If you turn on the television or look at your Facebook feed it's very clear that we live in a broken world there's a lot of death a lot of disease and suffering but we also see traces of beauty like the beauty of a sunset or the laughs of a child and that's because God's design was perfect when he made it there was no death or disease or suffering…
…but starting with the very first people we as humans chose to go our own way and leave God's perfect design and that's called sin and sin is what led to brokenness in our world and us and sinfulness well we don't like to be in brokenness this state that we're born in so we try to get out…
…so for some they try to get out on their own by climbing the ladder of success at work or school thinking that'll get them out…others try to get out themselves by doing good things or being religious and going to church and helping people and while those are great things they they don't get us out of brokenness…
…some try to drown out the brokenness with drugs and alcohol or attempts at suicide or maybe even relationships and these attempts to get out of brokenness ourselves end up snapping us back in like a bungee cord…
…but God loved us so much he didn't want us to stay in brokenness so he did for us what we could not do for ourselves…he provided the only way out and that is through His Son Jesus…
…you see Jesus came down into our world and allowed himself to be killed on a cross taking on our sin and three days later he rose from the dead and he declared that if anyone would turn from their way and surrender to him and believe that Jesus came and died on a cross and rose from the dead would be willing to make him their king or their Lord that they would be forgiven and made new and would then be able to experience God's perfect design for their life…
…now I want to ask you which of these two would you say you're in are you still in brokenness or have you repented and believed in Jesus and are now back in his design?
…okay you're in brokenness well which one of these two do you want to be in?
…okay great well is there anything that keeps you from turning from your way and believing in the gospel of Jesus and making him your Lord your king?
…okay great you know when I chose to make this decision I prayed a simple prayer very similar to this picture…I just told God that I'm sorry for my sin that I left your design and for the ways that I've tried to get out of brokenness on my own…I'm ready to turn from my way and surrender to you and I believe this is true and I want to make you my lord so I can become new and experience your design for my life…is that something you'd like to do?
…and then just pray with them…so this is the three circles gospel presentation
* https://wheatonbillygraham.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Three-Circles-Transcript.docx
If you have trusted Jesus, you are in God's family. Baptism is simply an outward proclamation of an inward decision to follow Jesus. It does not save you; faith in Jesus does.
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