It's not just about believing. It's also about belonging.
Home Groups and Mission Groups are important at Grace because we believe that God helps us become more like Christ best through relationships. We hope you'll move from believing to belonging by joining one of our Groups soon. We are launching groups back this winter.
Word of God + Spirit of God + The People of God = People more like the Son of God
What is the goal?
The goal is to take your next step towards Jesus..together. We believe our Mission Groups & Home Groups are the best place for this to occur.
What do we do?
In our Mission Groups, we mobilize into the mission field as a group or as individuals living life on mission. It's more than a Bible study or community group. It's a family of servant-missionaries learning how to make disciples who make disciples where they live, work and play. In these groups, we ask the question, “What can we do together in our community and church that would be difficult to do by ourselves?”
In our Home Groups, we study the Bible together and discuss how it applies to life. It's where we pray together and care for one another.
In our Core Groups, we encourage people to meet weekly with one or more people to discuss what they learned the previous week in their Bible reading.
Friends & Family Groups are six-week groups meeting together to look at scripture from Sunday service. These are unofficial groups that Grace encourages to empower people to invite their current friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors into a discussion about the Bible without a high bar of qualifications to get started. They will happen next starting in the fall of 2024.
What are they like?
Mission Groups are groups of 12-30 that meet for about 1 to 2 hours for food, fellowship, study, and prayer. However, they also intentionally plan and pray for their missionary effort. It's more than everyone is engaged where they live, work and play. It's what this group of people is doing on a mission...together.
Home Groups are groups of 8-25 that meet in someone's home for fellowship, Bible study, prayer, and accountability. Typically, these groups meet one night a week for about 1.5 to 2 hours. Some groups bring food to enjoy before and/or after.
Core Groups are groups of 1-6 people that meet for accountability and equipping in learning how to study the Bible for themselves. We encourage any method that works for the individual but our go-to is the S.O.A.P. method created by Wayne Cordeiro.
What do you study?
We typically study books of the Bible and do some video series on Bible topics or study topical books. Each group decides what they want to cover together. Past and current studies include:
Nehemiah, Proverbs, Matthew, John, Acts, James, Colossians, Ephesians, Isaiah, 1 John
Crazy Love, The Five Love Languages, Forgotten God, Multiply, 7 Signs in Book of John, I Am a Church Member, Share Jesus Without Freaking Out, Alpha.
Discuss that week's sermon passage.
Current Groups
We currently have one coed Mission Group on Tuesdays in Ladson.
Home Groups (HG) - In Summerville we have Bradford Chase HG on Tuesdays, Iron Gate HG and Limehouse HG on Wednesdays. In Ladson we have Daniel HG on Sundays, Grace HG and Briddleford HG on Wednesdays. In Goose Creek we have Crowfield HG on Wednesdays.
Youth Group: Our youth (6th to 12th grades) meet together most Sunday nights at 6:30 pm at our building. Check the youth page for dates.
Starting Point is our group that meets several times a year and this group is for folks who are interested in questions about faith and/or church membership. The next Starting Point is Feb 9, at 4 pm. Dinner and our church-wide fellowship meeting are to follow. If you are interested in attending, please let one of the pastors know.
Upcoming dates for 2025 are 2/9, 4/27, 7/13, 9/21 and 12/7.
Bible Studies: We have two ladies and two men’s Bible study groups.
Help us connect you to a Group near you.