How to Overcome Fears, Doubts & Burdens | Matthew 11

Series: King & Countries (week 5)

Scripture: Matthew 12:1-21  (Main)

Title: “Who is in charge of your life?” (Darien Gabriel)

Bottom line:  When we surrender our lives to Jesus, the Lord of Sabbath, mercy and justice rules in our hearts and helps us overcome fear, doubts, and Burns.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. Why are legalistic hearts so resistant to Jesus?

2. How does legalism and a desire to earn your standing before God manifest itself in your own life?

3. Explain what it means to say that Jesus is greater than the temple.

4. Matthew presents Christ as merciful in this passage. How is the mercy of Jesus different from a "live and let live" mind-set?

5. In an effort to make the cost of following Christ clear, what is the danger of downplaying His mercy?

6. How might the portrait of Jesus' power in this passage impact our view of spiritual warfare?

7. How would you counsel someone who feared that they had committed the unpardonable sin because of a sinful thought or word toward God?

8. Matthew compares Jesus to Jonah and Solomon. How do these comparisons speak to the seriousness of rejecting Christ?

9. It's common to hear unbelievers refer to everyone as "God's children." How does Matthew 12:50 help us rightly define God's family?

10. Some sermons only emphasize moral lessons for believers. How does an emphasis on the person of Christ as we see in Matthew 12 help correct such an approach? What is the danger of not presenting Jesus as central in our teaching and preaching?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


We've been looking at the portraits of Jesus given to us by Matthew.

We've seen Jesus as:

Promised Messiah

Authoritative Judge

Sovereign Son

Gracious Master

Today we'll add:

King of Rest

Merciful Servant-King

Bottom line:  When we surrender our lives to Jesus, the Lord of Sabbath, mercy and justice rules in our hearts and helps us overcome fear, doubts, and Burns.

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath (rest) in life.

Q. Why?

A. Because this is the only place we will find true rest and peace. Our faith is a conscious choice to rest on Jesus' work on the cross.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Rest in Jesus Christ alone.

Q. Why?

A. So that you'll be able to overcome your fears, doubts and burdens.

SECTION OUTLINE TEN (MATTHEW 12) Outline Bible, Willmington


Jesus heals the sick, confronts the Pharisees, and fulfills ancient prophecies.

1. JESUS AND THE PHARISEES (12:1-14, 22-45) On three separate occasions, Jesus is confronted by these wicked men.

A. The Sabbath conflict (12:1-14): The Pharisees take issue with Jesus when he performs his miracles.

1. In regard to eating on the Sabbath (12:1-8): Jesus is criticized by the Pharisees for allowing his disciples to pluck some heads of grain from a field on the Sabbath. The Savior reports by pointing out two facts:

a. The purpose of the Sabbath (12:1-7): The Sabbath was made for man, and not the reverse!

(1) As seen in the life of David (12:3-4): David and his men ate the bread reserved for the priests.

(2) As seen in the law of Moses (12:5-6): The priests are allowed to serve in the Temple on the Sabbath.

(3) As seen in the Book of Hosea (12:7): God wants them to be merciful; he doesn't care that much about their sacrifices.

b. The person of the Sabbath (12:8): The Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath!

2. In regard to healing on the Sabbath (12:9-14): Jesus notices a man with a deformed hand.

a. The accusation (12:9-10): The Pharisees ask Jesus whether it is legal to work by healing on the Sabbath day.

b. The answer (12:11-12): Jesus replies by asking them if they would rescue a sheep on the Sabbath. He says, "Of course you would! And how much more valuable is a person than a sheep!"

c. The action by the Savior (12:13-14): He heals the man's hand.

B. The source conflict (12:22-37): The Pharisees claim that Satan is the source of Jesus' miracles. On this occasion Jesus has just healed a demon-possessed, blind, mute man.

1. The criticism by the Pharisees (12:22-29)

a. Their accusation (12:22-24): "He gets his power from Satan, the prince of demons."

b. His argument (12:25-29)

(1) "A city or home divided against itself is doomed"


(2) "If Satan is casting out Satan, he is fighting against himself" (12:26-29).

2. The condemnation of the Pharisees (12:30-37)

a. Jesus says their sin is terrible (12:30-34).

(1) They are corrupt fruit trees (12:30-33): A tree is known by its fruit.

(2) They are poisonous snakes (12:34): Whatever is in their hearts determines what they say.

b. Jesus says their sin is terminal (12:35-37): The words they say now will determine their fate on judgment day.

C. The sign conflict (12:38-45): The Pharisees insist that Jesus do something spectacular just for them.

1. Jesus refers to Jonah and Nineveh (12:38-41).

a. The illustration from the life of the prophet of God

(12:38-40): Jonah's experience in the belly of the fish depicts Jesus' death and resurrection; this is the only sign he gives them!

b. The indictment from the lips of the people of Nineveh

(12:41): The Ninevites will someday condemn Jesus' generation, for Nineveh repented at the preaching of Jonah, but Jesus is greater than Jonah.

2. Jesus refers to Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (12:42): She will condemn Jesus' generation because she had great respect for Solomon, and Jesus is greater than Solomon.

3. Jesus refers to eight evil spirits (12:43-45): Here Jesus likens his generation to a demon-possessed man.

a. The first state of the man (12:43): The original demon living within him departs.

b. The final state of the man (12:44-45): Unable to find

another person to indwell, the spirit returns to the man, this time bringing seven other spirits more wicked than himself.

I. JESUS AND THE PROPHECIES (12:15-21): Jesus fulfills the prophecies of Isaiah, who predicted the earthly ministry of the Messiah (Isa. 42:1-4).

A. Jesus' heavenly relationships (12:18a-18b)

1. Concerning the Father (12:18a): The Father would love him.

2. Concerning the Spirit (12:18b): The Spirit would fill him.

B. Jesus' earthly actions (12:15-17, 18c-21)

1. Concerning the nations (12:18c, 21): He would proclaim justice to the nations.

2. Concerning himself (12:19): He would not be quarrelsome or rebellious.

3. Concerning the weak and hopeless (12:20): He would treat them with gentleness and understanding.

4. Concerning the sick (12:15-17): He would heal the sick.


A. His earthly family (12:46-47): Jesus is told his mother and brothers are waiting to meet with him.

B. His eternal family (12:48-50): He says all who obey his heavenly

Father are part of his family!


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

Read More
What Does Jesus Christ Call His People to Do? | Matthew 9:35-10:42

Series: King & Countries (week 3)

Scripture: Matthew 9:35-10:42 (Main)

Title: “What does Jesus Christ call his people to do?” (Darien Gabriel)

Bottom line:  Jesus calls us to surrender our lives to his mission of showing and telling the world that the kingdom of God is near.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. Share a ministry opportunity you've had that opened your eyes to the great spiritual needs around you. How might you pursue such opportunities in the near future?

2. Do the massive spiritual needs of the world compel you to action or make you feel helpless? How might Jesus's call to pray in 9:38 impact your reaction?

3. How would you describe your attitude toward unbelieving coworkers and neighbors? What factors keep you from feeling compassion for them?

4. Why is the Bible's teaching on God's wrath and the final judgment essential to our motivation for making disciples?

5. How will you practically apply Jesus' summons to pray and go in this chapter?

6. What ministry situations tend to be the most difficult for you? Tesus speaks of being like sheep, snakes, and doves in Matthew 10. How would this apply to your current context?

7. What aspects of being like Christ cause you the most fear and anxi-ety? What promises in God's Word might bolster your security and joy? Name two fellow believers you might reach out to for strength.

8. What aspects of God's character in this chapter ground our confidence in Christ's mission?

9. In what situations have you been reluctant to confess Christ publicly?

10. How does God's promised reward help fuel our faith and the carrying out of our mission?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


Good-bye, Daughter

“A little more than two hundred years ago, Adoniram and Ann Judson boarded a ship and set sail for India on a journey that would eventually lead them to Burma (modern-day Myanmar). Along with William Carey, the Judsons are considered pioneers in the modern missions movement. These converted Baptist missionaries (they were previously Congregationalists) were and continue to be used by God in some extraordinary ways for the cause of global missions; however, their journey looked anything but successful on the outside.

The intense suffering the Judsons endured on the mission field was foreshadowed by a letter written from Adoniram to Ann's father asking for permission to marry his daughter. The following is Adoniram's candid request:

‘I have now to ask, whether you can consent to part with your daughter early next spring, to see her no more in this world; whether you can consent to her departure, and her subjection to the hardships and sufferings of missionary life; whether you can consent to her exposure to the dangers of the ocean, to the fatal influence of the southern climate of India; to every kind of want and distress; to degradation, insult, persecution, and perhaps a violent death. Can you consent to all this, for the sake of him who left his heavenly home, and died for her and for you; for the sake of perishing, immortal souls; for the sake of Zion, and the glory of God? Can you consent to all this, in hope of soon meeting your daughter in the world of glory, with the crown of righteousness, brightened with the acclamations of praise which shall redound to her Savior from heathens saved, through her means, from eternal woe and despair?’ (Anderson, To the Golden Shore, 83)

Gratefully, Ann's dad said "yes," the couple was married, and a year later they set sail. Ann's dad would never see his daughter or son-in-law again.

In fact, Ann would lose her life sharing the gospel with people who had never heard the good news of Jesus Christ. As a result of the Judson's service, today there are nearly 4,000 Baptist churches with more than a half a million followers of Christ in the heart of Buddhist Burma/ Myanmar.” -David Platt, Exalting Jesus in Matthew

This week’s message comes from Matthew 9:35-10:42. The title this week is “What does Jesus Christ call his people to do?”

Bottom line: Jesus calls us to surrender our lives to his mission of showing and telling the world that the kingdom of God is near.

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. The message, motive, and means for our mission.

The message is the kingdom of God is near.

The motive is compassion.

The means are prayer and people.

Q. Why?

A. So that you will know what you’re getting into and why.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Surrender your life to be on mission with Jesus Christ.

Q. Why?

A. Because it’s the one thing he calls us to do together with him to reconcile all things to him and under his authority. This is for our good and his glory.

Q. How?

A. That’s the rest of the sermon lol!

I. What is the message, motive and means of the mission of Jesus Christ?

A. The message is that the kingdom of God is near. (9:35)

B. The motive is compassion. (9:36)

C. The means are (9:37)

    1. Prayer

    2. People (specifically, followers of Jesus Christ)

II. Who is Jesus sending? His disciples. (10:1-42)

III. What are his instructions to his disciples. (10:-42)

A. Receive the authority Jesus gave.

B. Use that authority to heal and deliver. (Demonstrating the message)

C. Recognize that you don’t have to be the “greatest” to rescue the “least” of these

D. Start with the Jews and work out from there.

E. Proclaim the message that the kingdom of God is near.

F. Demonstrate the message…

G. What to take:

    1. Travel lightly

    2. Live simply.

    3. “Remember, you can’t take it with you but you can send it ahead.” -Randy Alcorn

H. Trust the Lord to give you everything you need

    1. For yourself

    2. For your ministry/mission

I. Search for a “worthy person” (aka Person of Peace)

    1. They welcome you

    2. They like you

    3. They want to help you

    4. They aren’t opposed to your mission

J. Bless them as long as they are with you. Remove your blessing if they don’t.

K. Realize that Jesus sends you into dangerous places. Therefore, as you go,

    1. “Be as shrewd as serpents, and

    2. Innocent as doves.”

L. Be on guard

    1. You’ll face the authorities.

    2. Don’t be afraid—he’s with you.

    3. God will give you the words to say.

    4. Family will betray you. Not if—when. But not all.

M. You’ll be hated. You’ll be persecuted. But if you stand firm, God is faithful and you will be saved.

N. If it happened to Jesus, it will happen to you.

O. Don’t be afraid of them.

    1. God will reveal the truth eventually and vindicate his people.

    2. Proclaim what you hear from him in your prayer closet. (God’s word is your filter, of course)

    3. Don’t fear who can kill your body.

    4. Fear only he who can throw you into hell—who holds your soul in his hand. Honor and revere the Lord, don’t be scared of your enemy.

    5. God values you. You are worth a lot to him. His son died for you. Doesn’t that say enough?

    6. God cares about the details in your life. Even the trivial ones.

P. Acknowledge Jesus Christ publicly or he won’t acknowledge you publicly.

Q. He came not to bring peace but a sword. Truth divides those who trust and believe it from those who don’t. This is inevitable.

R. Love Jesus more than your family

    1. Your parents

    2. Your kids

    3. Yourself

    4. Otherwise, you are not worthy to be his disciple

S. You cannot trust and follow God apart from Jesus Christ. Trusting him is trusting the one who sent him. And trusting Jesus’ disciples leads to these things as well. Welcoming Jesus’ followers even with humble hospitality is noticed by God and rewarded.


“Recently, the story was relayed to me by one of our church's mission teams to North Africa about a lady in that region who was brought to a medical clinic in a wheelbarrow. She was sick and about to die, until she received care from Christians. These Christians later shared the gospel with her, and the lady trusted in Christ and then went back home to her own family. When she shared her new faith in Christ with her household, her own father beat her. This kind of reaction is all too common in that region, as most of persecution happens in the household, not primarily from any government. Nevertheless, this lady stood strong and shared the gospel, and her own father, the man who had beaten her, came to faith in Christ. He's now an evangelist, going from village to village sharing the gospel. This story is one of many in that region of the world; however, when you talk with these believers, as some of our church members have, it's not the suffering they talk about. It's the joy. In Christ, the reward far outweighs the risk. And all of this is happening because believers are sharing Christ in their daily lives.” -David Platt, Exalting Jesus in Matthew

Perpetual Perpetuas

“In the first three centuries of the church, if Christians were known for anything it was their courageous faith. The accounts of the early Christian martyrs tell the stories of many followers of Jesus who demonstrated this courageous faith even unto death. One such martyr was Perpetua.

Perpetua was twenty-two years old. She was married and the mother of an infant boy whom she nursed from her jail cell. She was in prison for being a Christian. All she had to do was recant her belief in Jesus, offer a simple sacrifice to Caesar, and call him, "Lord." Her father begged her to do this, but she refused time and again. Finally, as she was led out into the Roman Colosseum to be killed by beast or gladiator, she was singing hymns to Jesus.

Can you imagine that kind of courage? Twenty-two years old! Her last words, spoken to her brother, also a Christian, were, "Stand in the faith."

Do you want to follow Jesus? Great. Go for it. But know that if you are to follow him, you must do it without airs (humbly come to him and serve him as Lord), without compromise (he is first; everyone and everything else is a far second), and without fear (courageously trust him).” -Douglass Sean O’Donnell

Jeff Bezos was so determined to change the trajectory of his company that he quit his job as CEO so that he could focus on the things he believed would breathe new life into his company.

How much more should we desire new life. Jesus breathes new life into us when we pledge our allegiance to the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. When we deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow him. How will you respond?

We see the responses of the people here:

  • The religious leaders oppose Jesus despite his authority over death, demons, disease and disciples.

  • The crowd who is amazed at his works but unmoved in the trajectory of their lives.

  • The new disciples who are healed and then immediately disobey his clear command.

  • The faithful disciple who answers the call to follow Jesus fully and faithfully. (Matthew)

Which are you? What story does your life tell?

Are you willing to repent and believe that you can have a better story?

Other notes

David French article


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

Read More
Where Are You Heading Today? | Matthew 9:18-34

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 9:18-34 (Main)

Title: “Where are you heading today? (Darien Gabriel)

Bottom line: Jesus has all authority in the world and therefore deserves all allegiance from the world—He calls the religious leaders, the crowd and the sick to follow him. Will you?

Jesus wants to change the trajectory of your life. He has all you need to get you where you need to go. The question is, will you surrender and follow him?

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. What would you say if someone asked you, "What is your greatest need?" Explain your answer.

2. Explain the difference between suffering that is directly related to your own sin and suffering that comes as a result of living in a fallen world.

3. If someone said that Jesus never claimed to be divine, how could you respond by using the account of the paralytic?

4. How might Jesus' calling of Matthew give us hope for unbelievers we know who seem unreachable with the gospel?

5. Why do disciples of Jesus fast now? What does this say about our ultimate hope?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


Jeff Bezos steps down to change the inevitable trajectory of Article:

Bottom line: Jesus has all authority in the world and therefore deserves all allegiance from the world.

The world = all authority over disease, demons, the Devil, danger, disciples, death and damnation. That’s pretty comprehensive, wouldn’t you say? Would you say that anyone with that kind of authority in our world would be worthy of all allegiance? Do you live like this?

  • 3-2-3-2-3 pattern

  • “Sermon on the Move” where Jesus is demonstrating his authority and the kingdom of God coming being good news.


Q. What do I want you to know?

A. Jesus has divine authority over diseases and death. 

Q. Why?

A. So that you will believe that he is worthy of your full allegiance.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Pledge full allegiance to Jesus and let him change the trajectory of your life.

Q. Why?

A. So that you will gladly pledge your full allegiance to Jesus as savior and lord.


Perpetual Perpetuas

“In the first three centuries of the church, if Christians were known for anything it was their courageous faith. The accounts of the early Christian martyrs tell the stories of many followers of Jesus who demonstrated this courageous faith even unto death. One such martyr was Perpetua.

Perpetua was twenty-two years old. She was married and the mother of an infant boy whom she nursed from her jail cell. She was in prison for being a Christian. All she had to do was recant her belief in Jesus, offer a simple sacrifice to Caesar, and call him, "Lord." Her father begged her to do this, but she refused time and again. Finally, as she was led out into the Roman Colosseum to be killed by beast or gladiator, she was singing hymns to Jesus.

Can you imagine that kind of courage? Twenty-two years old! Her last words, spoken to her brother, also a Christian, were, "Stand in the faith."

Do you want to follow Jesus? Great. Go for it. But know that if you are to follow him, you must do it without airs (humbly come to him and serve him as Lord), without compromise (he is first; everyone and everything else is a far second), and without fear (courageously trust him).” -Douglass Sean O’Donnell

Jeff Bezos was so determined to change the trajectory of his company that he quit his job as CEO so that he could focus on the things he believed would breathe new life into his company.

How much more should we desire new life. Jesus breathes new life into us when we pledge our allegiance to the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. When we deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow him. How will you respond?

We see the responses of the people here:

  • The religious leaders oppose Jesus despite his authority over death, demons, disease and disciples.

  • The crowd who is amazed at his works but unmoved in the trajectory of their lives.

  • The new disciples who are healed and then immediately disobey his clear command.

  • The faithful disciple who answers the call to follow Jesus fully and faithfully. (Matthew)

Which are you? What story does your life tell?

Are you willing to repent and believe that you can have a better story?


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

Read More
Why Jesus Came | Matthew 9:1-17

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 9:1-17 (Main);

Title: Why Jesus Came #Forgiveness (Darien Gabriel)

Bottom line: Jesus has all authority in the world and therefore deserves all allegiance from the world.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. What would you say if someone asked you, "What is your greatest need?" Explain your answer.

2. Explain the difference between suffering that is directly related to your own sin and suffering that comes as a result of living in a fallen world.

3. If someone said that Jesus never claimed to be divine, how could you respond by using the account of the paralytic?

4. How might Jesus' calling of Matthew give us hope for unbelievers we know who seem unreachable with the gospel?

5. Why do disciples of Jesus fast now? What does this say about our ultimate hope?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


Illustration: imagine you have a house do you live in that you owe most of the money on. Maybe you’ve lived there two years and you still owe 28 years on your 30 year mortgage. Now imagine that your AC unit goes out. That’s about $5000 to fix and you just don’t have that kind of money sitting in the bank to buy a replacement. But it’s in the dead of summer or the dead of winter and you really need it now. so you ask the Lord for help. I imagine the Lord send somebody to help and you expect that they’re coming over to give you money to fix the AC unit. But instead what they give you is enough money to pay off of your house all of your house.  you expected them to pay for the AC unit, but not the whole house he would be elated. This is in a sense what Jesus did when he came to the man who was paralyzed. The man came, hoping and expecting, and believing that Jesus could, and would heal him of his paralysis.  And he would’ve been extremely happy if that happened. But instead, Jesus said your sins are forgiven. How do you think he would’ve reacted? I think two feelings would’ve run through him at that moment. First I think he would have been disappointed and surprised. After all, he came to be healed of his paralysis what could be better than that. Second, I think he would have been overwhelmed with gratitude. I think, in the presence of Jesus, looking into his eyes, he would’ve recognized holiness, and recognized his need for forgiveness In Flash. As a result, I think he would’ve been cognizant of the immensity of the gifts he just received, and how much better it was, then to be healed of paralysis.

“Many of you no doubt know of Joni Eareckson Tada, who has been a quadriplegic for several decades. She is confined to a motorized wheelchair.

However, she paints by holding the brush in her mouth, she composes music, she writes books and speaks at conferences, and she has a glorious testimony and an international ministry. She says that she knows that when she gets to heaven she will be whole, and she cannot wait for that moment. In the meantime, she is trusting in the love of God to sustain her during this earthly time of travail. She has said that she would rather be in her wheelchair knowing that she is forgiven in Christ than to be whole without His forgiveness.” RC Sproul, Matthew,

Bottom line: Jesus has all authority in the world and therefore deserves all allegiance from the world.

The world = all authority over disease, demons, the Devil, danger, disciples, death and damnation. That’s pretty comprehensive, wouldn’t you say? Would you say that anyone with that kind of authority in our world would be worthy of all allegiance? Do you live like this?

  • 3-2-3-2-3 pattern

  • “Sermon on the Move” where Jesus is demonstrating his authority and the kingdom of God coming being good news.

9:1-8 Miracle of the Paralytic

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. That Jesus has the divine authority to forgive sins.

Q. Why?

A. Because we all need his forgiveness to be reconciled to God. Perhaps we didn’t believe he had that kind of authority. He demonstrates that he does here.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Respond in faith asking for God to forgive you of your sins today. Be as specific as you can knowing that he’ll reveal your sins to you as you need him to.

Q. Why?

A. This leads to you pledging your full allegiance to Christ as you gladly submit to and worship him.

9:9-13 Discipleship

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. Jesus has come not to call those who think they don’t need his forgiveness (the “righteous”) but sinners (who know they need his forgiveness).

Q. Why?

A. Because while God is sovereignly calling people to follow him to repent and believe, we often think we’re ok and don’t need his forgiveness and ignore him. We have a response to make. But we also have a choice. We can choose to trust and follow. And we can choose to reject his gracious offer.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Recognize your need for his forgiveness. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We’re all diseased by sin. Jesus is our only cure.

Q. Why?

A. So that you’ll receive this new life that Jesus offers and walk away from dead religion.

9:14-17 Discipleship

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. Jesus brings a newness (covenant, power, kingdom) that cannot be confined to the old forms.

A. Or, “Jesus came not to reform or patch-up a legalistic Judaism but to bring about something new: salvation (forgiveness of sins) by grace through faith.”

Q. Why?

A. So you can experience true life and not a fake religion.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Enter this new life by embracing and following Jesus Christ.

Q. Why?

A. He’s the way to true life.

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. Fasting is denying ourselves the things of this world.

Q. Why?

A. So that we keep seek first his kingdom and his righteousness ahead of things of this world.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Fast and pray for Jesus’ return.

Q. Why?

A. To help us keep his return at the forefront of our thinking each day.


David Platt gives us:

A Pause after reading Matthew 8

A. Let’s trust wholeheartedly in Jesus’ authority.

B. Let’s rest peacefully in Jesus’ authority.

C. Let’s submit completely to Jesus’ authority.

D. Let’s rejoice gladly in Jesus’ authority


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

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How NOT to Follow Jesus | Matthew 8:18-34

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 8:18-34 (Main);

Title: How NOT to follow Jesus (Darien Gabriel)

The Bottom line of Matthew 8-9: “Jesus possesses absolute authority in the world and warrants absolute allegiance from the world.”

Bottom line: We truly follow Jesus when we humble ourselves, deny ourselves, courageously take up our cross, overcoming our fear of death and what others think, and follow him with integrity.

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. How NOT to follow Jesus.

Q. Why?

A. Because sometimes it’s easier to understand how to follow Jesus by seeing how NOT to.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Follow Jesus and not just walk behind him.

Q. Why?

A. Because there’s a difference. We truly follow Jesus when we humble ourselves, deny ourselves, courageously take up our cross, overcoming our fear of death and what other think, and follow him with integrity.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. How would you counsel someone who wanted to follow Jesus as long as they could maintain their current lifestyle?

2. Explain how Matthew 8 speaks against the prosperity gospel.

3. How can Jesus' calming of the storm give you comfort in your own trials and suffering?

4. How do verses 28-34 speak to Jesus' authority in regard to Satan?

5. List five ways Matthew 8 demonstrates that Jesus was more (though not less) than a mere man?

6. What would you say if someone asked you, "What is your greatest need?" Explain your answer.

7. Explain the difference between suffering that is directly related to your own sin and suffering that comes as a result of living in a fallen world.

8. If someone said that Jesus never claimed to be divine, how could you respond by using the account of the paralytic?

9. How might Jesus' calling of Matthew give us hope for unbelievers we know who seem unreachable with the gospel?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


Truth over tribe: pledging allegiance to the lamb not the donkey or the elephant.

1- Matthew is showing us through negative examples how NOT to follow Jesus.

2- At the same time, Matthew is showing Jesus has authority over the whole world:

  • Disciples

  • Danger/Disaster

  • Demons

  • Disease

  • Death

  • Damnation

I. Follow Jesus without pride.

“I will follow you wherever you go.” (19)

  • Impressive words if they are genuine.

  • But Jesus suspects that they are not. So he picks the area of life that will best reveal this to him. No home. No prestige. No comforts.

  • It’s not courage if you don’t realize how dangerous it is. He doesn’t seem to know.

“Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” (20)

  • Foxes and birds have homes. Jesus and his followers do not. They walk by faith in simplicity and obscurity seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness trusting that everything they need will be provided.

  • Count the cost, scribe. Humble yourself and realize that Jesus doesn’t need your scholarship or pedigree to accomplish his mission.

II. Follow Jesus without compromise.

“Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” (21)

  • Seems that he wants to follow Jesus on his own terms—in his own time. Waiting on his father to die so he can get the inheritance.

  • Seems to be looking for security in money instead of Jesus.

  • “Seek first…”

III. Follow Jesus without fear for your life.

  • The storm scares them to death.

  • They wake Jesus and ask him to save them.

  • Jesus saves them in response to their “little faith” (Mark says “no” faith).

  • Jesus chastises them and calls them to greater faith: Courageous, confident faith.

IV. Follow Jesus without boundaries.

  • They went outside of Israel. Cf. Acts 1:8

  • We see Jesus’ authority over demons again here.

V. Follow Jesus without fear for what others think.

  • They bring the paralytic to Jesus.

  • Jesus forgives sins first—then heals.

  • Jesus doesn’t care what others think, even though it will cost him his life.

  • Jesus shows he has authority over disease and damnation.


David Platt gives us:

A Pause after reading Matthew 8

A. Let’s trust wholeheartedly in Jesus’ authority.

B. Let’s rest peacefully in Jesus’ authority.

C. Let’s submit completely to Jesus’ authority.

D. Let’s rejoice gladly in Jesus’ authority



Platt’s outline

I. The Basic Outline of Matthew 8-9

A. 3 miracle stories (8:1-17) (LAST WEEK)

B. 2 descriptions of discipleship (8:18-22) (THIS WEEK)

C. 3 miracle stories (8:23-9:8) (THIS WEEK TOO?)

D. 2 descriptions of discipleship (9:9-17) (NEXT WEEK)

E. 3 miracle stories (9:18-34) (NEXT WEEK)

II. The Bottom line of Matthew 8-9: “Jesus possesses absolute authority in the world and warrants absolute allegiance from the world.”

III. The Portrait of Jesus in Matthew 8

A. Jesus has authority of disease. (LAST WEEK)

    1. He cleanses the physically unclean.

    2. He heals the ethnically outcast.

    3. He restores the culturally marginalized.

B. Jesus has authority over disciples. (THIS WEEK)

    1. Jesus is worthy of unconditional trust.

    2. Jesus is worthy of undivided affection.

C. Jesus has authority over disaster.

    1. The point of the story: Jesus is God.

    2. The promise of the story: You will never be alone.

D. Jesus has authority over demons.

    1. The demons have fear because of their belief. (Cf. James 2:19)

    2. We often have fear because of our unbelief.

IV. A Pause after reading Matthew 8

A. Let’s trust wholeheartedly in Jesus’ authority.

B. Let’s rest peacefully in Jesus’ authority.

C. Let’s submit completely to Jesus’ authority.

D. Let’s rejoice gladly in Jesus’ authority.


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

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Why Does Jesus Deserve My Allegiance? | Matthew 8: 1-17

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 8: (Main); James 2:19

Title: Why does Jesus deserve my allegiance? (Darien Gabriel)

Bottom line: Jesus has all authority in the world. Therefore, he deserves all allegiance from the world.

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. That Jesus has all authority over all the earth.

Q. Why?

A. Because we tend to believe that lies that we aren’t other an ultimate authority robbing us of the blessing that comes sitting under him.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Do God’s will by obeying God’s word.

Q. Why?

A. Because it leads to blessing.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

  1. How does Jesus' absolute authority contrast with the relativism of our day?

  2. Why is a privatized, keep-it-to-yourself faith incompatible with Jesus' authority?

  3. Jesus heals three unlikely characters in this chapter. How might this impact those with whom you seek to share the gospel?

  4. How does the account of the centurion highlight the centrality of faith in our response to Jesus?

  5. Does Jesus' healing ministry guarantee the healing of those for whom we pray? Why or why not?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


I grew up saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school every day. And that’s a good and appropriate pledge for citizens of this great country to make. It unifies us by reminding us that we pledge our lives to this great experiment and to these great ideals called The US of America.

But America is temporary. Every nation in the world is temporary. Only God’s kingdom will last.

As Christians, we are citizens of the kingdom of God. And our pledge is allegiance to the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. There’s a song called “I pledge allegiance to the lamb” that reminds us of our ultimate commitment.

But why does Jesus deserve my allegiance? Do I owe him my allegiance? Do I have a choice? Is it in my best interest?

That’s what we’ll explore today. Especially, we’ll answer the question: Why does Jesus deserve my allegiance.

Luke gives us a very detailed chronological historical account of the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Matthew gives us a very detailed thematic historical account. It’s close to chronological chronology submits to his thematic purposes.

In Matt 8-9, Matthew creates a rhythm of 3 miracles—2 disciple lessons—3 miracles—2 lessons.

And his theme coming out of the Sermon on the Mount is more of the same: Jesus has all authority so that all nations might pledge all allegiance to him. Some have called this more action-oriented passages the Sermon on the Move because we’re now following Jesus around seeing him demonstrate what he preached in the SOTM. Let’s dive in!

Bottom line: Jesus has all authority in the world. Therefore, he deserves all allegiance from the world.

Platt’s outline

I. The Basic Outline of Matthew 8-9

A. 3 miracle stories (8:1-17)

B. 2 descriptions of discipleship (8:18-22)

C. 3 miracle stories (8:23-9:8)

D. 2 descriptions of discipleship (9:9-17)

E. 3 miracle stories (9:18-34)

II. The Bottom line of Matthew 8-9: “Jesus possesses absolute authority in the world and warrants absolute allegiance from the world.”

III. The Portrait of Jesus in Matthew 8

A. Jesus has authority of disease. (Today)

    1. He cleanses the physically unclean.

    2. He heals the ethnically outcast.

    3. He restores the culturally marginalized.

B. Jesus has authority over disciples. (Next week)

    1. Jesus is worthy of unconditional trust.

    2. Jesus is worthy of undivided affection.

C. Jesus has authority over disaster.

    1. The point of the story: Jesus is God.

    2. The promise of the story: You will never be alone.

D. Jesus has authority over demons.

    1. The demons have fear because of their belief. (Cf. James 2:19)

    2. We often have fear because of our unbelief.

IV. A Pause after reading Matthew 8

A. Let’s trust wholeheartedly in Jesus’ authority.

B. Let’s rest peacefully in Jesus’ authority.

C. Let’s submit completely to Jesus’ authority.

D. Let’s rejoice gladly in Jesus’ authority.


Bottom line: Jesus has all authority in the world. Therefore, he deserves all allegiance from the world.

“In the spring of 2000, James Montgomery Boice, the well-known pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, was diagnosed with cancer. He shared with his congregation about how they should pray for him:

‘Should you pray for a miracle? Well, you're free to do that, of course. My general impression is that the God who is able to do miracles—and he certainly can—is also able to keep you from getting the problem in the first place. So although miracles do happen, they're rare by definition. A miracle has to be an unusual thing.

Above all, I would say pray for the glory of God. If you think of God glorifying himself in history and you say, where in all of history has God most glorified himself? He did it at the cross of Jesus Christ, and it wasn't by delivering Jesus from the cross, though he could have. Jesus said, "Don't you think I could call down from my Father ten legions of angels for my defense?" But he didn't do that. And yet that's where God is most glorified.

God is in charge. When things like this come into our lives, they are not accidental. It's not as if God somehow forgot what was going on, and something bad slipped by. God is not only the one who is in charge; God is also good. Everything he does is good.’

Boice's testimony is a model in terms of what it means to have confidence in

  1. the sovereign power of God and

  2. to trust in the sovereign will of God.

Like Boice, we too must trust that God will do what is good.

Boice died eight weeks after sharing those words with his congregation, but he died trusting in

  1. the sovereign power and

  2. sovereign will of God.

He knew that Jesus was able to heal, yet He submitted to Jesus' will—His good, pleasing, and perfect will (Rom 12:1-2).”

-David Platt, p. 105-106, Exalting Jesus in Matthew


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

Read More
How Do I Know That I'm Saved? | Matthew 7:21-29

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 7:21-29 (Main); Matthew 16:15-18, John 20:31

Title: How do I know that I’m saved? (Darien Gabriel)

Bottom line: I know that I’m saved when I practice what Jesus preaches, doing God’s will by obeying God’s word.

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. How to know that you are saved.

Q. Why?

A. Because knowing leads to confident, wise and peace-filled living.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Do God’s will by obeying God’s word.

Q. Why?

A. Because it leads to abundant, wise living now and eternal life hereafter.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. If not everyone who says they know Jesus iOS in fact known by Jesus, how can you know for certain that Jesus knows you? How can the church help make sure each person genuinely knows Jesus as their Lord?

2. How can you know whether the authority over your life is reason, experience, tradition, or revelation?

3. Examine the characteristics of the two types of wisdom from James.

Is wisdom a mental, emotional, or physical trait?

4. Where else in Matthew do you see Jesus warn of judgment?

5. How should Christians balance salvation by grace with judgment based on obedience as Jesus teaches in this passage?

6. Why is Jesus's parable of the two builders a fitting conclusion to his

Sermon on the Mount?

7. Read the other passages about great storms of judgment (Isa 28:16-

22; Ezek 13:10-16). What are the causes of impending judgment in those contexts, and how do they compare with Matthew's context?

8. What does "casual and comfortable Christianity" look like, and how does that compare to how Jesus calls his followers to live?

9. In what areas of your life (finance, work, family, recreation, etc.) would you say that you were more

"amazed" at Jesus's teachings

instead of obedient to them? What can you change to be obedient in those areas?

10. Since Jesus's words have divine authority, how does that affect your approach to the Bible?

11. How is the obedience Jesus desires both an inward piety and an outward action? How does Scripture characterize and describe obedience in both areas?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


Some of you know that I went to Clemson my freshman year thinking I was a Christian. Two months later, I learned that I wasn’t surrendered my life to Jesus Christ.

I thought I was saved but I wasn’t.

What about you? Do you ever have doubts? Do you ever ask yourself whether or not you’re the real deal? It’s not a bad question to ask.

Jesus answers this question using some shocking words. It’s like he’s trying to jolt the spiritually inoculated. Jesus tells us how to know you are really saved.

The result should be a sense of peace, joy and confidence in who you are and how to live.

Last week we looked at 2 kinds of

  • Roads/Gates—one leading to life the other to destruction,

  • Animals: Sheep and wolves; Prophets or disciples—one part of the flock, the other out to devour the flock

  • Trees—one bearing good fruit, the other bad fruit and teaching falsehoods

This week we’ll look at 2 kinds of

  • Evangelical Christians—both look and speak the part, but only one is alive inside. Like the ancient oak tree that falls in the storm and it’s revealed that it was weaker than expected because the inside was rotten at the core.

  • Foundations—one built wisely on stone is built to last while the other is built to impress or for show.

Today Jesus will challenge the veracity of your faith.

Jesus ends his sermon on the mount (SOTM) with a challenge to do more than just hear and be impressed by it. And notice in v. 29 that the people were very impressed by it. They noted that it was authoritative instead of just footnoted well. His aim is that people would take it to heart and be changed by it. The evidence of this would be them starting to build their lives on the lasting foundation of Jesus the Christ.

The sad truth, however, is that our churches are full of false evangelical converts who rely on

  • Their vocabulary—we know the lingo “brother”, “fellowship” and “born again”

  • Their social conventions—attitudes like “don’t drink, smoke or chew or date girls who do”

  • Their similar likes and dislikes—eat at Chick-fil-A, shop at Hobby Lobby, Ben & Jerry’s, smirk at rainbow stickers, and make it clear to anyone who will listen what we’re against.

  • Their strong heritage—My granddaddy was a pastor; my grandmother was a missionary

  • Their successful jumping through the hoops—I’ve been through confirmation class; I was baptized at an early age.

While these things are not necessarily wrong or bad in and of themselves, the result of all of this is often inoculated people who believe that they are evangelical, bible-believing, Christ-trusting, cross-wearing, member-pledging Christians who in fact are false converts that Christ will say to at the day of judgment, “I never knew you.” “Many” are in this boat. Beware of thinking that you could not possibly be in this boat.

Bottom line: I know that I’m saved when I practice what Jesus preaches, doing God’s will by obeying God’s word.

In today’s news cycle, it’s not unusual to hear pundits talk about evangelical Christians as a voter block. But this can leave one shaking his head when they hear the results of the poles describing these creatures. Could it be that the culture has hijacked the word evangelical and defined it in political terms differing from the original religious terms?

What is an evangelical Christian? A person who believes:

  1. The Bible is divinely inspired and infallible, and subscribes to the doctrinal formulations that teach

  2. The total depravity of humanity,

  3. The inerrancy of the Scriptures (The Bible),

  4. The substitutionary death and atonement of Christ,

  5. Salvation by unmerited grace through personal faith in Christ (not through good words),

  6. The necessity of a transformed life,

  7. The existence of a literal Heaven and Hell,

  8. And the visible personal return of Jesus Christ to set up his kingdom of righteousness. Moreover, they believe in

  9. The proclamation of the gospel and

  10. The mission of winning the world to Christ. —Evangelical Dictionary of Theology

Does that sound like the people CNN & Fox are talking about during their election coverage? Or do they define them differently?

In vv. 13-20 Jesus warns against the dangers that come from the outside. In vv. 21-27 he warns us of the dangers that come from ourselves. That is

  1. The danger of basing your salvation on lip service, and

  2. The danger of basing your salvation on lifestyle.

John Newton, the former slave trader and author of Amazing Grace said, “If I ever reach Heaven I expect to find three wonders there: 1) First, to meet some I had not thought to see there; 2) Second, to miss some I had thought to meet there; and 3) Third, the greatest wonder of all, to find myself there.”

This outline is heavily influenced by Kent Hughes.

I. I know I’m saved when I do his will. (7:21-23)

John Stott’s remarkable confession by the “many” in vv. 21-22:

  1. This confession is polite. He is called Lord which is to say “sir”. Even today, this is a courteous and tolerant way to address Jesus.

  2. This confession is orthodox. Of course, it can also mean and does mean divine rule. Context requires that we see Jesus as Lord as in divine ruler by the authority given to him by God the Father.

  3. This confession is fervent. “Lord, Lord” shows enthusiasm and zeal.

  4. This confession is public. Not a private or secret confession of faith. It’s gloriously public.

So what’s wrong with this confession of faith? Nothing! But there is a problem. You can do any one of these and still not truly be saved.

The problem is that you can confess these things in this way and still not have abundant, eternal life. How do know then? How can we tell if we are truly saved?

The answer lies in the bookends of the SOTM. The SOTM begins with the beatitudes (beautiful attitudes) and ends with the application of them. That is when we practice the attitudes and following heart-felt obedience of the will of God on a regular basis, then we evidence genuine knowledge of Christ and salvation by him.

Said another way, we are genuinely growing in Christ-like character and conduct on a regular basis. We are practicing the principles taught in Matt 5-7. No wonder Matthew chose this to be the first of Jesus’ 5 major teaching passages in the book of Matthew!

At Grace, we’re all about making disciples who make disciples. But when do you know you have a disciple of Jesus Christ? When he/she is growing in being and doing like Jesus Christ. What does that look like? It looks like the words, ways and works of Jesus found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But you can start with the SOTM if you want a quick summary.

II. I know I’m saved when I obey his word. (7:24-28)

“Fool” comes from the Greek word moro from which we get our word moron.

“The man who builds his house upon the shifting foundation is likened to the person who hears Jesus’ words but who does not put them to practice. The man who builds his house upon the rock is like

In this passage, we learn that 2 people can go to the same church, do the same things, believe the same things but find themselves in very different places after the storms of life and/or ultimately at the day of judgment.

Both build a house that looks the same. But one cares more about the foundation and he digs deeper through the sand to the rock and builds his foundation on that. As a result, when the storms of life come, his house will stand. (Metaphorically) And when Jesus returns, Jesus will not say, “I never knew you” because he built his life on the rock-solid confession that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God and that by believing in him will have life in his name. (Matthew 16:15-18 + John 20:31)

III. I know I am saved when I live based on his authority. (7:28-29)

I like how Matthew ends this sermon for Jesus. He tells us what the people say which tells us two things:

  1. His words are amazing.

  2. His words are authoritative.

Norm Geisler gives us 4 sources of authority that shape our decisionl-making:

  1. Reason (I think),

  2. Experience (I feel),

  3. Tradition (I have always done), and

  4. Revelation (God says in his word).

Geisler adds, “one or more of these authorities will govern how we live.”

Who’s your authority in making decisions in life and hereafter?


Bottom line: I know that I’m saved when I practice what Jesus preaches, doing God’s will by obeying God’s word.

“Look around and be distressed; look within and be depressed; look to Jesus and be at rest.”

-Corrie Ten Boom

Bill Murphey, my favorite e newsletter guy, shared an idea that he’s heard that people die 3X in life:

  1. When their body stops working,

  2. When they’re buried, and

  3. After the last time anyone says their name.

I’ll add a fourth. It’s either when

  1. When they die to self and surrender to Jesus Christ, or

  2. When they enter the hereafter in a real place called hell.

I want you to know that abundant and eternal life is possible when we do God’s will by obeying God’s word.

In summary,

We know that we are saved when we do his will and obey his word, outwardly and inwardly, because we trust he is good, able and trustworthy. As a result we love him and gladly submit to his authority evidencing our genuine salvation.

  1. Do you believe God is good?

  2. Do you believe God is able?

  3. Do you believe God is trustworthy?

  4. Do you believe God loves you?

  5. Do you gladly submit to his authority?

If you don’t, then you haven’t answered 1-4 with a yes yet.

If you do, then you know that you’re saved. Continue to walk in his grace and wisdom.

So I ask you to you know that you’ve been saved from sin and death, shame and guilt, and hell itself?

Is your life pattern to do the will of God?

Is your life pattern to obey the word of God as summarized in the Sermon on the Mount?

Repent and believe today! Trust him who is good, able and trustworthy! Trust him who loves you unconditionally and sacrificially through the cross of Christ.


Outline Bible


A. The two roads (7:13-14)

1. The broad highway to hell (7:13): The gate is wide, and many choose this way to destruction.

2. The narrow road to heaven (7:14): The gate is narrow, and only a few ever find it.

B. The two animals (a condemnation of false prophets) (7:1)

1. They pretend to be sheep (7:15a): They seem harmless.

2. They prove to be wolves (7:15b): They tear you apart.

C. The two kinds of disciples (7:21-23)

1. True disciples (7:21a): On judgment day, the true disciples will be separated from the false ones.

2. False disciples (7:21b-23): On judgment day, the false disciples will be condemned.

a. The wondrous deeds they will say they did (7:22): They will say they prophesied, cast out demons, and performed miracles in his name.

b. The wicked deeds Christ will say they did (7:21b, 23): They disobeyed the Father, and God will say he never knew them.

D. The two trees (7:16-20)

1. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit (7:16, 18).

2. A bad tree cannot produce good fruit (7:17, 19-20).

E. The two builders (7:24-27)

1. The structures (7:24, 26)

a. One man built his house on solid rock (7:24).

b. One man built his house on shifting sand (7:26).

2. The storm (7:25, 27)

a. The house on the rock stood firm (7:25).

b. The house on the sand fell flat (7:27).

III. JESUS' DEMONSTRATIONS (7:28-29): Jesus continues to teach, amazing his listeners with his authority.


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“Sermon on the Mount” by Charles Quayle’s

“The Sermon on the Mount: Kingdom Life in a Fallen World” by Sinclair Ferguson

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

“Exalting Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount” by Daniel Akin (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

"Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes" by Kenneth E. Bailey

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What's the Bottom Line of the Sermon on the Mount? | Matthew 7:13-20

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 7:13-20 (Main)

Title: What’s the Bottom Line of the SOTM? (Darien Gabriel)

Bottom line: The bottom line of the SOTM is that you have a choice to believe it or not. There is no middle ground.

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. The bottom line of the sermon on the mount (SOTM)—which is that you have a choice which way you will go—the narrow or broad way.

Q. Why?

A. Because to not decide is to decide and choose death and destruction.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Enter through the narrow gate embracing the SOTM as your way to follow Jesus

Q. Why?

A. Because it leads to life—abundant and eternal

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. How can you know if you are walking on the wide path or the narrow path?

2. Is the choice between the wide and narrow paths a one-time choice, or will you need to choose between them on multiple occasions? Why?

3. Is the path to eternal life narrow because of God's design or man's choices?

4. Read all of Psalm 73. How does the psalmist's realization help us choose the narrow path when it is the more difficult one?

5. True teachers and false teachers will both appeal to Scripture. So how can the church know which teachings are true and which are false?

6. Why are false teachings so convincing at times?

7. What false teachings are popular today that the church needs to be aware of?

8. What are steps the church can take to protect itself against false teachers and false teaching?

9. Is it possible for someone to teach something incorrect but not be a false teacher? Why or why not?

10. If not everyone who says they know Jesus is in fact known by Jesus, how can you know for certain that [esus knows you? How can the church help make sure each person genuinely knows Jesus as their Lord?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


The Forgotten Way—do you remember?

  • Discerning which road to take

  • Discerning False Preachers/Teachers

Fleshing out the SOTM = the narrow way (aka The Forgotten Way, devotional by Ted Dekker)

This is the beginning of the end of the sermon on the mount (SOTM). Jesus moves from

  1. kingdom character as outlined in the beatitudes (“beautiful attitudes”, Hughes) to

  2. two metaphors of salt and light to illustrate how to live as kingdom citizens.

  3. He followed this with how to live a righteous life greater than the religious leaders.

  4. Then he gave many examples of what this looks like in the raising the bar to the spirit of the law.

  5. Then he gives specific instructions on giving, praying, fasting, materialism, worry, wrongly judging others, and prayer.

  6. He caps this off with the golden rule.

His lengthy conclusion is in effect this: Of all the things I could have said, that’s what I’m saying to you as God in the flesh. Now, what are you going to do about it?

Discerning which road to take

In sum, the SOTM “is about getting on the right road and staying on it.” -Hughes

I. The road to destruction (7:13)

  • Easy traveling: Picture a large entrance to a city; wide gates, lots of room, easy to travel down

  • Take it all: You don’t have to leave anything behind to work your way down this street

  • No boundaries

  • Apparent freedom

  • Crowded: Most people are here

  • Road ends at the edge of the abyss—but the traveler does not!

II. The road to life (7:14)

  • Road is narrow (but straight or direct) because truth is specific; it is or is not

    • Salvation is by no other name than Jesus…Acts 4:12

    • I am the way and the truth and the life…John 14:6

    • Our affections are narrow; our love for the Lord >…

      • Our parents

      • Our children

      • Our spouse

      • Ourself

  • Way is hard: Help is needed

  • Hard to find: You have to search for it to find it; even then you need help

  • Count the cost: Jesus is upfront about this road being narrow and difficult; take up your cross…

  • Leave it all: You don’t need anything

  • Leads to life: Life that is eternal is knowing the Son and knowing the Father…John 17:3

  • Few find it: not many traveling on this road

  • Embracing the beatitudes (by grace through faith) are finding the gate; walking the beatitudes (by grace through faith) is walking the narrow road

  • This is a command; It’s no accident that Jesus placed this text at the beginning of the end of the SOTM. He knew some would simply marvel at the message. So Jesus commands us to “Enter through the narrow gate”

  • There is no such thing as everyone gets saved. (Universalism) The Bible teaches that those who choose the narrow way find life. But that most people will not find it because they don’t believe it.

  • There is only one way to heaven—

    • “I am the way…” John 14:6

    • “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

    • “For there is on eGod and one mediator between God and humanity, the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Tim 2:5

Which road are you on today?

Discerning False Teachers

“CHUCK SWINDOLL TELLS THE STORY about an unforgettable evening when a friend of his ate dog food. Contrary to what we might expect, he was not starving, nor was he being initiated into a fraternity. Rather, it happened at an elegant physician's home near Miami. The dog food was served on delicate little crackers with a wedge of imported cheese, bacon chips, and an olive, topped with a sliver of pimento. Hors d'oeuvres a la Alpo! The deed was not perpetrated by an enemy but by a friend. (With friends like that, who needs enemies!) She had just graduated from a gourmet cooking course and decided she would put her skills to the ultimate test_-and did she ever.

After doctoring up those miserable morsels, she placed them on a silver tray.

With a sly grin she watched them disappear. Swindoll's friend could not get enough. He kept coming back for more. Evidently the woman's friends were a pretty laid-back group because everyone had a good laugh when she told them what they had been eating. To each their own.

That is a perfect illustration of what goes on in another realm-namely, religious deception.” -Hughes

III. The character of false teachers (7:15)

  • They will come and are already present around us

  • They can be distinguished from genuine ones

  • They “come to you in sheep’s clothing” i.e. they look like most other sheep

  • Their preaching

    • isn’t filled with wrong things as much as it lacks truths that matter

    • Says nothing offensive

    • Avoids dwelling on the cross

    • Avoids talking about sin; some admit they don’t even use the word

    • Is more about self-help than our need for a savior

  • Jesus calls them ravenous wolves—that should sober us to wake up and ask ourselves if we’re sitting under this teaching

  • Goal is to devour and destroy the sheep

  • 2 Cor 11:13-15: “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.”

Therefore, Jesus therefore commands us to “Watch out” or “Be on guard” for false prophets/wolves in sheep’s clothing.

IV. Testing the Messengers (7:16-20)—Having given us warnings, Jesus tells us what to test (Hughes)

Two categories: A. What they teach and B. How they live

A. What they teach:

  1. You will recognize them by their fruit (first and last of this section)

  2. Recognize = know; full knowledge of what one really is

  3. 4 doctrinal tests suggested by Kent Hughes:

    1. The false prophet avoids preaching on such things as the holiness, righteousness, justice and wrath of God.

      1. He doesn’t say he doesn’t believe these truths;

      2. He ignores them or just acknowledges in passing

      3. He emphases God’s love without balancing it with God’s holiness (justice/wrath)

    2. The false prophet avoids preaching on the doctrine of the final judgment. The Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses do this too. They reject the biblical doctrine of hell in favor or lesser punishments.

    3. The false prophets fail to emphasize the falleness and depravity of humanity.

      1. We are sinners.

      2. We cannot save ourselves.

    4. The false prophets de-emphasize the substitutionary death and atonement of Christ.

      1. They may talk about it

      2. They avoid saying it’s vicarious, substitutionary atonement view

  4. False prophets talk about God and even Jesus. They don’t seem like heretics. They are likable and even pleasant to be around. Churches can even grow under their leadership. But they leave in their wake disciples of unbelief.

B. How they live.

  1. “Being a true Christian means there has been a radical change in the depth of the person through the grace of God.” -Hughes

  2. “There is an awesomely deep connection between what comes out of us and what we are.” -Hughes

  3. “False prophets encourage us to try to make ourselves Christians by adding something to our lives instead of becoming something new.” -Hughes

  4. “Time will reveal the true nature of the fruit.” -Hughes

True Christ-followers:

  • Display the character of God’s kingdom (beatitudes)

    • Poverty of spirit

    • Grief over sin

    • Meek

    • Hunger and thirst for righteousness

    • Merciful

    • Pure in heart

    • Peacemakers

    • Persecuted for Jesus’ sake

  • Teach others how to live this narrow way (SOTM)


“Today whole groups of people are being served things they would never consciously east, for the sliver trays and attractive garnishes have them completely fooled.” -Hughes

  • Don’t be superficial in evaluating your preachers/teachers

  • Don’t be superficial in evaluating your own lives either.

  • Is the fleece you’re wearing really yours?

LOTR vs GOT article

In sum, worldviews are contrasted vividly. David French opines the worldview of GOT isn’t “win or die” but “win AND die.” I would say that LOTR seems to be saying “die AND win.” I’m not sure French would say that but it seems like he would.



“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“Sermon on the Mount” by Charles Quayle’s

“The Sermon on the Mount: Kingdom Life in a Fallen World” by Sinclair Ferguson

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

“Exalting Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount” by Daniel Akin (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

"Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes" by Kenneth E. Bailey

Read More
How Do I Obey the Golden Rule? | Matthew 7:7-12

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 7:7-12 (Main); Luke 11:1-10)

Title: How do I live obey the Golden Rule? (Darien Gabriel)

(See below for bibliography)

Summary: call Matthew puts the other half of the sandwich on here when he says “the law and the prophets.“ He summarizes 5:17 through 7:12 with the golden rule.  And an effort to give us more insight and how to pray, he gives us the golden promise that empowers to Golden Rule.

My bottom line: Doing to others as you want them to do for you (Golden Rule) is possible when we pray with persistent expectation (Golden Prayer).

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. How to live out the golden rule realistically.

Q. Why?

A. Because this is the bottom line to Christian living.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Live the golden rule by leaning into the golden promise.

Q. Why?

A. Because

  1. it’s a worthy goal and

  2. the only way you’ll succeed at doing it.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. Why is it astounding that God hears and responds to your prayers?

2. If God hears you, why is it important to pray persistently? Why does he want you to pray more than once for your needs?

3. What is the difference between casual prayer and expectant prayer?

4. What prayers can you look back on and be glad that God did not answer in the way you initially wanted? How did God answer the prayer better than you asked? Or how was it good that God refrained from giving you what you wanted?

5. The Bible says to ask and God will provide. What in your life do you desire but are not praying for? Why?

6. What could you begin praying for this week that God would change in your life?

7. How brave are your prayers? Are they filled with needs that you can accomplish on your own or needs that require God to provide?

8. What happens when you follow or teach the Golden Rule without teaching and depending on the golden promise or the gospel?

9. How does the Golden Rule flow out of the way Jesus has treated you?

10. Our culture often privileges some people over others for sinful reasons. How does the Golden Rule change how the church welcomes and serves those who are marginalized by the culture?

“We can never ask too much spiritually. Let us ask and receive. Someone once said, "Any discussion of the doctrine of prayer that does not issue in the practice of prayer is not only not helpful, but harmful. That is true. We would all do well to engage in the following actions:

1. Search out some spiritual qualities that you lack but would like to have.

List them on your prayer list.

2. Pray passionately for them -keep asking, seeking, knocking.

3. Have confidence that God your Father will give them to you.” —Kent Hughes

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


When our girls were young they would often ask Anita for things. After all, she was there all day everyday. Easy habit to start. Sometimes when they were asking for something of, and I was in the house, she would then say go ask your father!

At other times, the kids would just come ask me if they thought I was more likely to say yes. Because I loved to say yes to our girls. Don’t get me started on them asking the grandparents for stuff!

Our heavenly father loves to say yes to his kids too. He loves to say yes—unless he has a better answer than what we’ve even asked for. Ever thought about that? Sometimes he says no to our request because he has something better for us.

In this passage we’re going to see that the Lord wants to bless us to be a blessing to others. This is why he gives us the golden promise – so that we will practice the Golden Rule.

So let’s ask our father for help with this!

Main idea: “Because God is a good Father who desires to answer persistent and expectant prayers we are able to treat others as we want to be treated.” -D Akin

My bottom line: Doing to others as you want them to do for you (Golden Rule) is possible when we pray with persistent expectation (Golden Prayer).

The Golden Rule came from an emperor of Rome putting this verse on the wall of his palace in gold.

We think of it as such a good rule that we call it golden. Both work.

It starts with God and moves to people. (Like the 10 commandments)

Our bullseye for being a faithful learner and follower of Jesus the Christ is:

  1. Growing in Christ-like character, and

  2. Growing in Christ-like competency. (See video)

So, we can see why Jesus ends this part of the sermon on the mount with this verse. It’s a summary verse for the Christian life. Let’s dig in a little more.

I. Golden Promise: God promises to answer our prayers. (7:7-11)

A. We should ask persistently. (7-8)

B. We should ask expectantly. (9-11)

II. Golden Rule: God challenges us to obey the Golden rule. (7:12)

A. START with what YOU would want.

B. FINISH with what OTHERS want.

C. REJOICE that this is what GOD wants!


My bottom line: Doing to others as you want them to do for you (Golden Rule) is possible when we pray with persistent expectation (Golden Prayer).

In the Rose Bowl parade each Jan. 1st we watch through the lens of the TV network we get a limited perspective on the entire spectacle that is the Tournament of Roses Parade.

In contrast, the Lord sees the entire parade route with floats cued up through blocks and blocks of streets awaiting their turn. In addition, there are so many stories of how their float came together and the associated drama.

When we pray, it’s easy to let our limited perspective keep us from believing that God “knows how” to give us good gifts. But he does. Every time.

So pray persistently by asking, seeking and knocking continuously.

And pray expectantly believing that God knows how to give good gifts to those who ask.

We start with thinking of what we want.

We move to thinking of what others want.

This gets us to what God wants.



“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“Sermon on the Mount” by Charles Quayle’s

“The Sermon on the Mount: Kingdom Life in a Fallen World” by Sinclair Ferguson

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

“Exalting Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount” by Daniel Akin (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

"Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes" by Kenneth E. Bailey

Read More
Should You Judge Others? | Matthew 7:1-6; 15

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 7:1-6; 15 (Main); 2 Samuel 12:1-7; John 7:24; Romans 14:1-4; Romans 2:1; 2 Cor 5:10-11

Title: Should You Judge Others? (Darien Gabriel)

(See below for bibliography)

Summary Matthew 7: Jesus teaches us to ask God for what we need, how to treat others, and how to live as a true child of the Heavenly Father. (Outline Bible)

Bottom Line: While we need godly discernment and confrontation in the body, we must avoid hypercriticism and judgmentalism. Otherwise, we’ll be establishing the standard by which God will judge us. There’s a way to judge that is biblical and there’s a way to judge that is not. It’s a matter of the heart.

I. What do I want you to know? Jesus taught that we’re to exercise discernment (judge) without a spirit of judgmental-ism or hypercriticism. “Judge the fruit, not the fruit” comes to mind.

Why? Because one is dangerous, foolish and unhelpful while the other is wise and protective. And you’ll be judged by God the way you’re judging others.

II. What do I want you to do?

  1. Deal with the sin in your own life at least as aggressively as you deal with the sin in other people’s lives.

  2. Avoid judgmental-ism and hypercriticism.

  3. Use discernment in who, how and when you share the gospel with others.

Why? Because why bring unnecessary harm onto yourself and those around you? Why waste resources on those hostile to God when there are many ready to receive the good news enthusiastically?

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. In what areas of your life are you most likely to be judgmental of someone (e.g., finances, work, health, spiritual disciplines, parenting, marriage, emotions, etc.)?

2. What is the difference between church discipline (cf. Matt 18:15-20; 1 Cor 5) and sinfully judging a brother or sister?

3. Why would you not want to be judged with the same standard you judge others (7:2)?

4. What aspect of the way God has treated you in the gospel should compel you to be humble and patient instead of judgmental?

5. Why do your actions toward other people affect how God acts toward you?

6. Jesus, like you, would have been tempted to judge sinfully. What are some examples in the Bible where you see Jesus not being judgmental when it would have been tempting to do so?

7. Unlike you, Jesus judges perfectly. Where in the Bible do you see Jesus giving grace and not judging when he has the right and the authority to judge?

8. Are you more sensitive to the sin of others than to your own sin? If so, how can you swap this sensitivity?

9. This chapter teaches that "some things are right and wrong, but some things are just different." What are examples of things that are culturally different and not proper reasons to judge someone?

10. Does social media increase or decrease your temptation to judge others? How do you use social media without sinfully judging someone?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


Our world is a criticizing world. You cannot escape it. And we’ve moved from being critical to canceling people now. It’s out of hand.

And yet that’s the world we live in. But we don’t have to be that way.

This passage contains one of the most misused verses in the Bible. Don’t judge. Jesus will explain it to us today. Today’s message is “Should you judge others?” Jesus weighs in and gives us guidance on judgment, discernment, and criticism as it relates to others in the world as well as in the church.

I. Don’t be judgmental to others. (7:1-2)

A. Don’t judge refers to not being judgmental to others.

B. That does not mean we don’t judge. Reasons this cannot be made to say we a never to judge include:

    1. V. 6 Shows we cannot obey Jesus’ command here without exercising judgment (discernment). You must judge whether or not a person is a dog or pig metaphorically.

    2. V. 15 “Jesus warns us to ‘Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.’ This requires subtle, discriminating judgment on our part.” -Hughes

    3. John 7:24 says, “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

C. Discerningly critical vs hypercritical; constructive vs destructive

D. Warning against pettiness on secondary issues found in Romans 14:1-4.

E. There are 2 eternal judgments:

    1. Bema seat of Christ (2 Cor 5:10-11)—not guilty + rewards

    2. The Great White Throne (20:11-15)—guilty

    3. The point: God will judge us as we’ve judged others (7:1) (Romans 2:1)

II. Don’t be hypercritical to others. (7:3-4) A crazy and sarcastic picture.

A. Plank/log = huge piece of wood (bring a 2x4 as a visual)

B. Speck of sawdust = tiny dust of wood

C. Impossible, comical, and, unfortunately, common

D. Illustration: King David, 2 Sam 12:1-7

E. Illustration: So easy to turn a Microscope on others vs wrong end of the telescope ourselves

F. We can be “log-toting speck inspectors” = hypocrites (Hughes)

G. This is where church discipline is possible. It requires humble judgment to know how best to discipline church member. (18:15-17)

What are we to do instead?

III. Be brothers and sisters to each other. (7:5)

A. Judge yourself—“take the plank out of your own eye.” Only then will be begin to see clearly enough to help someone take the speck out of theirs.

B. “We then see ourselves as we are, and we see others as they are.” -Hughes

C. “Instead of being critical, we weep for ourselves and them.” -Hughes

D. “Jesus does want us to discern the sins and shortcoming in others, but he wants us to see them through clear, self-judged eyes—eyes that are tender and compassionate.” -Hughes

E. How do we remove a speck from the eye of another?

    1. Carefully! Nothing more sensitive in the human body than the eye. In the spiritual realm, nothing more sensitive than the human soul.

    2. Therefore, “we must be humble, sympathetic, conscious of our own sins, and without condemnation.” -Hughes

    3. Conclusion by D. Akin:

    4. “I want to be both helpful and practical as we conclude our study on being judgmental. How can those of us who have been redeemed from all of our sin by the precious blood of Christ rightly make judgments without wrongly being judgmental?

    5. 1. CHECK YOUR MOTIVES. Ask yourself, Why am I doing this? Check your heart, knowing that ultimately only God knows the motives and intentions of the heart (Prov 16:2; 1 Cor 4:3-5).

    6. 2. EXAMINE YOUR OWN WALK WITH THE LORD FIRST. Ask, Am I walking in the Spirit, characterized by a gentle spirit, careful to monitor my own sin (Gal 6:1-2)?


    8. 4. PRACTICE THE GOLDEN RULE. Think about how you would want to be treated if you were on the receiving end of correction (Matt 7:12).

    9. 5. BE CAREFUL NOT TO MAKE A SNAP DECISION OR QUICK JUDGMENT. Take the time to get the facts, and listen before taking action (Prov 18:13).


    11. 7. DO NOT FORGET THE EXAMPLE OF JESUS, WHO HELPED AND MINISTERED TO SINNERS. Jesus was condemned and ridiculed for the way he cared for and loved sinners, tax collectors, pagans, and the woman caught in adultery (John 7:53-8:11).

    12. 8. SPEAK THE TRUTH BUT DO IT IN LOVE. (Eph 4:15).

    13. 9. KEEP IN MIND THAT SOME THINGS ARE RIGHT AND WRONG, BUT SOME THINGS ARE JUST DIFFERENT. (Rom 14:1-6,13-23). Be careful not to judge someone because of personality or cultural differences.



There’s no shortage of criticism in our world and even in the church. Let’s pray for God to purge us, our churches, and our world of hypercriticism and judgmentalism.


My Notes:

Akin’s outline

Main idea: “To judge others without examining and correcting oneself first is hypocritical and foolish, but it is biblical and wise to discern kingly judge those who abuse God’s message” (and messengers).

I. Jesus warns us about being judgmental towards others. (7:1-5)

A. It is foolish. (7:1-2)

B. It is prideful. (7:3-4)

C. It is hypocritical. (7:5)

II. Jesus counsels us to judge those who live wickedly. (7:6)

A. Some tear up God’s precious truth.

B. Some trample God’s precious truth.

Hughes’ outline

I. We are not to relate judgmentally to others. (7:1-2)

II. We are not to relate hypercritically to others. (7:3-4)

III. We are rather to be brothers and sisters to each other. (7:5)

Sinclair’s outline

I. Seeing More Clearly (7:1-5)

II. Seeing others more clearly (7:6)

III. Seeing God more clearly (7:7-12)


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“Sermon on the Mount” by Charles Quayle’s

“The Sermon on the Mount: Kingdom Life in a Fallen World” by Sinclair Ferguson

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

“Exalting Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount” by Daniel Akin (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

"Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes" by Kenneth E. Bailey

Read More
Jesus Teaches How to Stop Worrying | Matthew 6:25-34

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34 (Main); Philippians 4:6-7; 2 Corinthians 11:28-29

Title: Antidote to Anxiety, pt 2: Jesus Teaches How to Stop Worrying (Darien Gabriel)

(See below for bibliography)

Bottom Line: We don’t have to worry about anything in life because

  1. our Creator is our Father (he cares) +

  2. our King (he can).

  3. He can and wants to take care of all our needs.

I. What do I want you to know? Worry is unproductive and unhelpful.

Why? Because worry and anxiety rob us of the joy of the Lord that comes when we believe that God cares about us and can meet all our needs.

II. What do I want you to do?

  1. Decide what kingdom you’re going to live for.

  2. Seek first his kingdom and his righteous way i.e. Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly

Why? Because when we seek first his kingdom and righteousness, all these things will be added to us.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. How is worry sin? Have you considered worry a sin and repented of it?

2. How does Jesus's instruction not to worry about what you eat shape how you think about diets, eating lifestyles, and food choices? What is the difference between wise eating and worry eating?

3. What in your life creates the most worry? Why does that event or item cause you to worry? What does the gospel say about that issue that can help you trust God?

4. How does thinking about eternity help you not worry about your life?

5. How does your culture and economic status shape what you consider to be the appropriate standard for God's feeding, clothing, and taking care of you? How might your perspective change if you lived in a different context?

6. Were first-century Christians less susceptible to the desire for clothing than Christians today? Why or why not?

7. How can our trust in God, when we would naturally worry, be an

evangelistic witness to others?

8. Do you ask God more often for wants or for needs? How does God

handle our requests for things we want?

9. How can increasing our desire and concern for God's kingdom

lessen our worry over our lives and the future?

10. If your treasure is in heaven, how will that affect how much you are

willing to sacrifice now on earth?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


Bring back the coins (problems) and show how focusing on (worrying) just one problem affects everything else in life. It blinds us from the resources we have available to us and the perspective that keeps us grounded in those God-given resources.

If I have a handful of coins representing a handful of problems (family, marriage, work, school, finances, health, addictions), I’m going to have stress, worry and anxiety as long as I obsess on those from a perspective that God doesn’t know, doesn’t care, can’t help, isn’t trustworthy, or isn’t your King/Lord.

  • Worry is a symptom of a greater disease.

  • Worry is also a sin. It is the sin of unbelief. It’s not believing that God is who he says he is and/or that he won’t do all he’s promised to do.

  • The disease is heart disease—a heart of “little faith” in an infinitely loving Father and King.

  • “Do not worry” is a present imperative from Jesus. That is, it’s a command of constant and continuous action of not worrying. (Not do not be concerned but don’t worry from a self-centered place)


Jesus tells them not to worry about life.

  • Be concerned, sure.

  • Be worried, no way.

Gives 3 reasons why.

Gives 3 examples/illustrations to support those reasons.

Gives the antidote to anxiety and worry about life today.

And tomorrow. You have enough to deal with the worries of life today.

You don’t have enough to deal with the worries of tomorrow. So don’t try.

“Anxiety can never be cured by getting more of what we have already…Anxiety can be cured only by the assurance that our needs will be met by our King. For this reason, the chief drive in our lives should be to live under the authority of the king and to see his kingdom extended in every possible way—morally, socially, and geographically, as well as personally, inwardly, and spiritually. When our hearts are set on his righteousness pervading our lives, we have our priorities in order, and will discover two things:

First, all we need, he will provide. He has never failed one of his children.

Second, many of the things we thought we needed we now discover we did not really need, and do not now want.” —Sinclair Ferguson

Food, drink and clothing are great servants. They are terrible masters.

Simple Outline (Hughes)

I. Do not be anxious! Why? Because God is the King of life. (25-30)

II. Do not be anxious! Why? Because your the King’s Children. (31-34)


“Look at” the birds.

  • They are industrious, hard workers.

  • They do not sow or reap though.

  • Birds don’t deal with ulcers, see counselors or tranquilizers.

  • They have what they need most of the time.

  • Yes, bad things still happen to them.

  • Yet they fulfill their purpose in life.

  • Aren’t you worth more to God than these?! Yes! Why?

    • You’re human > animals

    • You’re greater because you’re created in the image of God. They are created but not in his image.

    • They call God their Creator, yes. But they don’t call God their Father and King!

    • Not only are we created in his image, we’ve been redeemed even though we were traitors and rebels. And at the cost of his one and only son Jesus.


Worry is pointless, fruitless, and foolish. It may add to the quality of your life—but not because it improves it!

  • Worry won’t lengthen our lives. In fact, if anything, it shortens your life!

Why worry when your Father + King has your life in his hands?

Your worry is a sign that

  1. You don’t adequately know him

  2. You don’t trust him

  3. You haven’t yet yielded to him


  • Avg American family spends $1,700/yr on clothing. (Johnson, “Real Cost”)

  • 1st century Hebrews in Israel had what they needed but not much more.

  • South Sudanese own 2 sets of clothes and a pair of sandals according to “Pastor Sam”

  • Did God not clothe Adam and Eve in the garden when their need became obvious even though they’d just rebelled against him?

  • “You of little faith” is intended as a “healing dagger”

  • Worry is energized by “little faith”—the issue is faith; do we trust God or not?

  • “Call it what you want: tension, anxiety, worry. But we need to call it what God calls it: unbelief. At it’s core worry is practical atheism, practical deism, or practical finite theism.” -Akin

    • Practical atheism—I don’t really believe God is real or knows about me

    • Practical deism—I don’t believe God cares

    • Practical finite theism—I don’t believe God can do anything about it

Transition: Now it gets more personal…

II. Do not be anxious! Why? Because your the King’s Children. (31-34)


Worry makes you like those who don’t believe or live like they don’t believe God matters. As a result, they worry because they have nowhere else to turn for help with the problems in this world.

  • If this is us, it should sober and humble us towards faith.

  • If this is those around us, as Christians, it should move us compassionately towards others.

  • Little faith

  • Misplaced faith

Jesus concludes with a simple truth: “Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them.” -Akin

  • “Heavenly” as in sovereign God who can.

  • “Father” as in YOUR loving Father who cares.

He knows.

He sees.

He cares.

How then should we live?


We should not be anxious about anything but instead seek first his kingdom and his righteousness knowing (believing) that all these things that we’re tempted to be worried about will be given to us.

  • “Seeking his kingdom primarily means trying to spread the reign of Christ through the spread of the gospel. It involves a profound poverty of spirit.”

  • “Seeking his righteousness involves making his righteousness attractive in all areas of life—personal, family, material, international.”

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” 5:6

Again Jesus uses present imperative (command, continuous action) “But (constantly) seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.” -Akin

Seek God’s rule

Seek God’s righteousness

Life’s needs will be provided

Cure for worry —> First things first: Stop worrying and start seeking. Stop worrying for your little kingdom and start seeking God’s big kingdom first. The watch him care for you.


“We are not to worry about tomorrow. Worry will not destroy tomorrow’s trials, but it will sabotage our strength. George Macdonald put it this way: ‘No man ever sank under the burden of the day. It is when tomorrow’s burden is added to the burden of today, that the weight is more than a man can bear.’

“Worrying does not enable you to escape evil. It makes you unfit to cope with it. The truth is, we always have the strength to bear the trouble when it comes. But we do not have the strength to bear worrying about it.”

Therefore, live for today instead of worrying about tomorrow. “Focus on today, and watch anxiety disappear.”

“In John Piper's excellent study of Matthew 6:24-34, he highlights eight reasons not to be anxious:

1. Life is more than food and clothing (v. 25).

2. The birds of the air work and count on God (v. 26).

3. Anxiety doesn't get you anywhere (v.27).

4. God delights to adorn things (W. 28-30).

5. Unbelievers are anxious about food and clothing (v. 32).

6. Your heavenly Father knows your needs (v. 32).

7. God will carry your burdens if you seek first his honor (v. 33).

8. Tomorrow will be anxious for itself (v. 34). ("Nine Arguments")

The last two items on Piper's list summarize well what we find in Matthew 6:33-34. God knows our needs and will take care of them so we do not.

have to worry.”

Phil 4:6-7 is another key ingredient.


Bottom Line: We don’t have to worry about anything in life because

  1. our Creator is our Father (he cares) +

  2. our King (he rules—because he’s able).

  3. He can and wants to take care of all our needs.

“In summary: Reject the secular reductionist mindset. You are more than a body. Along with this, refuse to focus on the world’s trinity of cares.

Consider the birds and the flowers. If God cares for the lesser, what will he do fro the greater—for us?

Do not live in the future. Live now. Put your arms around your wife right now. Take a walk with your child today. Enjoy the life God has given you.”

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” 6:33


My Notes:


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“Sermon on the Mount” by Charles Quayle’s

“The Sermon on the Mount: Kingdom Life in a Fallen World” by Sinclair Ferguson

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

“Exalting Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount” by Daniel Akin (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

"Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes" by Kenneth E. Bailey

Read More
Jesus' Antidote to Anxiety | Matthew 6:19-25

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 6:19-24

Title: Jesus’ Antidote to Anxiety (Darien Gabriel)

(See below for bibliography)

Summary of passage: Jesus lays out the principles and rules of kingdom living.

Bottom Line: Jesus teaches us to bank in heaven, keep our windows clean, and serve the right master to be free from anxiety.

Group Video Outline:

I. What do I want you to know?

Why? Because

II. What do I want you to do?

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. How does treasure in heaven compare to treasure on earth? What does each look like, and how are they different?

2. Why is it often easier to desire earthly treasures over heavenly treasures?

3. According to this chapter, how do you store up treasure in heaven? Are you pursuing any of these?

4. Does what you treasure show that you prefer God over this world?

5. This chapter teaches that you are to be single in your devotion. How does Christ's single devotion to his people empower his people to be single in their devotion to him?

6. What does it mean to be devoted to God? Is this devotion an inward, personal response, or is it an outward action? Why?

7. Why does Jesus contrast God with money as opposed to something else? What about money makes it particularly capable of being a master over people?

8. Why is money not able to provide satisfaction, security, and stability? In what ways is God alone able to provide satisfaction, security, and stability?

9. How do you lessen your desire for money and earthly treasure and increase your desire for God and heavenly treasure?

10. How is Jesus's previous discussion about prayer and fasting connected to Jesus's teaching about treasures and money? How do prayer and fasting (or the lack thereof) affect what you treasure?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


You can’t take it with you when you die.

There are no U-hauls behind Hertz’s in funeral processions. King Tut left all that gold behind that was entombed with him. We can’t it with us!s

But we can send it ahead.

Jesus deals with anxiety the next two weeks.

This week he uses money to get to the heart of the matter.

Next week he’ll use food, clothing and drink.

Paul gives us his command about anxiety in Philippians 4:6-7.

“Earthly treasures may leave us in this life. It is certain we will leave earthly treasures in our death.” -Akin

Treasures are things we value:

  • Possessions

  • Wealth, money

  • Looks

  • Brains

  • Education

“You can’t take it with you, but you can send it ahead.” -Randy Alcorn, The Treasure Principle

“Seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” -Paul, Colossians 3:1-2

“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” -Jesus, Matthew 6:33

Akin says in 6:19-24 that Jesus deals with our priorities or what we treasure (truly value) head-on.

Jesus wants us to

  • have the right treasure,

  • Be single in devotion, and

  • Be single in master.

Quarles says vv. 19-24 “explicitly state the priorities that the model prayer (9-13) assumes.”


Who doesn’t want to be fully themselves without a care for what others think about them!

Who doesn’t want to be free from constant anxiety over the things of this world?

Jesus was. We can be too.

Q1. What do I you to know?

A1. Jesus teaches us that the life free from anxiety is the life wholeheartedly focused on the Lord Jesus and his agenda; his kingdom.

Q2. Why do I want you to know this?

  1. It leads to anxiety-free life. Largely, stress-free.

Q3. What do I want you to do?

A3. I want you to:

  1. Bank in Heaven .

    1. Store up for yourselves treasure in heaven.

    2. Randy Alcorn says it this way: “You can’t take it with you but you can send it ahead.”

  2. Keep your windows clean.

  3. Serve the right master.

Q4. Why do you want me to do these?

  1. Because that’s where your wealth will last and multiply.

  2. Because that’s how you will see where to go, what to do and how to do it. It’s how you light up your heart.

  3. Because we’re all created to serve a master. Serving the wrong master leads away from a joyful, peaceful, wise life.

Conclusion — Summary story:l from Treasure Principle.

Imagine that you live in the US but get a 12 month job in the Philippines. And the company rules dictate that you can buy whatever you want there but it all has to stay there. Or you can invest it for later. Now you’re getting paid 5 times what you’d make in America but you are responsible for all of your expenses. How will you spend your money? Will you buy an expensive house? Expensive car? Will you buy all of the niceties for your apartment like big screen TV and build a deck out back? Or will you live simply? Buying what you need but sending the rest to invest in the future back home? I imagine the wise person will live frugally and invest in the future where they’ll spend the rest of their lives.

Bottom line antidote for anxiety.


My Notes:

Initial read and thoughts…


  • Don’t…

  • Do…

  • Why? Because heart; where do you want your heart ot be: heaven or earth?


  • Truth: eye is lamp (window) of the body. (Metaphor)

  • If: eyes are healthy (clean, open, un-shuttered), body full of light (good, God)

  • But, if: eyes are unhealthy, body full of darkness (no light) (evil, no God)

  • God is light! Jesus is the light of the world!


  • Truth: No one can serve 2 masters.

  • Why not? Because it’s just no possible.They both claim your allegiance which conflicts with the other. And their purposes are as different as light and dark.

Diving deeper…

Danny Akin’s commentary:

Jesus says…

I. Pursue heavenly treasures over earthy ones (19-21).

    1. In life we make choices everyday. They can get complicated with all the choices.

    2. Jesus Simple’s pointing out there are really only 2 places we can store up treasure: heaven and earth.

A. What you treasure shows what you value (19-20). Jesus is direct:

    1. Don’t treasure the things of this world…why not? Because, earthly treasures don’t last

      1. Stolen

      2. Fade—high school memorabilia like my letterman jacket are gone; one shirt left

      3. Forgotten—trophy’s in SHS trophy case covered in dust

      4. It’s all hevel—a vapor; a wisp of smoke (use candle to illustrate) cf. Ecclesiastes

    2. Do…therefore, Jesus says treasure the things that don’t fade but the things that last forever. How? See sermon on the mount. This is what Jesus is talking about throughout. It’s about the kingdom of God. And his kingdom is for this world—for this city! It’s

      1. Suffering persecution for his name’s sake

      2. Loving our enemies

      3. Being generous to the poor

      4. Fervent, sincere prayer

      5. Humble fasting

    3. Command

    4. Constant vigilance

B. What you treasure shows what is in your heart (21). (Light or darkness)

    1. Where is our treasure located? Truly it’s in your heart.

    2. Cf. Luke 12:16-21—->ties v. 21 to 19-20, Parable of a Rich Man

“And he told them this parable: ‘The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, “What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.” Then he said, “This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, ‘You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; east, drink and be merry.’ But God said to him, “You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?”’ This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.” Luke 12:16-21

“In fact, the condition of our heart and what we value will become clear for all to see. Why? “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Basic truth: Our heart (thoughts, feelings, will) should belong to God.

  • He created us.

  • He redeemed us.

To love anyone or anything > we love Jesus = spiritual adultery or adultery of the heart

II. Pursue light over darkness (22-23).

    1. Basic truth: light = good; we should pursue good over evil

    2. 1 John 1 “…God is light, in him there is no darkness at all…” 1:5-7

    3. John 8:12 Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

    4. Matthew 5:14 Jesus said, “You are the light of the world…let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

    5. John 3:19-21 What do we love? “This is the judgment: The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light and avoids it, so that his deeds may not be exposed. But anyone who lives by the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be shown to be accomplished byGod.”

    6. Basic principle: Pursue light

  1. 2 truths:

A. Be single in your devotion (22).

    • “Just as a window lets light into a house, the eye lets light into the body. Therefore, it is important that we have good, healthy eyes.

    • Good eye is one of fixed and single devotion. No fuzzy vision, double vision (2 masters), lazy eye. (My lazy eye surgery)

B. Be on guard against all self-deception (23). Evil is a sense of good (or corruption of good).

III. Pursue God over money (24).

    1. The mark of a disciple:

      1. His eyes are fixed on heaven. (Upward)

      2. His spiritual vision is single, not divided, (Single-minded) and

      3. He serves the right master. (Wisdom)

    2. Piper says either

      1. You are mastered by money and therefore ignore God or make him the servant fro your business, or

      2. You are mastered by God and make money a servant of the kingdom.

    3. “But if either tries to master you while you are mastered by the other you will hate and despise that other master.” -Akin

    4. This is why we sometimes push back when a church or missionary invites us to partner financially with them in kingdom work. Because sometimes at those moments we’re exposed to our submitting to the master of money. (Or fear of loss) “This is why Jesus said it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom”

A. We can only serve one master.

    • Truth: No one can serve (fully, faithfully) two masters.

      • Think master—slave relationship.

      • Think what it’s like to work 2 jobs.

      • Think the tension between family and being in the military.

    • Implication: We were made to have a master in life. S. Ferguson

    • “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his…he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26

    • Spurgeon

      • You can live for this world

      • You can live for the next world

      • But you can’t live for both

B. We can only satisfy one master.

    • Why is money the other master? “Jesus now specifies the #1 challenge to total and absolute surrender to his lordship: money.”

    • “Originally the word (money) meant ‘something in which one puts their confidence’” -Carson

    • Interesting that when we talk about the health of the American economy we talk about consumer confidence.

    • The issue isn’t what you have. (Rich or poor)

    • The issue is what controls you, for who or what we live. Which is back to what we value.

1 Timothy 6:17-19

Want true life? Don’t settle for being rich on earth. Pursue storing up heavenly riches, open windows, and single, wholehearted devotion.


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“Sermon on the Mount” by Charles Quayle’s

“The Sermon on the Mount: Kingdom Life in a Fallen World” by Sinclair Ferguson

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

“Exalting Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount” by Daniel Akin (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

"Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes" by Kenneth E. Bailey

Read More
How Did Jesus Teach Us to Pray? | Matthew 6:9-15

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 6:9-15 (Main); Matt 18:32-35

Title: How Did Jesus Teach Us To Pray? (Darien Gabriel)

(See below for bibliography)

Summary of passage: Jesus lays out the principles and rules of kingdom living.

Bottom Line: Jesus teaches us to pray resting on the Father as we forgive one another.

Group Video Outline:

I. What do I want you to know? How Jesus taught his disciples to pray.

Why? Because it’s essential to know God as Father.

II. What do I want you to do?

  1. Forgive where appropriate

  2. Pray this prayer daily

  3. Teach it to someone else

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. How would prayer change negatively if you were not able to call God Father?

2. Why does Jesus instruct you to pray for God's name to "be honored as holy" and "his kingdom come" before making requests for daily bread and forgiveness of sins?

3. Should Christians wait for God to make all things new or work now to shape the world to what it will be one day?

4. When God's kingdom does come, how will all of life (politics, art, education, science, economics, etc.) be different? Why should your

prayers be concerned with aligning these areas now to how God will change them in the future?

5. How does praying "your kingdom come" spur you toward action in social justice?

6. How does Jesus's resurrection demonstrate that you can pray confidently for God's will to be done in your life?

7. Do people in first-world countries need to pray for their daily needs less than people in third-world countries?

8. How can having easier access to food, water, and shelter hurt your dependence on God?

9. Why is your forgiveness from God dependent on you forgiving others?

10. Are you regularly aware of Satan's work against you to tempt you? How does knowing that temptation comes not only from your sin inside but from Satan outside help you pray and fight against sin?

If you have time…

11. What do you learn from the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant? How does this relate to Jesus’ words on forgiveness? Matt 18:21-35

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


Have you ever been in a situation where you just didn’t know what to do?

I remember the day 9/11 occurred. We watched the TV in stunned silence in the church office. I was a youth pastor and staff in North Carolina. Didn’t know what to do. Eventually we went to the conference room and we went to the one who knew what to do. We prayed to God the father.

Who do you go to when you don’t know what to do?

Well, here’s a great verse, principle and life-lesson to consider:

“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” -2 Chronicles 20:12 NIV

Today’s message is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. He taught them this because Luke tells us they asked. This is the only thing scripture records the disciples asked him to teach them.

  • I hope today that you will become more familiar with the model prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray.

  • I hope today that you will choose to pray it daily letting Jesus teach you it’s depths every day.

  • I hope that you will learn it, pray it and share it for the rest of your life.


Review from last week: (optional)

  1. Don’t pray for show. Why? Because

    1. You rob God of his glory (for which you were created to give)

    2. You rob yourself of heavenly rewards. (5-6)

  2. Don’t babble on like pagans (7)

  3. Don’t forget that God knows…but ask still (8)

  4. Lord’s Prayer (this week)

  5. Forgiveness (this week)

    1. Summarize parable in Matt 18:32-35

    2. God is king. But he’s a merciful king. He’s a merciful father too.

This week: How did Jesus teach us to pray?

Q1. What do I you to know?

A1. How to pray like Jesus taught his disciples.

  1. He used what we call the Lord’s Prayer

    1. It’s a model prayer or pattern for prayer.

    2. It’s a prayer to be prayed. (See v. 7-8 for warning though)

  2. It’s all about Father!

    1. Father—Kid jumps from refrigerator: “When I was a young father and my children were small, my younger son hid on top of the refrigerator one day. As I walked by, with no warning, he suddenly dove off the refrigerator onto my back. I did not see him, I did not feel him coming, but he just tackled me and held on. Carey felt that if he jumped in the direction of his father, he would certainly be safe. It never occurred to him that I would not catch him. And that is the way it is with our Abba, our heavenly Father. He gives us a great sense of security and confidence--and we know he will not disappoint us.” Kent Hughes, p. 161-2

    2. Abba, dear daddy or dear father…immanent vs. transcendent.

    3. This is partly what we’re going for when we ask fathers to come up and pray for their children. In a couple of weeks, we’ll do this with grandparents. 9/10 is grandparents day weekend.

  3. Mike Breen’s breakdown centers our Father in heaven…(these are all elements of salvation):

    1. The Father’s character

    2. The Father’s kingdom

    3. The Father’s provision

    4. The Father’s forgiveness (Jesus expands on this in vs. 14-15)

      1. The forgiveness you give others is evidence that you have truly received his forgiveness.

      2. This is not you forgive to get forgiven transaction.

    5. The Father’s guidance

    6. The Father’s deliverance/rescue

      1. “Lead us not into temptation” - what does this mean?

        1. Temptation = trials (similar, but not exactly)

        2. Temptation of Christ (Matt 4, Luke 4) - the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness “to be tempted by the devil” (4:1)

        3. RSV translation: “And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.”

        4. “For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he temp anyone.” James 1:13

        5. So, God tests and allows trials and temptations to come our way. Just ask Job. But we can ask for his mercy and help in this, apparently.

        6. Hughes says 3 possible solutions:

          1. Jeremias: 2 shades of meaning from Aramaic language:

            1. Causative = “Don’t cause us to go into temptation (i.e. don’t lead us into) which he can and does.

            2. Permissive = “Don’t allow us to go into temptation/trials

              1. He allows trials

              2. We give in to temptation “Oh,Lord, hold us back and do not let us take that path”

          2. Bailey: Every desert traveler needs a reliable guide. “The phrase in the Lord’s Prayer expresses confidence of an earthly pilgrim traveling with a divine guide. The journey requires the pilgrims to affirm daily, ‘Lord, we trust you to guide us, because you alone know the way that we must go.’ This affirmation of the trusting traveler reflects the confidence of the community that prays this prayer.”

          3. Father Mattah al-Miskin of Egypt: Reflects on the story of Job…a righteous man severely tested by Satan with God’s permission.

            1. “When we pray, argues FAther Matta, we are protected by Jesus and his cross from Satan and his attacks.”

            2. Deliver us from the evil one” could mean keep us out of Satan’s court room of accusation. Satan = accuser

      2. “But deliver us from the evil one”

  4. Kent Hughes breakdown shows 6 petitions we pray in this prayer: (optional)

    1. Upward

      1. Your name

      2. Your kingdom

      3. Your will

    2. Us-ward

      1. Give us

      2. Forgive us

      3. Lead us not…but deliver us

Q2. Why do I want you to know this?

  1. Because if Jesus taught the disciples that this is how you pray, you need to know this!

  2. Because of these benefits (optional):

    1. It’s your lifeline to God. Jesus teaches us how to commune with God.

    2. It’s life-giving. It is how we receive the life-giving, spiritual sap of Jesus to flow in and through us to the world.

    3. It’s defining. Are you his son/daughter or not?

    4. It’s equipping.

      1. It gives us structure on which to hang our beliefs.

      2. It empowers us to live out our faith well.

    5. It’s essential theology.

Q3. What do I want you to do?

A3. I want you to:

  1. Forgive any and everyone you need to forgive.

    1. Whether they asked for it or not

    2. Cut the strings that you are tempted to use to remind people of how they’ve hurt you or others.

  2. Pray this prayer daily

  3. Memorize it

  4. Teach it to someone else

    1. Kids

    2. Grandkids

    3. Friend

    4. Family

    5. Stranger

Conclusion — Summary questions:

  1. What do I want them to know? The summary principle and warning: Don’t practice your righteous deeds (shine your light)

  2. Why? Because to not heed the warning is to

    1. Rob God of his glory.

    2. Rob yourself of his rewards.

  3. What do I want them to do? Live out your Christian life (Shine) with a heart bent towards pleasing God over yourself. This helps you minimize or avoid hypocrisy.

  4. Why?

    1. You fulfill your chief created purpose fro existing—glorify God.

    2. You reap a superior reward—from God.


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“Sermon on the Mount” by Charles Quayle’s

“The Sermon on the Mount: Kingdom Life in a Fallen World” by Sinclair Ferguson

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

“Exalting Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount” by Daniel Akin (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

"Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes" by Kenneth E. Baile

Read More
How to Not Be a Hypocrite | Matthew 6:1-8

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 6:1-8; 16-18 (main) Matt 5:14-16; 48

Title: How to not be a Hypocrite (Darien Gabriel)

Heavy credit: David Platt and Douglas Sean O’Donnell (See below for bibliography)

Summary of passage: Jesus lays out the principles and rules of kingdom living.

Bottom Line: We avoid being hypocrites when we shine his light with pure motives.

Group Video Outline:

I. Principle

II. Summary questions

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. Regarding giving, is your motive less important, equally important, or more important than the act itself? Why?

2. How can you know when you are acting to be seen by others and when you are letting your light shine before others?

3. Does God want you to be motivated by reward in heaven?

4. Why is God himself the best reward you could want for your work?

5. Why do Christians struggle to pray? How might knowing that the desire to pray is a spiritual battle affect how you approach prayer?

6. Do you use the Bible to help you pray? How can praying the words of God to God help your prayers?

7. Do you believe God wants to listen to you? How does his relationship to you as Father affect the way you approach prayer?

8. Do you fast? Why or why not?

Why should Christians fast?

9. How can fasting increase your love for God and improve the practice of your other spiritual disciplines?

10. Of the three disciplines (giving, prayer, and fasting),

  • which is easiest for you to do?

  • Which is most difficult?

  • How can you use your strongest discipline to help you grow in the one you find most difficult?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at



In the Christian’s effort to “let our light shine before others,” (Matt 5:15-16) we often give into the temptation to make it about us. We naturally desire to be relevant, spectacular and powerful (Henri Nouwen; Matthew 4:1-10). Jesus warns us to not practice our righteous deeds to be seen and praised by others; we do them so others will praise God. We do them discreetly or even secretly, if necessary.

Why do we do this? Jesus tells us that we do this because if we don’t, we’ll rob God and we’ll rob ourselves.

We’ll rob God of his glory. (And it’s our created purpose to glorify God)

We’ll rob ourselves of his reward. (Instead, we settle for inferior and fleeting reward)

It might seem contradictory to hide what you’re doing after Jesus’ earlier words. Let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matt 5:16) Jesus doesn’t want us to hide our light under a basket. (Matt 5:15)

Of course not. However, if we’re finding ourselves tempted to shine our light for the wrong reasons, then perhaps we need to do it more discreetly until we can. (Is it even shining his light if done for ourselves?) So we check our heart and motives to assess whether we’re pleasing God or not.

Jesus explains this principle using three scenarios or case studies that most Christians can relate to.

  1. Giving to the needy

  2. Praying

  3. Fasting

Here we go…

  1. Giving to the needy. (6:2-4)

    1. Note: Not if but when you give.

    2. Needy not necessarily the poor. You can be needy even if not poor.

    3. Give in such a way that it doesn’t call the attention of others to you resulting in praise of you.

    4. Rewards matter

      1. Earthly

      2. Heavenly (mostly this)

    5. God sees everything. When done in secret, he’s the only one who sees

  2. Prayer. (6:5-8)

    1. Again, when not if.

    2. Temptation is to be a hypocrite.

      1. Hypocrite = pretending to be someone you’re not

        1. Mask

        2. Costume

      2. These religious hypocrites were pretending to glorify God but in reality were soaking in the glory meant for God themselves.

    3. Again, rewards matter.

    4. Again, God sees all.

    5. Also, don’t babble on and on.

    6. God knows what you need before you ask.

  3. Fasting (5:16-18)

    1. Again, when not if.

    2. Fasting = giving up something you need for a period of time to communicate to God you need him even more.

      1. A neglected spiritual habit/discipline.

      2. Rewards matter. Rewards from heaven are lost when seeking the rewards from people instead.

      3. God sees all.

Conclusion — Summary questions:

  1. What do I want them to know? The summary principle and warning: Don’t practice your righteous deeds (shine your light)

  2. Why? Because to not heed the warning is to

    1. Rob God of his glory.

    2. Rob yourself of his rewards.

  3. What do I want them to do? Live out your Christian life (Shine) with a heart bent towards pleasing God over yourself. This helps you minimize or avoid hypocrisy.

  4. Why?

    1. You fulfill your chief created purpose fro existing—glorify God.

    2. You reap a superior reward—from God.


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“Sermon on the Mount” by Charles Quayle’s

“The Sermon on the Mount: Kingdom Life in a Fallen World” by Sinclair Ferguson

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

“Exalting Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount” by Daniel Akin (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

"Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes" by Kenneth E. Bailey

Read More
How Do You Destroy an Enemy? You Make Them a Friend! | Matthew 5:43-48

How Do You Destroy an Enemy? You Make Them a Friend!

Easy to say, is it easy to do?
Matt 5:43-48

Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Enemy (do loving things for them)

Pray for Your Enemy (pray daily for them)

As we do these things, we become more like Christ.

As we do these things, we will find it harder for someone to still feel like an enemy.

Read More
How Will People Know We Follow Jesus? | Matthew 5:33-42

Matthew 5:33-42 – How Will People Know We Follow Jesus?


33 “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to

the Lord the vows you have made.’ 34 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is

God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great

King. 36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. 37 All you need

to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. [a]

Eye for Eye

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ [b] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an

evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone

wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile,

go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants

to borrow from you.

“I say to you” – divine authority and Kingdom ethics

+ Jesus is again drawing out the real significance of the Old Testament law

33 “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to

the Lord the vows you have made.’

“Do not break your oath” – alludes to:

Leviticus 19:12

2 “‘Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.

Numbers 30:2

2 When a man makes a vow to the LORD or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not

break his word but must do everything he said.

- Do not perjure yourself…don’t lie

+ “…to swear” does not mean to curse or use bad words, but to affirm the truth of a statement while

calling on God to judge oneself if it is in fact untrue.

+ Jesus is basically saying “don’t swear at all”

+ TO CLARIFY: There are oaths that are consistent with God’s character and demands even in the New


2 Corinthians 1:18

18 But as surely as God is faithful, our message to you is not “Yes” and “No.”

Galatians 1:20

20 I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie.

+ Given the elaborate hierarchy of laws of first century Judaism on oaths, Jesus declares that it would be

best to avoid them altogether…not because of the commandment, but because of their traditions.

+ The Lord’s name was not to be used falsely, so the Jews developed a “theology of oaths”

34 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for

it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. 36 And do not swear by your head,

for you cannot make even one hair white or black.

+ Basically, Jewish leaders viewed swearing by “heaven’, “earth”, “Jerusalem” or one’s head as

less binding than swearing “by God” – they weren’t swearing by God, so they were releasing

themselves from the promise they were making

- Jesus responds by stressing that each of these items belongs to God in an important

way, so that the conventional Jewish distinctions are not genuine.

Isaiah 66:1

66 This is what the LORD says:

“Heaven is my throne,

and the earth is my footstool.

Where is the house you will build for me?

Where will my resting place be?

- Heaven is God’s throne – earth is His footstool – Jerusalem is His city and He numbers

the hairs of our heads and chooses their color.

Matthew 23:16-22

16 “Woe to you, blind guides! You say, ‘If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing; but anyone

who swears by the gold of the temple is bound by that oath.’ 17 You blind fools! Which is greater: the

gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred? 18 You also say, ‘If anyone swears by the altar, it means

nothing; but anyone who swears by the gift on the altar is bound by that oath.’ 19 You blind men! Which

is greater: the gift, or the altar that makes the gift sacred? 20 Therefore, anyone who swears by the altar

swears by it and by everything on it. 21 And anyone who swears by the temple swears by it and by the

one who dwells in it. 22 And anyone who swears by heaven swears by God’s throne and by the one who

sits on it.

+ The Jews apparently reasoned that, because a lien could not be put on the temple or altar,

then oaths invoking those objects were meaningless. Jesus maintains that the temple, gold, altar

and gifts all point to God and remain equally sacred – so oaths taken in their name remain

equally binding.

+ All that being said, No promise can ever be made, no word ever spoken without it being done in the

presence of God

+ Jesus is pointing out their deep-seated dishonesty – their lies masquerading as theology (whoa)

THE POINT IS: Let your YES mean YES and your NO mean NO. We should not have to call on God to

witness what we say because God is watching us and present as we speak, knowing our hearts through

and through. Jesus’ followers should be people whose words are so characterized by integrity that

others need no formal assurance of their truthfulness in order to trust them.

37 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. [a]

+ Jesus said that anything beyond straightforward honesty comes ‘from the evil one’’

+ Do you start sentences with “to be honest”, or “honestly” to drive home your point? What

does that say about the rest of the time?

We know now what this is saying…what is this NOT saying?

1. This is NOT talking about oaths in a court of law. It’s highly unlikely that this is what Jesus was talking

about. He was obviously prepared to speak under oath during His trial:

Matthew 26:63-64

63 But Jesus remained silent.

The high priest said to him, “I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the

Son of God.”

64 “You have said so,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man

sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” [a]

+ When He was under oath, Jesus broke the silence He had maintained in the earlier part of the

proceedings as though recognizing the binding nature of being put under oath.

2. This is NOT talking about being “brutally honest” letting your venting, attitude, irritation, jealousy and

arrogance masquerade as actual honesty.

+ “I just call it like it is. That’s the way I am”. “The truth hurts”… Don’t confuse honesty with

being a unkind. Christians can be really good at this. Our arrogant frankness masquerading as


38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ [b]

“Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth…” – Jesus is alluding to:

Exodus 21:23-24

23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand,

foot for foot,

Deuteronomy 19:20-21

20 The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done

among you. 21 Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

+ These were speaking of justice, not retaliation. In fact, it was done to limit, and if necessary, restrain


+ Christian kindness should transcend even straightforward retribution

3. In light of prevailing ethical thought, Jesus contrasts radically with most others of His day in stressing

the need to decisively break the natural chain of evil action and reaction that characterizes human


39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the

other cheek also.

+ “resist” often used in a legal context

+ Jesus’ teaching similar to 1 Corinthians 6:7 against not taking fellow believers to court, though

it could be translated “do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you”

+ But we are to resist evil:

James 4:7

7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Striking a person on the right cheek suggests a backhanded slap from a typically right-handed aggressor

and was a characteristic Jewish form of insult.

+ The only legal recourse against this insult is to take someone to court…similar to libel or

defamation of character

+ Jesus teaches us not to trade such insults, even if it means receiving more

( In NO way does it require Christians to subject themselves or others to physical danger or


+ Don’t make your “rights” the basis for your relationships with others. Jesus is teaching us that

standing on OUR rights and seeking to have OUR dignity reaffirmed is not the Christian response

to an insult.

+ Will anyone be won for the Kingdom by your retaliation? standing for your rights?

40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

+ Clearly limited to a legal context. If a coat was taken as a financial pledge, it had to be returned

by nightfall, because for some, it served as both clothing and bedding.

- One must be willing to give as collateral an outer garment – more than what the law could

require, which was just an inner garment (Exodus 22:26-27)

Exodus 22:26

26 If you take your neighbor’s cloak as a pledge, return it by sunset, 27 because that cloak is the only

covering your neighbor has. What else can they sleep in? When they cry out to me, I will hear, for I am


+ Coat and shirt are contemporary parallels to cloak and tunic

+ Jesus’ point is this: when His followers meet with opposition and persecution, they should not stand

on their legal rights. Instead, where the sin of others abounds, grace in them should abound much more.

In that, we will be like Him.

41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.

+ Referring to the Roman conscription of private citizens to help carry military equipment for Roman


The soldiers didn’t have the right to make someone go more than a mile. Jesus is saying to do it


+ Simon of Cyrene – forced to carry Jesus’ cross

+ The Jews hated this practice because it publically illustrated the humiliation of being a

subjugated people.

+ Jesus’ point here is that the Christian does the unexpected, because grace makes him or her

seek to win others by love rather than retaliate on the basis of rights.

4. Each of these commands require Jesus followers to act more generously than what the letter of the

law demanded – sometimes literally “going the extra mile”

+ Not only are we called to reject and avoid retaliation, but to positively work for the good of

those with whom we would otherwise be at odds.

42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

+ Jesus presumes that the needs are genuine, and commands us not to ignore them.

+ This was not a legal duty

Romans 13:10

10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

+Only when we show love, grace and sacrifice for the sake of others, will they see what the God-given

meaning of the law really is…the “but I tell you”…Then, they will understand that our citizenship is in the

Kingdom of Heaven

BE DIFFERENT than what the world would teach and expect

BE SELFLESS (think of your SELF less)

BE HONEST without being unkind



+ The works of the flesh disqualify us for the Kingdom of God because they break God’s law, but there is

no law against the fruit of the Spirit, those things whose opposites the law forbids.

Galatians 5:22-23

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Matthew 7:15-20

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are

ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from

thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree

bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good

fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by

their fruit you will recognize them.

+ Way too many Christians who are not demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit

By our fruit, people will know us. - They can trust us when we speak.

Matthew 5:33-42 – How will people know we follow Jesus? 07/24/22

Matthew 5:33-42

Matthew 5:33

Leviticus 19:12

Numbers 30:2

2 Corinthians 1:18

Galatians 1:20

Matthew 5:34-36

Isaiah 66:1

Matthew 23:16-22

Matthew 5:37

Matthew 26:63-64

Matthew 5:38

Exodus 21:23-24

Deuteronomy 19:20-21

Matthew 5:39

James 4:7

Matthew 5:40

Exodus 22:26

Matthew 5:41

Matthew 5:42

Romans 13:10

Galatians 5:22-23

Matthew 7:15-20

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The Heart of the Matter is the Matter of the Heart| Matthew 5:27-30

Matthew 5:27-30 – The Heart of the Matter is the Matter of the Heart

Jesus moves on from the 6 th to the 7 th commandment…”You shall not kill”

27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ [a] 28 But I tell you that anyone who

looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye

causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body

than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it

off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go

into hell.”

Exodus 20:14 – “You shall not commit adultery” One of the 10 commandments

Leviticus 20:10 – Punishable by death

10 “‘If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the

adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.”

Jesus says “You have heard it said”. He is not quoting scripture or changing scripture, but referencing

man’s traditions around the old testament law.

+ Moses and the scribes did not emphasize the internal aspects of adultery, but just the external…the

act…which was punishable by death. For many, it became a conveniently narrow definition of sin. You

were either an adulterer or not, and if you were caught, you were dead.

Part of that narrow definition…

Deuteronomy 24:1 – References divorcing a woman because she is “displeasing”

If a man marries a woman who becomes displeasing to him because he finds something indecent about

her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house

1. According to some of the scribes, a man could divorce his wife if he grew “cool” toward her if he

didn’t like her cooking.

+ A law that was clearly intended to safeguard marriage and the women of Israel was turned

into an escape clause for self-indulgent men…also pious and proud

+ Jesus was speaking to these arrogant leaders who were counting themselves righteous,

knowing , but He knew the condition of their hearts. He knows the condition of our hearts too.

It was very natural, as it is today, for those of us who are non-adulterers to feel maybe a little smug or

conceited…the whole…”I haven’t done THAT”. “Jesus isn’t talking to me on that one.”

(Proverbs 11:2) When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

So in this passage, Jesus introduces a radically new standard.

Few of us have not crossed that line from attraction to lust at some time – this should fill us with a

poverty of spirit and a humility that realizes that we are spiritually bankrupt. It also should make us

amazed that God loves us the way He does.

+ Jesus carries us to a place that we never saw coming but was intended by God all along.

…”but I say…” Jesus is speaking with authority…

+The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart

+ In this life…in this world, much like Jesus saying hatred in our hearts being the same as

murder, the penalty is not the same as it is for murder, neither are the consequences of lust

literally the same as adultery, but God sees them as worthy of the same penalty…

+ Jesus calls a halt to this distortion of God’s word by saying that the lust that leads to adultery

will also lead a man to hell.

+ Adultery actually breaches several of the 10 Commandments: the commandment that forbids

it, coveting which leads to theft and even idolatry.

2. Jesus is not talking about looking or recognizing someone’s beauty, but lustfully looking or fantasizing

about more than just looks…a GAZE, not a GLANCE...and to Him (“But I tell you…”) it’s the same.

It starts in “The heart”…What does the Bible say about the heart?

Jeremiah 17:9

The heart is deceitful above all things

and beyond cure.

Who can understand it?

Proverbs 4:23

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

3. We need to recognize that those thoughts and actions which, long before any overt sexual sin, makes

the possibility of giving into temptation more likely, and we must take dramatic action to avoid them.

Psalm 51:10

Create in me a pure heart, O God,

and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

The crucible for silver…refinement of precious metals…to purify us

Proverbs 25:4-5

Remove the dross from the silver,

and a silversmith can produce a vessel;

5 remove wicked officials from the king’s presence,

and his throne will be established through righteousness.

Consider God a silversmith refining us…impure stuff comes to the top under heat

James 1:2-4

2 Count it all joy, my brothers, [ a ] when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of

your faith produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect

and complete, lacking in nothing.

We need to leave our lives of sin behind…all sin, and allow God to refine us.

John 8:2-11

2 At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat

down to teach them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery.

They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of

adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were

using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning

him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a

stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left,

with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they?

Has no one condemned you?”

11 “No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

+ Jesus does not condemn her, but calls out the hypocrisy of those willing to stone her.

+ We don’t really know what Jesus wrote, but consider this possibility….

+ Jesus wrote in the sand twice…you could say that Jesus was drawing a line in the sand – for her

to step over and sin no more.

+ We need to draw a line in the sand in our own lives

4. How do we draw a line in the sand?

Colossians 3:5

Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and

covetousness, which is idolatry.

Vs 29:

29: If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose

one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes

you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for

your whole body to go into hell.”

+ The eyes can entice the heart, and the heart, enticed by the eyes, directs the hands

+ Does Jesus want us to literally cut off our hand or pluck out our eyes?

No. He wants us to:

+ Realize where sin will take us and turn from it. Jesus said that Hell is the direction where all sin


+ God has something better for all of us

+ Deal with sin aggressively, immediately and decisively. You don’t need to cut off your hands, but…

+ If you need to cancel Netflix, then do it

+ If you need to get a flip phone, then do that

+ If you need to quit your job to guard your heart, prayerfully consider it.

+ If you need to get rid of your romance novels, then do it

+ You may need better friends

Do whatever you have to do…for your eternal soul, for your marriage, for your children…

Jesus is also addressing you and YOUR sinful heart, me and MINE. He says to pluck out YOUR eye, not

someone else’s.

Matthew 7:4-5

4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a

plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see

clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

+ Don’t blame others for your sin…take responsibility for it. While there is truth in avoiding doing things

that cause a brother or sister to stumble, blaming how people dress or whether you are satisfied at

home for the condition of your heart, or the actions that come from it, is no different than the scribes’

escape clause for their self-indulgence. Jesus put that idea to death.

James 4:17

17 If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.

Why did He have to say it? He doesn’t want us to go to hell. Sin takes us there. Period.

Francis Chan-

“Hell is the backdrop that reveals the profound and unbelievable grace of the cross. It brings to light the

enormity of our sin and therefore portrays the undeserved favor of God in full color.”

There is good news…He is good news, and a greater understanding of the depth and scope of our sin,

will give us a greater understanding of our need for a Savior.

Romans 5:8

8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 10:9

9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the

dead, you will be saved.

We’re saved by the cross…the same God that said “this is how I see it…” is the same one who rescues us

from it. The more we understand the depths and consequences of our sin, the greater appreciation and

desire we’ll have for the One who rescues us from it.

The Heart of the Matter is the Matter of the Heart – July 17, 2022

Scripture References

Matthew 5:27-30

Exodus 20:14

Leviticus 20:10

Proverbs 11:2

Jeremiah 17:9

Proverbs 4:23

Psalm 51:10

Proverbs 25:4-5

James 1:2-4

John 8:2-11

Colossians 3:5

Matthew 5:29-30

Matthew 7:4-5

James 4:17

Romans 5:8

Romans 10:9

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What's Up with Divorce? | Matthew 5:31-32

What's Up with Divorce?

Matt 5:31-32; 19:3-9

In 2021, there were 1.7 million marriages with 700,000 divorces.

1,000,000 million children see their parents’ divorce annually.

I was reading RC Sproul and the book by Harvard sociologist, Pitirim Sorokin, around the middle of the 20th century. He was pointing to the impending crisis in families between 1910 and 1948.

The divorce rate in:

· 1910 was 10%

· 1948 was 25%

Sorokin (historian of culture) said no civilization can survive when 1 out of 4 marriages are falling apart.

The divorce rate in:

· USA – 45% ---- in 1981 it was 53%

· Spain – 63%

· Belgium – 71%

· Global Divorce Rate projected for 2022 – 48%

Pharisees tried to trap Jesus.  The thought was to get Jesus to offend the powerful or the religious.

Divorce for Sexual Immorality and Abandonment. 

Church should comfort and confront.

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Why Reconciliation is Necessary and Urgent | Matthew 5:21-26

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 5:21-26 (main)

Title: Why Reconciliation is Necessary and Urgent? (Darien Gabriel)

Heavy credit: David Platt and Douglas Sean O’Donnell (See below for bibliography)

Summary of passage: Jesus lays out the principles and rules of kingdom living.

Bottom Line: Reconciliation with brothers and sisters in Christ is necessary and urgent.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. Why does Jesus move from commands like "Do not murder"and "Do not commit adultery" to warnings against anger and lust?

What is the purpose of these antitheses?

2. Read Mark 7:20-23 again. How do our outward actions and reactions reveal the health of our hearts?

What is the solution to our evil actions?

3. Is Jesus teaching that anger and murder are equal sins? Why or why not?

4. Why is it important not to call our brother or sister "fool"?

What does this action reveal about one's heart toward one's brother or sister?

5. What is the principle from Jesus's illustration about giving an offering in the first-century context?

Can this principle apply to areas other than giving financially? How?

6. How does Jesus's warning to settle disputes contrast with appropriately using the legal system, for example, to further justice in the world?

7. Review the four important questions this chapter gives to assess your relationship with your brothers and sisters.

Are there people you need to reconcile with?

What steps can you take this week to do so?

8. How do Jesus's actions in the Gospel exemplify the type of reconciliation we should pursue?

9. What does this passage teach us about God's view of sin?

10. How do these antitheses relate to Jesus's call for a righteousness that surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees in 5:20?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Opening to Sermon:

I have been at GCF for 16 years. Over those years there have been times when I’ve butted heads with someone. Sometimes it’s been with other leaders. We’ve said things to each other that we wish we could take back. We felt the sting of disunity and disharmony. I know what it’s like to try and worship under those circumstances. I know what it’s like to try and preach under those circumstances.

Jesus is going to challenge us to evaluate our relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ. He’s going to tell us that reconciliation with people leads to authentic worship and reconciliation with God. He’s going to tell us it’s necessary and urgent.

Jesus starts out with a series of contrasts between what the Pharisees and teachers of the law say is the law and what Jesus the new Moses and lawgiver says is the law—and the heart of the law.

“I tell you” or “I say to you” — these phrases are basically 2 sides of the same coin.

  1. “I tell” or “I say” — this is Jesus speaking with authority. Consider who’s speaking here. Our creator is speaking. No one has more authority in our life than he does!

  2. “You” — this is who he’s speaking to. Anyone with the humility to listen. Anyone who wants to follow Jesus. Anyone wanting into the kingdom.

He’ll use this phrase every time he wants to set up a contrast between what the teachers of the law have taught (read traditions of the elders) and what Jesus would say is what the law says and means.

Notice that Jesus didn’t say, “It is written.” Because he’s not taking issue with the scriptures. He’s taking issue with the traditions the teachers of the law have built around the Law. This is where things got off track. This is what Jesus aims to correct and fulfill.

Jesus starts out with something that terrorizes our relationships—anger. He’s going to provide proper interpretation to this in the OT and then give 2 situations that illustrate that reconciliation is necessary and urgent. This may be the most challenging message you face this year. Throughly practical.

Jesus will continue to bring up key ethical considerations for the kingdom citizen in the passages to come. This is his focus in this section of the sermon on the mount.

Jesus will address reconciliation through this sin. Reconciliation is necessary and urgent in the family of God.

“Disagreement is inevitable. Division is a choice.” -Andy Stanley

I. Anger = Murder

Sinclair calls it murder without knives. When we harbor contempt in our hearts towards others that manifests itself in words, it’s not assassination but it can lead to character assassination. While the earthly consequences are vastly different in the short-term, they can lead to the same in the long-term. And God sees them as the same and what he thinks matters most.

  1. Murder was against the law in Jesus’ day. (21)

  2. Anger in the heart = murder in Gods’ eyes. (22)

  3. “Raca” is like saying, “You idiot” with hate.

    1. It’s attacking the intellect and it’s slander.

    2. Name calling is much worse than we realize. (22)

    3. “Jesus recognized that we cannot be trusted in our judgment of the seriousness of careless speech. We treat the damage we do with our lips very lightly because we do not see the corpses we leave behind. That is why Jesus invades our moral slumber by telling us how serious this is in the sight of God.” Sinclair Ferguson, P. 83

  4. “You fool!” Is a moral judgment.

    1. You’re judging the person’s character.

    2. Slander is again in view.

    3. Ex. “You’re a liar!” Can be this in some cases.

    4. “…(Jesus) is simply stressing vividly that (these sins) are far more serious than most of us assume. In fact, our insensitivity to their real seriousness is indicative of the dullness of our spiritual senses.” Ibid.

II. Reconciliation is Necessary (23-34)

  1. Why? Because it affects our ability to worship God.

  2. Why? Because it affects the authenticity of our offering.

  3. When we give, we should give cheerfully. This is difficult when you are not in fellowship with a brother or sister in Christ.

III. Reconciliation is Urgent (25-26)

  1. Jesus tells us to deal with this quickly. Do not delay.

  2. Delayed obedience is disobedience until you obey.

  3. Better to get a bad deal with your brother than to leave it in the hands of the court.

  4. You’re not responsible for how the other person responds. You can attempt reconciliation but you cannot control whether or not it happens.


  • Reconciliation is necessary for true worship.

  • Reconciliation is an urgent matter if you want to prevent others from taking matters into their own hands.

  • Who do you need to reconcile with today?

  • Do you believe Jesus knows best in this?

  • Will you submit to the authority of Jesus?


My notes

First murderer was Cain who killed Abel. (Gen 4)

Murder—the ultimate demise of a relationship.

Murder begins in the mind and heart. We’re guilty of murder in God’s eyes as soon as we dwell here. Murder is the progression of that internal fire left unrestrained or repented of. Cf. James 1:13-15

Notes from O’Donnell

“I say to you” was the key phrase of 5:17-48 not only because it’s repeated 9 times but because it summarizes 2 main themes:

  1. Divine authority “I say”

  2. Kingdom ethics “to you”

Now focusing on “to you”

We’re not to act like Pharisees in the unrighteousness “righteousness” but rather like God in his perfect love—loving others, even one’s enemies” p. 136

These 6 OT commands Jesus addresses put on this perfect love when applied as he commands.

Notes from Sinclair Ferguson

“The Law is the standard for evaluation in the kingdom of God (Matt 5:19), but not the standard for entrance into the kingdom. Rather than dispensing with righteousness, Jesus tells his disciples that unless their righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, they will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.” P. 79

The statements following 5:20

  • share the same basic format

  • Are a contrast between what was said to those long ago and what Jesus tells them then. It’s a contrast

    • Between what things are said, AND

    • Between the people who say them

“But I say” is a statement of authority from Jesus the Christ.

“We might say, ‘I myself say.’ The issue at stake here is one of authority, not merely one of content.” P. 81

The words said to people long ago are not necessarily scripture. In some cases they even contradict. “This suggests very clearly that Jesus is not placing his own teaching directly against that of the OT.” P. 81

He is not dispensing with the law…he’s giving his exposition of it.

“The real contrast in this section is between

  1. the meaning of the law according to Jesus and

  2. The meaning of the law according to religious tradition and the ancient teachers.” P. 81

He does not say, “It is written,” but, “It was said.” He’s not referring to texts of scripture but traditions of men.

“Murder without Knives” p. 82

The law forbids murder. So naturally, they were asking the question what is murder exactly? This inevitably leads to a narrowing of the definition of murder. “Jesus points out that by doing this, the full force of God’s word is destroyed. Jesus explains that the commandment not only forbids the outward act but also every thought and word that seeks to destroy a man’s life.

Moreover, like every other command, by forbidding an activity, Jesus is teaching that we should take every possible step to promote the opposite. In this case, instead of murdering by hand or mouth, we should seek with all our powers to have right relationships with all of our brothers.”

“For Jesus, to kill with a knife, or to engage in character assassination through anger, or to belittle another by calling him ‘fool’ is part and parcel of the same spiritual sickness. Clearly, he does not mean that it makes no difference whether we gossip or stab, but he does mean that both activities reveal the same animosity of heart to our neighbors.” P. 82-83

“But the deliberate belittling of someone’s person because of the animosity and hatred of our own heart, and the desire to have mastery over them. That is murder.” P. 83

“Our words are the index of our true spiritual condition.”

“Jesus recognized that we cannot be trusted in our judgment of the seriousness of careless speech. We treat the damage we do with our lips very lightly because we do not see the corpses we leave behind. That is why Jesus invades our moral slumber by telling us how serious this is in the sight of God.” P. 83

“…(Jesus) is simply stressing vividly that (these sins) are far more serious than most of us assume. In fact, our insensitivity to their real seriousness is indicative of the dullness of our spiritual senses.”

“In the verses that follow (23-26), the necessity and urgency of reconciliation in place of animosity are stressed by two illustrations. Here Jesus is showing us that when an activity is forbidden in God’s word, its positive counterpart is commanded. If we are not to engage in physical or verbal murder, we are to engage in personal reconciliation.” P. 84

Illustration: “Picture a man in church. He is about to express his devotion tot he Lord in worship and in his offering. But he has not been enjoying fellowship with his brother. There is disharmony in the relationship. Jesus says the man should leave his offering, be reconciled to his brother, and then return to worship God with a clear conscience and full heart.

“The principle is clear: right relationships with others are part of the meaning of the commandment not to murder. They are essential if our righteousness is to go down deeper than that of the scribes and Pharisees.”

“Jesus gives us another illustration. Two men are on their way to court to settle a dispute between them. They are re still arguing On the way! Jesus says the two men should settle the matter now, before they are in the courtroom with the judge. It maybe costly to settle it now; it will certainly be humbling. But if it continues, one man may find himself in prison and unable to get out until he has paid the last penny (5:26).”

Necessity and Urgency of Reconciliation

“They are, rather, illustrations of how vital it is to have right relationships with others. The illustration of the man in church underlines the necessity of reconciliation. The illustration of two men going to court underlines the urgency of reconciliation.”

Some of you need to get up right now and go try and reconcile with someone. You are free to go. Go!

“Animosity is a time bomb; we do not know when it will ‘go off.’ We must deal with it quickly, before the consequences of our bitterness get completely out of control. Most human relationships that are destroyed could have been preserved if there had been communication and action at the right time. Jesus says that the right time is as soon as we are conscientious that we are at enmity with our brother (Matt 5:23).”

“One further point should be noted from this section…(Jesus) is not urging us to share every thought in our hearts during the process of reconciliation…Jesus is not telling us to ‘hang out our dirty linen in public,’ but rather to real urgently and fully with all breakdowns in fellowship before the y lead to spiritual assassination.” P. 85-86

Notes from NAC, Blomberg

21-22: The one who murders stands condemned and therefore in danger of judgment. But there is a way out—repentance and faith in Jesus the Christ.

Brother = a fellow member of the religious community, usually referring to Jesus’ disciples.

It’s particularly bad for Christians to get angry at other Christians.

  1. Murder

  2. Swearing, cursing/cussing, insulting, name-calling with contempt

  3. Slandering, judging

Judgment—>Sanhedrin—>Gehenna (i.e. eternal judgment)

23-24: Therefore, they urgently need to escape this judgment by dealing decisively with sin.

2 illustrations:

  1. Worshipper called to personal reconciliation with someone else before worship/giving

  2. Urgent reconciliation—out-of-court settlement between fellow litigants at least: 2 levels:

    1. Legal—pay your debts or be imprisoned

    2. Spiritual—pay your spiritual debts (sin)—oh wait, you cannot afford that. Therefore, turn to Jesus who has already paid for your sins on the cross.

Notes from Gregory Brown,

V. 21-22 God sees anger towards another believer as murder in the heart and therefore making them liable and subject to judgment.

My question: If they are a believer, are they subject to the judgment of hell or just discipline? It reads like hell. But if they are a true believer and cannot lose their salvation, how do we reconcile this verse?

Jesus didn’t just say anger leads to murder. He said anger IS murder.

Cf. “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.” 1 John 3:15

Summary of OT law is love God—love people.

“When others were mistreated, Christ was angry like a lion. When he was mistreated, he was gentle like a lamb.” Cf. 1 Peter 2:23

How to Maintain Peaceful Relationships

To maintain peaceful relationships,…

I. We must guard our hearts from evil thoughts including anger.

II. We must guard our tongues from evil speech—including slander. How?

  • Be slow to speak

  • Speak only gracious and edifying words

  • Remember God will judge our words

  • Submit our words to God

III. We must recognize that discord hinders our relationship with God.

  • Right relationship with others are necessary to have a right relationship with God.

IV. We must seek to resolve conflicts quickly.

  • We are to make every effort with no delay to reconcile our relationship with a bro or sis so we can avoid God’s discipline.


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

“Exalting Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount” by Daniel Akin (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

"Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes" by Kenneth E. Bailey

“The Sermon on the Mount: Kingdom Life in a Fallen World” by Sinclair Ferguson

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

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What Did Jesus Say About the Old Testament? | Matthew 5:17-20

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 5:17-20 (main)

Title: What Did Jesus Say about the Old Testament? (Darien Gabriel)

Heavy credit: David Platt and Douglas Sean O’Donnell (See below for bibliography)

Summary of passage: Jesus lays out the principles and rules of kingdom living.

Bottom Line: We live out the law of Christ when we love people—our enemies and best friends—like Jesus would if he were in our shoes.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. Matthew 5:17 teaches that Jesus fulfills the Old Testament Scriptures. In what ways do you see Jesus fulfilling the Old Testament?

2. How does knowing that the Old Testament points to Jesus change the way you read it?

3. Why do you think it is difficult for many to trust the accuracy of the Bible? Do you think your culture influences what you trust? Why or why not?

4. Why is Jesus's authority so important for trusting the accuracy of the Bible? Where does he get his authority?

5. Jesus teaches that all of Scripture should be obeyed. What parts of Scripture do you find most difficult to obey? Why? How might we help one another to obey those parts?

6. Reread the passages listed for obedience from John and 1 John. Why is love mentioned when speaking about obedience?

7. How does our obedience affect the way we are salt and light in the world (Matt 5:13-16)?

8. What is "righteousness"? Why is it necessary to be righteous in order to enter into God's kingdom?

9. How can we tell when we are pursuing an external, legalistic righteousness and when we are pursuing an internal, spiritual righteousness? What are some examples in your past of these two?

10. Read Ezekiel 36:24-28. How does this passage affect our understanding of how we attain a surpassing righteousness?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Opening to Sermon:

What do you think about the Old Testament?

When you read the Old Testament, does it seem out of touch with reality?

Do you even read the Old Testament?

Ways Christians struggle with the OT:

  • Ignore it because we have the NT so therefore we don’t need it

  • Obey it out of context or as if it’s context is the same as the NT (i.e. after the cross vs before)

  • Use it to support our politics or ideology for life.

We can do better. But what do we do with the OT?

Q. What did Jesus say about the OT law?

A. That the OT law ultimately teaches us to love people like God does.

V. 17

“Do not think” — i.e. some did

“That I have come” — Immanuel, God with us—he came

“To abolish/destroy/set aside” — make irrelevant; Jesus is for the Bible and the Bible is for Jesus

“The Law and the Prophets” — refers to OT scriptures (Hebrew scriptures) but also includes all of Jesus’ words and the rest of the NT

“but to fulfill them” — some already other still to come


  • God told Adam and Eve about the “snake crusher” to come (Jesus)

  • Moses prophesied Jesus would come (he did)

  • God told David his son would be king forever (Jesus is)

  • Isaiah prophesied Jesus would be born of a virgin; that he’d be wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace

  • That he’d come and free the captives — Isaiah+

  • The new covenant — Jeremiah 31:31-34

He will

  • Return/come again

  • Defeat Satan/the dragon and his dark kingdom (Rev)

  • “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his messiah and he will reign for ever more.” Rev 11:15

  • He will judge every person one day based on what they did, said and what they did with Jesus

V. 18

“For” - because

“Truly I tell you” - pay very close attention to what I’m about to say

  • This key phrase embodies 2 parts

    • I tell - Jesus’ authority

    • You - our ethic/our allegiance to his authority by grace through faith (character + competency)

  • Who is ‘I’ after all?

V. 20 + V. 48 Basic message: Don’t act like scribes and Pharisees but instead act like Jesus

God’s word will outlast the smallest letter and even the smallest pen stroke of a letter and in fact until it is fully fulfilled will last. I.e. you can count on it!

Dangers of Lawlessness—antinomianism

Scribes—highly trained experts in the interpretation and application of the law.

When walking down the street in their distinctive robes, people would stand in their honor, greeting them with “rabbi” “father” or “master” out of respect.

Pharisees were part of a movement in Judaism committed ot the meticulous obedience of the law.

Serving as a scribe was a profession.

Pharisees were a Jewish sect.

Some scribes were Pharisees and Pharisees likely chose their leaders from the scribes.

V. 19

“Therefore” - what’s the therefore there for?

“Anyone” - any person

“Who sets aside/relaxes/destroys (Gk. luo). Note v. 17 Gr. Kataluo = destroy, dissolve, overthrow, demolish

“Least of these commands” - they all matter

“In kingdom of heaven” - you’re still in; don’t obey to get in but obey because you’re in

“Teaches others accordingly” & “practices and teaches” = discipleship

Everyone is a disciple-maker: for good or evil; for light or darkness

“For” - because

“I tell you” - pay close attention


“Unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law”

  • righteousness = right living and right relationships i.e. love God—love people

  • not about legalism

    • 248 regulations

    • 365 prohibitions

    • 613 total laws that were a man-made picket fence around God’s law but treated as God’s law

  • Not about the letter of the law alone

  • About the spirit of the law rather than the letter of the law alone—love people by grace through faith in the One who love us so much (Rom 5:8)

“Not enter” - hellbound

“Kingdom of heaven” - kingdom of light, life, and love

Spurgeon’s prayer in light of v. 19, “Lord, make me of this your kingdom a right loyal subject, and may I both do and teach according to your word! Whether I am little or great on earth, make me great in obedience to you.”

Dangers of Legalism

V. 20

Superior righteousness focuses on: (Akin)

  1. Spirit of the law rather than merely letter of the law

  2. Internal matters rather than external matters (heart over hands)

  3. More important rather than minor points of the law Ex. Justice over tithing Gross vs net

  4. Manifesting divine character rather than merely keeping divine commands


Looking ahead to the rest of ch. 5 (next week), Jesus will show us how to interpret the OT commands in light of the law of Christ. Every example will be a relational command guiding us in how to love people like Jesus.

References/Bibliography:“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes“Matthew” by RC Sproul“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)“Exalting Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount” by Daniel Akin (CCE)Outline Bible, D WillmingtonNIV Study Bible (NIVSB)ESV Study BibleESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)"Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes" by Kenneth E. Bailey“The Sermon on the Mount: Kingdom Life in a Fallen World” by Sinclair Ferguson

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