humility, forgiveness, and sacrificial service to others."

Bottom line: Every Christian should live zealously for the Lord and his kingdom mission.

What about you?

Peter puts it all in perspective in his first sermon:

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬


How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:

Take out a card or piece of paper right now. Write down the answer to these questions:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.

Lord's Supper, 1 Cor 11:23-26 is good passage.

Also, say something like, "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." (past, present, and future)



Many today want to use this to say we shouldn't sell things in church lobbies because we tend to think of the church building as a house of prayer and mission too. And it is to the degree that it is filled with true believers. But I'd take it further. As a part of the better, spiritual temple of God, I must make sure I don't approach my time of worship as a transactional exchange with God where I show up, maybe serve a little bit, give a little bit, pray a little bit, and then expect God to bless me because I earned it.


Outline from Willmington's Outline Bible



  1. What do I want them to know?

  2. Why do I want them to know it?

  3. What do I want them to do?

  4. Why do I want them to do it?

  5. How do they do this?


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“John,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in John, by Matt Carter & Josh Wredberg

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

ChatGPT 3.5

Read More
Who is Jesus and Why Did He Come? | John 1:1-5 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Signs & Glory

Title: "Who is Jesus and why did he come?

Scripture: John 1:1-5

1 John 1:1-2, Colossians 1:1:15-17, Phil 1:5-11, John 17:5, 20:31

Bottom line: As God in the flesh, Jesus came to call people from death to life by faith in him.





  5. NOTES





My opening prayer: Lord God, help us grow to be and do like Jesus, while abiding in him and leading others to do the same.


Last week we started at the end where John tells us of his purpose in writing about Jesus. He said that he writes these things so that we might believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God and that by believing have life in his name. We will see this purpose unfold in his first words in his gospel account.

John was one of the 12 and the disciple/apostle who lived the longest. He was the only one who wasn't martyred for his faith. Word is he lived into his 90's and died in the 90's--the AD 90s.

John wrote to give us the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ from another angle. The other 3 synoptic gospels are each unique but share many of the same history, miracles and teachings. John will share less well-known history, miracles (he calls them "signs"), and teachings. Many see them as most profound. I share this perspective.

This series is called Signs & Glory. The first 12 chapters will show us the 7 signs of belief along with many others truths the illustrate and bring credibility to the teachings of Jesus. Chapters 13-20 will show us the glory of God on full display. We'll see the light, life and love of God through his divine AND human son, Jesus of Nazareth.


John starts his gospel account with a poetic prologue. The book is broken up into 2 main parts:

1--7 sections on Jesus' public ministry followed by people's reaction to it. (Signs, John 1-12)

2--The Passover weekend which includes the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Glory, John 13-20)

John loves the number 7 as it represents completeness. As a result, he structures his gospel around this number for theological purposes.

  • Ex. 7 signs

  • Ex. 7 "I am" statements

SERMON (lots of help from Carter)

Read and comment on John 1:1-5.

Then answer these questions:

  1. Who is Jesus?

    1. The Word. (1:1)

      1. To tell us the way to true life.

      2. Implying we're ignorant of the truth that sets us free from sin & death.

    2. The Life. (1:2-4)

      1. He came to call us from death to life.

      2. Implying we're dead in our sins.

        1. At physical death, our soul is separated from our body.

        2. At spiritual death, our soul is separated from our Creator, God, forever.

      3. It's all about life.

        1. He created/creates life.

        2. He sustains life.

        3. He brings new life.

        4. He brings abundant life.

        5. He brings eternal life w/ God forever.

    3. The Light. (1:4-5)

      1. To show us the way to true life.

      2. Implying we're blind and cannot see the truth.

    4. The Overcomer. (1:5)

      1. To free us from the kingdom of darkness forever.

      2. Implying we feel believe we're defeated.

      3. Darkness has not nor cannot overcome light.

      4. Therefore, death has not nor cannot overcome life.

        1. Yes, there are times when there is temporary overcoming that looks like defeat.

        2. But in light of eternity, light and life (& love) cannot be overcome forever.

    5. God (1:1) in the flesh (1:14).

      1. To show and tell us the way to true life through his divine and human son, Jesus Christ. ↘️✝️🪦↗️

      2. Implying we're dead (separated from our Creator God) forever without a Savior.

  2. How do we receive spiritual and eternal life?

    1. By trusting and following Jesus Christ.

      1. Trust/belief saves.

      2. Following shows evidence that we're truly saved.

      3. Further fruit is that we'll show and tell others the way to true life through faith in Jesus Christ.


Bottom line: As God in the flesh, Jesus came to call people from death to life by faith in him.

So what? What about me?

  • There's no meaning or purpose in life apart from Jesus Christ. As the Word, he reveals the true Logos which includes reason, logic and purpose in creation. But it also includes his personal, relational interaction with his creation.

  • We wouldn't even exist unless Jesus created us on purpose and sustains us for a purpose.

  • He revealed true reality to us so that we can see and know the truth that sets us free.

  • He gives us hope that:

    • There's more to life than this life.

    • But, also,  that this life really matters.

    • We can and will overcome the darkness in this world through Christ.

  • If Jesus is truly God, then

    • What he taught and modeled is true, good and authoritative for all his creation.

    • He holds our life in his hands (physically and spiritually).

    • He means for us to live purposefully in line with his purposes.

    • We're not an accident.

Peter puts it all in perspective in his first sermon:

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬


How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:

Take out a card or piece of paper right now. Write down the answer to these questions:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.

Lord's Supper, 1 Cor 11:23-26 is good passage.

Also, say something like, "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." (past, present, and future)



"In the first century, the term logos carried rich and layered meanings in both Greek philosophy and Jewish thought, making it a powerful term for John to describe Jesus in the prologue of his Gospel (John 1:1-18). Here are the key aspects of its meaning in that cultural and historical context:

1. Greek Philosophy

In Greek philosophical traditions, particularly in the works of Heraclitus (6th century BC) and later Stoicism, logos referred to:

Reason or Rational Principle: The divine reason or organizing principle that governed the cosmos and gave it order and meaning.

Universal Logic or Wisdom: A kind of divine intelligence that permeated everything, serving as the unifying force behind existence.

For Greeks, logos was not a personal being but rather an impersonal, abstract force that structured the universe.

2. Jewish Thought

In Jewish contexts, particularly within Hellenistic Judaism:

God’s Word in Creation: Logos aligned closely with the Hebrew concept of dabar (word), as seen in the Old Testament. For example, in Genesis 1, God speaks creation into existence, demonstrating the power of His Word.

God’s Revelation and Wisdom: In texts like Psalm 33:6 and Proverbs 8, the Word (or Wisdom) of God is personified as an agent of creation, revelation, and sustenance.

The Memra in Aramaic Targums: In Jewish Aramaic paraphrases of the Hebrew Scriptures, the term Memra (word) was often used as a way to describe God’s interaction with the world, sometimes even personifying it as a bridge between God and His creation.

3. John’s Use of Logos

John’s use of logos synthesizes these ideas and transcends them:

Personalized Logos: Unlike the Greek philosophical idea of an impersonal force, John presents the logos as a person—Jesus Christ, who existed with God and as God from the beginning (John 1:1).

Creative Agent: The logos is explicitly tied to creation: “All things were made through Him” (John 1:3), echoing both Jewish and Greek understandings of logos as central to the origin and order of the world.

Revelation and Incarnation: John declares that the logos became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14), revealing God in a way that was tangible, relational, and deeply personal—something neither Greek nor Jewish thought fully envisioned.


By calling Jesus the logos, John bridges cultural contexts, addressing both Greek and Jewish audiences. For the Greeks, he redefines the logos as a personal, relational God. For the Jews, he identifies Jesus as the divine Word through whom God creates, sustains, and reveals Himself. This term powerfully communicates that Jesus is the ultimate expression of God’s wisdom, reason, and purpose, now incarnate among humanity."

-ChatGPT 3.5


Outline from Willmington's Outline Bible


John begins his Gospel by talking about the deity of Christ, then describes the ministry of John the Baptist. Jesus is baptized and calls his first disciples.


A. His relationship to the Father (1:1-2)

1. Christ's eternality is declared (1:1a, 2): He already existed in the beginning.

2. Christ's deity is declared (1:b): He is God.

B. His relationship to the world (1:3-5)

1. He is the sole creator (1:3): Nothing exists that he didn't make.

2. He is light and life (1:4-5): His life gives light to everyone, and the darkness cannot extinguish it.


A. The miracle (1:14): God became human and lived on earth among us.

B. The mission (1:10-13): He came to save sinners.

1. Some rejected him (1:10-11): The world and even the people in his own country did not understand him.

2. Some received him (1:12-13): Those who believed him became children of God.

C. The men (1:6-9, 15-51)

1. Christ's faithful forerunner (1:6-9, 15-34)

a. John the Baptist and the crowds (1:6-9, 15-18): John makes three key statements to the people.

(1) He is to serve as a witness to Christ (1:6-9).

(2) Christ is greater than John or Moses (1:15-17).

b. John the Baptist and the critics (1:19-28): John speaks to the Pharisees who are sent to cross-examine him.

(1) John says that he is not the Messiah (1:19-20).

(2) John says that he is not Elijah (1:21).

(3) John says that he has been sent to prepare the way for the Lord (1:22-28).

c. John the Baptist and the Christ (1:29-34)

(1) He introduces the Savior (1:29-31).

(2) He baptizes the Savior (1:32-34).

2. Christ's first five followers (1:35-51)

a. Andrew and John the apostle (1:35-39)

b. Peter (1:40-42)

c. Philip (1:43)

d. Nathanael (1:44-51)


  1. What do I want them to know?

  2. Why do I want them to know it?

  3. What do I want them to do?

  4. Why do I want them to do it?

  5. How do they do this?


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“John,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in John, by Matt Carter & Josh Wredberg

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
Why Did John Write About Jesus? | John 20:30-31

Series: Signs & Glory

Title: "Why did John write his Gospel? Or Why did John write about Jesus?

Scripture: John 20:30-31 NIV

“Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”

‭‭John‬ ‭20‬:‭30‬-‭31‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Bottom line: God sent Jesus that by trusting in him, we might have life to the max.





  5. NOTES





My opening prayer: Lord God, help us grow to be and do like Jesus, while abiding in him and leading others to do the same.


Why did John write his gospel? Why did he write about Jesus?s

There's a line in the amazing movie called the Polar Express that has always bothered me. It's near the end when the main boy character gets off the train after finally getting to the place where he believes in Santa. He's about to run home as Christmas Day is about to break when the conductor says, as if to summarize the entire evening,

"Conductor: watch your step please.

Boy: thank you.

Conductor: No thank you...One thing about doesn't matter where they're going. What matters is deciding to get on."

My girls will attest to what I'm about to tell you. In our house, right after he says this, I will say out loud in the room, "Yes it does matter where the train is going!"

Why? Because believing in belief is foolishness. It's from the religion of the Oprah's of the world. Doesn't matter what you believe as long as you sincerely believe it.

Oh yeah, what about the terrorist who believes if he straps on a vest of explosives and kills a bunch of infidels in the name of Allah because he sincerely believes that after he dies he'll wake up in paradise with 70 virgins.

It matters what you believe in.

Even the atheist, if they are honest, believes there is no God. They can't prove it.

Why did John write about Jesus Christ?

The short answer is that we might believe.

Believe what? I'm so glad you asked!


In the book of John, John the Apostle is not calling us to believe  in belief, like Oprah. He's calling us to believe--to trust in with our whole self--in someone specifically. And it's not just a good, godly person willing to die for his beliefs. He's the Son of God, Jesus the Christ, who showed us what God looks like in the flesh and what his kingdom looks like down to personally pitching his tent with us.

Why did John write his gospel?

He tells us:

“Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”

‭‭John‬ ‭20‬:‭30‬-‭31‬ ‭NIV‬‬

John was one of the 12 disciples and then 12 apostles. He wrote his gospel after the other 3 were written, most likely.

SERMON (lots of help from Carter & Wredberg on this; see bibliography below)

I. What do we need to believe?

  1. That Jesus is the Christ/Messiah = anointed one (prophet, priest, king)

    1. We believe that Jesus is who he says he is, and

    2. That he'll do all that God promised he would do. Which includes:

      1. He's the snake crusher. He'll defeat sin and death. (Genesis 3:15)

      2. He'll end all injustice and rebellion. (Psalm 2)

      3. He'll willingly suffer and die as a perfectly righteous person for our sins in our place so that we can freely live in his place for his glory. (Isaiah 53)

      4. He'll establish his eternal, universal kingdom. (Daniel 7)

    3. So when John says we need to believe, it's that Jesus is who he says he is and that he'll do all that God's promised he would do.

  2. That Jesus is the Son of God. God in the flesh. Fully divine. As Jesus of Nazareth, he's also fully human. (Phil 2:6-11)

II. What does it mean to believe?

  1. It means more than, "I believe it's going to rain today." Something that you'll change as soon as you get more information. Oh, just 5% chance? Ok, I no longer believe it's going to rain today.

  2. Believe means to trust in someone or something with all your weight or self.

  3. Ex. You're hiking in the Himalayas and you come to a long bridge that goes over 1,000 foot drop. The bridge is one of those swinging type bridges. You say intellectually to yourself, it looks unsturdy but it's been here a while and people have been using it. Then you watch people walk across it. You believe it could hold you up if you walked across it. That's intellectual belief. But until you actually walk across it, you aren't believing like the Bible means when it says believe. You are trusting the bridge to hold you up.

  4. Ex. There as a circus performer who stretched a rope or cable across Niagara Falls. To the crowd he asked, "Do you think I can walk across this cable?" They all shouted, "Yes, we believe you can." "Do you believe I can walk across pushing this wheelbarrow across?" "Yes, we believe!" "Who will volunteer to ride in the wheel barrow as I push it across?" No one volunteered. Why? Because they didn't trust with their whole self that he could do it successfully.

III. Why do I need to believe?

  1. We need to believe because our lives depend on it. Because we're born dead sinners which means we're born dead spiritually. We are no longer in the garden of Eden where the tree of life sustains us. Only he can give us new life now.

    1. John 1:4

    2. John 3:16

    3. John 5:24

    4. John 11:25-26

  2. The life we need - spiritual, eternal life, delivers us from hell or eternal separation from life with God. Hell = spiritually dead.

  3. Life is not a one-time transaction only either. Like adoption.

    1. There is legal paperwork that follows an intentional decision to adopt followed by a lot of hoops to jump through. But it ends in signing paperwork that transfers legal guardianship from the birth parents to the adopting parents. At that moment, the child becomes a legal family member. And salvation starts out that way too. When we trust Christ, we are born again into the family of God. We are justified by grace through faith.

    2. However, neither adoption nor salvation end there. They continue as you learn to live your new life in your new identity as a member of a family of people. Your salvation continues to unfold through a process called sanctification. As an adopted child, you eat meals together, share the flu together, celebrate holidays together, and even grieve the loss of life together. You do life together. In Christ, you do this forever.

  4. Why did John write the gospel of John? So that we could believe or trust him with our whole self into new life with him and his family of grace.


  1. Have you begun this journey?

  2. How do you begin this journey?

I wish the movie Polar Express had ended with these words by the Conductor instead:

Conductor: The thing about trains is that their all headed somewhere different. It matters which train you get on. It matters where it's going. But even if you pick the right train, it won't get you there unless you get on. That's what it means to believe.


In the movie Mannequin, Andrew McCarthy's character cleans a department store with the night shift while the store is closed. There are mannequins everywhere. He doesn't pay them much attention because they're not real people. Until one night one wakes up! It's alive!

Some department stores use models posing as mannequins (until they decide to move and freak someone out!) Models and mannequins are wearing the same clothes in the same place for the same company. But one is clearly alive.

In Christ, we are made "alive with Christ" (Ephesians 2:1-10). This life is everything as there is nothing more precious.

Bottom line: God sent Jesus that by trusting in him, we might have life to the max.

One more thought on belief, if you haven't already picked up on it. Whenever the Bible talks about faith, trust or belief, the writer is not only talking about the first time you believe. God, through the writer, is talking to each of us about believing all the time. Especially when we're tempted to doubt him.

Peter puts it all in perspective in his first sermon:

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬


How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:

Take out a card or piece of paper right now. Write down the answer to these questions:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.

Lord's Supper passages

“Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did. Do not be idolaters, as some of them were; as it is written: “The people sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in revelry.” Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry. I speak to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I say. Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all share the one loaf.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭6‬-‭7‬, ‭14‬-‭17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good. In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it. No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval. So then, when you come together, it is not the Lord’s Supper you eat, for when you are eating, some of you go ahead with your own private suppers. As a result, one person remains hungry and another gets drunk. Don’t you have homes to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God by humiliating those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you? Certainly not in this matter! For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭17‬-‭29‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Also, say something like, "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." (past, present, and future)







  1. What do I want them to know?

  2. Why do I want them to know it?

  3. What do I want them to do?

  4. Why do I want them to do it?

  5. How do they do this?


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“John,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in John, by Matt Carter & Josh Wredberg

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

ChatGPT 3.5

Read More
What Does God Think About Us? | Genesis 10-11 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: "What does God think about us?"

Scripture: Genesis 10-11

Genesis 3:14-15; 12:1-3; 15:1-6

Philippians 2:5-11

Bottom line: God is aware that we're lost without him, and he's preserved a pathway that leads to life in him.





  5. NOTES





My opening prayer: Lord God, help us grow to be and do like Jesus, while abiding in him and leading others to do the same.


Review the primeval preservations (later followed by patriarchal preservations) of Seth's line:

Seth (3-4)

Flood (5-9)


In the wake of God's flood of judgment and rescue effectively restarting creation, we see the righteous, blameless, faith-filled and faithful Noah sin along with his son, Ham. So while we see God re-create the world, it doesn't start without sin this time. Temptation and sin are still present.

Centuries later, mankind is still gathered largely in one place in a city or cities. They persist in rebellion seeking to make a name for themselves through a mighty tower. God deals with their sin with justice and mercy.

Note that chapter 10 probably follows chapter 11 chronologically. However, Moses probably arranged it in this order to show through literary structure that God's response to the Tower and their arrogance was not just judgment but also mercy. Arranged chronologically, it would read as if God only judged them. God's way includes mercy.

In the course of this time in history, mankind discovers/invents a piece of technology on the level of the printing press, internet and iPhone. The brick. 🧱 Not a joke.

SERMON (lots of help from Hughs; see bibliography below)

Genesis 11:1-9 is one extended chiasmus (Hughes). The center point is the main point of this story in history. It answers at least 2 questions:

  1. What does God think about this? (series of events in Gen 11)

  2. What does God do about it? (Also in Gen 11)

Genesis 11:5 is the hinge point from which follows the answer to these questions.

We see in these 9 verses 3 things:

  1. Human arrogance (1-4)

    1. One language unified the people, but around the wrong agenda:

      1. Make a name for themselves

      2. Not scatter instead of what God commanded

  2. Heaven's awareness (5) - God is aware of humanity's lost ness

  3. Heaven's reversal (6-9)

    1. God reverses humanity's plan

    2. God preserves a line of hope back to life in himself

Genesis 12:1-3

  1. Shows God's agenda for the nations/whole world.

  2. Let God make a name for you that will be remembered if he wants to.

Genesis 15:1-6   

  1. God shows that he wants to bless the nations/whole world. (1-5)

  2. Abram shows what pleases God is taking his word for it. (6)

Philippians 2:5-11

  1. Jesus didn't make a name for himself.

  2. God made Jesus' name great forever!

What are we living for?

  1. Our name, reputation and legacy?

  2. Trying to avoid what God called us to be and do?

God called us to follow Jesus which is doing and being like Jesus, while abiding in him and leading others to do the same.


Bottom line: God is aware that we're lost without him, and he's preserved a pathway that leads to life in him.

Peter puts it all in perspective in his first sermon:

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬


How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:

Take out a card or piece of paper right now. Write down the answer to these questions:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.

Lord's Supper, 1 Cor 11:23-26 is good passage.

Also, say something like, "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." (past, present, and future)





Outline from Willmington's Outline Bible

H. Noah's sons (10:1-32)

1. Japheth (10:2-5): a list of his descendants, including Gomer, Magog, Tubal, and Meshech

2. Ham (10:6-20): a list of his descendants, including Canaan and Nimrod

3. Shem (10:21-32): a list of his descendants, including Peleg (who may have lived during the tower of Babel dispersion). He was the ancestor of Terah (the father of Abram) and Abram and Sarai


This section describes the confusion of all things.

1. THE SIN (11:1-4): All human beings attempt to unify themselves for their own glory.

II. THE SENTENCE (11:5-9): God scatters them by confusing their language at the tower of Babel.

III. THE SETTLEMENT (11:10-32): A history is given of Shem's descendants. Shem is the ancestor of Abraham.


  1. What do I want them to know?

  2. Why do I want them to know it?

  3. What do I want them to do?

  4. Why do I want them to do it?

  5. How do they do this?


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
What Can We Learn from Noah and His Sons? | Genesis 9:18-29 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: "What can we learn from Noah and his sons?"

Scripture: Genesis 9:18-29

Hebrews 11:7; Gen 6:8-9; 7:5; 9:8-9; Micah 6:8

Bottom line: We learn from Noah and his sons that as fellow image bearers we love and value each other as an act of faith in God's good plan for us.





  5. NOTES





My opening prayer: Lord God, help us grow to be and do like Jesus, while abiding in him and leading others to do the same.


"A rubbernecker is a term used to describe someone who slows down or stops to stare at something, often out of curiosity, especially at accidents or incidents on the road. The term comes from the idea of “rubbernecking,” where someone cranes their neck, almost stretching it like rubber, to get a better view of something happening.


• A driver slowing down to look at a car crash on the side of the highway.

• A pedestrian stopping to watch emergency responders at a scene.

This behavior is often criticized, especially when it causes traffic delays or gets in the way of emergency workers. It’s a mix of curiosity and distraction that can sometimes lead to further accidents." -ChatGPT


In the wake of God's flood of judgment and rescue effectively restarting creation, we see the righteous, blameless, faith-filled and faithful Noah sin along with his son, Ham. So while we see God re-create the world, it doesn't start without sin this time. Temptation and sin are still present.


  1. What do I want them to know?

    1. That even in success, we're all vulnerable to temptation and misusing God's blessings.

    2. That we're all made in his image.

    3. That sin has consequences...sometimes for generations.

    4. Honoring > Gossiping, which dishonors God and people.

  2. Why do I want them to know it?

    1. We're a blessed people meaning we're vulnerable right now unless we humble ourselves and become vigilant.

    2. We're blessed no matter our circumstances because we're image bearers.

    3. A lot hangs in the balance because the consequences of our sins has a long reach.

    4. Not honoring/dishonoring is a serious sin.

  3. What do I want them to do?

    1. Humble themselves.

    2. Remain vigilant.

    3. Walk as an image-bearer

    4. Honor others instead of gossiping about them.

  4. Why do I want them to do it?

    1. Because the consequences are great.

  5. How do they do this?

    1. Prayer for themselves and others.

    2. Care for themselves and others.

    3. Share with others what God is teaching you today.


  1. How do they do this?

    1. Prayer for themselves and others.

    2. Care for themselves and others.

    3. Share with others what God is teaching you today.

Main takeaways:

  • We're all from one race made in the image of God. Therefore, love and value each and every person.

  • Even mature believers can fall into sin; humble yourself and stay alert for temptations are ever-present.

  • When we see someone sin, we have a choice. We can

    • Honor them by respectfully and discreetly leading them towards repentance.

    • Dishonor them by gossiping about reveling in their shameful actions.

  • Sin has consequences that can ripple for generations.

  • Even flawed people can be used by God. Don't let your sinful past keep you down. Repent, believe and move forward. Also, don't let the sin of others against you keep you down. Forgive and more forward whether they reconcile or not.

Bottom line: We learn from Noah and his sons that as fellow image bearers we love and value each other as an act of faith in God's good plan for us.

Peter puts it all in perspective in his first sermon:

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬


How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:

Take out a card or piece of paper right now. Write down the answer to these questions:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.

Lord's Supper, 1 Cor 11:23-26 is good passage.

Also, say something like, "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." (past, present, and future)



Good summary: Lessons from Noah & his Sons: A Tale of Blessing, Sin, and Redemption

Text: Genesis 9:18-29

Main Points with Answers

1. What does the unity of humanity’s origins teach us about God’s plan for all nations?

• All nations come from one family, showing that God’s plan is for unity, shared purpose, and relationship with Him. This underscores our responsibility to love and value all people as part of God’s creation.

2. How does Noah’s sin remind us of our vulnerability to temptation?

• Even the most faithful people are not immune to sin. Noah’s failure after his great obedience shows the need for vigilance and humility in guarding against temptation.

3. How do Ham’s actions and Shem and Japheth’s response challenge us to honor others?

• Ham’s disrespect highlights the destructiveness of dishonor and gossip, while Shem and Japheth’s actions demonstrate the importance of covering others’ failures with grace and respect.

4. What do Noah’s blessings and curses reveal about the consequences of our actions?

• Ham’s dishonor led to a generational curse, while Shem and Japheth’s honor brought blessings. Our choices have lasting effects on us and those who come after us.

5. How does Noah’s life and death point us to God’s grace and covenant faithfulness?

• Noah’s story shows that even flawed people can be used by God. His faithfulness to Noah’s family reminds us of His unchanging promises and grace despite human sin.


3 Question version:

Lessons from Noah & his Sons: A Tale of Blessing, Sin, and Redemption

Text: Genesis 9:18-29

Main Points in Question Form (ChatGPT inspired)

1. What does Noah’s sin teach us about the ongoing struggle with temptation? (Genesis 9:20-21)

• Even the faithful are vulnerable to sin,

        • reminding us to remain vigilant and humble.

2. How do Ham’s actions and Shem and Japheth’s response challenge us to honor others? (Genesis 9:22-23)

• Ham’s dishonor shows the harm of gossip,

        • while Shem and Japheth’s actions highlight the power of love and respect.

3. What do Noah’s blessings and curses reveal about the impact of our choices? (Genesis 9:24-27)

• Our actions carry lasting consequences for us and future generations,

        • but God’s faithfulness remains constant.




  1. Who is God?

    1. Creator/re-creator

    2. Holy judge

    3. Merciful rescuer

    4. Father of humanity and creation

    5. Provider of good things; blessor

    6. Curser of those who dishonor him and his people

    7. Sustainer of life

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

    1. Creates/restores

    2. Judges

    3. Rescues

    4. Parents

    5. Provides

    6. Blesses

    7. Curses

    8. Sustains

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

    1. His creation created in his image; image-bearer

    2. His child

    3. His rescued, forgiven rebel child

    4. Receiver of his blessings and/or curses

    5. The one whom he sustains

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

    1. Bear his image

    2. Follow his lead

    3. Join him in rescuing others far from God but close to me

    4. Bless and not curse

    5. For the rest of my life

  5. How do I do it?

    1. Pray for those far from God but close to me.

    2. Care for those far from God but close to me.

    3. Share with those far from God but close to me.


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
What's the Bible All About? Part 2 | Genesis 8:1-9:17 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: "What's the Bible all about? God remembers his promises." Part 2

Scripture: Genesis 8:1-9:17

Luke 17:20-33; Hebrews 11:7-10

The Bible is all about God's story.

Here, Noah’s story is a snapshot of the Bible’s grand narrative—a holy God seeking to redeem, restore, and renew fallen creation by a merciful covenant through Jesus Christ.

God remembers his promises to his people.





  5. NOTES





My opening prayer: Lord God, help us grow to be and do like Jesus, while abiding in him, and leading others to do the same.


Stories of the brave, acts big and small, sacrifice and service are what we remember today. Like the story of Vietnam War hero Jimmy

G. Stewart, an Army staff sergeant from West Columbia, West Virginia - one of the 58,000 Americans who lost their lives in combat during the conflict. When five fellow Soldiers of his six-man squad were wounded near An Khe in May 1966, Stewart held his position to protect his men, crawling through heavy fire to retrieve ammunition from his comrades and tossing back enemy-thrown grenades. When reinforcements arrived, 23-year-old Stewart continued to fight and was eventually killed while holding his position. The wounded he gave his life to protect were recovered and evacuated. A year later, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. This year marks 50 years since the last combat troops left South Vietnam.

I share this story for a few reasons relevant to today.

  1. Our veterans are potential stories like this. They willingly choose to put themselves in harms way for the sake of defending others from tyranny. On Memorial Day we remember those like Jimmy G. Stewart here for giving his life in the line of duty because he went above and beyond the call of duty to love others with his whole life. What a picture of Christ. We honor our veterans as they put themselves in a position to do that for others.

  2. They fight of an imperfect nation that is founded on principles gleaned in part from scripture that empowers her citizens to live differently in all of life.

  3. We remember these who have fallen and these who serve our country in this way, we see in Genesis 8:1 that God remembers his promises to Noah meaning he is moved to act mercifully on behalf of sinful people in this world.

  4. We will see how precious human life is to the Lord. Stewart saw it as worthy of his own which is at least in part why he was willing to sacrifice his own.

  5. At least twice in scripture, Rachel and Hannah, saw barren women be remembered by God and given a child, the desire of their heart. God sees you in your pain even if that pain is of your own making. He remembers and this moves him to act mercifully and redemptively. Redemption of sinful people is at the forefront of his loving acts.

  6. The thief on the cross calls on Jesus to remember him when they cross over. Jesus remembers him and says today you will be with me in paradise. This is a great picture of what God remembering looks like.

His acts on our behalf are in light of our needs...our greatest needs. Needs that only He can satisfy.


In the wake of God's flood of judgment is a new, redemptive creation. God judged sin and humanity and creation had to deal with the consequences. God takes sin seriously. Sin has consequences.

And Noah believed that God's word is trustworthy. So he believed and acted accordingly building an ark to save his family from God's flood of holy judgment. And that ark saved his family and a remnant of the animal kingdom.

Now we see God's judgment swing to his faithful covenant with Noah and creation. He is starting over. He is giving humanity a second chance.


Outline modified from Bethancourt

I. GOD IS HOLY AND JUST. HE MUST PUNISH SIN. Noah and God's judgment (6:1-22) LAST WEEK

A. The purpose of God's judgment (6:1-7)

B. The patience of God's judgment (6:8-16)

C. The promise of God's judgment (6:17-22)


A. God rescues us from the penalty of his judgment (7:1-16)

B. God rescues us from the power of his judgment (7:17-24)

C. God rescues us from the presence of his judgment (8:1-19) THIS WEEK


A. The Lord and the covenant with creation (8:20-22)

B. The Lord and the covenant with Noah (9:1-11)

C. The Lord and the sign of the covenant (9:12-17)

D. The Lord and the lineage of the covenant (9:18-29)

Big ideas in this passage today:

Hinge point in the story: Gen 8:1 "God remembered Noah..."

Up to this point, the flood story has been one of judgment. From 8:1 on it's a story of redemption.

"God had not forgotten Noah and his family. To 'remember' in the Bible is not merely to recall to mind; it is to express concern for someone, to act with loving care for him. When God remembers his people, he does so 'with favor' (Neh 5:19; 13:31)." -NIV Study Bible, 1985

"When Genesis 8:1 says, “God remembered Noah,” it doesn’t mean that God had forgotten Noah and then recalled him suddenly. In the Bible, the phrase “God remembered” is often used to signify that God is about to act on His promises or fulfill His covenant.

In this case, God’s “remembering” Noah signifies His care and commitment to Noah and all creation, especially after the long, intense flood. This “remembrance” marks the beginning of the floodwaters receding, as God brings about a new stage in His plan for humanity and the earth. Here, God is staying true to His covenant with Noah by preserving him, his family, and the animals through the means that God is intervening in a meaningful, faithful way to fulfill His promises or enact His plans.

So in Genesis 8:1, “God remembered Noah” signifies divine care and the beginning of restoration after judgment." -ChatGPT

"Throughout the Bible, when God “remembers” someone, it signifies His attention, compassion, and faithfulness, often resulting in His direct intervention. Here are some key examples:

1. Abraham and Lot (Genesis 19:29): When God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, He “remembered Abraham” and spared Lot. God’s covenant relationship with Abraham led to His merciful action in delivering Lot from the judgment on the cities.

2. Rachel (Genesis 30:22): After a long period of barrenness, “God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and enabled her to conceive.” God’s remembrance here signifies His compassion and care for Rachel, ultimately fulfilling her longing for a child.

3. Israel in Egypt (Exodus 2:24): When the Israelites were suffering under slavery, “God heard their groaning, and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.” This remembrance prompts God to act by raising up Moses and setting in motion the liberation of His people from Egypt.

4. Hannah (1 Samuel 1:19): After Hannah prayed earnestly for a son, “the Lord remembered her,” and she conceived and gave birth to Samuel. God’s remembering here shows His response to Hannah’s heartfelt prayer and His intervention in her life.

5. God’s Promise to Israel (Psalm 105:8): The psalmist declares that God “remembers his covenant forever, the promise he made, for a thousand generations.” This indicates God’s unwavering commitment to His promises and His ongoing relationship with His people.

6. The Thief on the Cross (Luke 23:42-43): Although the word “remember” is used differently here, the thief’s request, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom,” appeals to Jesus’ mercy and faithfulness. Jesus’ reply assures him of eternal life, demonstrating the compassion inherent in divine “remembrance.”

In each case, God’s “remembering” is more than mere recollection—it signals His intention to act faithfully and mercifully on behalf of His people, often in response to their need or in fulfillment of His covenant promises." -ChatGPT

Perhaps we should ask Jesus to remember us as well...

The flood story reveals four main characteristics of God. God is...

1. Holy and Just: God judges human wickedness, showing His intolerance for sin.

2. Gracious and Merciful: He offers time for repentance and preserves Noah’s family.

3. Faithful to keep his Promises: God promises to sustain creation, never to destroy it by flood again.

4. Sovereign Creator: He controls nature, demonstrating His power to both judge and restore.

These qualities reveal a God who is just, merciful, faithful, and sovereign, committed to both righteousness and renewal.

Said another way...

The story of Noah and the flood reflects the broader story of God in the Bible by capturing key themes of Creator-God, sovereignly creating a good world where humanity sins/falls and reaps judgment. Despite this, merciful God makes a way for wicked humanity to find redemption and restoration through the covenant relationship with Creator-God through Christ Jesus, our Savior.


What do I want them to know?

  1. God sees, remembers, and keeps his promise of mercy.

  2. The story of God in macro and how our story fits in micro. God judges sin but remember mercy.

Why? Because his character is holy love.

What do I want them to do?

Show and tell their story in the context of God's story. Remember that God sees, remembers and keeps his promise of mercy.


This is how we rescue people close to us but far from God.


By learning this macro story, seeing our story within that context, and then sharing that story with others where we live, work, learn and play.

Bottom line: Noah’s story is a snapshot of the Bible’s grand narrative—a holy God seeking to redeem, restore, and renew fallen creation by a merciful covenant through Jesus Christ. God sees and remembers his promise of mercy.

At the end of the day, my question to you is this: "Are you in the boat?" Is your life protected from God's holy wrath? Have you entered through the only door to salvation? His name is Jesus. Cf. John 14:6

Jesus spoke of Noah as well:

“Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Then he said to his disciples, “The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it. People will tell you, ‘There he is!’ or ‘Here he is!’ Do not go running off after them. For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭17‬:‭20‬-‭30‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Peter puts it all in perspective in his first sermon:

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬


How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:

Take out a card or piece of paper right now. Write down the answer to these questions:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.

Lord's Supper, 1 Cor 11:23-26 is good passage.

Also, say something like, "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." (past, present, and future)



My early notes:

Genesis 8:1a "God remembered Noah..."

God "remembering" is the cue for God about to act redemptively i.e. He's about to rescue; mercy and grace are enroute. God acts with his covenant in mind because God is faithful and God is merciful.

At this point, God's story pivots from his holy, justified wrath and judgment to his extravagent mercy and redemption offered to his people by grace through faith.

His rememberance leads to merciful action on God's part. From destruction or de-creation to renewal or re-creation.

Applications that might follow from this:

  1. Rest in God's "remembering." God "remembering" is God acting on your behalf in a redemptive, life-changing way. It's renewal replacing wrath. (8:1)

  2. Wait patiently for God's timing. (8:6-12) Noah waited patiently for God to speak before he disembarked from the ark.

  3. Worship God today. (8:20) Noah's first act after disembarking was to worship God. Worship is our response to God's remembering. He is always worthy whether we act like it or not.

  4. Nurture a culture of life. (8:21-22) God is the creator and sustainer of life. He treasures all life. He calls us to as well. Animal life, but more importantly, human life. All life is precious--human life is sacred. So sacred, you forfeit yours when you take someone else's. We're called to lead the charge on protecting life and that includes nurturing a culture that values life above all else.

  5. Respect and Protect Life. (9:1-7) Valuing life includes protecting those who cannot protect themselves (unborn, children, disabled, elderly, dying).

  6. Live securely and confidently in the covenant relationship we enjoy in Christ. (9:8-11) A marriage rooted in God's covenant relationship with us will give us confidence and security to love when tempted to fear.

  7. Remember and rest in God's promises. (9:12-17)

  8. God will remember his covenant with us. He'll remind us that he remembers through his bow in the sky that he is faithful and keeps his promises.

  9. These rest on the fact that God remembers; he acts on behalf of his people with compassion, mercy, and faithfulness. He grows our confident assurance in his trustworthiness when we are tempted to forget.

Where is Noah's ark today?

"The location of Noah’s ark remains one of the great mysteries, as no definitive archaeological evidence has been found to confirm its location. According to Genesis 8:4, the ark came to rest “on the mountains of Ararat,” traditionally associated with the region of Mount Ararat in modern-day Turkey. This has led many explorers and archaeologists over the centuries to search that area, but no conclusive evidence has been found.

There have been several claims of sightings and discoveries on or near Mount Ararat, including photographs and wooden structures reportedly found at high altitudes. However, these claims have not been substantiated with enough verifiable evidence, and most remain controversial or unconfirmed.

In the end, whether or not the ark will ever be found is uncertain. Some believe that the wood may have been repurposed by Noah’s descendants after the flood or that it has simply deteriorated over time. Others suggest that, if it exists, God may allow it to remain hidden as an enduring element of faith rather than empirical evidence.

For many, the ark serves more as a theological symbol of God’s salvation and judgment, rather than something that needs to be found physically to affirm the biblical account." -ChatGPT

It could also be in western Armenia or even northwestern Iran as those are close to Mt. Ararat in Turkey.


"You’re absolutely correct. Genesis 8:1 is indeed the hinge point in the flood narrative, marking the transition from judgment to salvation, from divine wrath to mercy. The phrase “God remembered Noah” encapsulates the shift from destruction to renewal and signals that God’s redemptive plan is at work. Given this centrality, all application points could indeed flow from or relate to this theme of God’s remembrance. Here’s a revised approach:

1. Rest in God’s Faithfulness and Care (8:1)

• Application: God’s “remembering” Noah reminds us that, even when we feel forgotten or isolated, God is actively mindful of us and our needs. His faithfulness is unwavering, especially during seasons of hardship. This calls us to trust that God’s timing is perfect and that He is present and working, even when we can’t see it.

2. Wait Patiently for God’s Timing (8:6-12)

• Application: Because God “remembers” us, we can wait with hope, just as Noah waited for the waters to recede. Waiting isn’t passive but an active faith in God’s provision and guidance. Instead of rushing ahead, we’re called to trust God’s process, knowing He will bring us through in His timing.

3. Respond to God’s Faithfulness with Worship (8:20)

• Application: When Noah leaves the ark, his first act is to worship through sacrifice. This is a fitting response to God’s faithfulness in remembering him and his family. When we recognize God’s merciful intervention in our lives, we are called to respond with gratitude, worship, and dedication to Him.

4. Trust in God’s Commitment to Life (8:21-22)

• Application: God’s promise never to curse the ground again is a direct result of His remembering Noah and His commitment to sustaining creation. We can trust that God values and sustains life. This invites us to live in hope, knowing that God’s sustaining power is over creation and our lives, even in a broken world.

5. Respect and Protect Life (9:1-7)

• Application: Because God “remembers” and values humanity, He commands respect for life and emphasizes human dignity. We are called to value life as sacred, reflecting God’s heart for His creation. This includes protecting others, acting justly, and honoring the image of God in each person.

6. Live in Covenant Relationship with God (9:8-11)

• Application: The covenant with Noah flows from God’s remembrance and commitment to humanity and all creatures. God’s remembrance invites us to respond in covenant faithfulness, living in relationship with Him, and being stewards of His world.

7. Remember God’s Promises (9:12-17)

• Application: The rainbow is a visible reminder of God’s covenant and faithfulness to remember His promises. Just as God remembers us, we are called to remember Him and His promises. By clinging to His faithfulness, we strengthen our faith and are reminded of God’s enduring mercy and love in our lives.

By centering the applications around God’s remembrance, we underscore the passage’s message of God’s mercy, faithfulness, and the invitation for us to respond in trust, gratitude, and covenantal living. This “remembrance” becomes the anchor for our faith and actions in every part of life."  -ChatGPT

Key Themes

• New Beginnings: Noah and his family represent a fresh start for humanity, meant to live in obedience to God and care for creation.

• God’s Mercy: Despite humanity’s failings, God commits to sustain creation and gives humans renewed responsibility.

• Divine Justice and Human Dignity: God’s instruction against murder underscores the sanctity of life made in His image.

• The Covenant: The rainbow as a sign of the covenant is a powerful reminder of God’s promise and His ongoing relationship with humanity.

Genesis 8-9:17 highlights God’s mercy, the sanctity of life, and the importance of the covenant. It also sets the foundation for a worldview that values life and trusts in God’s promises, even amidst a broken world.

Good summary:

"The story of the flood in Genesis (chapters 6–9) tells us much about God’s character, values, and the way He engages with humanity. Here are some of the primary ways it reveals who God is:

1. God’s Justice and Holiness

• The flood is a response to human corruption and violence. Genesis 6:5-6 says that God saw the great wickedness on earth and was “grieved” in His heart. God’s decision to judge humanity with the flood shows His intolerance of sin and injustice. His holiness requires a world that aligns with His goodness, and the flood was a response to the pervasive moral decay of Noah’s time.

2. God’s Patience and Long-Suffering

• While the decision to flood the earth is swift in the biblical account, the story implies that God waited patiently while humanity had a chance to change. Noah was “a preacher of righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5), and his 120 years building the ark can be seen as a period when God gave people a chance to repent. This patience reveals God’s mercy, even in His judgment.

3. God’s Mercy and Covenant Faithfulness

• God’s decision to save Noah and his family highlights His mercy and commitment to His creation. Although humanity deserved judgment, God chose a path that preserved life. He instructed Noah to bring animals onto the ark, ensuring the survival of all living things. After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah (Genesis 9:8-17), promising never to destroy the earth with water again. The rainbow serves as a symbol of His covenant, highlighting His faithfulness to humanity despite their shortcomings.

4. God’s Sovereignty and Power Over Creation

• The flood narrative shows God’s absolute power over creation. He commands the waters to rise and fall, demonstrating His control over the natural world. The floodwaters are a reversal of the order He established at creation, where He separated waters to form dry land. By re-establishing the earth post-flood, God reaffirms His sovereignty as Creator, showing He can both judge and restore.

5. God’s Desire for a Righteous People

• God chooses Noah, “a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time” (Genesis 6:9), and establishes a covenant with him, revealing His desire for a people who walk in righteousness. God’s plan for Noah’s descendants is one of blessing, hoping they would embody a restored relationship with Him and reflect His justice and goodness on earth.

6. God’s Grace and Renewal of Creation

• After the flood, God gives Noah a mandate similar to Adam’s: to “be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth” (Genesis 9:1). This echoes the original creation mandate, suggesting that God’s intention for humanity and creation remains one of growth, flourishing, and harmony. He desires to partner with humanity in caring for and filling the earth with goodness.

7. God as a Covenant Maker

• The covenant with Noah is foundational, setting a pattern for the covenants God will establish later with Abraham, Moses, and David, and ultimately fulfilled in Christ. The Noahic covenant emphasizes God’s promise to preserve creation, foreshadowing the redemptive plan that would unfold over time.

In summary, the flood story tells the story of God as a holy and just Judge, yet also as a patient, merciful, and covenant-keeping Creator. It illustrates His commitment to renewal and restoration even in the face of human failure. Through judgment and mercy, God’s desire for a faithful, righteous humanity and His love for creation shine through. This story is foundational, pointing forward to God’s ongoing work to redeem and renew the world."


The Pattern

See D. J. A. Clines, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, No. 38 (1976), pp. 487, 488. Clines explains that Gerhard Von Rad initially observed a pattern of sin, mitigation, and punishment. Then Claus Westermann discerned another element, that of divine speech. Though he did not include it in the pattern, Clines does. Thus the following chart:









  1. FALL





  1. CAIN








6:8, 18ff


  1. FLOOD

6:5, 11f

6:7, 13-21

6:8, 18ff


  1. BABEL





Preach the Word, Genesis, Kent Hughes, chapter 1, note 3, p. 625

Hamilton puts it this way:

"God acts and speaks; man rebels; God punishes; God protects and reconciles." P. 201





  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
What's the Bible All About? Part 1 | Genesis

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: "What's the Bible all about?" Part 1

Scripture: Genesis 6:9-7:24

Genesis 8:1a; Matt 24:36-44; Hebrews 11:7-10

The Bible is all about God's story.

Here, Noah’s story is a snapshot of the Bible’s grand narrative—a holy God seeking to redeem, restore, and renew fallen creation by a merciful covenant through Jesus Christ. We also see that God's word is trustworthy. Are you on the boat?





  5. NOTES





My opening prayer: Lord God, help us grow to be and do like Jesus, while abiding in him, and leading others to do the same.


Our church deployed a third team to FL this past week for disaster relief in New Port Richey. (Show pics and video)

As they recover from hurricane Helene, the folks in western NC probably feel like they've experienced a flood of biblical proportions. But, in fact, they only got a small fraction of what the world experienced in the Noahic flood.

How many of each animal did Moses put on the ark? The answer is none because Noah is the one that put the animals on the ark actually, God did. Kind of a silly joke, but in fact, Moses is writing Genesis telling the story of Noah in Genesis six through nine.

Let's say you're having lunch with somebody and they ask you the question what is the Bible all about your answer could be basically telling them the story of Noah and the arc because in this story, we see the character of God on display and we see the purpose for which God has Done in creation and a way that explains the macro story of God.


Spiraling from the fall into more and more evil, the Way of Cain is dominating the world stage while the Way of Seth is a mere remnant of people. They don't have much of God's word to live on. They don't have the ways of God spelled out to them. They are in need of light in the darkness.

But they do have a prophecy. A word from the Lord. (Gen 3:15)

A light to hang hope on.

After seeing the Way of Cain summarized in Cain's evil genealogy, it's followed by the Way of Seth and his genealogy. Adam and Eve are still alive and watching this unfold with I can't imagine how much guilt and anguish over what they've done. The only thing keeping them alive and sane is the hope in the few words of God in Genesis 3:15, "And I will put enmity between you (Satan) and the woman, and between your offspring and hers (Jesus); he will crush your head, and you will strike his heal (at the cross)."

At the beginning of Seth's genealogy, we see God reminding us of how he created us--in his image. We were created God-like. Nothing in all of creation is more like God than humanity.

Now we're in a state of dreadful depravity. We're born sinners who are capable of incredibly evil attitudes, words and actions. And we don't have to look far to see not only the truth of that but that we're heading downhill towards a level of evil equal to that just prior to the Flood. But this reminder--that we're created in his image--is there to give us hope. Hope that the Way of Seth--the Way of Jesus--can and will deliver many from sin and death, shame and guilt, hell itself.

The whole thing here about the sons of God, daughters of men, and the Nephilim is simply there to show us how bad things had gotten in the world. To show us that “The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” (Genesis‬ ‭6‬:‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬) To show us that things were so bad that God grieved and regretted that he'd created humanity in the first place. As a result, God would wipe out all of creation (except for the ones following the Way of Seth) and re-create the world.


Outline modified from Bethancourt

I. GOD IS HOLY AND JUST. HE MUST PUNISH SIN. Noah and God's judgment (6:1-22) THIS WEEK

A. The purpose of God's judgment (6:1-7)

B. The patience of God's judgment (6:8-16)

C. The promise of God's judgment (6:17-22)


A. God rescues us from the penalty of his judgment (7:1-16)

B. God rescues us from the power of his judgment (7:17-24)

C. God rescues us from the presence of his judgment (8:1-19)


A. The Lord and the covenant with creation (8:20-22)

B. The Lord and the covenant with Noah (9:1-11)

C. The Lord and the sign of the covenant (9:12-17)

D. The Lord and the lineage of the covenant (9:18-29)

These are my main points today:

The flood story reveals four main characteristics of God. God is...

1. Holy and Just: God judges human wickedness, showing His intolerance for sin.

2. Gracious and Merciful: He offers time for repentance and preserves Noah’s family.

3. Faithful to keep his Promises: God promises to sustain creation, never to destroy it by flood again.

4. Sovereign Creator: He controls nature, demonstrating His power to both judge and restore.

These qualities reveal a God who is just, merciful, faithful, and sovereign, committed to both righteousness and renewal.

Said another way...

The story of Noah and the flood reflects the broader story of God in the Bible by capturing key themes of Creator-God, sovereignly creating a good world where humanity sins/falls and reaps judgment. Despite this, merciful God makes a way for wicked humanity to find redemption and restoration through the covenant relationship with Creator-God through Christ Jesus, our Savior.


What do I want them to know?

The story of God in macro and how our story fits in micro.


Because this is our mission: to show and tell the story of God through our story.

What do I want them to do?

Show and tell their story in the context of God's story.


Because this is why we're still here. This is how we rescue people close to us but far from God.


By learning this macro story, seeing our story within that context, and then sharing that story with others where we live, work, learn and play.

Bottom line: Noah’s story is a snapshot of the Bible’s grand narrative—a holy God seeking to redeem, restore, and renew fallen creation by a merciful covenant through Jesus Christ. We also see that God's word is trustworthy. Are you on the boat?

At the end of the day, my question to you is this: "Are you in the boat?" Is your life protected from God's holy wrath? Have you entered through the only door to salvation? His name is Jesus.

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬


How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:

Take out a card or piece of paper right now. Write down the answer to these questions:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.



Good summary:

"The story of the flood in Genesis (chapters 6–9) tells us much about God’s character, values, and the way He engages with humanity. Here are some of the primary ways it reveals who God is:

1. God’s Justice and Holiness

• The flood is a response to human corruption and violence. Genesis 6:5-6 says that God saw the great wickedness on earth and was “grieved” in His heart. God’s decision to judge humanity with the flood shows His intolerance of sin and injustice. His holiness requires a world that aligns with His goodness, and the flood was a response to the pervasive moral decay of Noah’s time.

2. God’s Patience and Long-Suffering

• While the decision to flood the earth is swift in the biblical account, the story implies that God waited patiently while humanity had a chance to change. Noah was “a preacher of righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5), and his 120 years building the ark can be seen as a period when God gave people a chance to repent. This patience reveals God’s mercy, even in His judgment.

3. God’s Mercy and Covenant Faithfulness

• God’s decision to save Noah and his family highlights His mercy and commitment to His creation. Although humanity deserved judgment, God chose a path that preserved life. He instructed Noah to bring animals onto the ark, ensuring the survival of all living things. After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah (Genesis 9:8-17), promising never to destroy the earth with water again. The rainbow serves as a symbol of His covenant, highlighting His faithfulness to humanity despite their shortcomings.

4. God’s Sovereignty and Power Over Creation

• The flood narrative shows God’s absolute power over creation. He commands the waters to rise and fall, demonstrating His control over the natural world. The floodwaters are a reversal of the order He established at creation, where He separated waters to form dry land. By re-establishing the earth post-flood, God reaffirms His sovereignty as Creator, showing He can both judge and restore.

5. God’s Desire for a Righteous People

• God chooses Noah, “a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time” (Genesis 6:9), and establishes a covenant with him, revealing His desire for a people who walk in righteousness. God’s plan for Noah’s descendants is one of blessing, hoping they would embody a restored relationship with Him and reflect His justice and goodness on earth.

6. God’s Grace and Renewal of Creation

• After the flood, God gives Noah a mandate similar to Adam’s: to “be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth” (Genesis 9:1). This echoes the original creation mandate, suggesting that God’s intention for humanity and creation remains one of growth, flourishing, and harmony. He desires to partner with humanity in caring for and filling the earth with goodness.

7. God as a Covenant Maker

• The covenant with Noah is foundational, setting a pattern for the covenants God will establish later with Abraham, Moses, and David, and ultimately fulfilled in Christ. The Noahic covenant emphasizes God’s promise to preserve creation, foreshadowing the redemptive plan that would unfold over time.

In summary, the flood story tells the story of God as a holy and just Judge, yet also as a patient, merciful, and covenant-keeping Creator. It illustrates His commitment to renewal and restoration even in the face of human failure. Through judgment and mercy, God’s desire for a faithful, righteous humanity and His love for creation shine through. This story is foundational, pointing forward to God’s ongoing work to redeem and renew the world."


The Pattern

See D. J. A. Clines, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, No. 38 (1976), pp. 487, 488. Clines explains that Gerhard Von Rad initially observed a pattern of sin, mitigation, and punishment. Then Claus Westermann discerned another element, that of divine speech. Though he did not include it in the pattern, Clines does. Thus the following chart:









  1. FALL





  1. CAIN








6:8, 18ff


  1. FLOOD

6:5, 11f

6:7, 13-21

6:8, 18ff


  1. BABEL





Preach the Word, Genesis, Kent Hughes, chapter 1, note 3, p. 625

Hamilton puts it this way:

"God acts and speaks; man rebels; God punishes; God protects and reconciles." P. 201





  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
Are You Calling on the Name of the Lord? | Genesis 6:1-8 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: "Are you calling on the name of the Lord?"

Scripture: Genesis 6:1-8 & 4:26

Gen 4:19-26; 5:1-2

Bottom line: The Way of Seth (and Jesus) is to walk with him. We walk with him by calling on and seeking him by grace through faith each day.





  5. NOTES





My opening prayer: Lord God, help us grow to be and do like Jesus, while abiding in him, and leading others to do the same.


In the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) epic tale, there are two opposing forces at work--the way of Sauron who wants to enslave all of middle earth and the way of freedom that is very generically portrayed as some Providential power of good. This is not unlike many epic tales of good versus evil. This flows from the early pages of Genesis where we see it displayed as the way of Cain (evil) and the way of Seth (good, hope, prophecy).

Genesis 3-5 is not unlike the new Amazon Prime series called the Rings of Power (ROP) which serves as the prequel to the LOTR epic. The ROP sets the stage for the tremendous evil storm coming in and through Sauron which is where the LOTR begins.

Throughout the story (LOTR), the main characters Frodo, Gandalf and Aragorn all seem to have this unified belief that Providence (my word, not Tolkien's) is at work on their behalf (or that they are working on Providence's behalf), though Tolkien works with super subtly to avoid anything close to an allegory.

The true story of Noah and the Ark and the flood (which we'll begin next week) is being set up even now. The tremendous wickedness across the planet at the time of Genesis 6 is unprecedented. And like in the LOTR series, there will be those who seek to rearrange their entire lives around seeking the favor of God, pleasing God, and seeking first his kingdom and his righteousness.

What does it mean to "Call on the name of the Lord?"

I think it's a posture of humility rooted in the conviction that we need God more than air. A conviction that causes us to arrange/rearrange our lives around his priorities.

This is what we see the characters in LOTR do.

This is what I see scripture repeatedly calling us to do.

It's more than praying, though it is praying. It is earnestly seeking his word, his ways, his will and his wisdom with the intention of putting it into practice daily.

It is surrendering your life to the One who saved yours.

Are you calling on the name of the Lord daily?

Are you seeking first his kingdom and his righteousness daily?

Are you finding favor with the Lord daily?

Are you pleasing God by believing that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him?

Are you surrendering all to Him today?


Spiraling from the fall into more and more evil, the Way of Cain is dominating the world stage while they Way of Seth is a mere remnant of people. They don't have much of God's word to live on. They don't have the ways of God spelled out to them. They are in need of lights in the darkness.

But they do have a prophecy. A word from the Lord. (Gen 3:15)

After seeing the Way of Cain summarized in Cain's evil genealogy, it's followed by the Way of Seth and his genealogy. Adam and Eve are still alive and watching this unfold with I can't imagine how much guilt and anguish over what they've done. The only thing keeping them alive and sane is the hope in the few words of God in Genesis 3:15, "And I will put enmity between you (Satan) and the woman, and between your offspring and hers (Jesus); he will crush your head, and you will strike his heal (at the cross)."

At the beginning of Seth's genealogy, as Chris mentioned last week, we see God reminding us of how he created us--in his image. We were created God-like. Nothing in all of creation is more like God than humans.

Now we're in a state of dreadful depravity. We're born sinners who are capable of incredibly evil attitudes, words and actions. And we don't have to look far to see not only the truth of that but that we're heading downhill towards a level of evil equal to that just prior to the Flood. But this reminder--that we're created in his image--is there to remind us and give us hope. Hope that the Way of Seth--the Way of Jesus--can and will deliver many from sin and death, shame and guilt, hell itself.

The whole thing here about the sons of God, daughters of men, and the Nephilim is simply there to show us how bad things had gotten in the world. To show us that things were so bad that God grieved and regretted that he'd created humanity in the first place. As a result, God would wipe out all of creation (except for the ones following the Way of Seth) and re-create the world.


Q. What do I want them to know?

A. 1. The utter wickedness all over the earth; how bad we were and are

  1. The consequences of sin are real bad

  2. The judgment of God on our sinfulness is holy and just

  3. The depravity of humanity is on full display here

  4. It's setting the table for God's flood of judgment...and mercy

Q. Why do I want them to know it?

A. Because it's God's story being written by and through those of us with the humility, faith and courage to live it out. It's a costly journey.

Q. What do I want them to do about it?

A. 1. Call on the name of the Lord (Gen 4:26)

  1. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness (Matt 6:33)

  2. Live to please him by grace through faith (Heb 11:6)

  3. Enjoy the Lord's favor (Gen 6:8)

  4. Follow Jesus (Luke 9:23)

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do I understand the world and epic I'm in?

  2. Do I believe God has called me into this story? His-story? History?

  3. Do you not see the hand of God working in your life to this end? The end of an unlikely hope that will come through humble, courageous, hopeful men and women, boys and girls, who have hope in their Creator's epic story called life?

Q. Why do I want them to do it?

A. Because this is the Pearl of Great Price. This is the Treasure Hidden in a Field. He is worthy of everything in my life. My whole life. Luke 9:23

Q. How can they begin to do this?


  1. Call on the Lrod daily to show you the way.

    1. 4:26 "At that time, people began to call on the name of the Lord."

    2. God is light, life and love. (1 John)

  2. Remember who and whose you are in Christ. If you follow Jesus Christ, like follow him words, ways and works, then you'll remember...

    1. We're a son/daughter of Adam --born sinners in need of a Savior

    2. But, we're also a redeemed, forgiven son/daughter of Jesus Christ (the Way of Seth)

    3. We're created God-like from birth (in his image) (Gen 1:26-28; 5:1)

    4. We're created on purpose for a purpose (Gen 1:26-28; 5:2)

      1. Depraved, yes.

      2. Unredeemable, no!

      3. Unforgivable, no!

      4. Being created in God's image means we're more like God than anything else in the universe! Ex. I can't preach this message to any other creature on earth and move them to act like God calls us to. Only people can be inspired by God's word.

      5. We have to decide:

        1. Do I believe that?

        2. Will I act on that belief?

    5. Don't look to people to be your heroes. They are not your hope. Jesus is your Hero capital H. He calls us to live heroically (sacrificially) for his glory-not ours.

    6. Find favor in God's eyes by walking with God. (Gen 5:21-24; Micah 6:8)


Are you calling on the name of the Lord each day? Are you seeking first...really seeking first...his kingdom and his righteousness? Are you rearranging your life around his priorities and perspective? This is all just pre-k for the rest of eternity. Do you get that?

Examine your life right now. As we soberly remember the price that was paid by Jesus Christ when he died in our place for our sin to free us, he reminds us that he passes the baton to us to share this good news that forgiveness is available to all, though not automatic. If we don't tell them, who will? If we don't live this out, do we really believe it?

Bottom line: The Way of Seth (and Jesus) is to walk with him. We walk with him by calling on and seeking him by grace through faith each day.

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬


How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:

Take out a card or piece of paper right now. Write down the answer to these questions:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.



The Pattern

See D. J. A. Clines, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, No. 38 (1976), pp. 487, 488. Clines explains that Gerhard Von Rad initially observed a pattern of sin, mitigation, and punishment. Then Claus Westermann discerned another element, that of divine speech. Though he did not include it in the pattern, Clines does. Thus the following chart:









  1. FALL





  1. CAIN








6:8, 18ff


  1. FLOOD

6:5, 11f

6:7, 13-21

6:8, 18ff


  1. BABEL





Preach the Word, Genesis, Kent Hughes, chapter 1, note 3, p. 625

Hamilton puts it this way:

"God acts and speaks; man rebels; God punishes; God protects and reconciles." P. 201





  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
What Does 'Raising Cain' & Sibling Rivalry Have in Common? | Genesis 4:1-1

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: "What does 'Raising Cain' & sibling rivalry have in common?"

Scripture: Genesis 4:1-16

Jude 11, Hebrews 11:4, Micah 6:7-8, James 1:14-15, Matt 5:21-26, Matt 18:21-22

Bottom line: The way of Cain leads to sin, death and hell. The way of Able leads to grace, mercy and life.





  5. NOTES





Opening prayer: Lord God, help us grow to be and do like Jesus, while abiding in him, and leading others to do the same.



One of our sons-in-law lives in Charlotte. When he comes to visit, he tries to work in a visit to the chicken finger restaurant called Raisin' Canes. Apparently, they don't have any in Charlotte yet.:-)

Where did the restaurant name "Raisin' Canes" come from?

Raising Cane’s, the popular chicken finger restaurant chain, was named after the founder Todd Graves’ dog, a yellow Labrador named “Raising Cane.” When Graves was starting the restaurant in the mid-1990s, his initial plan to name the place something different was met with the suggestion from a friend to name it after his dog. Graves embraced the idea, and the dog became the namesake and mascot for the chain.

- ChatGPT


Where does the expression come from?

The expression “raising Cain” refers to causing trouble, making a scene, or behaving in a rowdy or disruptive manner. It comes from the biblical story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4, where Cain, the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, kills his brother Abel out of jealousy. Because of this violent act, Cain became associated with sinful or rebellious behavior.

When someone is said to be “raising Cain,” it implies that they are acting in a wild, reckless, or disruptive way, much like the connotations of Cain’s rebelliousness in the Bible. The phrase became popular in the 19th century and has been used colloquially ever since.

- ChatGPT

This is also the origin of sibling rivalry.


Adam and Eve are exiled and banished from the garden of Eden. They are living east of the garden and several generations have passed. Cain and Abel are the only sons of Adam and Eve. They likely continue to have daughters as well as Cain and Abel's sons and daughters. The tribe is growing.

There are two kinds of people in these clans and tribes. Those who follow the way of Cain and those who follow the way of Abel.

Another practice that has developed some is that of offering sacrifices to the Lord. The way Cain and Abel do this becomes a moment of revelation for us even today.


Q. What do I want them to know?

A. There are basically 2 ways to live: the way of Cain and the way of Abel.

Q. Why do I want them to know it?

A. Because we will live one way or the other. There are consequences to following the way of Cain.

Q. What do I want them to do about it?

A. Reject the way of Cain and follow the way of Abel. Follow Abel as he follows the Lord.

Q. Why do I want them to do it?

A. So that you will find the favor and blessing of the Lord in your life.

Q. How can they begin to do this?


  1. Turn from your ways (ways of Cain) to the Lord (ways of Abel) asking for him to show you the way to that hope found only in Jesus Christ.

  2. Tell others how they can also find this hope.


Talk about sibling rivalry? My brother and I are 3.25 years apart (I'm the older). No other siblings either. You might say we had a rivalry going on--especially when no one else was around.

I can specifically recall several times when I thought, "I hate him and I want to kill him!" Now that might sound funny to you because you can relate to that emotion due to your own sibling rivalry. I'm glad you can relate but let me sober you a little. We're all capable of murder. In Matthew 5:21-22, Jesus makes it clear that when we hate someone it's the same in God's eyes as if we murdered them. It's the idea that in our rage we're ready to murder them--we just lack the opportunity to do so without getting caught.

Why do I share this? Because we all naturally go the way of Cain.

God's grace is that we don't have to if we go Abel's way.

Bottom line: The way of Cain leads to sin, death and hell. The way of Able leads to grace, mercy and life.

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:


  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.



The expression “raising Cain” refers to causing trouble, making a scene, or behaving in a rowdy or disruptive manner. It comes from the biblical story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4, where Cain, the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, kills his brother Abel out of jealousy. Because of this violent act, Cain became associated with sinful or rebellious behavior.

When someone is said to be “raising Cain,” it implies that they are acting in a wild, reckless, or disruptive way, much like the connotations of Cain’s rebelliousness in the Bible. The phrase became popular in the 19th century and has been used colloquially ever since.

-ChatGPT 10.06.24

Raising Cane’s, the popular chicken finger restaurant chain, was named after the founder Todd Graves’ dog, a yellow Labrador named “Raising Cane.” When Graves was starting the restaurant in the mid-1990s, his initial plan to name the place something different was met with the suggestion from a friend to name it after his dog. Graves embraced the idea, and the dog became the namesake and mascot for the chain.

There have actually been multiple “Raising Cane” dogs over the years. The first Raising Cane (Cane I) was the original dog the chain was named after, and subsequent Labradors have carried on the name as the brand grew. It’s a fun, personal touch to the restaurant’s identity!

- ChatGPT 10.06.24

The Pattern

See D. J. A. Clines, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, No. 38 (1976), pp. 487, 488. Clines explains that Gerhard Von Rad initially observed a pattern of sin, mitigation, and punishment. Then Claus Westermann discerned another element, that of divine speech. Though he did not include it in the pattern, Clines does. Thus the following chart:









  1. FALL





  1. CAIN








6:8, 18ff


  1. FLOOD

6:5, 11f

6:7, 13-21

6:8, 18ff


  1. BABEL





Preach the Word, Genesis, Kent Hughes, chapter 1, note 3, p. 625

Hamilton puts it this way:

"God acts and speaks; man rebels; God punishes; God protects and reconciles." P. 201





  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
How is There Judgment and Hope? | Genesis 3:15-24 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: "How is there judgment and hope?"

Scripture: Genesis 3:15-24

Romans 5:15-19; Numbers 21:4-9

Bottom line: Even in the face of God's curses and judgment of humanity, there is hope for us in King Jesus.





  5. NOTES






Hurricane Helene wreaked havoc on our state and nation this past week. We want to pause and pray right now for those who are still dealing with that aftermath.

Why do we have hurricanes anyway? And earthquakes, meteorites, tsunamis, floods, droughts, and pandemics?

We have them because of The Fall.


Adam and Eve have been created and married. They are in a blissful garden of existence where they have all that they need and their Creator, the Lord God, spends time walking and talking with them everyday. They have no relational distress with God or each other or creation. They are experiencing perfect peace and joy.

And yet they find themselves capable of being tempted to forget that God is good and doubt his trustworthiness.

They give into the temptation to doubt God's goodness and trustworthiness and disobey God's single, clear command. They fall from grace and we have the first--the original--sin. This sin has far reaching consequences too including Hurricane Helene.


Q. What do I want them to know?

A. Sin has consequences including God's judgment. But it does sometimes come with God's grace too.

Q. Why do I want them to know it?

A. Because we should remember that there's always hope in Christ Jesus.

Q. What do I want them to do about it?

A. Embrace the judgment but lean into the grace and point others to it.

Q. Why do I want them to do it?

A. So we don't despair and give up when we're tempted to.

Q. How can they begin to do this?


  1. Turn from your ways to the Lord asking for him to show you the way to that hope found only in Jesus Christ.

  2. Tell others how they can also find this hope.

NOTE the chiasm here in vv. 11-19:

  • Sin of Adam (9-11)

    • Sin of Eve (12)

      • Sin of Serpent (13)

      • Judgment of Serpent (14-15) But also the hope of his defeat prophesied (protoevangelion = first gospel)

    • Judgment of Eve (16)

  • Judgment of Adam (17-19)

What's at the focal point is: Sin, death and Satan will be defeated by Eve's offspring. Why not Adam's? Because her offspring is Jesus and he was born of a virgin, not of Adam or his seed.`


Bottom line: Even in the face of God's curse and judgment of humanity, there is hope in King Jesus.

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:


  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.



Synonyms for


noun a world free from enmity between nations and races:

HOSTILITY, animosity, antagonism, friction, antipathy, animus, opposition, dissension, rivalry, feud, conflict, discord, contention;

My first question:

I have a question about Adam and Eve in the Bible. I am seminary trained so talk to me as if I have some knowledge about the Bible. My question is why did God remove Adam and Eve from the garden?

"God's removal of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:22-24 is primarily to prevent them from accessing the Tree of Life after their disobedience. After Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they gained the knowledge of good and evil, which was not meant for them. Their newfound awareness brought sin and separation from God into the world.

Genesis 3:22 states, "Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—" God immediately expels them from Eden to prevent them from eating from the Tree of Life and thus living eternally in their fallen state.

So, the expulsion from Eden serves a dual purpose:

1. As a consequence of their disobedience (i.e., sin), they are removed from the place of God's direct presence and blessing.

2. It is also an act of mercy, ensuring they do not live forever in a corrupted state.

In a theological sense, this introduces the concept of death as a limitation, but also as part of God’s redemptive plan, allowing for eventual resurrection and redemption rather than eternal life in a fallen condition." -ChatGPT

My second question: But if Adam and eve stay in the garden and eat from the tree of life and while there repent and believe, would they still live forever in a corrupted state? I seems to me that they would be forgiven?

"That’s an interesting theological question, and you’re right to focus on the dynamic tension between the Tree of Life, repentance, and the consequences of sin.

Here’s the key theological consideration: **repentance and belief** are indeed central to forgiveness in the biblical narrative, but there’s more to the situation in Genesis than just forgiveness. The Garden of Eden is not simply about access to eternal life but also about the state in which that life would be lived.

1. **The Nature of the Tree of Life and Eternal Life**: In Genesis 3:22, God’s concern is not just about forgiveness but about the state in which humanity would live eternally. The Tree of Life represents the ability to live forever, but in the context of the narrative, eternal life in a corrupted state would be a disaster. Imagine living forever with the ongoing effects of sin—physical, emotional, and spiritual decay. Even if Adam and Eve repented and believed, they would still be living in a world now subject to the curse of sin (pain, toil, suffering, and eventual death as outlined in Genesis 3:16-19).

   So the problem isn't just moral guilt but the entire reality of living in a world where sin has entered. God’s removal of them from the garden was not simply about preventing eternal life—it was about preventing eternal life **in a corrupted world**. Repentance alone doesn’t reverse the cosmic consequences of sin. The entire creation needed restoration (Romans 8:20-22).

2. **The Larger Redemptive Plan**: While forgiveness is essential, so is the **plan of redemption** that goes beyond forgiveness to full restoration. For instance, the ultimate goal of the biblical narrative isn’t just the forgiveness of individual sins, but the **renewal of all creation**. This is why Christ’s work includes not just forgiveness but also the promise of **resurrection** and **new creation** (Revelation 21-22). Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of Life after sinning might grant them eternal life, but not in the transformed, glorified state God intends for His people.

3. **Why Death is Necessary**: In God’s redemptive plan, death became a necessary part of undoing the effects of sin. God allowed death to enter the world not merely as punishment but also as part of the plan that ultimately leads to resurrection. Paul speaks of death as the last enemy to be defeated (1 Corinthians 15:26), but through Christ, death becomes the gateway to new life. Had Adam and Eve eaten from the Tree of Life while in their fallen state, they might have bypassed death, but they would have missed out on the full restoration that comes through death and resurrection.

4. **The Typology of Christ and the Tree of Life**: Theologically, Christ is often seen as the fulfillment of the Tree of Life. In the new creation, those who believe in Him will once again have access to the Tree of Life (Revelation 22:14). This shows that eternal life comes not just through forgiveness but through transformation. Christ doesn’t just forgive; He renews all things, including the body and the entire creation. Adam and Eve, even if they had repented and believed in the garden, would still need this fuller redemptive work to be fully restored to God’s ultimate intention for humanity.

In summary, even if Adam and Eve had repented and believed, staying in the garden and eating from the Tree of Life would have meant eternal life in a fallen state. Forgiveness alone would not have solved the problem of the corruption of their nature and the curse on creation. God’s plan required not just forgiveness but the eventual defeat of death and the renewal of all creation, something that could only be achieved through Christ’s redemptive work. The removal from Eden, then, can be seen as a merciful act, preserving them for a future, greater restoration." -ChatGPT

From Wilmington's Bible Handbook:

It's primeval history (universal world history) of the world (universe) made up of 5 stories with the same structure. (1-11)

  • The Fall

  • Cain

  • Sons of God marrying daughters of man

  • The Flood

  • Tower of Babel

  • They all follow this 4-fold pattern:

    • Sin: the sin is described

    • Speech: There is a speech by God announcing the penalty for the sin

    • Grace: God brings grace to the situation to ease the misery due to sin

    • Punishment: God punishes the sin

Patriarchal history (12-50) or the history of Israel's founding fathers. It continues to reveal the many graces of God based on the gracious promise God made to and through Abraham in Genesis 12:3.

Notes from Bible Project Videos

1-11 God and the world

12:3 Hinge verse

12-50 God and Abraham's family

"Blessing" is a key word here

Choice: Tree of knowledge of good and evil

  1. Trust God's definition of good and evil, or

  2. Seize autonomy and define good and evil for themselves?

Serpent (against God) tells a different story. He lies when he tells them that if they eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that they will be like God. Because they already are like God (made in his image).

The Pattern

See D. J. A. Clines, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, No. 38 (1976), pp. 487, 488. Clines explains that Gerhard Von Rad initially observed a pattern of sin, mitigation, and punishment. Then Claus Westermann discerned another element, that of divine speech. Though he did not include it in the pattern, Clines does. Thus the following chart:









  1. FALL





  1. CAIN








6:8, 18ff


  1. FLOOD

6:5, 11f

6:7, 13-21

6:8, 18ff


  1. BABEL





Preach the Word, Genesis, Kent Hughes, chapter 1, note 3, p. 625

Hamilton puts it this way:

"God acts and speaks; man rebels; God punishes; God protects and reconciles." P. 201



  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?


OUTLINE (GENESIS 3:1-24) by H. Willmington

This section describes the corruption of all things.


A. Adam's disobedience (3:1-6)

1. The treachery (3:1-5)

a. Satan begins by casting doubt on God's Word (3:1-3): "Did God really say you must not eat any of the fruit in the garden?"

b. Satan concludes by denying God's Word (3:4-5): "'You won't die!' The serpent hissed...'You will become just like God, knowing everything, both good and evil.'"

2. The tragedy (3:6): Both Eve and Adam disobey God and eat of the forbidden tree.

B. Adam's deceit (3:7-8): He attempts to cover his nakedness by making clothes from fig leaves. He then hides among the trees.

C. Adam's despair (3:9-11): He acknowledges his fear and nakedness before God.

D. Adam's defense (3:12-19): Adam blames Eve, but Eve blames the serpent.

E. Adam's discipline (3:14-19): God sets up his divine court in Eden and imposes the following sentences:

1. Upon the serpent (3:14-15): to be the most cursed of all creatures and to crawl on its belly, eating dust. Also, his head will be crushed by the offspring of the woman.

2. Upon the woman (3:16): to suffer pain in childbirth and to be ruled by her husband.

3. Upon the man (3:17-19): to endure wearisome labor as he grows food from unproductive soil and to eventually die physically.

4. Upon nature (3:18): to be infested with thorns and this-tles.

F. Adam's deliverance (3:15, 20-21)

1. The promise (3:15): Someday a Savior will defeat Satan, the serpent!

2. The provision (3:20-21): After Adam names his wife Eve, God clothes both of them with animal skins.


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
What's Wrong With Our World? | Genesis 3:8-16 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: “What's wrong with our world?"

Scripture: Genesis 3:8-16

Romans 5:15-19

Bottom line: Our world was broken by our sin but will be fully restored by Jesus Christ. Hope follows heartbreak.





  5. NOTES






In his book The Genesis Factor, David Helms says that Genesis answers many of life's questions.

He says or implies that Genesis 3 answers at least 3 questions:

  1. Is God really good? If God is good, why are there boundaries? (God's character)

  2. Can you trust God's word no matter what? (The Bible)

  3. What's the matter with us? (Humanity) What's wrong with the world?

Ask yourself this question: How would I feel if I did something that I knew God told me not to do that infected or cursed each and every one of my children, grandchildren and beyond? How would I feel? What would I do? This is what Adam and Eve had to live with. And did so for nearly a millennium.

When we ask the question, what's wrong with our world, the snarky answer could be, "Adam and Eve screwed it up. Now we're cursed." And that would be true.

But it's time that we realize that we can't pass the buck. We must take responsibility for our own thoughts, behaviors, attitudes and beliefs.

Our world is broken because of sin. Their sin, yes. But our sin too.

But there's hope. And it is found in none other than the Lord Jesus Christ as prophesied in Genesis 3.

There's hope after the heartbreak.

And, as for Adam and Eve, it's because of this hope that I'd like to think that they believed God and repented.

"What's wrong with the world today?"

David Helms writes,

"Put differently, which view makes better sense of the world in which we live —the voice of Genesis, or the voice of Peter Fromm? Is humanity basically good? Or has moral corruption touched us all?

Many years ago a famous correspondence in the London Times wrestled with these very issues. The editors of the newspaper asked individuals to respond to the question, "What is wrong with the world today?" The best letter of all was also the shortest. It read,

Dear Sir,

I am,

Yours faithfully,

G. K. Chesterton

Reader, do you believe that? If asked, "What is wrong with the world," would your response be, "I am?" You see, before you make a judgment on the rest of humanity, you must come to terms with the nature of yourself: Who are you, really?" -David Helms


Adam and Eve have been created and married. They are in a blissful garden of existence where they have all that they need and their Creator, the Lord God, spends time walking and talking with them everyday. They have no relational distress with God or each other or creation. They are experiencing perfect peace and joy.

And yet they find themselves capable of being tempted to forget that God is good and doubt his trustworthiness.


Q. What do I want them to know?

A. Two things:

  1. Our world is broken because of our sin.

  2. Our world has hope because of God's mercy.

Q. Why do I want them to know it?

A. Two reasons:

  1. Because it makes sense of why things are so broken, and

  2. Because it shows we don't have to give in to despair. Hope can follow heartbreak.

Q. What do I want them to do about it?

A. Two things:

  1. Rest in the hope that comes through the woman's offspring (Jesus Christ), and

  2. Share this good news with our broken world where you live, work, learn and play.

Q. Why do I want them to do it?

A. Because this is what you do with good news--you share it!

Q. How can they begin to do this?

A. Several ways:

  1. Train to remain (abide) in Christ daily.

  2. Train to remain in your mission field ready to prayer, care and share his love.

    1. Prayer-Care-Share where we live, work, learn and play:

      1. Pray for your neighbors (where you live, work, learn and play),

      2. Care for them as you become aware of their needs, and

      3. Share with them why you cared for them when the opportunity comes up.

NOTE the chiasm here in vv. 11-19:

  • Sin of Adam (9-11)

    • Sin of Eve (12)

      • Sin of Serpent (13)

      • Judgment of Serpent (14-15)

    • Judgment of Eve (16)

  • Judgment of Adam (17-19)

What's at the focal point is: Sin, death and Satan will be defeated by Eve's offspring. Why not Adam's? Because her offspring is Jesus and he was born of a virgin, not of Adam or his seed.`


Bottom line: Our world was broken by sin but will be fully restored by Jesus Christ. Hope follows heartbreak.

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:


  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.



G.K. Chesterton (1874–1936) was an English writer, philosopher, lay theologian, and literary critic known for his wit, paradoxes, and diverse body of work. He wrote in many genres, including essays, fiction, poetry, and journalism, and was a prominent Christian apologist. Chesterton is perhaps best known for his *Father Brown* detective stories and his book *Orthodoxy*, which defends Christian faith as rational and joyful.

A devout Christian, Chesterton converted to Roman Catholicism in 1922, and his faith heavily influenced much of his later writing. He critiqued secularism, materialism, and modernism, often engaging with prominent thinkers like George Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells in public debates.

His style was marked by humor, irony, and a love for paradox, as he often used apparent contradictions to reveal deeper truths. His works continue to influence Christian thought and apologetics today.

My first question:

I have a question about Adam and Eve in the Bible. I am seminary trained so talk to me as if I have some knowledge about the Bible. My question is why did God remove Adam and Eve from the garden?

"God's removal of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:22-24 is primarily to prevent them from accessing the Tree of Life after their disobedience. After Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they gained the knowledge of good and evil, which was not meant for them. Their newfound awareness brought sin and separation from God into the world.

Genesis 3:22 states, "Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—" God immediately expels them from Eden to prevent them from eating from the Tree of Life and thus living eternally in their fallen state.

So, the expulsion from Eden serves a dual purpose:

1. As a consequence of their disobedience (i.e., sin), they are removed from the place of God's direct presence and blessing.

2. It is also an act of mercy, ensuring they do not live forever in a corrupted state.

In a theological sense, this introduces the concept of death as a limitation, but also as part of God’s redemptive plan, allowing for eventual resurrection and redemption rather than eternal life in a fallen condition." -ChatGPT

My second question: But if Adam and eve stay in the garden and eat from the tree of life and while there repent and believe, would they still live forever in a corrupted state? I seems to me that they would be forgiven?

"That’s an interesting theological question, and you’re right to focus on the dynamic tension between the Tree of Life, repentance, and the consequences of sin.

Here’s the key theological consideration: **repentance and belief** are indeed central to forgiveness in the biblical narrative, but there’s more to the situation in Genesis than just forgiveness. The Garden of Eden is not simply about access to eternal life but also about the state in which that life would be lived.

1. **The Nature of the Tree of Life and Eternal Life**: In Genesis 3:22, God’s concern is not just about forgiveness but about the state in which humanity would live eternally. The Tree of Life represents the ability to live forever, but in the context of the narrative, eternal life in a corrupted state would be a disaster. Imagine living forever with the ongoing effects of sin—physical, emotional, and spiritual decay. Even if Adam and Eve repented and believed, they would still be living in a world now subject to the curse of sin (pain, toil, suffering, and eventual death as outlined in Genesis 3:16-19).

   So the problem isn't just moral guilt but the entire reality of living in a world where sin has entered. God’s removal of them from the garden was not simply about preventing eternal life—it was about preventing eternal life **in a corrupted world**. Repentance alone doesn’t reverse the cosmic consequences of sin. The entire creation needed restoration (Romans 8:20-22).

2. **The Larger Redemptive Plan**: While forgiveness is essential, so is the **plan of redemption** that goes beyond forgiveness to full restoration. For instance, the ultimate goal of the biblical narrative isn’t just the forgiveness of individual sins, but the **renewal of all creation**. This is why Christ’s work includes not just forgiveness but also the promise of **resurrection** and **new creation** (Revelation 21-22). Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of Life after sinning might grant them eternal life, but not in the transformed, glorified state God intends for His people.

3. **Why Death is Necessary**: In God’s redemptive plan, death became a necessary part of undoing the effects of sin. God allowed death to enter the world not merely as punishment but also as part of the plan that ultimately leads to resurrection. Paul speaks of death as the last enemy to be defeated (1 Corinthians 15:26), but through Christ, death becomes the gateway to new life. Had Adam and Eve eaten from the Tree of Life while in their fallen state, they might have bypassed death, but they would have missed out on the full restoration that comes through death and resurrection.

4. **The Typology of Christ and the Tree of Life**: Theologically, Christ is often seen as the fulfillment of the Tree of Life. In the new creation, those who believe in Him will once again have access to the Tree of Life (Revelation 22:14). This shows that eternal life comes not just through forgiveness but through transformation. Christ doesn’t just forgive; He renews all things, including the body and the entire creation. Adam and Eve, even if they had repented and believed in the garden, would still need this fuller redemptive work to be fully restored to God’s ultimate intention for humanity.

In summary, even if Adam and Eve had repented and believed, staying in the garden and eating from the Tree of Life would have meant eternal life in a fallen state. Forgiveness alone would not have solved the problem of the corruption of their nature and the curse on creation. God’s plan required not just forgiveness but the eventual defeat of death and the renewal of all creation, something that could only be achieved through Christ’s redemptive work. The removal from Eden, then, can be seen as a merciful act, preserving them for a future, greater restoration." -ChatGPT

From Wilmington's Bible Handbook:

It's primeval history (universal world history) of the world (universe) made up of 5 stories with the same structure. (1-11)

  • The Fall

  • Cain

  • Sons of God marrying daughters of man

  • The Flood

  • Tower of Babel

  • They all follow this 4-fold pattern:

    • Sin: the sin is described

    • Speech: There is a speech by God announcing the penalty for the sin

    • Grace: God brings grace to the situation to ease the misery due to sin

    • Punishment: God punishes the sin

Patriarchal history (12-50) or the history of Israel's founding fathers. It continues to reveal the many graces of God based on the gracious promise God made to and through Abraham in Genesis 12:3.

Notes from Bible Project Videos

1-11 God and the world

12:3 Hinge verse

12-50 God and Abraham's family

"Blessing" is a key word here

Choice: Tree of knowledge of good and evil

  1. Trust God's definition of good and evil, or

  2. Seize autonomy and define good and evil for themselves?

Serpent (against God) tells a different story. He lies when he tells them that if they eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that they will be like God. Because they already are like God (made in his image).

The Pattern

See D. J. A. Clines, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, No. 38 (1976), pp. 487, 488. Clines explains that Gerhard Von Rad initially observed a pattern of sin, mitigation, and punishment. Then Claus Westermann discerned another element, that of divine speech. Though he did not include it in the pattern, Clines does. Thus the following chart:









  1. FALL





  1. CAIN








6:8, 18ff


  1. FLOOD

6:5, 11f

6:7, 13-21

6:8, 18ff


  1. BABEL





Preach the Word, Genesis, Kent Hughes, chapter 1, note 3, p. 625

Hamilton puts it this way:

"God acts and speaks; man rebels; God punishes; God protects and reconciles." P. 201



  1. Who is God?

    1. God is present with his people. He was in the garden with A & E. He was with Israel when he lived as Jesus of Nazareth. He's with his people today in us as Holy Spirit.

    2. God is omniscient (all knowing/seeing/hearing).

    3. God is holy which means he's just.

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

    1. He walks and talks with his people who know and trust him.

    2. He is fully aware of all that's going on in our world and in our minds.

    3. He punishes his kids when they disobey. He pours out his wrath on those who sin but don't repent and turn back to him.

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

    1. I am his son in the Lord. I get to be with my father and learn from him and be known by him.

    2. I am known by him inside out.

    3. I am forgiven because even though I sinned and deserve God's wrath, he made a way for me to be forgiven. He did this by sending Jesus Christ to die in my place for my sins on the cross. I am forgiven because I believe that. However, if I haven't repented of my sin then I'm not forgiven yet. I am hell bound. I am heading where people who don't want to be with God go.

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

    1. I get to be his son and to enjoy all the benefits of being his son forever.

    2. I get to be known and loved.

    3. I get to live forgiven, beloved and intentionally sharing this good news with others. But if I don't believe, I live in misery doomed to be separated from my Creator forever.

  5. How do I do it?

    1. Rest in my identity as his son and serve others selflessly.

    2. Spend time with God listening and talking.

    3. I believe and receive his forgiveness through Jesus Christ. I readily forgive others by grace through faith.


OUTLINE (GENESIS 3:1-24) by H. Willmington

This section describes the corruption of all things.


A. Adam's disobedience (3:1-6)

1. The treachery (3:1-5)

a. Satan begins by casting doubt on God's Word (3:1-3): "Did God really say you must not eat any of the fruit in the garden?"

b. Satan concludes by denying God's Word (3:4-5): "'You won't die!' The serpent hissed...'You will become just like God, knowing everything, both good and evil.'"

2. The tragedy (3:6): Both Eve and Adam disobey God and eat of the forbidden tree.

B. Adam's deceit (3:7-8): He attempts to cover his nakedness by making clothes from fig leaves. He then hides among the trees.

C. Adam's despair (3:9-11): He acknowledges his fear and nakedness before God.

D. Adam's defense (3:12-19): Adam blames Eve, but Eve blames the serpent.

E. Adam's discipline (3:14-19): God sets up his divine court in Eden and imposes the following sentences:

1. Upon the serpent (3:14-15): to be the most cursed of all creatures and to crawl on its belly, eating dust. Also, his head will be crushed by the offspring of the woman.

2. Upon the woman (3:16): to suffer pain in childbirth and to be ruled by her husband.

3. Upon the man (3:17-19): to endure wearisome labor as he grows food from unproductive soil and to eventually die physically.

4. Upon nature (3:18): to be infested with thorns and this-tles.

F. Adam's deliverance (3:15, 20-21)

1. The promise (3:15): Someday a Savior will defeat Satan, the serpent!

2. The provision (3:20-21): After Adam names his wife Eve, God clothes both of them with animal skins.


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
What's the Matter With Us? | Genesis 3:1-7 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: “What's the matter with us?"

Scripture: Genesis 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1-10

Bottom line: When we forget or doubt that God is good and his word is trustworthy, we will give in to temptation and sin against our Creator.





  5. NOTES






[Holding an apple while I talk]

In his book The Genesis Factor, David Helms says that Genesis answers many of life's questions.

He says or implies that Genesis 3 deals with at least 3 questions:

  1. Is God really good? If God is good, why are there boundaries? (God's character)

  2. Can you trust God's word no matter what? (The Bible)

  3. What's the matter with us? (Humanity)

Who do you trust more than anyone in the world?

Now, imagine that that person is now also the most powerful person in America.They can do anything they want to. They are powerful and you trust them.

Now, imagine you're with them and they say to you, "I have a gift for you." They hand you what looks like a credit card. They tell you this card gives you unlimited access to every source of food in America. Restaurants, grocery stores, food trucks, name it...for free. This card also gives you access to any and every university, professor, expert, library or bookstore in America. Any source of wisdom you seek you have unlimited access to for free. Pretty amazing, huh?

They add that there's also a restaurant where you can find food that increases your health and extends your life. This super-restaurant is always open and you have unlimited access to it as well.

Now, they have one restriction. You cannot eat at the only 5 Star restaurant in town. The one in the middle of town. Let's say you drive by it every day too. This restaurant also has a supercomputer with the best AI on the planet. It has access to all knowledge in our world--good and evil. But if you order from there, if you partake from there, you will die.

So you enjoy the unlimited access you have to food, knowledge and wisdom all over town. But one day you notice the 5 Star restaurant you're restricted from eating at. You notice that the parking lot is full, though. You find yourself walking over. You can see people enjoying their food but not dying. So you walk in and the host welcomes you in. You ask why aren't people dying from the food? He answers, "Oh that's just to keep you from gaining the same power that your friend now has. You won't die if you eat this food or partake of this AI bar."

Forgetting what your trusted friend or family said, you find the host's words more believable the more he talks. You smell the food and see the expressions on everyone's faces. They all look like they're enjoying everything. You look around to see who's looking and then you go in and get a plate...and you eat.

What just happened?

You gave in to the temptation to ignore the one restriction you had from your most trusted person who gave you unlimited access to everything else. And you died.


Adam and Eve have been created and married. They are in a blissful garden of existence where they have all that they need and their Creator, the Lord God, spends time walking and talking with them everyday. They have no relational distress with God or each other or creation. They are experiencing perfect peace and joy.

And yet they find themselves capable of being tempted to forget that God is good and doubt his trustworthiness.


OUTLINE (GENESIS 3:1-24) by H. Willmington

This section describes the corruption of all things. In other words, it answers the question:

What's the matter with us?


A. Adam's disobedience (3:1-6)

1. The treachery (3:1-5)

a. Satan begins by casting doubt on God's Word (3:1-3): "Did God really say you must not eat any of the fruit in the garden?"

b. Satan concludes by denying God's Word (3:4-5): "'You won't die!' The serpent hissed...'You will become just like God, knowing everything, both good and evil.'"

2. The tragedy (3:6): Both Eve and Adam disobey God and eat of the forbidden tree.

B. Adam's deceit (3:7-8): He attempts to cover his nakedness by making clothes from fig leaves. He then hides among the trees.

C. Adam's despair (3:9-11): He acknowledges his fear and nakedness before God.

D. Adam's defense (3:12-19): Adam blames Eve, but Eve blames the serpent.

E. Adam's discipline (3:14-19): God sets up his divine court in Eden and imposes the following sentences:

1. Upon the serpent (3:14-15): to be the most cursed of all creatures and to crawl on its belly, eating dust. Also, his head will be crushed by the offspring of the woman.

2. Upon the woman (3:16): to suffer pain in childbirth and to be ruled by her husband.

3. Upon the man (3:17-19): to endure wearisome labor as he grows food from unproductive soil and to eventually die physically.

4. Upon nature (3:18): to be infested with thorns and this-tles.

F. Adam's deliverance (3:15, 20-21)

1. The promise (3:15): Someday a Savior will defeat Satan, the serpent!

2. The provision (3:20-21): After Adam names his wife Eve, God clothes both of them with animal skins.


Bottom line: When we forget or doubt that God is good and his word is trustworthy, we will give in to temptation and sin against our Creator.

Read Matthew 4:1-10 and see how Jesus resisted temptation. Three times he is tempted and three times he responds with scripture. He remembers that God's word is true and authoritative and that the Father is good.

We must immerse ourselves in scripture with people and on our own getting a good grip on the Bible so that we'll not sin against God.

Ps 119:11 "I've hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." -David

Sinning against God leads to death.

When we die spiritually, it's because we have been infected. We've been infected by a spiritual virus that can only be cured by a blood transfusion that uses Christ's shed blood at the cross. This blood coupled with our belief that it saves is what saves us from sin and death, shame and guilt, and hell itself.

"But God demonstrates his love in this, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8

There's hope even in Genesis 3

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.””

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭3‬:‭15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

How do we respond? Answer 2 questions:


  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.



"Who are we really? Genesis 2 replies:

  • We are divine dust.

  • We are to live under divine rule.

  • We are divinely created for relationship."

- David Helms, p. 59

"What Is God's Mission?

What is God's mission in the world? If we, as Christians, are supposed to love God and obey him, it would certainly help if we knew what he was up to. Fortunately, God has given us the Bible, a book that tells us exactly what he is up to!

If we are going to understand God's mission, the first thing we have to understand is that the Bible is not primarily a storehouse of random facts about God or Israel or the world.

Nor is it primarily a collection of rules. Instead, it is primarily a fascinating and powerful story about God. This story is told in four acts:

1. Creation: The first act is Creation. "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen. 1:1).

God created the world and everything in it, and he called it "very good" (1:31). God loved and enjoyed what he had created!

At the pinnacle of his creation are a man and woman. They were different from the rest of his creation because he created them in his image and likeness

(1:26-28). Unlike the animals, they could be entrusted with managing the world God created (1:28), making families (1:28), and working to enhance the garden

(2:15). Also, unlike the animals, they were moral and spiritual beings who were instructed not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A good way to summarize the uniqueness of human beings is to say that they are spiritual, moral, social, and cultural beings who were supposed to use the totality of their lives to please God. And at the time of creation, they did please God. In fact, everything in the garden was just the way it was supposed to be.

Adam and Eve had a right relationship with God, with each other, and with the rest of the world.

2. The Fall: The second act is the Fall. Just after God created the world, the Bible's story takes a dark turn.

Adam and Eve decided to rebel against their Creator

(3:1-7). Instead of loving him supremely and obeying him completely, they disobeyed him and sought to take his place on the throne of the world and the throne of their lives. They believed the lie of Satan that they could become gods. In response to their sin, God cast them out from the garden of Eden.

Being cast out from the garden of Eden represented the fact that things were no longer the way they were supposed to be. Adam and Eve no longer had a right relationship with God, with each other, or with God's world. Each of us, just like Adam and Eve, has sinned against God. Each of us, like Adam and Eve, experiences broken relationships with God, with oth-ers, and with the world around us. Our lives are characterized not only by God's goodness but by sin and its consequences. Even as we experience the beauty and goodness of life in God's creation, we also experience the ugliness and badness of sin and its consequences.

3. Redemption: The third act is Redemption. Immediately after Adam and Eve sinned, God promised to send a Redeemer, a Savior, to save them from their sins (3:15).

This promise represents our first "peek" at the gospel.

Throughout the Bible, God continues to reveal more and more about who this Redeemer would be until, finally, in the Gospels, we learn that he is Jesus!

Jesus—fully God in all of who he is-came to earth and took on full humanity. He was fully man and fully God. He lived a perfect life, but was crucified at the hands of sinful humans. When he died on the cross, was buried, and rose again, he was making atonement for our sins and providing salvation for the world. On the cross, he took the guilt for our sins upon his shoulders so that he could suffer the condemnation that we should suffer. When he rose from the dead, he rose as a victor, having paid fully for our sins and secured the future salvation of the world."

-Bruce Ashford, I Am Going, pp. 4-5

From Wilmington's Bible Handbook:

It's primeval history (universal world history) of the world (universe) made up of 5 stories with the same structure. (1-11)

  • The Fall

  • Cain

  • Sons of God marrying daughters of man

  • The Flood

  • Tower of Babel

  • They all follow this 4-fold pattern:

    • Sin: the sin is described

    • Speech: There is a speech by God announcing the penalty for the sin

    • Grace: God brings grace to the situation to ease the misery due to sin

    • Punishment: God punishes the sin

Patriarchal history (12-50) or the history of Israel's founding fathers. It continues to reveal the many graces of God based on the gracious promise God made to and through Abraham in Genesis 12:3.

Truths to note

  • God existed and exists eternally

  • God exists in plural unity as the Holy Trinity

  • God was in the beginning

  • God was before anything existed in our universe and the universe itself

  • God created everything that exists in the universe and the universe itself

  • God creates something from nothing Latin ex nihilo

    • An atheist scientist came to God and said, “We’ve figured out how to make a man without you.” God said, “OK, let me see you do it.” So the atheist bent down to the ground and scooped up a handful. But God stopped him and said, “Oh, no you don’t. Get your own dirt!”

  • God creates with words. He spoke creation into existence. His words still have power.

  • God creates purposefully for his glory and our good.

  • God starts with light to display his creation and provide an essential ingredient for life.

  • God only creates things that are good. Together it was all very good and will be again.

  • God is a God of order and moves from chaos to order.

  • Elohim (gods) intensifies God's divine majesty, when used as a noun. When used as a verb, it's singular for there is only one true God.

  • God created all things. "Heavens and earth"

  • God created an "open" universe, not a "closed" one where he never interacts

Notes from Bible Project Videos

1-11 God and the world

12:3 Hinge verse

12-50 God and Abraham's family

"Blessing" is a key word here

Choice: Tree of knowledge of good and evil

  1. Trust God's definition of good and evil, or

  2. Seize autonomy and define good and evil for themselves?

Serpent (against God) tells a different story. He lies when he tells them that if they eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that they will be like God. Because they already are like God (made in his image).

The Pattern

See D. J. A. Clines, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, No. 38 (1976), pp. 487, 488. Clines explains that Gerhard Von Rad initially observed a pattern of sin, mitigation, and punishment. Then Claus Westermann discerned another element, that of divine speech. Though he did not include it in the pattern, Clines does. Thus the following chart:









  1. FALL





  1. CAIN








6:8, 18ff


  1. FLOOD

6:5, 11f

6:7, 13-21

6:8, 18ff


  1. BABEL





Preach the Word, Genesis, Kent Hughes, chapter 1, note 3, p. 625


  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Let’s ask some summary sermon questions:

Q. What do I want them to know?


Q. Why do I want them to know it?


Q. What do I want them to do about it?


Q. Why do I want them to do it?


Q. How can they begin to do this?



OUTLINE (GENESIS 3:1-24) by H. Willmington

This section describes the corruption of all things.


A. Adam's disobedience (3:1-6)

1. The treachery (3:1-5)

a. Satan begins by casting doubt on God's Word (3:1-3): "Did God really say you must not eat any of the fruit in the garden?"

b. Satan concludes by denying God's Word (3:4-5): "'You won't die!' The serpent hissed...'You will become just like God, knowing everything, both good and evil.'"

2. The tragedy (3:6): Both Eve and Adam disobey God and eat of the forbidden tree.

B. Adam's deceit (3:7-8): He attempts to cover his nakedness by making clothes from fig leaves. He then hides among the trees.

C. Adam's despair (3:9-11): He acknowledges his fear and nakedness before God.

D. Adam's defense (3:12-19): Adam blames Eve, but Eve blames the serpent.

E. Adam's discipline (3:14-19): God sets up his divine court in Eden and imposes the following sentences:

1. Upon the serpent (3:14-15): to be the most cursed of all creatures and to crawl on its belly, eating dust. Also, his head will be crushed by the offspring of the woman.

2. Upon the woman (3:16): to suffer pain in childbirth and to be ruled by her husband.

3. Upon the man (3:17-19): to endure wearisome labor as he grows food from unproductive soil and to eventually die physically.

4. Upon nature (3:18): to be infested with thorns and this-tles.

F. Adam's deliverance (3:15, 20-21)

1. The promise (3:15): Someday a Savior will defeat Satan, the serpent!

2. The provision (3:20-21): After Adam names his wife Eve, God clothes both of them with animal skins.


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
Where Did Marriage Come From? | Genesis 2:18-25 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: “Where did marriage come from?"

Scripture: Genesis 2:18-25 NIV

Matthew 19:4-5; Ephesians 5:21-34

Bottom line: Marriage came from God. It was his idea. Marriage is a covenant (not contract) before God between a man and a woman for life.





  5. NOTES






Men, we need help. But we're often the last to believe it. We'll resist help at every turn.

The recent commercial of a couple on their way to a fancy party illustrates my point. He's in a very expensive car, both are dressed to the nines, and he comes to a fork in the road. The GPS says continue on the paved road as the best route and gets them there on time. However, seeing the dirt road fork off to the right, the man says, "I know a short cut" and takes the dirt road.

We need help.

Guys, I'm not picking on you. We're guys! We've got this, right?! I mean it's just a bookcase. We can assemble this. Sure, it's from IKEA and there are instructions but we've got this!

We need help.

I could go on but you get what I'm slinging, right?

Men, let's be honest. There are times, maybe, possibly, ok, yes, there are times when we need help.

I'll go one step further (at great personal risk)...

Men, let's be honest. There are times, maybe, possibly, ok, yes, there are times when we need help...from our wife.

Let's look at Genesis and ask ourselves 2 questions as we do:

  1. God, what are you saying to me today?

  2. God, what do you want me to do about what you're saying to me today?


We're in the second of two creation accounts: one from satellite view (ch. 1) and one from a closer, birds-eye view. (Ch. 2)

In this second (earlier?) view, we zoom in on day 6 where God created man and woman: Adam and Eve. Last week we focused on Adam. Today, we join Adam in seeing God create Eve.

Not only does God create Eve...he creates an amazing covenant relationship called marriage.

Basic Outline:

I. Primeval history (1-11)--God and the world

II. Patriarchal history (12-50)--God and Abraham's family


I. "Not good". (Gen 2:18) "Warning, warning, Will Robinson." (-Robert, Lost in Space)

  • Narrator Moses says God said, "not good for the man to be alone."

  • "We're better together" and "We need each other" -both from Pastor Rick Warren.

    • This is true in your marriage.

    • This is true in your family and extended family.

    • This is true where you live, work, learn and play.

    • This is true in life.

  • God's take is community > isolation (even if you're an introvert, although you may prefer less community than an extrovert and that's ok)

  • God continues...

    • "I will make a suitable (equal, complementary, similar yet different) helper (needed partner for him to obey God's command in 2:15 and 1:26-28)."

      • I = God

        • This is God's decision, not Adam's request. Adam doesn't even see that he needs help yet! (Yes, that's where we get it, guys)

        • This is God's work. He doesn't make mistakes.

        • This is God's gift.

      • Of all the ways that God could have helped the man, woman is how God chose to do it. And she was perfect and exactly what he needed.

      • One more thing. Helper. To our modern ears, "Helper" sounds pathetically demeaning. I would simply point out this: In the Bible, the nation of Israel, God's chosen people, often need a helper. The Bible says that God is their helper. Think about that. God is called Israel's helper. Sounds like good company and rare air. Ladies, do not see Adam's helper as anything but a divine appointment that honors you and blesses him.

      • Paul digs into this in Ephesians 5:21-34.

II. Help needed? The man needs to know and believe he is unable to carry out God's command to rule, work, and take care of the garden alone.

  • So God asks the man to do a very vice-recently thing. To use his God-given authority to name all of the animals.

  • In the process, Adam realizes that

    • He's similar to animals but not an animal like they are.

    • There are male and female versions of these animals.

    • There's only one of him.

  • God summarizes what Adam comes to understand: "But for Adam no suitable helper was found." Now Adam knows and believes he needs help.

  • We hate to ask for help (because we are not convinced that we need it. Often just pride and ego). But Adam has (finally) come to his senses and sees he's in great need.

  • So like any good man with a need and epiphany, he takes a nap. And "deep sleep" means there's no better anesthesia than God putting you to sleep. (I think it's at least worth noting here that scripture never says that man ever came out of his sleep. But I digress)

III. God makes a helper. We're not just talking hamburger helper here...we're talking divinely inspired and divinely created help.

  • Over and over in scripture God is called Israel's helper. The helper of his chose people. So when God calls woman a helper, we're not talking hamburger helper kind of helper. We're talking this man needs God-sized help and only a woman can provide him what he needs.

  • Enter Eve.

  • God games some of Adam's stuff (side, rib, part) and builds Eve from him (instead of from dust). Similar to Adam, he crafts and builds her with great care, skill and then breathes life into her. We ay that because she is like Adam (mostly) (image of God), though there are some very obvious and amazing differences that do not displease Adam at all.

  • Adam exclaims with the first recorded words of a person. And both was he excited!

  • Whoa-man! This time (unlike with the animal naming) this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh (strength and weakness). We are nearly the same. She shall be called isha (wo-man) because she was taken from ish (man).

IV. First wedding and marriage

  • The man leaves his father and mother (allegiance to the family switches) and cleaves (sticks, glues) himself to his wife giving her his earthly allegiance under God for as long as they both shall live. And they lived to over 900 so there's that.

  • They commit/surrender to one another, under God, and enter a biblical covenant relationship consummated intimately, fusing into "one flesh." That is one flesh that isn't dissolved without consequences. i.e. when divorce happens, by design, there are terrible consequences no matter who is at fault. Consequences...

    • In future relationships

    • In sex life

    • In kids lives

    • In extended family life

    • In church life

  • This is why marriage is taken so seriously by God. It's a covenant that shouldn't be broken until death.

  • Marriage's ultimate purpose is to illustrate to the worl dhow our relationship with God should look and work. (Eph 5:21-34)

  • Both naked. Neither ashamed. Why? Because they have no reason to be ashamed. No sin. They're married. Let's go!


Bottom line: Marriage came from God. It was his idea. Marriage is a covenant (not contract) before God between a man and a woman for life.

Applications to consider:

  1. Community > Isolation

    1. We are better together.

    2. We need each other.

    3. Do you believe this? Does your way of life indicate that?

    4. Are you making a real effort to faithfully engage in healthy community with God's perspective in mind?

  2. Do you need help?

    1. Help in general? Reach out

    2. Help from your spouse? Tell them

    3. Help from God? Ask him

  3. Marriage

    1. Marriage is between a male and female, no matter what the culture is saying

    2. Marriage is for life

    3. Marriage was God's idea

    4. Marriage is a covenant (100-100) not a contract (50-50)

    5. Marriage is for God's mission and glory

    6. Marriage is for our good

    7. Divorce shreds the couple leaving scars that impact the rest of their lives their kids' lives

    8. Do you need help with yours?


““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Bottom line:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.



From David Helms, p. 59

"Who are we really? Genesis 2 replies:

  • We are divine dust.

  • We are to live under divine rule.

  • We are divinely created for relationship."

I share this due to the nature of the topic of women doing things men can do in light of the creation of Eve. Plus it's interesting.

Free to the world by Bill Murphy Jr.

We're going to commemorate two milestones from history this weekend, and they both seem a bit entwined even though they were mostly unrelated back when they actually happened:

  • September 8, 1916: Sisters Augusta and Adeline Van Buren arrive in Los Angeles, as they complete a 60-day motorcycle tour across the United States.

  • September 8, 1921: A 16-year-old named Margaret Gorman won the Inter-City Beauty Contest and the Atlantic City Bathing Beauty Contest, which was eventually retconned as the first Miss America.

Let's talk about the Van Buren sisters first. They were actually following in the footsteps of a mother-and-daughter team named Avis and Effie Hotchkiss who had ridden a motorcycle with a sidecar from New York to California the year before.

Still, I remain impressed. Challenges along the way:

  • Lack of roads and easily available gasoline,

  • Lack of navigation tools and maps, and

  • Angry local law enforcement kept arresting them for wearing pants. (Not kidding.)

To put the achievement in perspective, the Van Buren sisters were riding four years before women could vote in the U.S., and three years before a lieutenant colonel (and future president) named Dwight Eisenhower led a famed and epic 81-vehicle convoy from east to west, which took 62 days.

Unencumbered by men and military bureaucracy, I suppose, the Van Buren sisters did it two days faster. Their goal was to demonstrate that women could be counted on to do things like serve as military dispatch riders in the upcoming U.S. entry into World War I, and generally to act like badasses.

(Aside: I learned while reading up on all of this that I'm not the first Bill Murphy to write about the Van Burens' trip. That honor goes to a Michigan writer named William M. Murphy, who wrote a short book about them called Grace and Grit, back in 2021.)

Their adventure is striking to me because five years later—and no offense to anyone involved in pageants, but I've never liked the whole concept—the milestone of the first Miss America contest seems a little out of place.

Details: Gorman was a high school junior in Washington D.C., still only 15, who was apparently "scouted" months before the contest by a pair of Washington Herald reporters trying to find pretty girls to send to Atlantic City.

Come to think of it, assuming these reporters were grown men, the whole idea of “scouting” 15-year-olds sounds more than a little creepy. But, I guess things were different then? Anyway they met Gorman's family in Georgetown and convinced them all to head north so that Gorman could pose in a bathing suit for the contest.

This was an early 20th century bathing suit: "dark, knee-high stockings and a chiffon bathing costume with a tiered skirt that came almost to her knees."

I’m wearing a t-shirt and shorts as I write this, and probably showing more of the ol’ skin than Gorman’s getup did back then.

It's not clear to me what, if anything, Gorman got out of winning the contest besides a trophy.

These days the winner gets $100,000 in scholarships plus a salary for the year (which honestly, I don’t know; still doesn't seem all that much). Gorman said the pageant organizers were cheap and didn't even reimburse her for her expenses years later, when she agreed to attend contests as the winner number-1.

The obituaries that appeared around the time of Gorman's death in 1995 suggest that being crowned Miss America—and then carrying the crown like a burden for the next 70+ years—seemed to sum up her life story.

As for the Van Buren sisters, Adeline went on to law school at New York University, while Augusta became a pilot who was active with a flying group known as the 99s.

Here we are, a century later, and I doubt most readers will have known any of the three women’s names but for this article (or perhaps another one like it).

Of course, the Miss America pageant continues, and a few years ago about 200 women retraced the sisters' ride across the United States together on motorcycles to mark the one century anniversary.

So even if their names aren’t on the tip of everyone’s tongue, their legacies endure.

Frankly, its the juxtaposition of these two events, the trip and the pageant, five years apart but on the same day that stand out to me. I think it's worth it simply to point out their anniversaries in history.

I think I'll let Gorman have the quote of the day, quoting this line from a 1980 interview. I like it because reading it made me question my assumptions once again. Also, because while she was directing it to someone else, it sounds as if she were talking to me:

"Write this down, young man. Life has been extremely, I say extremely, kind."

From Wilmington's Bible Handbook:

It's primeval history (universal world history) of the world (universe) made up of 5 stories with the same structure. (1-11)

  • The Fall

  • Cain

  • Sons of God marrying daughters of man

  • The Flood

  • Tower of Babel

  • They all follow this 4-fold pattern:

    • Sin: the sin is described

    • Speech: There is a speech by God announcing the penalty for the sin

    • Grace: God brings grace to the situation to ease the misery due to sin

    • Punishment: God punishes the sin

Patriarchal history (12-50) or the history of Israel's founding fathers. It continues to reveal the many graces of God based on the gracious promise God made to and through Abraham in Genesis 12:3.

Who wrote Genesis? According the Old and New Testaments, Moses c. 15th century BC. Jesus confirms this, with the exception of Genesis. The religious leaders of Jesus' day credited Moses with writing it (Luke 20:28) and early Jewish writers viewed Moses as the author of all 5 books.

During his years in the Egyptian royal family, Moses could have become a skilled writer and historian as the Egyptians were quite advanced and he'd have had access to top tutors. He was, after all, a prince of Egypt.

Moses would have been an eye-witness and contemporary to all that happened and was recorded in Exodus-Deuteronomy. However, not so for Genesis. So how did he write this?

God gave it all to him.

Passed down orally.

Passed down in writing.

Any of these would make Moses an editor or compiler of ancient history from Adam to his day around after he led Israel out of Egypt in and through the wilderness enroute to the Promise Land.

Abraham c. 2,000 BC

End of Genesis c. 1,800 BC

Exodus c. 1,500 BC (1.440s) after 400 years in Egypt

Truths to note

  • God existed and exists eternally

  • God exists in plural unity as the Holy Trinity

  • God was in the beginning

  • God was before anything existed in our universe and the universe itself

  • God created everything that exists in the universe and the universe itself

  • God creates something from nothing Latin ex nihilo

    • An atheist scientist came to God and said, “We’ve figured out how to make a man without you.” God said, “OK, let me see you do it.” So the atheist bent down to the ground and scooped up a handful. But God stopped him and said, “Oh, no you don’t. Get your own dirt!”

  • God creates with words. He spoke creation into existence. His words still have power.

  • God creates purposefully for his glory and our good.

  • God starts with light to display his creation and provide an essential ingredient for life.

  • God only creates things that are good. Together it was all very good and will be again.

  • God is a God of order and moves from chaos to order.

  • Elohim (gods) intensifies God's divine majesty, when used as a noun. When used as a verb, it's singular for there is only one true God.

  • God created all things. "Heavens and earth"

  • God created an "open" universe, not a "closed" one where he never interacts

Notes from Bible Project Videos

1-11 God and the world

12:3 Hinge verse

12-50 God and Abraham's family

Disorder --> Order

Adam = human

Humanity created to:

  1. Reflect God's character (image)

  2. Represent God's rule (reign)

  3. Harness creation's potential and create beauty and order

"Blessing" is a key word here

Choice: Tree of knowledge of good and evil

  1. Trust God's definition of good and evil, or

  2. Seize autonomy and define good and evil for themselves?

Serpent (against God) tells a different story. He lies when he tells them that if they eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that they will be like God. Because they already are like God (made in his image).

Heavens and earth aka skies and land

Formless and empty aka wild and waste

Deep abyss = dark, chaotic ocean

Days 1-3 God splits apart and forms this disordered waste into 3 ordered realms:

  1. Realm: Time. God splits darkness and light on Day 1.

  2. Realm: Sky & Seas. God splits the waters into water canopy or clouds (or both) and sea on Day 2.

  3. Realm: Land. God brings land out of water and includes vegetation on it on Day 3.

Days 4-6 God

  1. Day 4 brings lights--sun, moon and stars to reflect his light in space.

  2. Day 5 brings creations to fill the sky and sea

  3. Day 6 brings land animals and humanity to fill the land.

First poem in the Bible (1:27) celebrates God's creation where he completed the skies, land and inhabitants. God completes and rests and dwells in this sacred space he treats as a temple. The world or at least the garden of Eden is his temple.

"As America’s “loneliness epidemic” continues to impact Americans nationwide and foster increased social tension, there could be a simple cure: “Make a new friend,” our old friend David French argued in the New York Times. “There is a class divide in the percentage of Americans who can rely on someone to give them a ride to the doctor, lend them a small amount of money in an emergency or offer a place to stay. Another way of putting this is that the Americans who are most vulnerable to losing the informal social safety net of friends and relatives may be the people who need it the most. … The thought that so many millions of our fellow citizens feel as if they don’t belong, as if they can’t call anyone for help or simply lack the pure joy of fellowship with close friends should grieve us all. It should change the way we behave. It should make us be more intentional about reaching out to people. And it should call us to action in our own neighborhoods and communities.”" -morning dispatch

The Pattern

See D. J. A. Clines, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, No. 38 (1976), pp. 487, 488. Clines explains that Gerhard Von Rad initially observed a pattern of sin, mitigation, and punishment. Then Claus Westermann discerned another element, that of divine speech. Though he did not include it in the pattern, Clines does. Thus the following chart:









  1. FALL





  1. CAIN








6:8, 18ff


  1. FLOOD

6:5, 11f

6:7, 13-21

6:8, 18ff


  1. BABEL





Preach the Word, Genesis, Kent Hughes, chapter 1, note 3, p. 625


  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Let’s ask some summary sermon questions:

Q. What do I want them to know?


Q. Why do I want them to know it?


Q. What do I want them to do about it?


Q. Why do I want them to do it?


Q. How can they begin to do this?



Outline for Genesis (Willmington)


A. First day: creation of light (1:3-5): "Then God said, 'Let there be light.'" He then divides the light from the darkness.

B. Second day: creation of space and water (1:6-8): He separates the atmospheric, upper water from the earthly, lower water.

C. Third day: creation of plant life (1:9-13): First he separates the water from the land. The earth then brings forth green grass, plants, trees, and vegetation of every kind.

D. Fourth day: creation of sun, moon, and stars (1:14-19)

E. Fifth day: creation of fish and fowl (1:20-23)

F. Sixth day: creation of land animals and people (1:24-31; 2:7-20)

1. The brute creatures: livestock and all wild beasts (1:24-25)

2. The blessed creature, who is given two things:

a. The image of God (1:26-27)

b. The instructions from God (1:26-31; 2:15-19)

(1) People are to rule over all nature (1:26, 28),

(2) to fill the earth with their own kind (1:28),

(3) to cultivate and care for their beautiful home, the Garden of Eden (2:15),

(4) to eat from any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (2:16-17),

(5) and to provide names for all the other creatures (2:19-20).

G. Seventh day: God rests (2:1-6): His creative work is complete and is pronounced good. God blesses and sets apart the seventh day.


A. The making of Eve (2:20-22): Eve, the first woman, is formed from the flesh and bone of Adam's side.

B. The marriage of Eve (2:23-25): Eve is returned to Adam's side.

"This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is josted so his mare, and the two are united into one." This marks history's first marriage.


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
How Is Humanity to Relate to Our Creator? | Genesis 2:4-17 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: “How Does Humanity Relate to Our Creator?"

Scripture: Genesis 2:4-17 NIV

Matthew 4:4; 19:4-5

Bottom line: Humanity relates to our Creator by finding wisdom and life on his terms instead of ours. Humble surrender.





  5. NOTES






Perhaps the older of the two versions of creation. Certainly the more personal one. We don't just see God as the massive deity who spoke all creation into existence. We see him here as a personally involved, master craftsman. One who gets his hands dirty and blows the paint dry with his own breath.

The Lord God placed Adam in the garden in Eden with two unique trees.

One gives life abundant and eternal and is given to enjoy and partake.

One gives profoundly moral wisdom but is forbidden.

Let's look at Genesis and ask ourselves 2 questions as we do:

  1. God, what are you saying to me today?

  2. God, what do you want me to do about what you're saying to me today?


Perhaps the older of the two versions of creation. Certainly the more personal one. We don't just see God as the massive deity who spoke all creation into existence. We see him here as a personally involved, master craftsman. One who gets his hands dirty and blows the paint dry with his own breath.

The Lord God placed Adam in the garden in Eden with two unique trees.

One gives life abundant and eternal and is given to enjoy and partake.

One gives profoundly moral wisdom but is forbidden.


Who is God?

What has he done?

Who am I?

What do I get to do?


Sovereign Creator

God has created me in his image on purpose for a purpose.

Someone God personally crafted in his image & breathed life into for his glory & creation's good.

Work & tend his garden right where he placed me for the privilege & blessing that it is.

Work for/serve my Lord God as a priestly-servant in this world from a rhythm & posture of rest where he has sovereignly put/placed me.

YHWH or Lord as in personal, relatable God whose authority & rule I am under.

God placed/put me where I am at rest.

A priestly-servant & protector in the Lord God's world.

I do his priestly-servant work in the garden of this world on his behalf & as his image bearer.

I do his priestly-servant work where I live, work, learn & play on his behalf & as his image bearer. I do it by representing people to God & God to people.

Abundant Provider

Placed me at rest in the middle of abundant resources where I live, work, learn & play.

A priestly-servant & protector fully resourced for the Lord God's work where I live, work, learn & play.

Leverage the Lord God's infinite resources to love God & love people by multiplying image bearers for his glory & our good.

Being a bright, salty image-bearer who's out to nurture the garden of this world like a priestly-servant would: with unconditional love.

Sovereign Wisdom

Given us sovereign wisdom in the form of his word. Also, the freedom to rebel against him.

His beloved; A rebellious former servant with a badly corrupted image of God who's forsaken his priestly-servant role in this world by believing a lie that God cannot be trusted.

Repent & believe that God wants me back & has made a way for me to become his shining & salty image-bearer again.

Repent of my sins against my sovereign creator & believe that he's fully trustworthy as seen in his love shown to me through the cross of Jesus Christ.


So the applications are laid out there in this chart. But the specific thing that God is calling you to may not be in that chart. You can still repent and believe that he is fully trustworthy. Repent of your sins against the Lord God today. Today is the day of salvation. Turn from your wicked, doubting ways to Christ Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life. Turn your life over to him today.

Two trees. One that brings life, abundant and eternal. One that brings death when approached on one's own terms.

We either trust God and take him at his word, repeating life, or we go our own way which leads to death. That's the difference between the narrow way and the broad way.

Bottom line: Humanity relates to our Creator by finding wisdom and life on his terms instead of ours. Humble surrender.



““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Bottom line:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.



From Wilmington's Bible Handbook:

It's primeval history (universal world history) of the world (universe) made up of 5 stories with the same structure. (1-11)

  • The Fall

  • Cain

  • Sons of God marrying daughters of man

  • The Flood

  • Tower of Babel

  • They all follow this 4-fold pattern:

    • Sin: the sin is described

    • Speech: There is a speech by God announcing the penalty for the sin

    • Grace: God brings grace to the situation to ease the misery due to sin

    • Punishment: God punishes the sin

Patriarchal history (12-50) or the history of Israel's founding fathers. It continues to reveal the many graces of God based on the gracious promise God made to and through Abraham in Genesis 12:3.


  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Let’s ask some summary sermon questions:

Q. What do I want them to know?


Q. Why do I want them to know it?


Q. What do I want them to do about it?


Q. Why do I want them to do it?


Q. How can they begin to do this?




Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
Why Did God Rest on Day 7? | Genesis 2:1-3 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: “Why did God rest on Day 7?"

Scripture: Genesis 2:1-3 NIV

Hebrews 3:7-4:11

Exodus 20:8-11

Phil 2:12-13

Romans 8:28

Bottom line: God rested on day 7 to establish for us a rhythm and posture of rest that comes by grace through faith in Christ alone.





  5. NOTES






Why did God rest on day 7?

I may not know why but I do know this: He didn't rest because he was tired. God is omnipotent or all powerful. He never needs to sleep or rest. He has infinite energy and power. He has no needs including rest.

Graham's newsletter

When I was very young, I thought I was adopted. 

I was very insecure at that age and jealous of my younger brother's attention from parents and strangers. He had red hair with a freckles and was "so cute" (unlike the skinny kid with glasses and buck teeth). I was convinced I looked nothing like my parents (which was true at the time).But, I was definitely treated like a son. I was treated as a member of the family like everyone else. I had privileges and responsibilities. I got to eat and sleep in doors while doing my part with the chores.

Ultimately, I got over my adoption fears because, even if I had been adopted, I was convinced that I was part of the family. You didn't have to convince me because I was dearly loved, protected and provided for. I was disciplined and educated. I was lavished with gifts and encouragement. I was blessed simply because I was a son in the family.

Said another way, when I realized I was a son in the family, I never tried to earn that position or role. I was a son. I learned (eventually) to rest in who I was. A son of Roe and Ruth. Brother to Kent. A Gabriel through and through. 

In a word, I learned to REST in my identity.

Just typing that out fills my eyes with tears of gratitude to

God. Rest


Let's look at Genesis and ask ourselves 2 questions as we do:

  1. God, what are you saying to me today?

  2. God, what do you want me to do about what you're saying to me today?


Remember our analogy comparing Genesis 1 and 2? Place-mat map Vs. Rand-McNalley Atlas


I. Primeval history (1-11)--God and the world

A. God finished creating (forming and filling) the heavens and the earth. It was very good.

B. God rested or ceased/stopped his creative work on day 7

      1. Not because he was tired

      2. Because he was finished

        1. Very good--no evil, suffering, or death

        2. Complete not lacking anything

      3. To give us an example of how to rest

        1. Through a rhythm

        2. Through a posture

C.  God established the sabbath rest as law for the new nation of Israel. This established rest as a rhythm to be observed.

D. God points to the ultimate sabbath rest by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

      1. Hebrews 3:7-4:11 we see the connection to salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. This established rest as a posture.

        1. From Willmington:

          1. "3:7-19 "Don't let this happen to you." Though God led Israel out of Egypt, their constant rebellion caused him to swear that they "will never enter my place of rest," meaning that the generation that began the journey would not see Canaan (see exposition on Num. 14:10-38 and on Josh. 1:12-18).

          2. We should be careful, and remind each other daily, not to harden our hearts and miss God's eternal Sabbath rest (see exposition on 4:1-11).

          3. 4:1-11 Enter his rest today! God's offer of rest began far before the days of Moses (4:4), and the offer is still good today (4:1, 9-11; see Matt. 11:28). We need only accept it through faith (4:2-3, 9-10). Even the rest achieved by those who entered Canaan under Joshua was only temporary, as seen by the psalmist's reference, years later, to God's rest as something yet to come (see 3:15; 4:3, 8; Ps. 95:6-11). The word rest occurs repeatedly throughout 3:11-4:11:

            1. Lack of faith kept Israel from God's rest (3:11, 18; 4:11).

            2. Lack of faith will keep Christians from God's rest (4:1).

            3. Faith will give us God's rest, which involves our "finding rest" from our "labors," by which we may have tried to earn salvation (4:9-10).

II. Patriarchal history (12-50)--God and Abraham's family


Graham's newsletter (missionaries to East Asia we've been supporting for many years)

"Prayer & Update for our family:

In our last newsletter, I mentioned being in the clinical training portion of my counseling degree program. I have been working as a student/intern counselor in a clinical practice since January and will continue through August.

In all sincerity, these past five months have probably been the busiest our family ever has been, with hardly any margin whatsoever.

We knew this season was going to be a tough one. The clinical experience l am gaining has been incredible and invaluable. But it feels like every minute of every day is spoken for and allocated for a specific purpose. I'm behind in almost every area of life.

Living this way has made me treasure the Sabbath each week. As best we can, we do a little straightening late Saturday afternoon to help give the house a sabbath rest. I give my computer a sabbath rest by shutting it down (all the way down) around dusk on Saturday. When I pray for the kids that evening we express thankfulness that we can rest and don't have to work or go to school on Sunday. We ourselves try to cease from the striving, performing, accomplishing (and hurrying) that characterize the other six days of the week.

Some weeks have not been pretty, but we're making it one step forward at a time... and now that June is here, this harried season will come to a close in just a few more months. It doesn't mean we're out of the woods quite yet, but hopefully we'll be through the hardest part of the journey. All this hard work means l've been able to stay on track to graduate May 2025, less than a year away!"

Bottom line: God rested on day 7 to establish for us rest as a rhythm and a posture. These both come when we trust and follow the Lord in all of life.


  1. Rest as a rhythm.

  2. Rest as a posture.


““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.””

-Jesus in Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬-‭30‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Bottom line:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.



From Wilmington's Bible Handbook:

"What does 1:1 Say to those who interpret reality apart from a personal, infinite God?

• To the atheist it says that Creation was the work of God.

• To the polytheist it says there is only one God.

• To the pantheist it says that God is apart from and independent of his creation.

• To the evolutionist it says that the universe was created and did not evolve.

• To the materialist it says that matter is not eternal but was itself created.

• To the existentialist it says creation has a purpose." P. 4

It's primeval history (universal world history) of the world (universe) made up of 5 stories with the same structure. (1-11)

  • The Fall

  • Cain

  • Sons of God marrying daughters of man

  • The Flood

  • Tower of Babel

  • They all follow this 4-fold pattern:

    • Sin: the sin is described

    • Speech: There is a speech by God announcing the penalty for the sin

    • Grace: God brings grace to the situation to ease the misery due to sin

    • Punishment: God punishes the sin

Patriarchal history (12-50) or the history of Israel's founding fathers. It continues to reveal the many graces of God based on the gracious promise God made to and through Abraham in Genesis 12:3.

"There's only one way fallen humanity can be saved--the Genesis way--by faith. There has never been another way." -Hughes

Who wrote Genesis? According the Old and New Testaments, Moses c. 15th century BC. Jesus confirms this, with the exception of Genesis. The religious leaders of Jesus' day credited Moses with writing it (Luke 20:28) and early Jewish writers viewed Moses as the author of all 5 books.

During his years in the Egyptian royal family, Moses could have become a skilled writer and historian as the Egyptians were quite advanced and he'd have had access to top tutors. He was, after all, a prince of Egypt.

Moses would have been an eye-witness and contemporary to all that happened and was recorded in Exodus-Deuteronomy. However, not so for Genesis. So how did he write this?

God gave it all to him.

Passed down orally.

Passed down in writing.

Any of these would make Moses an editor or compiler of ancient history from Adam to his day around after he led Israel out of Egypt in and through the wilderness enroute to the Promise Land.

Abraham c. 2,000 BC

End of Genesis c. 1,800 BC

Exodus c. 1,500 BC (1.440s) after 400 years in Egypt

Truths to note

  • God existed and exists eternally

  • God exists in plural unity as the Holy Trinity

  • God was in the beginning

  • God was before anything existed in our universe and the universe itself

  • God created everything that exists in the universe and the universe itself

  • God creates something from nothing Latin ex nihilo

    • An atheist scientist came to God and said, “We’ve figured out how to make a man without you.” God said, “OK, let me see you do it.” So the atheist bent down to the ground and scooped up a handful. But God stopped him and said, “Oh, no you don’t. Get your own dirt!”

  • God creates with words. He spoke creation into existence. His words still have power.

  • God creates purposefully for his glory and our good.

  • God starts with light to display his creation and provide an essential ingredient for life.

  • God only creates things that are good. Together it was all very good and will be again.

  • God is a God of order and moves from chaos to order.

  • Elohim (gods) intensifies God's divine majesty, when used as a noun. When used as a verb, it's singular for there is only one true God.

  • God created all things. "Heavens and earth"

  • God created an "open" universe, not a "closed" one where he never interacts

Notes from Bible Project Videos

1-11 God and the world

12:3 Hinge verse

12-50 God and Abraham's family

Disorder --> Order

Adam = human

Humanity created to:

  1. Reflect God's character (image)

  2. Represent God's rule (reign)

  3. Harness creation's potential and create beauty and order

"Blessing" is a key word here

Choice: Tree of knowledge of good and evil

  1. Trust God's definition of good and evil, or

  2. Seize autonomy and define good and evil for themselves?

Serpent (against God) tells a different story. He lies when he tells them that if they eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that they will be like God. Because they already are like God (made in his image).

Heavens and earth aka skies and land

Formless and empty aka wild and waste

Deep abyss = dark, chaotic ocean

Days 1-3 God splits apart and forms this disordered waste into 3 ordered realms:

  1. Realm: Time. God splits darkness and light on Day 1.

  2. Realm: Sky & Seas. God splits the waters into water canopy or clouds (or both) and sea on Day 2.

  3. Realm: Land. God brings land out of water and includes vegetation on it on Day 3.

Days 4-6 God

  1. Day 4 brings lights--sun, moon and stars to reflect his light in space.

  2. Day 5 brings creations to fill the sky and sea

  3. Day 6 brings land animals and humanity to fill the land.

First poem in the Bible (1:27) celebrates God's creation where he completed the skies, land and inhabitants. God completes and rests and dwells in this sacred space he treats as a temple. The world or at least the garden of Eden is his temple.

Notes from Bethencourt

Outline for Genesis 1-2:3

Main idea: "God establishes his kingdom by speaking the universe into existence. He designs creation to reflect his glory and goodness as humanity takes leadership over it."

Some of his introductory thoughts...

  • Main character of Genesis and the Bible is God himself.

    • It reveals his goodness and his glorious purpose and person.

    • The goodness of God includes both the physical and the spiritual.

  • Genesis demonstrates God's authority over creation.

  • Genesis demonstrates God's creativity in creation too.

  • Age of the earth approaches can be diverse without Christians breaking fellowship over. That said, 3 non-negotiables are central to Christian doctrine of creation:

    • 1- "Sound doctrine must recognize the VIRGIN BIRTH of creation, acknowledging that God creates ex nihilism. Before he speaks the universe into being, there is nothing in existence other than God."

    • 2- "Such a doctrine must affirm the VIRTUOUS BIRTH of creation, that is, the goodness of all creation before the fall. Genesis 1 repeatedly declares that what God makes is 'good.'"

    • 3- "Sound doctrine must affirm the VERIFIED 'BIRTH' of a historical, literal Adam. As Jesus affirms in the Gospels, there is one man, created by God, from whom the entire human race descends (see Acts 17:26 where Paul makes this statement to the Athenians)."

  • Moses is the writer and editor while God is the author.

  • Moses gives us a summary overview of how it all came to being.

  • "Most 'creation' narratives from the ancient Near East assumed the universe itself had always existed." In fact, until relatively recently, our own scientists believed this until they discovered the "Big Bang" based on infrared light readings and such.

Outline for Genesis 1-2:3 (Bethancourt)

Main idea: "God establishes his kingdom by speaking the universe into existence. He designs creation to reflect his glory and goodness as humanity takes leadership over it."

IV. God FINISHES the Created Kingdom (2:1-3)

A. God finishes with his own rest.

B. The climax of the creation story is rest.

C. Creation is completed and lacks nothing. God accomplishes what he sets out to do.

D. Rest

      1. God celebrates his completion of creation by resting in it, blessing it, and declaring it holy. It is his temple.

      2. After the Fall, Jesus rebuilds the temple through his death, burial and resurrection ultimately restoring all things in the new heavens and the new earth.

      3. Genesis 2 beings by declaring creation completed. In other words, God looks at his creation and says, "It is finished."

      4. Jesus echoes these words on the cross just before he dies.

E. The Sabbath (though the word doesn't appear in Genesis 1 or 2) establishes a pattern

      1. The sabbath (meaning cease or stop) is CREATED as God rests on the 7th day

      2. CORRUPTED by sin in our human rebellion

      3. COMMANDED for Israel as part of the law to observe weekly

      4. CONFIRMED in Jesus' life as he honors it as the Lord of the sabbath

      5. COMPLETED in Jesus' resurrection as he, per Heb 4, becomes our sabbath rest

      6. CONVERTED in the early church as Christians move it to Sunday as a nod to the resurrection and to distinguish themselves from Judaism

      7. CULMINATED in the new creation as we experience eternal sabbath rest in Jesus Christ

See D. J. A. Clines, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, No. 38 (1976), pp. 487, 488. Clines explains that Gerhard Von Rad initially observed a pattern of sin, mitigation, and punishment. Then Claus Westermann discerned another element, that of divine speech. Though he did not include it in the pattern, Clines does. Thus the following chart:









  1. FALL





  1. CAIN








6:8, 18ff


  1. FLOOD

6:5, 11f

6:7, 13-21

6:8, 18ff


  1. BABEL





Preach the Word, Genesis, Kent Hughes, chapter 1, note 3, p. 625


  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Let’s ask some summary sermon questions:

Q. What do I want them to know?


Q. Why do I want them to know it?


Q. What do I want them to do about it?


Q. Why do I want them to do it?


Q. How can they begin to do this?




Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
How Did the Universe Begin? Part 2 | Genesis 1:3-31 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: “How did the universe begin?" Part 2

Scripture: Genesis 1:3-31 NIV

Bottom line: "God established his kingdom by speaking the universe into existence. He designs creation to reflect his glory and goodness as humanity takes leadership over it." -Bethancourt.

"Genesis 1 is doing way more than telling us how everything was made. Genesis 1 is designed to show us that God's purpose is to share creation with his images o so they can rest and rule it with him forever. And that purpose is what the rest of the Biblical drama is all about." -Tim Macke, The Bible Project





  5. NOTES






Lego Table

I was riding through my in-laws neighborhood and I felt a nudge to turn and go out a different way than usual. Now, I have a confession. I am a bit of a dumpster diver. I like to find treasures on the side of the road. And it was a Saturday. The day when people clean out their garage and put things on the side of the road. So I'm driving along looking for treasure and get that nudge to turn and go a different way. I felt a distinct impression that God was nudging me. So I turned, not that I always do. I often ignore those nudges, unfortunately. You never know what's on the other end and it's often not convenient. So I'm driving and I see Lego green in the side of the road. I have four grandkids and we love Legos and I had been talking to Anita about getting a Lego table. I'd decided that they were too big and too expensive. So what do I find on the side of the road? I small, free Lego table. It's used, and has some scrapes, sure. But it's study and complete.

I share this to remind us that God is always speaking. Not just when we sit for a sermon or read the Bible. He is always speaking. "The heavens declare the glory of God." (Psalm 19) Are we listening? And, when we hear, are we obeying? This is what we're about at Grace. Hearing from God and doing what he says. We show our love for God when we obey his commands (and respond to his nudges in faith).

Let's look at Genesis and ask ourselves 2 questions as we do:

  1. God, what are you saying to me today?

  2. God, what do you want me to do about what you're saying to me today?


Last week we began with God forming the universe from nothing. God is the main character and point of creation. He creates for his glory and our good. He first began forming our universe by inserting his presence and perspective. Today we'll see how he framed creation, filled creation and then next week how he finished creating.

Genesis (beginning) is a book of beginnings.

It's primeval history (universal world history) of the world (universe) made up of 5 stories with the same structure. (1-11)

  • The Fall

  • Cain

  • Sons of God marrying daughters of man

  • The Flood

  • Tower of Babel

  • They all follow this 4-fold pattern/cycle:

    • Sin: the sin is described

    • Speech: There is a speech by God announcing the penalty for the sin

    • Grace: God brings grace to the situation to ease the misery due to sin

    • Punishment: God punishes the sin

Patriarchal history (12-50) or the history of Israel's founding fathers. It continues to reveal the many graces of God based on the gracious promise God made to and through Abraham in Genesis 12:3.

"There's only one way fallen humanity can be saved--the Genesis way--by faith. There has never been another way." -Hughes

Who wrote Genesis? According the Old and New Testaments, by and large it was written down by Moses with help from oral and written sources protected and provided by the Spirit of God c. 15th century BC. Jesus confirms this.


I. Primeval history (1-11)--God and the world

II. Patriarchal history (12-50)--God and Abraham's family

Outline & notes for (based largely on Bethancourt)

Main idea: "God establishes his kingdom by speaking the universe into existence. He designs creation to reflect his glory and goodness as humanity takes leadership over it."

Some of his introductory thoughts...

  • Main character of Genesis and the Bible is God himself.

    • It reveals his goodness and his glorious purpose and person.

    • The goodness of God includes both the physical and the spiritual.

  • Genesis demonstrates God's authority over creation.

  • Genesis demonstrates God's creativity in creation too.

  • Age of the earth approaches can be diverse without Christians breaking fellowship over. That said, 3 non-negotiables are central to Christian doctrine of creation:

    • 1- "Sound doctrine must recognize the VIRGIN BIRTH of creation, acknowledging that God creates ex nihilio. Before he speaks the universe into being, there is nothing in existence other than God."

    • 2- "Such a doctrine must affirm the VIRTUOUS BIRTH of creation, that is, the goodness of all creation before the fall. Genesis 1 repeatedly declares that what God makes is 'good.'" (7X)

    • 3- "Sound doctrine must affirm the VERIFIED 'BIRTH' of a historical, literal Adam. As Jesus affirms in the Gospels, there is one man, created by God, from whom the entire human race descends (see Acts 17:26 where Paul makes this statement to the Athenians)."

  • Moses is the writer and editor while God is the author.

  • Moses gives us a summary overview of how it all came to existence.

  • "Most 'creation' narratives from the ancient Near East assumed the universe itself had always existed." In fact, until relatively recently, our own scientists believed this until they discovered the "Big Bang" based on infrared light readings and such. now most acknowledge that the universe is expanding from a point in time when it began (somehow).

I. God FORMS the Created Kingdom (1:1-2)

  • Not sage or myth like other Near Eastern versions of creation. It is history.

  • It "reveals that God forms the created kingdom with his purpose and his presence."

  • "In the beginning" often causes us to wonder how long ago. But it is there to remind us that God was actually there and active 'in the beginning.'"

  • How should we think about Genesis and the age of the earth? Several points should be emphasized consenting the age of the earth:

    • "First, God is the Creator, and the creation exists solely because of the creative work God began 'in the beginning.'"

    • "Second, the Bible offers no precise timelines concerning the age of the earth...Genesis clearly affirms that everything that exists only does so because of God's creative act."

    • "Third, any interpretation of Genesis that rejects God's role as the Creator, or Adam and Eve as literal, historical human beings, is in conflict with the Bible's teaching."

    • "Finally, ...Christians may reach different conclusions about the earth's age while still enjoying fellowship."

  • Genesis 1:2 speaks of the "Spirit of God" hovering over the waters.

  • The Spirit brings order out of chaos (here and throughout the Bible).

    • "When Gabriel tells Mary that the Spirit of the Lord will overshadow her" this is another time when he brings order into our universe. He launches a "new creation" through Jesus at that time.

    • When Jesus is baptized, the Spirit descends on him like a dove while in the waters.

    • The Spirit raises Jesus from the dead, bringing him back to life.

  • "After God forms the created kingdom, he frames it with light, with limits, and with land." P. 9

II. God FRAMES the Created Kingdom (1:3-13)

A. The first day of--"God frames the kingdom with light."

      1. God's words bring something from nothing. We see this throughout the 6 days of creation.

      2. God creates light on day 1 separating it from darkness and giving the names day and night.

      3. Interestingly, he hasn't created sun, moon and stars yet so this seems premature. But God is making a point here. He's saying that he's the source of light and doesn't even need the stars to light our universe.

      4. This powerfully spoke to the other nations who worshipped the sun, moon, and stars in Moses' day (and ours) showing that God is sovereign over all light.

      5. This theme of the kingdoms of light and darkness carries over throughout scripture.

B. The second day of creation--"God frames the kingdom with limits."

      1. Theme of water is introduced. We take water for granted with our endless supply of clean water. They saw water as

        1. A blessing--drinkable, washing, watering fields

        2. A danger--floods that drown people, famine caused by flooded fields, sea monsters, storms at sea, dying of thirst

        3. God separates waters from the sky.

        4. New creation, new heaven, new earth--river of endless, life-giving water (Rev 22:1)

C. The third day of creation--"God frames the kingdom with land."

      1. God divides the land from the waters he just divided from the sky. This created earth/land, seas and vegetation.

      2. 2 sources of fear in ancient culture: sea and land:

        1. "Anxiety about the sea was related to protection."

        2. "Anxiety about the land was related to provision."

      3. God's role in creating the seas reshapes our understanding of baptism too:

        1. New believers are baptized when they are plunged into the waters representing judgment (watery grave; wages of sin is death)

        2. And brought through and out of that watery grave raised to walk a new life with him--as a symbol of God's victory of sin and death.

        3. Vegetation holds a privileged place throughout the scriptures

          1. The garden of Eden was full of trees

          2. Noah's ark

          3. Moses' staff

          4. Ark of the Covenant

          5. The coming Messiah

            1. A root

            2. A branch

            3. A stump

            4. A shoot

            5. A vine

            6. A cross

III. God FILLS the Created Kingdom (1:14-31)

A. The fourth day of creation--God fills the kingdom with life.

      1. God creates vegetation on the third day before creating the sun to once again show that he alone is the giver and sustainer of life. This would speak to the nations who had fertility cults/idols/gods.

      2. "The creation story was intended to shatter the allure of the false gods of Israel, and it should do the same for us today."

B. The fifth day of creation

      1. God doesn't actually need 6 days to create the universe. God is using a process to show the glory of his creation.

      2. Creation is more than a place for animals and humanity to live. It's his temple! Where God lives with his creation where Eden was the holy of holies. God creates the universe and then fills it with his presence.

C. The sixth day of --capstone of creation

      1. God declares all of his creation good (1:25). And that's before he creates humanity. Creation with humanity is "very good."

      2. Humanity becomes his capstone as the creates them in the image of God. Trinitarian overtones:

        1. We see the unity or oneness of God "he" "his"

        2. We see the unity and community of God "us" "our"

      3. IDENTITY: "Being sinners is a secondary truth. Being created in the image of God is a primary truth." -Deb Hirsch; Find the imago dei and let God deal with the sin.

      4. ILLUSTRATION: When we look at an ultrasound, we're always looking to see which parent the child looks like. It's innate. And as humanity, we also look like our Creator. Each of us, in a sense, looks like our Heavenly Father.

      5. In contrast to the animals, we're designed to reflect who God is and what he's like.

      6. Paul calls Jesus the "image of the invisible God." (Colossians 1:15-17)

      7. "Jesus is both the architect and the blueprint for what it means to be made in the image of God."

      8. Not only are we to image our creator, we're to rule, subdue, be fruitful and multiply, and to lead over all creation on God's behalf.

      9. Adam and Eve reject this in disobeying God's command.

IV. God FINISHES the Created Kingdom (2:1-3)

A. God finishes with his own rest.

B. The climax of the creation story is rest.

C. Creation is completed and lacks nothing. God accomplishes what he sets out to do. And yet day 7 continues.

D. Rest

      1. God celebrates his completion of creation by resting in it, blessing it, and declaring it holy. It is his temple.

      2. After the Fall, Jesus rebuilds the temple through his death, burial and resurrection ultimately restoring all things in the new heavens and the new earth.

      3. Genesis 2 beings by declaring creation completed. In other words, God looks at his creation and says, "It is finished."


Bottom line: God established his kingdom by speaking the universe into existence. God designed creation to reflect his glory and goodness while humanity takes on leadership over creation on his behalf.

Remember the Lego table. Are you listening to God speak? What is he saying to you?

Do you love God? Do you realize that we express and prove our love and trust for him when we obey? And we show our distrust of him when we delay obedience, obey partially or disobey?


““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Bottom line:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.




Hebrews 3:15-4:11

Graham's newsletter about rest.

Truths to note

  • God existed and exists eternally

  • God exists in plural unity as the Holy Trinity

  • God was in the beginning

  • God was before anything existed in our universe and the universe itself

  • God created everything that exists in the universe and the universe itself

  • God creates something from nothing Latin ex nihilo

    • An atheist scientist came to God and said, “We’ve figured out how to make a man without you.” God said, “OK, let me see you do it.” So the atheist bent down to the ground and scooped up a handful. But God stopped him and said, “Oh, no you don’t. Get your own dirt!”

  • God creates with words. He spoke creation into existence. His words still have power.

  • God creates purposefully for his glory and our good.

  • God starts with light to display his creation and provide an essential ingredient for life.

  • God only creates things that are good. Together it was all very good and will be again.

  • God is a God of order and moves from chaos to order.

  • Elohim (gods) intensifies God's divine majesty, when used as a noun. When used as a verb, it's singular for there is only one true God.

  • God created all things. "Heavens and earth"

  • God created an "open" universe, not a "closed" one where he never interacts

Notes from Bible Project Videos

1-11 God and the world

12:3 Hinge verse

12-50 God and Abraham's family

Disorder --> Order

Adam = human

Humanity created to:

  1. Reflect God's character (image)

  2. Represent God's rule (reign)

  3. Harness creation's potential and create beauty and order

"Blessing" is a key word here

Heavens and earth aka skies and land

Formless and empty aka wild and waste

Deep abyss = dark, chaotic ocean

Days 1-3 God splits apart and forms this disordered waste into 3 ordered realms:

  1. Realm: Time. God splits darkness and light on Day 1.

  2. Realm: Sky & Seas. God splits the waters into water canopy or clouds (or both) and sea on Day 2.

  3. Realm: Land. God brings land out of water and includes vegetation on it on Day 3.

Days 4-6 God

  1. Day 4 brings lights--sun, moon and stars to reflect his light in space.

  2. Day 5 brings creations to fill the sky and sea

  3. Day 6 brings land animals and humanity to fill the land.

First poem in the Bible (1:27) celebrates God's creation where he completed the skies, land and inhabitants. God completes and rests and dwells in this sacred space he treats as a temple. The world or at least the garden of Eden is his temple.

Notes from Bethencourt

Outline for Genesis 1-2:3

Main idea: "God establishes his kingdom by speaking the universe into existence. He designs creation to reflect his glory and goodness as humanity takes leadership over it."

Some of his introductory thoughts...

  • Main character of Genesis and the Bible is God himself.

    • It reveals his goodness and his glorious purpose and person.

    • The goodness of God includes both the physical and the spiritual.

  • Genesis demonstrates God's authority over creation.

  • Genesis demonstrates God's creativity in creation too.

  • Age of the earth approaches can be diverse without Christians breaking fellowship over. That said, 3 non-negotiables are central to Christian doctrine of creation:

    • 1- "Sound doctrine must recognize the VIRGIN BIRTH of creation, acknowledging that God creates ex nihilism. Before he speaks the universe into being, there is nothing in existence other than God."

    • 2- "Such a doctrine must affirm the VIRTUOUS BIRTH of creation, that is, the goodness of all creation before the fall. Genesis 1 repeatedly declares that what God makes is 'good.'"

    • 3- "Sound doctrine must affirm the VERIFIED 'BIRTH' of a historical, literal Adam. As Jesus affirms in the Gospels, there is one man, created by God, from whom the entire human race descends (see Acts 17:26 where Paul makes this statement to the Athenians)."

  • Moses is the writer and editor while God is the author.

  • Moses gives us a summary overview of how it all came to being.

  • "Most 'creation' narratives from the ancient Near East assumed the universe itself had always existed." In fact, until relatively recently, our own scientists believed this until they discovered the "Big Bang" based on infrared light readings and such.

See D. J. A. Clines, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, No. 38 (1976), pp. 487, 488. Clines explains that Gerhard Von Rad initially observed a pattern of sin, mitigation, and punishment. Then Claus Westermann discerned another element, that of divine speech. Though he did not include it in the pattern, Clines does. Thus the following chart:









  1. FALL





  1. CAIN








6:8, 18ff


  1. FLOOD

6:5, 11f

6:7, 13-21

6:8, 18ff


  1. BABEL





Preach the Word, Genesis, Kent Hughes, chapter 1, note 3, p. 625


  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?


See above


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Retell the story in your own words.

  3. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  4. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  5. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  6. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


“Genesis,” by R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in Genesis, by Bethancourt

The Genesis Record, by Henry Morris

The Genesis Factor, by David Helms & Jon Dennis

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

The Bible Project

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Read More
How Did the Universe Begin? | Genesis 1:1-2 | Darien Gabriel

Series: Chaos to Covenant

Title: “How did the universe begin?"

Scripture: Genesis 1:1-2 NIV Father and Spirit created

Hebrews 11:3 created out of nothing

Romans 5:20 where sin increased, grace increased all the more

2 Timothy 2:13 if we're faithless, he is faithful

John 1:1-14 Father and Son created

Colossians 1:15-17 Son of God created

Hebrews 1:1-3 Son of God created

Acts 2:36-39 (Invitation)

Bottom line: The universe begins with God speaking it into existence from nothing.





  5. NOTES







I vividly recall taking family vacations. My father was a schoolteacher, and summertime meant extended driving trips.

We began at home in Chicago and drove to South Dakota and Mount Rushmore — across to Cheyenne- up to Yellowstone - down through the Rockies — and into Silverton, where we would camp for an extended time.

In the months leading up to those trips, Dad would always post a large map of the United States on our refrigerator door.

This map contained the grand view of the entire journey. For on it, with indelible ink, Dad would trace our path. However, he never traced it out all at once. You see, all seven of us kids would set aside money from our newspaper routes in an effort to help pay for the gasoline for the trip. So, as the funds for gas accumulated, the indelible ink indicating how far we could go extended across the map. It was always a great day when the ink made its way back to the beginning, because we knew then that we had collected enough money to pay for the entire trip.

A funny thing, though: We never brought this map on the trip. The "grand view map" was too general. For the actual trip we needed a more detailed map, so we took along our Rand McNally Road Atlas, complete with all fifty states! I loved that map because it contained inset maps of large cities and all kinds of information the refrigerator map didn't have.

The creation account in Genesis 1, like the map on my family's refrigerator, is the grand view in which mankind is seen as the pinnacle, but only within the context of all of creation.

Chapter 2, on the other hand, is like one page of the Rand McNally map, which shows in full detail what the pinnacle (mankind) is really like.

In one breath, chapter 1 spoke of the creation of man in the image of God as male and female. Now, however, beginning in

2:4, the writer focuses our attention specifically on humankind.

He wants us to camp here for an extended time.

This is exciting, because chapter 2 deals directly with one of life's big questions: "Who are we, really?"" -David Helms, pp. 49-50

Imagine you are a cartoon. You live in a 2D world--height and width. Let's say you can think like you do now. You have the same questions about life and eternity. You live in a animated world that is real. Eventually, you realize that there's order in your cartoon world. You see clues in the consistency of things, the order of things, the purposefulness of things and the beauty of things. This leads to more questions. Eventually, the cartoonist begins to reveal more to you through other characters. And at some point you realize that there is a creator of the cartoon world in which you live. In fact, the great cartoonist exists and created you on purpose for a purpose.

If you found yourself in this situation, how would you respond? How would you feel about the great cartoonist? Would you be grateful that he created you when he didn't to? Or would you complain about he color of your costume? Would you be in awe that there exists a being so powerful that at the stroke of a pen, he could create life? Or would you complain about the story plot of your life?

My hope is that as we listen to God through His Story in Genesis, we will wrestle with these questions in 3D+. Because this is like the world in which we live. There's a creator and he is God. His name is Jesus and he created you on purpose for a purpose. My hope is that you will come to understand and believe this to the degree that it moves you to gratitude and worship. Not just when we sing a song but 24//7. That it will shape the way that you live and the choices that you make and the narratives you choose to believe and the people you hang out with.

Let's look at Genesis and ask ourselves 2 questions as we do:

  1. God, what are you saying to me today?

  2. God, what do you want me to do about what you're saying to me today?


Genesis (beginning) is a book of beginnings.

It's primeval history (universal world history) of the world (universe) made up of 5 stories with the same structure. (1-11)

  • The Fall

  • Cain

  • Sons of God marrying daughters of man

  • The Flood

  • Tower of Babel

  • They all follow this 4-fold pattern:

    • Sin: the sin is described

    • Speech: There is a speech by God announcing the penalty for the sin

    • Grace: God brings grace to the situation to ease the misery due to sin

    • Punishment: God punishes the sin

Patriarchal history (12-50) or the history of Israel's founding fathers. It continues to reveal the many graces of God based on the gracious promise God made to and through Abraham in Genesis 12:3.

"Genesis is about grace." Sin, then grace. Sin, then grace.

Grace is often times defined as an acronym

  • God's

  • Riches

  • At

  • Christ's

  • Expense

Grace is undeserved favor.

Genesis is also about God's fidelity.

God is faithful even when we're not.

God keeps his promises even when the people the promises are for threaten the fulfillment of the promises.

"If we are faithless, he remains faithful--for he cannot deny himself." 2 Timothy 2:13

People are wonderful and awful.

  • The bulk of Genesis affirms our terrible sinfulness.

    • Therefore, salvation had to come by faith (we certainly didn't deserve it or could earn it)

    • Genesis 15:6 Moses writes, "Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness."

"There's only one way fallen humanity can be saved--the Genesis way--by faith. There has never been another way." -Hughes

Who wrote Genesis? According the Old and New Testaments, Moses c. 15th century BC. Jesus confirms this.

Kind of cool:

  • Genesis 1:1 is 7 words.

  • 1:2 is 14 words.

  • And the chapter ends with 3 verses of 7 Hebrew words (21 words).


I. Primeval history (1-11)--God and the world

A. God and the beginning

    1. Bereshith Elohim Bara is the Hebrew for this phrase, "In the beginning God..."

      1. "In the beginning" of our universe - Hebrew bereshith

      2. God was there in the beginning before time and space existed. The beginning of universal history.

        1. He has always existed. He never began or was born.

        2. He will always exist. He lives forever.

        3. Elohim = God or gods; not plural for number here but intensity i.e. Most God you can get

        4. Genesis, the OT, and the Bible are all about God, his creation and his glory.

        5. The Bible assumes God's existence. Never debates it. Says the fool believes there is no God in Proverbs.

          1. It's one thing to doubt or question whether he exists or not

          2. It's another to ignore the many evidences of his existence and conclude he doesn't exist; too much evidence from nature

B. God and the universe (1:1): "God created the heavens and the earth."

      1. "God created the heavens..."

        1. Heavens = skies

          1. Heaven 1: as we think about it

          2. Space

          3. Our sky as we think about it

        2. Earth = land (they would have understood it as the ground)

        3. We see from the rest of the chapter that God spoke things into existence.

        4. God created out of love for us and his son

          1. Us - we now exist

          2. Him - he now has a bride (not that he needed one)

      2. God created from nothing - Hebrew bara; this reminds me of an old joke:

        1. An atheist scientist came to God and said, “We’ve figured out how to make a man without you.” God said, “OK, let me see you do it.” So the atheist bent down to the ground and scooped up a handful. But God stopped him and said, “Oh, no you don’t. Get your own dirt!”

        2. Primary or absolute creation is from nothing (what only God can do)

        3. Secondary or relative creation is from something (what we can do)

      3. God or Elohim (gods in Hebrew) is plural as a literary device to intensify the word. This isn't just a god. This is the God of gods.

        1. God is the point of the Bible.

        2. God is pre-existent. He existed before our universe did because he's eternal and uncreated. Before time and space, there was God.

        3. God is powerful. He created out of nothing.

        4. God is personal. He personally spoke creation into existence. He personally walked in the garden with Adam.

C. God and the earth (1:2): "Now the earth (land) was formless (wild) and empty (waste), darkness was over the surface of the deep (abyss = chaotic darkness), and the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit) was hovering (overshadowing) over the waters."

      1. The world starts out as a dark, chaotic, wild wasteland without form. God will form it, frame it, fill it and then finish it.

        1. Here he begins to form it through his Spirit. The triune God is at work here.

        2. Have you ever been at sea, miles out, at night? Maybe on a cruise ship or a deep sea fishing trip so far out that you can't see any lights or land? It's creepy and a little scary.

      2. God creates/works as a triune God

        1. Father--Genesis 1:1; 26

        2. Son--John 1:1-2; Gen 1:26

        3. Holy Spirit--Genesis 1:2; 26

      3. The Spirit working chaos to order is seen when the Holy Spirit "overshadows" Mary making her pregnant with Jesus in the virgin birth (new creation). The Holy Spirit comes down like a dove onto Jesus at his baptism in the waters (symbolizing chaos and judgment). The Spirit raises Jesus from the dead, bringing him back to life. (Bethencourt) This is the first of many examples of the Holy Spirit doing this kind of work.

II. Patriarchal history (12-50)--God and Abraham's family


Bottom line: The universe begins with God speaking it into existence from nothing.

God deserves our worship. Therefore, we should worship him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.

God creates out of love. Love creates and connects relationally.

God wants us to worship him with our lips and our lives. (Hebrews 13:15-16)


““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Bottom line:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.



Truths to note

  • God existed and exists eternally

  • God exists in plural unity as the Holy Trinity

  • God was in the beginning

  • God was before anything existed in our universe and the universe itself

  • God created everything that exists in the universe and the universe itself

  • God creates something from nothing Latin ex nihilo

    • An atheist scientist came to God and said, “We’ve figured out how to make a man without you.” God said, “OK, let me see you do it.” So the atheist bent down to the ground and scooped up a handful. But God stopped him and said, “Oh, no you don’t. Get your own dirt!”

  • God creates with words. He spoke creation into existence. His words still have power.

  • God creates purposefully for his glory and our good.

  • God starts with light to display his creation and provide an essential ingredient for life.

  • God only creates things that are good. Together it was all very good and will be again.

  • God is a God of order and moves from chaos to order.

  • Elohim (gods) intensifies God's divine majesty, when used as a noun. When used as a verb, it's singular for there is only one true God.

  • God created all things. "Heavens and earth"

  • God created an "open" universe, not a "closed" one where he never interacts

Notes from Bible Project Videos

1-11 God and the world

12:3 Hinge verse

12-50 God and Abraham's family

Disorder --> Order

Adam = human

Humanity created to:

  1. Reflect God's character (image)

  2. Represent God's rule (reign)

  3. Harness creation's potential and create beauty and order

"Blessing" is a key word here

Choice: Tree of knowledge of good and evil

  1. Trust God's definition of good and evil, or

  2. Seize autonomy and define good and evil for themselves?

Serpent (against God) tells a different story. He lies when he tells them that if they eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that they will be like God. Because they already are like God (made in his image).

Heavens and earth aka skies and land

Formless and empty aka wild and waste

Deep abyss = dark, chaotic ocean

Days 1-3 God splits apart and forms this disordered waste into 3 ordered realms:

  1. Realm: Time. God splits darkness and light on Day 1.

  2. Realm: Sky & Seas. God splits the waters into water canopy or clouds (or both) and sea on Day 2.

  3. Realm: Land. God brings land out of water and includes vegetation on it on Day 3.

Days 4-6 God

  1. Day 4 brings lights--sun, moon and stars to reflect his light in space.

  2. Day 5 brings creations to fill the sky and sea

  3. Day 6 brings land animals and humanity to fill the land.

First poem in the Bible (1:27) celebrates God's creation where he completed the skies, land and inhabitants. God completes and rests and dwells in this sacred space he treats as a temple. The world or at least the garden of Eden is his temple.

Notes from Bethencourt

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How to Bear Fruit That Will Last | John 15:1-8 | Darien Gabriel

Series: NA

Title: “How to bear fruit that will last"

Scripture: John 15:1-8 NIV (Main)

Isaiah 5:1-7; Psalm 119:67, 71; Phil 2:5-8, 12-13; Gal 5:22-23

Acts 2:36-39 (Invitation)

Bottom line: Bearing fruit that will last calls for submitting to God's pruning as you abide in his Son.





  5. NOTES






"Life is understood backwards, but lived forward." Soren Kirkegaard

Grape illustration

"Imagine a rich man dies and leaves a fortune to his heir. News leaks out they're having trouble identifying the person who's the rightful heir. Hundreds come forward claiming to be the heir. The day comes when the judge is going to decide who receives the inheritance. Before he makes his judgment, a solitary figure enters the quiet courtroom and says, "I am the true heir." The word true means something. It means there are false heirs." -Carter, p. 304


John 13-17 follows Jesus' announcement that one of them will betray him, Peter will disown him 3 times that night, and that he is about to leave them. They are distressed, to say the least.

In in this context that Jesus teaches them in the upper room before leaving to pray in the Garden of Gethsamene. Part of that teaching includes our passage today in John 15.


OUTLINE (relies heavily on Willmington)

Jesus speaks to his disciples about fruit bearing, loving, suffering, and witnessing.


A. The symbols of abiding (15:1, 5a-5b)

1. The Son is the true vine (15:1 a, 5a).

2. The Father is the gardener (15:1b).

3. The believer is the branch (15:5b).

B. The steps of abiding (15:2-4, 5c-6)

1. We must submit to pruning by the Father (15:2-3).

2. We must abide in the Son (15:4, 5c-6).

C. The success abiding (15:7-8)

1. It results in bountiful fruit (15:7-8a).

2. It results in glorifying the Father (15:8b). Newbigin says there are more than 2 successes. He says, "The four things are 

1) 7answered prayer,

2) glory to the Father,

3) abundant fruit, and

4) recognition as the disciples of Jesus. And these four are closely bound together." -Newbigin


Bottom line: Bearing fruit that will last requires you to submit to his pruning as you abide in his Son.


““Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Bottom line:

  1. What is God saying to me right now?

  2. What am I going to do about it? Write this down on a sheet of paper.

What I hear you saying, Lord, is ___________________.

[my name] is going to believe/do __________________________________________________ as a result.

Finally, share this with your Home or Mission group this week when you gather as a testimony about what God is doing in your life. You don’t have to get too specific to give him praise.



The Main Theme

"But, and we turn again to the main theme, where there is mutual abiding, where the words of Jesus form the ever fresh starting point from which discipleship begins at every moment, there four things follow--and all because the words of Jesus are the mighty acts of the Father (14:10b).

The four things are 1) answered prayer, 2) glory to the Father, 3) abundant fruit, and 4) recognition as the disciples of Jesus. And these four are closely bound together." -Newbigin

"15:1-8 Fruit, more fruit, much fruit.

Jesus is the vine, and believers are the branches. For a branch to bear fruit it must have been cleansed by the Father (salvation, 15:3) and must then abide in the Son (discipleship, 15:4-11). Committed believers will progress from fruit to more fruit to much fruit (15:2, 5, 8). However, if a branch fails to bear fruit, it is rejected and cast aside (15:2, 6). Various scholars suggest that these rejected branches represent Christians who

• lose their salvation; but this would contradict many other Scriptures (see exposition on 10:22-30)

• are no longer useful to God because of habitual sin (These people tend to discourage, distract and divide the church)`

• commit the "sin that leads to death" mentioned in 1 John 5:16, in which case the "burning" (15:6) may refer to the

"bema" judgment of believers (see exposition on 1 Cor. 3:10-17)

• are merely professing Christians, who are finally severed from their superficial connection with Christ (as had already happened with Judas)"


Why does the branch bear fruit?

The branch does not bear fruit for itself but for others.

Why does God want the branch to bear more fruit?

So that others will receive more fruit than they would have otherwise.

I think this is why the most fruitful missionaries often battled suffering. Because that is how God often chooses to prune us. Perhaps this is why God felt good allowing Job to suffer as he did. He knew it would result in more fruitfulness in his life than he would have born otherwise.


  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Let’s ask some summary sermon questions:

Q. What do I want them to know?


Q. Why do I want them to know it?


Q. What do I want them to do about it?


Q. Why do I want them to do it?


Q. How can they begin to do this?




Jesus speaks to his disciples about fruit bearing, loving, suffering, and witnessing.


A. The symbols (15:1, 5a-5b)

1. The Son is the true vine (15:1 a, 5a).

2. The Father is the gardener (15:1b).

3. The believer is the branch (15:5b).

B. The steps (15:2-4, 5c-6)

1. We must submit to pruning by the Father (15:2-3).

2. We must abide in the Son (15:4, 5c-6).

C. The success (15:7-8)

1. It results in bountiful fruit (15:7-8a).

2. It results in glorifying the Father (15:8b).

II. LOVING (15:9-17)

A. The priority (15:9-12) or the progression

1. The Father loves the Son (15:9b, 10b).

2. The Son loves the believer (15:9a, 10a, 11).

3. The believer is to love other believers (15:12).

B. The proof (15:13-15)

1. What Jesus will do for his disciples (15:13): He will lay down his life.

2. What Jesus now does for his disciples (15:14-15): He calls them friends, not servants.

C. The promises (15:16-17)

1. Our branches will bear permanent fruit (15:16a).

2. Our prayers will be answered (15:16b-17). 7 v.7

III. SUFFERING (15:18-25)

A. The facts (15:18-24)

1. All Christians will be hated because Christ was hated (15:18-19).

2. No servant is greater than his master (15:20-21).

3. The reason for this hatred is Jesus' fearless preaching against sin (15:22-24).

B. The foretelling (15:25): All this is predicted in Psalms 35:19 and 69:4.

IV. WITNESSING (15:26-27): Jesus speaks of a twofold witness.

A. The Holy Spirit will soon witness to the disciples concerning the Savior (15:26).

B. The disciples should then witness to the world concerning the Savior (15:27).


Discovery Bible Study process:

  1. Retell the story in your own words.

  2. Discovery the story

    1. What does this story tell me about God?

    2. What does this story tell me about people?

    3. If this is really true, what should I do?

  3. What is God saying to you right now? (Write this down)

  4. What are you going to do about it? (Write this down)

  5. Who am I going to tell about this?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Alternate Discussion Questions (by Jeff Vanderstelt): Based on this passage:

  1. Who is God?

  2. What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

  3. Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

  4. What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

  5. How do I do it?

Final Questions (Write this down)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?


A pirate reading John 15:1-6 according to

Yarr, me hearty! I'll give ye a pirate's take on that scripture, but mind ye, I won't be quotin' it word for word to avoid any copyright kerfuffles. Here be the gist of John 15:1-6, as a salty sea dog might tell it:

"Ahoy! Listen up, ye scurvy bilge rats! The cap'n above, he be the true vine, and his old man be the gardener. Any branch not bearin' fruit gets the chop, while them that do bear fruit get a good trimmin' to make 'em even more fruitful!

Ye've been cleaned up by the words I've spoken to ye, so stick with me like barnacles on a ship's hull! Just as a branch can't bear fruit without bein' part of the vine, neither can ye unless ye stay with me.

I be the vine, and ye be the branches. Them that stay with me and I with them, they'll be producin' a bounty of fruit. Without me, ye can't do nothin', ye useless landlubbers!

If a scallywag don't stick with me, they be cast off like a branch and wither away. Them dried up branches? They be gathered up and tossed into the fire, burnin' like a ship's galley on a cold night!"

There ye have it, matey! That be the pirate's version of them verses, without steppin' on any copyright toes. Shiver me timbers!

ChatGPT after 3 salty iterations:

Aye, aye, ye scurvy dog! Here's John 15:1-6, as salty as the seven seas:

"Yarr, I be the true vine, and me Father be the mighty vinekeeper. Every worthless branch in me that bears no fruit, He chops off and feeds to the kraken; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes with a cutlass, so it yields even more bounty. Ye be already clean 'cause o' the words I be givin' ye. Stay hitched to me, and I'll stay hitched to ye. Just as a branch can't bear fruit on its own unless it stays with the vine, ye can't either, unless ye stick with me. I be the vine, and ye be the scurvy branches. He who sticks with me, and I with him, will bear much fruit; without me, ye be nothin' but barnacles on a rottin' hull. If a scallywag ain't stayin' with me, he be thrown aside like a dead branch and withers away; they gather 'em up, toss 'em into the flames, and watch 'em burn to cinders."


“John", by Kent Hughes, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

Exalting Jesus in John, by Matt Carter, Edited by David Platt, Daniel Akin, Tony Merida

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Visual Word,” Patrick Schreiner (VW)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, IVP

The Light Has Come, Leslie Newbigin

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