How to Walk in Freedom in a World Constantly Entrapping You | Colossians 2:16-23

Series: Colossians: Supreme!

Title: “How to walk in freedom in a world constantly entrapping you”

Scripture: Colossians 2:16-23

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Bottom line: Walk in freedom in Christ and avoid the dangerous ways of the world apart from Christ by remembering who you are and what Christ has done for you.

If I was to yell at the top of my lungs, who would you say that I am? Dave Ramsey? Nope. I’d be Mel Gibson playing William Wallace in the movie Braveheart.

FREEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOM!!! -William Wallace, Braveheart

Today we’re answering the question, “How do I walk in freedom in a world trying to intrap me and contain me and control me?“

Opening story:

I was listening to the Knowing Faith podcast with Jen Wilkins, Kyle ?, and JT English. They were all asked what book of the Bible they find themselves re-reading a lot and why. JT, author of Deep Discipleship, answered Colossians. He said in effect, it addresses things we’re going through today and gives us the answer to the philosophies of this world: the supremacy of Christ. A high Christology is the answer to the “isms” of this world.

Would be good to share a story about being entrapped in something of this world like a cult like Mormonism, a conspiracy, false religion like Jehovah Witnesses, Christian nationalism, …

Amazingly, when Epaphras visits Paul who then writes this letter about being free in Christ, Paul is physically in prison!

Story of a little girl enslaved physically and spiritually that led to a Jailer and his family being freed spiritually. See Acts 16:16-38

“Paul recognized that civic freedom did not always equate to authentic liberty.”

“Perhaps this understanding of true freedom was most influenced by his experience in Macedonia with Silas (Acts 16:16-38). As they were spreading the gospel, they were harassed by a young girl who was enslaved in every way. Physically, she was a slave to her masters who were exploiting her for financial gain. Spiritually, she was possessed by a demonic spirit who had seized control of her life. By the power of Christ, Paul instantly freed her from both.

As a result, Paul and Silas were flogged and imprisoned. The Scriptures vividly describe how they were heavily guarded, thrown into the most secure area of the jail, and their feet were shackled with chains. Yet none of these could restrain their hearts from worshiping. As they expressed their praise to God, an earthquake shook the prison, the doors opened, and their bonds were broken. While others may have fled and sought what they supposed was freedom, Paul and Silas continued to operate in the spiritual liberty they had never lost. Paul reassured the jailer that they had not escaped, and the guard responded with a request for true freedom, salvation in Christ.” -Pace, p. 70-71

Paul and Silas, arrested and imprisoned in the most secure dungeon in Philippi, maintained their joyous freedom in Christ despite their outward circumstances. This was because of leading this twice-enslaved girl to freedom in Christ and led others to freedom in Christ as well.

Outline: (based on Willmington)

Paul WARNS 2 churches against 4 dangerous -ISMS or philosophies that rob us of our freedom in Christ.

From railroad crossing signs to skull and crossbones on bottle of rubbing alcohol, we’re surrounded by warnings.

Children need to be taught to heed these warnings while adults need to be reminded that familiarity breeds contempt. -W Wiersbe

Paul gives us 4 warnings against losing our freedom in Christ. (Based on Willmington’s Outline)

  1. Gnosticism (8-10)

    1. Fiction (8): Gnostics diminish Christ to an angel.

    2. Facts (9-10): Christ incarnate was God in bodily form. Jesus of Nazareth was God in the flesh.

  2. Legalism (11-17) “Let no one judge you”

    1. Paul describes the LOVE of Christ (11-15)

      1. We’ve been CRUCIFIED and RAISED to new life with him (11-12).

      2. He has FORGIVEN our sins (13).

      3. He has “CANCELED the charge” against us “NAILING it to the cross” (14-15).

    2. Paul describes the LIBERTY in Christ (16-17). Because of this, believers should not criticize (aka judge) each other…

      1. In matters of diet (16a): Food or drink like alcohol, meat, pork, sugar, caffeine, etc.

      2. In matters of days (16b-17): Sabbaths, Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Passover, the liturgical calendar, feasts, etc.

  3. Mysticism (18-19) “Let no one disqualify you”

    1. Fiction (18): Mysticism teaches that God can be KNOWN through 2 METHODS:

      1. Through worship of ANGELS (18a…in addition, myths abound…

        1. .People DO NOT “get their wings” and become angels at death.

        2. Christ was NOT a super angel. HE CREATED angels!

      2. Through seeing of VISIONS (18b)

    2. Fact (19): One can only know God THROUGH CHRIST, who is the head of the body, the Church.

  4. Asceticism (20-23) “let no one enslave you”

    1. Fiction (21-22): Asceticism teaches that one can PURIFY the spirit by PUNISHING the body.

    2. Facts (20, 23):

      1. The spirit cannot be purified by PUNISHING the body. (23)

      2. The believer’s body and spirit have been CRUCIFIED with Christ. (20)


Bottom line: Walk in freedom in Christ and avoid the dangerous ways of the world apart from Christ by remembering who you are and what Christ has done for you.

“Until I first read Colin Urquhart’s book, In Christ Jesus, I had never realized how significant that little word “in” is in the New Testament. Understanding that, as a Christian, you are “in” Christ Jesus revolutionizes how you see yourself, your self image, your identity and how you understand your value to God.”

“Take out a piece of paper, write your name on a piece of paper. Take hold of your Bible to represent Christ. Place the paper in the book and close it. You are in Christ. Where the book goes you go. Where the paper goes he goes. You are not part of the book, but you are now identified totally with the book.” —Nicky Gumbel


Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32


Pace Outline:

Bottom line: “Through the power of the gospel and according to our identity in Christ, we have been delivered from the demands of religious performance and are free to live for his glory through loving obedience.”

I. Our death in Christ releases us from the law. (16-23)

A. We are free from the shackles of reputation. (16, 18)

B. We are free from the bondage of religion. (16-19)

C. We are free from the chains of regulations. (20-23)

All of these admonitions hinge on the conditional clause in v. 20: “If you died with Christ…”

The finished work of Christ

+ Their corresponding participation in his death

= Frees them from the related obligations of the false teaching

Hughes’ outline:

The Guarding of Your Treasure

  1. A warning against legalism. (16-17) “Do not let anyone judge you”

  2. A warning against mysticism. (18-19) “Let no one disqualify you”

  3. A warning against asceticism. (20-23) “Let no one enslave you”


“Several years ago Royal Robbins, a professional mountain climber, wrote an article for Sports Illustrated(March 6, 1978) that demonstrates the importance of seeing ourselves and life as we really are. He wrote:

‘If we are keenly alert and aware of the rock and what we are doing in it, if we are honest with ourselves beyond what we know is safe, then we will climb safely. For climbing is an exercise in reality. He who sees it clearly is on safe ground, regardless of his experience or skill. But he who sees reality as he would like it to be, may have his illusions rudely stripped from his eyes when the ground comes up fast.’

This reality is this: ‘In him (Christ) the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily,’ and him we have been made full (2:9, 10). But we can lose the benefits of that fullness very easily. We can fall to legalism…” -Hughes, p. 292

As I reflect on Tim Keller’s summary of Larry Hurtado’s main points in his book, I see a lot of wisdom to help me lead our church going forward.

I learned about this article while having lunch with Neal McGlohon. He summarized the o

5 points in a slightly different order . Neal shared it this way:

1. The early church was multi-racial and experienced a unity across ethnic boundaries that was startling. (Democrat, Progressive concerns)

3. The early church was famous for its hospitality to the poor and the suffering. (Democrat, Progressive concerns)

2. The early church was a community of forgiveness and reconciliation. (What both sides thinks it’s doing when in fact what we see is fighting for power)

4. It was a community committed to the sanctity of life. (Republican; conservative concerns)

5. It was a sexual counterculture. (Republican; conservative concerns)


  • Exalting Jesus in Colossians by Scott Pace

  • Preaching the Word: Philippians, Colossians and Philemon commentary by R. Kent Hughes

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • Paul for Everyone, The Prison Letters, NT Wright’s commentary on Philippians and Colossians

  • Gospel Transformation Bible

  • NIV Study Bible

  • The Bible Exposition Commentary, Warren Wiersbe

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How to Live Out Your Faith in Confidence | Colossians 2:6-7, 11-15

Series: Colossians: Supreme!

Title: “How to live out your faith with confidence”

Scripture: Colossians 2:6-7, 11-15

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Bottom line: Walk boldly in the wake of Christ’s victory.

Opening story:

In Exodus three and four Moses encounters got at the burning bush. After God tells him that he wants him to lead Israel out of slavery in Egypt into freedom and the promised land, Moses comes up with several excuses for why he thinks someone else should do it. And even though God tells him he will be with him and give him all kinds of reasons to obey, Moses ends up just saying please send someone else.

If Moses, the great lawgiver of Israel, the most humble man ever to walk the planet, struggles to walk confidently in his faith with God, then it stands to reason that we might struggle with the same thing.

Today we will revisit the question that is implied in Colossians 2:6–7 how do we walk confidently with God. How do we walk with confidence in our faith with the Lord Jesus Christ? It’s a good question.

This question is understandable as well in the face of being uncertain of who do we believe, who do we believe in, and what do we believe about them? These things are addressed in Exodus three and four with Moses and the burning bush. And these things are addressed by Paul in Colossians 2.

Transition: Paul states his concern (shared with Epaphras) in 2:4. He then calls them to resist and gives them reasons to resist along with the power to resist. Spoiler alert: It centers on Jesus Christ.

Outline: (based on Pace)

Bottom line: Walk boldly in the wake of Christ’s victory.

How do we walk out our faith in God with confidence? We do so by remembering and believing that:

I. He circumcised our hearts. (2:11)

II. He conquered over death. (2:12-13)

III. He canceled our debt. (2:13-14)

IV. He condemned the enemy. (2:15)

V. He confirmed our victory. (2:15)

And that he called us to identify with him in these things. That’s a Purpose in baptism.


Bottom line: Walk boldly in the wake of Christ’s victory.

How do we walk boldly in our faith of God?

  1. We remember who it is we believe in.

  2. We remember what he did and continue to walk in those things.


Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32


Pace Outline:

Bottom line: We must define our identity in Christ so that our words, ways and works reflect who we are in Christ.

I. He circumcised our hearts. (2:11)

II. He conquered over death. (2:12-13)

III. He canceled our debt. (2:13-14)

IV. He condemned the enemy. (2:15)

V. He confirmed our victory. (2:15)

Hughes’ outline:

I. “In Christ”: His death, burial, and resurrection. (2:11-12)

A. Death

B. Burial

C. Resurrection

II. “In Christ”: Delivered from bondage. (2:13-15)


II. Colossians 2:11–23 (WEONT): Beware of Religious Legalism (2:11–17)

These false teachers had mixed oriental mysticism with Greek philosophy and Jewish legalism—what a mixture! But the flesh loves to be religious, so long as that religion does not have a cross to crucify the flesh. The Colossian believers were involved in Jewish legalism—rituals, diets, holidays, and so on. “You are going out of the sunlight into the shadows!” Paul cries (v. 17). “You are forsaking the reality (Christ’s body) for the symbol!” Like the child who admires his father’s photo while he ignores his father’s presence, so these Christians had turned from the fullness of Christ to the ABCs (“elements”—2:8, 20) of the world.

All that we need has been accomplished by Christ on the cross. The circumcision of v. 11 is not His physical circumcision as a child (Luke 2:21), but rather His death on the cross. Just as Christ’s water baptism was a symbol of His baptism of suffering on the cross (Luke 12:50), so His circumcision as an infant prefigured His “putting off the body” when He took our sins on Calvary. “Your spiritual circumcision in Christ is far more wonderful than physical rituals!” Paul states. “Why replace Christ with Moses? Why have a physical cutting instead of a spiritual operation on your heart? Circumcision removes a fragment of the flesh from the body, but our identification with Christ puts off the whole fleshly nature.”

All of this is made possible through our union with Christ, when the Spirit baptized us into His body. We died with Him, and we are risen with Him. The Old Covenant laws are now set aside; Satan has been completely defeated (v. 15); therefore enjoy the liberty you have in Christ. “Let no man judge you!” Paul urges (v. 16).


As I reflect on Tim Keller’s summary of Larry Hurtado’s main points in his book, I see a lot of wisdom to help me lead our church going forward.

I learned about this article while having lunch with Neal McGlohon. He summarized the o

5 points in a slightly different order . Neal shared it this way:

1. The early church was multi-racial and experienced a unity across ethnic boundaries that was startling. (Democrat, Progressive concerns)

3. The early church was famous for its hospitality to the poor and the suffering. (Democrat, Progressive concerns)

2. The early church was a community of forgiveness and reconciliation. (What both sides thinks it’s doing when in fact what we see is fighting for power)

4. It was a community committed to the sanctity of life. (Republican; conservative concerns)

5. It was a sexual counterculture. (Republican; conservative concerns)


  • Exalting Jesus in Colossians by Scott Pace

  • Preaching the Word: Philippians, Colossians and Philemon commentary by R. Kent Hughes

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • Paul for Everyone, The Prison Letters, NT Wright’s commentary on Philippians and Colossians

  • Gospel Transformation Bible

  • NIV Study Bible

  • The Bible Exposition Commentary, Warren Wiersbe

BQ = Better Questions

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How to Resist Deceptive Cults, Religions, and Philosophies of this World and Why | Colossians 2:8-10

Series: Colossians: Supreme!

Title: “How to resist deceptive cults, religions, and philosophies of this world and why”

Scripture: Colossians 2:8-10

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Bottom line this week: Resist instead of settling for the deceptive philosophies of this world by embracing the fullness of Christ Jesus himself in you.

Opening story:

People are easy to fool. P. 255

“That little incident is a good illustration of all the earth-born religions. People talk about having faith; they tell you to look in a direction there is absolutely nothing. (Like look inside yourself) Some poeple are so desperately in need of seeing something that they will look till they are almost blind, yet they never catch a glimpse of anything real.” -Donald Barnhouse

Many of us have heard of family members, church members and friends who’ve left and followed a cult leader or false religion deceived by a charismatic leader or deceptive lies. It happens. If it wasn’t seductive, it wouldn’t happen. If it didn’t sound credible, no one would fall for it. But it is. And they do.

Philosophy = love of wisdom

“Everything that had to do with theories about God, the world, and the meaning of human life was called philosophy, both in the pagan and Jewish schools of the day. Both Judaism and Christianity are philosophical because they make holistic claims about the nature of reality and set values to guide life.” -Hughes

“What Paul was warning against was a dangerous philosophy made up of both elements of Judaism and Greek Gnosticism. Greek Gnosticism taught that a person must work his or her way up a long series of lesser gods, called emanations, before reaching the ultimate god. Here false Jewish teachers combined Hebrew rites and ascetic regulations with their philosophy as a better way to move up the spiritual ladder. It was all very mysterious, complicated, astrological, and snooty. But worst of all, it was very deadly because it mixed some of the truth of Hebrew religion with the delectably enticing mysteries of Eastern mysticism and Greek philosophy. This was presented as “something more” that would elevate the ignorant Colossian Christian’s from their crude baby-faith to the truly deep things of God. Evidently some succumbed.” -Hughes

Transition: Paul states his concern (shared with Epaphras) in 2:4. He then calls them to resist and gives them reasons to resist along with the power to resist. Spoiler alert: It centers on Jesus Christ.

Outline: (based on Hughes)

I. Charged to Resist. (2:8)

Paul’s warning notes 4 characteristics of this dangerously seductive philosophy:

  1. It (the Gnostic philosophy) was deceptive. It sounded great but was “empty deceit.” (8)

  2. It was purported to come from ancient and primal “human tradition.” (8) ex. If someone jumps off a cliff will you jump too?

  3. It was demon controlled, depending on the “elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.” (8b)

    1. Human traditions

    2. Elemental — stars, planets i.e. astrology, horoscopes, ouiji boards

    3. This was happening then. This happens today.

  4. It is enslaving. “See to it that no one takes your captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy.” (8)

    1. “Take you captive” means to carry off, as prisoners were led away by victorious armies. “Cultic teaching asserts a death-like group on its followers, and few come out of it. Paul is saying, stay away from false teaching if you value you life.” (Refer back to v. 4 and last week) -Hughes

    2. “How is it possible for one not to be sucked in by a philosophy that is subtly deceitful in its language, logically compelling within its system of reason, and enticingly moral? The only answer is the fullness of Christ.” -Hughes

II. Reasons to Resist. (2:9-10)

  1. Because Christ is full of deity.

“For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily.” (9)

Re-read Colossians 1:15-20

Umbrella = Covering that comes when I stay under his authority analogy

Would you rather be full of Christ or full of yourself?

  1. Because we are full of Christ who is full of deity himself.

Christ is more than merely Godlike. More than simply overflowing with the character of God.

“This statement that ‘in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily’ (9) forever blasts the Gnostics’ idea that the fullness came through the emanations and angelic mediators. We can see the fullness of God in his work in the heavens and creation around us. But in Christ we see the face of God.” -Hughes

“This out to steel us against being taken captive by deceitful, empty philosophies.” -Hughes

Even more breath-taking: “Christ, full of Deity, fills us.” (10)

Illustration: “My wife and I once stood on the shore of the vast Pacific Ocean—two finite dots alongside a seemingly infinite expanse. As we stood there, we reflected that if I were to take a pint jar and allow the ocean to rush into it, in an instant my jar would be filled with the fullness of the Pacific (which is huge but finite). But I could never put the fullness of the Pacific Ocean into my jar! Thinking of Christ, we realize that because he is infinite, he can hold all the fullness of Deity. And whenever one of us finite creatures, dips the tiny vessel of our life into him, we instantly become full of his (infinite) fullness.”

Our souls are elastic in this sense. Our capacity is infinite because he made us to be able to contain the infinite fullness of Christ. Wow!

His fullness meets our individual needs. “He gives us what the moment requires: wisdom, strength, courage. We must remember too that as we experience the satisfaction of his fullness, a continual stream filling and overflowing our lives.”

He is a path, if any be misled;

He is a robe, if any naked be;

If any chance to hunger, he is bread;

If any be a bondsman, he is free;

If any be but weak, how strong is he!

To dead men, life he is, to sick men health,

To blind men sight, and to the needy, wealth.

-R.E.O. White

“If you are full of Christ, and growing in that fullness, if you are overflowing with Christ, the Gnostic appeals of the empty philosophies of our age will bear little appeal to you. If you are full of him, how can you want anything else?” -Hughes

How do we resist? See 2:6-7 again

And embracing the fullness of Christ that is already in us.

Alexander Maclauren put it this way:

“Though all the earth were covered with helpers and lovers of my soul, ‘as the sand by the sea short unnumerable,’ and all the heavens were sown with faces of angels who cared for me and succoured me, thick as the stars in the Milky Way—all could not do for me what I need. Yea, though all these were gathered into one mighty and loving creature, even he were no sufficient stay for one soul of man. We want more than creature help. We need the whole fulness of the Godhead to draw from. It is all there in Christ, for each of us. Whosoever will, let him draw freely. Why should we leave the fountain of living waters to hew out for ourselves, with infinite pains, broken cisterns that can hold no water? All we need is in Christ. Let us life our eyes from the low earth and all creatures, and behold ‘no man any more,’ as Lord and Helper, ‘save Jesus only,’ ‘that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.”

“Let us covenant with God to invite more of his fulness.” -Hughes

Bottom line this week: Resist instead of settling for the deceptive philosophies of this world by embracing the fullness of Christ Jesus himself in you.


We need to learn to treat our Bibles like love letters from God. How did you treat your love letters?

Why did I hold it, read it, re-read it, smell it? Because of what it said. Yes, in part. But mainly because of who sent it.


Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32


Pace notes

Main idea: “God calls us to grow in our walks with Christ in order to strengthen our faith and find our fulfillment in him.”

I. We must deepen our intimacy with Christ. (2:6-7)

II. We must denounce the insufficiency of Christ. (2:8-10

A. False teaching 1) deceives us and 2) denies Christ. (8) (This is the fundamental flaw) “depends on” vs. “rooted and built up”

    1. False teachings about person of Jesus Christ. (Who he is)

    2. False teachings about works of Jesus Christ. (What he’s done/doing)

    3. Our culture does this through

      1. Persuasive philosophies

      2. Worldly values

    4. To combat, we must

      1. “Recognize the infinite worth of Christ” (person and work) “as the only source of truly fulfillment (being in the word) and

      2. “Denounce any teaching to the contrary.” (Based on the word)

B. Faithful teaching 1) edifies us and 2) exalts Christ. (9-10)

Intimacy with Christ + Sufficiency of Christ + Defining our identity in Christ = Strengthening of our faith in Christ

Faith in Christ must be exclusive and singular. There’s no room for Christ + anyone/anything.

Person and work of Jesus Christ is at stake!

False teaching —> Deceives us + Denies Christ

Faithful teaching —> Edifies us + Exalts Christ

Quite the contrast!

Another contrast is the barren emptiness of deceptive teaching vs. the divine fullness of Christ.

Cf. “God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him” (1:19)


I. Keep making spiritual progress. (2:4-7)

Colossians 2:6 (BEC): Paul had already encouraged his readers to “walk worthy of the Lord” (Col. 1:10), and later he used this image again (Col. 3:7; 4:5

Colossians 2:7a (BEC): The tree (v. 7a). Rooted is an agricultural word. The tense of the Greek word means “once and for all having been rooted.” Christians are not to be tumbleweeds that have no roots and are blown about by “every wind of doctrine” (Eph. 4:14)

By reviewing these pictures of spiritual progress, we see how the growing Christian can easily defeat the enemy and not be led astray. If his spiritual roots are deep in Christ, he will not want any other soil. If Christ is his sure foundation, he has no need to move. If he is studying and growing in the Word, he will not be easily enticed by false doctrine. And if his heart is overflowing with thanksgiving, he will not even consider turning from the fullness he has in Christ. A grounded, growing, grateful believer will not be led astray.

II. Watch out for spiritual perils. (2:8-10)

Colossians 2:8–10 (BEC): Paul continued the military image with this warning: “Beware lest any man carry you off as a captive” (literal translation). The false teachers did not go out and win the lost, no more than the cultists do today. They “kidnapped” converts from churches!

Colossians 2:8–10 (BEC): How is it possible for false teachers to capture people? The answer is simple: These “captives” are ignorant of the truths of the Word of God. They become fascinated by the philosophy and empty delusion of the false teachers. (This is not to say that all philosophy is wrong, because there is a Christian philosophy of life. The word simply means “to love wisdom.”) When a person does not know the doctrines of the Christian faith, he can easily be captured by false religions

Colossians 2:8–10 (BEC): is a true Christian tradition (1 Cor. 15:3ff; 2 Thes. 2:15; 3:6; 2 Tim. 2:2). The important thing about any teaching is its origin: Did it come from God or from man? The religious leaders in our Lord’s day had their traditions and were very zealous to obey them and protect them (Matt. 15:1–20). Even the Apostle Paul, before he met the Lord, was “exceedingly zealous of the traditions” (Gal. 1:14).

Colossians 2:8–10 (BEC): But in ancient Greece, this word also meant “the elemental spirits of the universe, the angels that influenced the heavenly bodies.” It was one of the words in the vocabulary of the religious astrology of that day. P

Colossians 2:8–10 (BEC): The gnostics believed that the angels and the heavenly bodies influenced people’s lives…The fact that this teaching is not after Christ is sufficient to warn us against horoscopes, astral charts, Ouija boards, and other spiritist practices

Why follow empty philosophy when we have all fullness in Christ? This is like turning away from the satisfying river to drink at the dirty cisterns of the world (Jer. 2:13). Of course, the false teachers in Colossae did not ask the believers to forsake Christ. They asked them to make Christ a part of the new system. But this would only remove Him from His rightful place of preeminence.

My thought:

We all do this. We add idols to our worship of God making us double-minded in all that we do.

Back to WW:

So Paul gave the true and lasting antidote to all false teaching: “All fullness is in Christ, and you have been made full in Him. Why, then, would you need anything else?” (see Col. 2:9–10)

We have seen the word “fullness” (pleroma) before (Col. 1:19). It means “the sum total of all that God is, all of His being and attributes.” This word was used by the gnostics, but they did not give it the same meaning as did Paul. To them, the pleroma was the source of all the “emanations” through which men could come to God. The highest point in gnostic religious experience was to share in the pleroma.

Of course, there are no emanations from God. The gulf between heaven and earth was bridged in the incarnation of Jesus Christ. He is declared to be “Emmanuel, God with us” (Matt. 1:23). Jesus Christ is the fullness of God, and that fullness dwells continually and permanently in Him bodily. Once again, Paul refuted the gnostic doctrine that matter was evil and that Jesus did not have a human body.

When Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, He went in a human body. It was a glorified body, to be sure, but it was real. After His resurrection, our Lord was careful to assure His disciples that He was the same Person in the same body; He was not a ghost or a spirit (see John 20:19–29). There is a glorified Man in heaven! The God-Man, Jesus Christ, embodies the fullness of God!

Now, the remarkable thing is this: every believer shares that fullness! “And you are complete in Him” (Col. 2:10). The tense of the Greek verb indicates that this fullness is a permanent experience.

When a person is born again into the family of God, he is born complete in Christ. His spiritual growth is not by addition, but by nutrition. He grows from the inside out. Nothing needs to be added to Christ because He already is the very fullness of God. As the believer draws on Christ’s fullness, he is “filled unto all the fullness of God” (Eph. 3:19). What more does he need?

Indeed, there are spiritual perils that the Christian faces. The fundamental test of any religious teaching is, “Where does it put Jesus Christ—His person and His work?” Does it rob Him of His fullness? Does it deny either His deity or His humanity? Does it affirm that the believer must have some “new experience” to supplement his experience with Christ? If so, that teaching is wrong and dangerous.

III. Draw on your own spiritual provisions. (2:11-15)

WW outline for a message:

In this chapter, Paul gets to the heart of the problem and denounces the false teachers. He asserts clearly the sufficiency of Christ for every need. He sounds three warnings, and these warnings are needed just as much today as in his day

Colossians 2:1–10 (WEONT):

I. Beware of Empty Philosophies (2:1–10)

A. Walk in Christ (v. 6).

As you were saved by faith, so walk by faith. As you were saved by the Word, so walk according to the Word. As you were saved through the work of the Spirit, so walk in the Spirit. The Christian life continues as it began, by faith in God.

B. Grow up in Christ (v. 7).

Have roots that dig down into the richness of the Word. Have foundations that are strong, laid upon Jesus Christ. How important it is to be taught the Word of God! Believers fall prey to religious philosophies unless they are rooted in Christ, grounded in the Word, and built up in Bible truth.

C. Make Christ the test (v. 8).

Test every high-sounding religious system by asking, “Does it give Christ the place of preeminence?” Almost every religious system today gives Christ an eminent place, but only true Bible Christianity gives Him the preeminent place.

D. Draw on His fullness (vv. 9–10).

Realize that there is no substitute for Christ and that in Him we have all that we need. When believers drift into worldly living, or are taken prey by man-made systems, it is usually because they feel they lack something that Jesus Christ cannot supply. “You are made full in Him!” What a wonderful position we have in Christ!


Sacrifice happens inside the Temple

“Sacrifice happens inside the temple.” -Chris Karpus

In the OT, sacrifice happened first inside the Tabernacle and later the Temple.

In the NT, we Christ-followers—individually and collectively—are the temple in which the Spirit of Christ resides. Therefore, sacrifice happens inside of us as we gladly submit and surrender all to him.

Fighting Wolves

I recall a story about a pastor who was concerned about some unsavory businesses that had opened near a school. His protests finally led to a court case, and the defense attorney did all he could to embarrass the Gospel minister.

“Are you not a pastor?” the lawyer asked. “And doesn’t the word pastor mean ‘shepherd’?”

To this definition the minister agreed.

“Well, if you are a shepherd, why aren’t you out taking care of the sheep?”

“Because today I’m fighting the wolves!” was the pastor’s quick reply, and a good answer it was.

Knowing that there were enemies already attacking the church in Colossae, Paul offered encouragement. By heeding his admonitions, the Colossians would overcome their enemies

You made converts, not disciples

Then there’s the MS story. This middle eastern woman comes to Christ and immediately starts making disciples who make disciples. When her future husband meets her she’s already started 25 house churches of about 250 people in 5 cities.

When she moves to America with her new husband (Pastor X) she eventually finds herself depressed saying,

“The western Church is under a satanic lullaby and I’m going to sleep. And every time I want to wake up the lullaby goes faster.”

When they returned to this middle eastern country she was from, the movement then grew to 5,000.

Leaders are “making a mess of the country and Jesus is just the cleanup crew.” -Pastor X

1,300 leaders arrested that year—enemy #1 was the house church movement.

Q. Why is persecution not growing the church? pastor x asked God.

God answered, “You made converts, not disciples. Converts run away from persecution. Disciples will die for me.”

“Because she encountered me she will die for me. You must give the word of God but it must be sealed by the power of God.”

Now doing a disciple making movement (DMM).

As some are running to the mountains for their lives and staying in caves, they are also starting up their zoom meetings so they can reach more people for Jesus. Wow.

20:21 mark: “The only way to change a nation is through discipleship.” -Steve T. “…Through love.”

As I reflect on Tim Keller’s summary of Larry Hurtado’s main points in his book, I see a lot of wisdom to help me lead our church going forward.

I learned about this article while having lunch with Neal McGlohon. He summarized the o

5 points in a slightly different order . Neal shared it this way:

1. The early church was multi-racial and experienced a unity across ethnic boundaries that was startling. (Democrat, Progressive concerns)

3. The early church was famous for its hospitality to the poor and the suffering. (Democrat, Progressive concerns)

2. The early church was a community of forgiveness and reconciliation. (What both sides thinks it’s doing when in fact what we see is fighting for power)

4. It was a community committed to the sanctity of life. (Republican; conservative concerns)

5. It was a sexual counterculture. (Republican; conservative concerns)


  • Exalting Jesus in Colossians by Scott Pace

  • Preaching the Word: Philippians, Colossians and Philemon commentary by R. Kent Hughes

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • Paul for Everyone, The Prison Letters, NT Wright’s commentary on Philippians and Colossians

  • Gospel Transformation Bible

  • NIV Study Bible

  • The Bible Exposition Commentary, Warren Wiersbe

BQ = Better Questions

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How to Tell Good News from Fake News | Colossians 2:6-7

Series: Colossians: Supreme!

Title: “How to tell Good News from Fake News”

Scripture: Colossians 2:6-7

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Bottom line this week: We can tell fake news from good news as we live our lives firmly in the truth by being

  1. grounded in the truth,

  2. growing and bearing fruit through the truth, and being

  3. grateful in the truth that Christ Jesus is Lord of all…including of my life.

Today I want to answer the question: How do we tell truth from lies?

It has been most frustrating the past 5 years especially to tell the truth from lies. On the news, on the internet, on COVID-19, on election counts, on CRT, on you name it.

And even within the truth, we have universalism, legalistic teachings and we have prosperity gospel teachings and it’s pretty easy to be confused on what’s true and what’s not.

The Apostle Paul had to deal with this same challenge too. And in a church that he’d never been to a thousand miles away. We can learn a lot from Paul on how to tell the truth from lies.

Opening story:

Then there’s the MS story. This middle eastern woman comes to Christ and immediately starts making disciples who make disciples. When her future husband meets her she’s already started 25 house churches of about 250 people in 5 cities.

When she moves to America with her new husband (Pastor X) she eventually finds herself depressed saying,

“The western Church is under a satanic lullaby and I’m going to sleep. And every time I want to wake up the lullaby goes faster.”

When they returned to this middle eastern country she was from, the movement then grew to 5,000.

Leaders are “making a mess of the country and Jesus is just the cleanup crew.” -Pastor X

1,300 leaders arrested that year—enemy #1 was the house church movement.

Q. Why is persecution not growing the church? pastor x asked God.

God answered, “You made converts, not disciples. Converts run away from persecution. Disciples will die for me.”

“Because she encountered me she will die for me. You must give the word of God but it must be sealed by the power of God.”

Now doing a disciple making movement (DMM).

As some are running to the mountains for their lives and staying in caves, they are also starting up their zoom meetings so they can reach more people for Jesus. Wow.

20:21 mark: “The only way to change a nation is through discipleship.” -Steve T. “…Through love.”

2 weeks ago I preached: Psalm 1, “Who Influences You Most?”

Bottom line: Let God influence you more than anyone else, so that whatever you do you prosper.

This flows right from that one because God influences us most through his word and his Spirit.

Bottom line this week: We can tell fake news from good news as we live our lives firmly in the truth by being

  1. grounded in the truth,

  2. growing and bearing fruit through the truth, and being

  3. grateful in the truth that Christ Jesus is Lord of all…including of my life.

Colossians 2:6-7 are hinge verses in the letter. Hinges on a door, when working properly, make the door open and close properly. When aren’t, they don’t.

2 Kinds of Knowledge

In French, there are two different words for ‘to know’.

  • One (savoir) means to know a fact,

  • The other (connaître) means to know a person.

God is more interested in us knowing people than facts. The most important knowledge of all is knowing God and being known by him. Even this is not the end though. It is never enough simply to have knowledge – you must also have love. -Nicky Gumbel

Pace’s outline (Outline I’m using today)

“God calls us to grow in our walk with Christ in order to strengthen our faith and find our fulfillment in him.”

I. We must deepen our intimacy with Christ. (2:6-7)

A. We are called to be grounded. (6-7)

B. We are called to be growing. (7)

C. We are called to be grateful. (7)

James 1:5-8 if any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double minded and unstable in all they do.

Colossians 1:15-20


Final illustration:

As I reflect on Tun Keller’s summary of Larry Hurtado’s main points in his book, I see a lot of wisdom to help me lead our church going forward.

I learned about this article while having lunch with Neal McGlohon. He summarized the o

5 points in a slightly different order . Neal shared it this way:

1. The early church was multi-racial and experienced a unity across ethnic boundaries that was startling. (Democrat, Progressive concerns)

3. The early church was famous for its hospitality to the poor and the suffering. (Democrat, Progressive concerns)

2. The early church was a community of forgiveness and reconciliation. (What both sides thinks it’s doing when in fact what we see is fighting for power)

4. It was a community committed to the sanctity of life. (Republican; conservative concerns)

5. It was a sexual counterculture. (Republican; conservative concerns)

Final applications:

I. Grounded: Born to walk having personally received Christ in all his fullness…

II. Growing: Walk in/with Christ rooted and built up...

III. Walk believing the gospel in all of life—not just eternal life…

IV. Grateful: Walk in gratitude.

The old saying still holds. If he’s not Lord of all he’s not Lord at all.

Is he Lord of your life?

Does your life reflect that outwardly?

If not, let’s prayerfully repent asking him to restore us, reconcile us and transform us so that we gladly surrender to his word, his ways and his work.


Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32


Hugh’s outline

“Paul’s protective charge to the Colossians” or “What’s the walk that protects like?“

I. A Birth Walk. (6) “This means out experience of first coming to Christ out to mirror how we walk in him all the days of our lives.”

What was our spiritual genesis like?

A. Receive him > accepting him

    1. They received teaching and traditions handed down about Christ.

    2. They received not just Jesus but Jesus in all his fullness.

    3. They received him as Christ/Messiah/King.

    4. They received him, “As one who fulfilled messianic prophesies of OT“

    5. They received him as living prophet, priest, and king.

    6. They received him as a historical person rooted in humanity through the incarnation.

      1. Jesus = Joshua = The Lord is (my) salvation

      2. Capt of salvation—there is no other

    7. They received him as Lord—not just Savior (this is big)

      1. Billy Graham says in the Annals of America: “No man can be said to be truly converted to Christ who has not bent his will to Christ. He may give intellectual assent to the claims of Christ and may have had emotional religious experiences; however, he is not truly converted until he has surrendered his will to Christ as Lord, Savior and Master.”

      2. Spurgeon comments on this, saying: “It is interesting to notice that the Apostles preached the Lordship of Christ. The word Savior occurs only twice int he Acts of the Apostles (Acts 5:31, 13:23). On the other hand it is amazing to notice the title “Lord” is mentioned 92 times; “Lord Jesus” 13 times; and “The Lord Jesus Christ” 6 times in the same book. The Gospel is: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved.”

    8. They received him as Lord will help resist gnosticizing influences around us.

      1. Major cults have defective doctrines of Christ

        1. Mormons

        2. Jehovah Witnesses

        3. Christian Science

        4. Like gnostics, they say that they believe in Christ

      2. But what kind of Christ?

        1. Legalism

        2. Prosperity gospel

II. Walk in him (6b, 7a) Walk—how?

A. In him…

B. Rooted and…

    1. Tumbleweed vs

    2. Psalm 1

C. Built up in him

III. A Walk in Faith (7b)

A. Same faith

    1. In salvation

    2. In sanctification

B. Growth doesn’t discard or move on from early truths of Christ for newer truth. Jesus isn’t a beginning to be left behind by the “mature.”

    1. His truths are so deep

      1. Incarnation

      2. Reconciliation

      3. Adoption

      4. Eph 3:17-19

IV. A Walk in Thankfulness (Gratitude) (7c)

A. A healthy Christian walk spills over with

    1. Gratitude (for what He’s done)

    2. Praise (for who He is)

B. Good spiritual test—thankfulness. “A thankless spirit betrays a life that is no longer focusing on the greatness of Christ. It is looking down, not up.

C. “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess 5:18

My notes

Vv. 6-7

Who is God? What has he done?

Christ, Messiah, King —come, reign, rule

Jesus—Saved, rescue

Lord—ruled, defeated darkness

Who am I? What do I get to do as a result?

I am…

A citizen—follow, serve

A rescued/saved citizen—celebrate, serve

A followers, soldier—serve, fight (prayer), free others from capture

A child of light—walk/continue in Christ rooted and built up in him

V. 9

Who is God? What has he done?


Deity/God—worked all-powerfully in those he’s rescued

Head—rules, leads

Healer—circumcised us

Creator/sustainer—made us alive with Christ

High priest—forgave all our sins; canceled all our debts; nailed our sins to the cross

Substitutionary atoning sacrifice—took our place and sin and curse

Deliverer—Disarmed the powers and authorities; made public spectacle of enemies through the cross

Who am I? What do I get to do as a result?

Citizen—participate in his kingdom

Rescued—Walk in fullness of his glory in us

Follower—Walk with him

Circumcised—Walk in purity and healing freed from power of the flesh

Dead man walking—Walk as a dead man without fear or flesh

Baptized with Christ—live forgiven

Raised with Christ—live forever with Christ

Uncondemned—live grateful


Walking dad jokes

1. During a trail walk, my mother was so tired she said to my father, "Slow down you. Don't you Everest?"

2. I was walking along a trail and ran into my friend named Nick. It was quite a see-Nick trail today.

3. I was walking on a trail and dropped my trail mix. I started wondering if it was a trail remix now.

What did the guide say when he left the hikers on their own? May the forest be with you.

14. What do you do if the feet of the hiking robot breaks? You reboot it.

asked my father how his hike was, he replied, "It had its ups and downs".

30. I bought a new jacket for a hiking trip. It's called a trail blazer

  1. You pick 'em up, O Lord, I'll put 'em down. - Author Unknown, "Prayer of the Tired Walker"

  2. People say that losing weight is no walk in the park. When I hear that I think, yeah, that's the problem. - Chris Adams

  3. I have two doctors, my left leg and my right. - G.M. Trevelyan

  4. A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world. - Paul Dudley White

  5. Walking would teach people the quality that youngsters find so hard to learn - patience. - Edward P. Weston.

  6. Don't think you're on the right road just because it's a well-beaten path. - Author unknown

  7. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend. - Albert Camus



  • Exalting Jesus in Colossians by Scott Pace

  • Preaching the Word: Philippians, Colossians and Philemon commentary by R. Kent Hughes

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • Paul for Everyone, The Prison Letters, NT Wright’s commentary on Philippians and Colossians

  • Gospel Transformation Bible

  • NIV Study Bible

BQ = Better Questions

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Who Influences You Most? | Psalm 1

Series: Psalms

Title: “Who Influences You Most?”

Scripture: Psalm 1

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Opening story: Who influenced me most growing up? (Parents, Anita, Mr. Moody)

BQ: Who influences you most today?

Bottom line: Let God influence you more than anyone else, so that whatever you do you prosper.

Paul is more interested in who is influencing you most today.

  1. Ask yourself: Who’s influencing me most? People or God?

  2. Who do you wish would be influencing you most today?

  3. Ask yourself: Why don’t you value God’s word more than you do?

BQ: Why does God care who influences you most?

  1. Because it affects your prosperity, and

  2. Because it affect you eternity.

2 truths—no lie.

  1. Blessed are those who delight in the Lord. Why? Because by allowing God to influence them more than anyone else, they receive wisdom, power, peace, joy and more that leads to blessings.

  2. Blessed are those who meditate on his word day and night. Why? Because they’re listening to him and taking his truths, principles, lessons and commands to heart based on their belief that his blessings will follow when they do.

    1. Day and night—end your day in the word,

      1. Surrendering what you can’t control

      2. Praying for God to intercede on the things you will work on tomorrow

He illustrates these then follows with the principle.

  1. Like a tree planted by streams of water…

    1. Which yields its fruit in season (accounts for seasons)

    2. It’s leaf doesn’t whither (even during droughts) because it’s roots go deep and it’s near a good water source it can count on.

The principle: Whatever they do prospers


  1. Because they delight in God’s influence.

  2. Because they meditate on God’s word regularly.

  3. This implies that:

    1. They don’t just do it as a discipline

    2. They do it with an attitude towards God and his word that says they gladly submit to his authority in their life because they believe he is for their good

  1. God uses this illustration to show that just like a tree planted by this water source will prosper in all conditions, those who plant themselves in God’s word (delighting, meditating) and obey it will prosper in whatever they do.

  2. Which leads us to the principle: Whatever they do prospers.

    1. Doesn’t mean that you never fail or experience setbacks.

    2. Means that the pattern in your life will be success in the things that matter most.

The flip-side.

Q: Why don’t people who neglect God’s word prosper?

A: Well, because they don’t trust the Lord and walk in his ways.

  1. God may bless them for a season to let them feel how little the things of this world really satisfy.

    1. Just because someone looks successful on the outside doesn’t mean they are successful on the inside. See the 5 capitals:

    2. Spiritual capital is >> Financial capital. Flip the chart from how the world sees it to how God sees it. Like Joseph, Pivot from a worldly view to a heavenly one.

  2. God doesn’t bless them long-term.

    1. “Will not stand in judgment”

    2. “The way of the wicked leads to destruction”

Who is influencing you most?

Who do you spend time with…

  • That you have no control over?

    1. Work

    2. School

    3. Online that you happen to see

  • How do we respond? Delight yourself in the word meditating on it day and night.

  • That you do have control over?

    1. Play-time

    2. Online time that you choose to see

    3. Roommates

    4. Significant others

Principle: “Bad company corrupts good character” 1 Cor 15:33


  1. Ask yourself: Who’s influencing me most? People or God?

  2. Maybe the wrong order, but, who are you influencing?

  3. Ask yourself: Why don’t you value God’s word more than you do?

    1. Is it worth discipling yourself to be in it day and night?

    2. Is God who you want influencing you more than anyone?

  4. Start a bible reading plan today.

Next steps:

  1. or YouVersion Bible app has hundreds of reading plans.

  2. Learn how to S.O.A.P. Through scripture. (Or some equivalent)

  3. Find someone to hold you accountable and start meeting each week.

  4. Be intentional about who you are influencing and to what are you influencing them to?

Lord’s Supper 1Cor 11:17-26

Other thoughts:

5 Capitals are all areas God wants to bless you in:

5 Capitals that we are in charge of stewarding for God's kingdom as disciples of Jesus:

  1. Spiritual Capital

    1. How much spiritual equity do we have to invest?

    2. The currency is wisdom and power.

  2. Relational Capital

    1. How much relational equity do we have to invest?

    2. The currency is family and friends.

  3. Physical Capital

    1. How much time and energy do we have to invest?

    2. The currency is hours and health.

  4. Intellectual Capital

    1. How much creativity and knowledge do we have to invest?

    2. The currency is concepts and ideas.

  5. Financial Capital

    1. How much treasure do we have to invest?

    2. The currency is money.

God has given you the key to prospering in whatever you do. The key is letting him influence you more than anyone else. He does this through his word, his spirit and his people.

God: You want to influence them with the things of this world. I want you to influence them with what’s not of this world.

Another story: The one thing God used most to draw me to him was my desire to make a real difference. That is to influence others for their good; so that they’ll prosper.

But I will only influence as I’m influenced. So who is influencing me most?

BQ = Better Questions

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Bad News, Hard News, Mixed News, and Good News | Matthew 1:20-22

Series: The Sovereign King Arrives

Title: “Bad news, Hard news, Mixed news, and Good news”

Scripture: Matthew 1:20-22; 2:13-23; Rev 11:15-12:5

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Bottom line: We maintain hope through bad news by keeping our eyes on the prize


News. We all read it, watch it, and groan about it. Because most of it is bad. How do we not just lose hope in a sea of bad news? We keep our eyes on the prize and press on until we find and rest in the good news.


On Christmas Eve we saw that Joseph’s perspective on the news that Mary is pregnant and this changes everything including that Joseph obediently leads Mary and Jesus as God leads. (1:18-23) Today we continue through Matthew and learn more about how Joseph led his family well to keep their eyes on the prize and press on.

The prize: Your son Jesus will save his people from their sin. (Matt 1:21)

I. Bad News: Reasons (Refugees flee) for the trip:

  1. Flee the wrath of Herod (13-14): Joseph warned in a dream that Herod will try to kill Jesus.

  2. Fulfill words of Hosea (15): Hosea foretold trip to Egypt. cf. Hosea 11:1

    1. “Jesus inaugurates the New exodus” -Platt

II. Hard News: Retaliation (Herod retaliates) during the trip:

  1. Purge of Herod (16): He kills all the male babies in Bethlehem in an attempt to eliminate Jesus.

  2. Prophecy of Jeremiah (17-18): The OT prophet predicted the Bethlehem massacre (Jeremiah 31:15)

    1. “Jesus ends the mournful exile” -Platt

III. Mixed News: Return (Refugees return) from the trip:

  1. First dream (19-21): Joseph is told that Herod is now dead and that he should depart from Egypt with his family.

  2. Second dream (22-23): Joseph is told that he should dwell in Nazareth.

IV. Good News: Revelation (God delivers) trip (Rev 12:1-5):

  1. Jesus was delivered (by Mary and the Father)

  2. We were delivered (by the Lord)

  3. We join the Lord in delivering others (by the Lord)


Bottom line: We maintain hope through bad news by keeping our eyes on the prize


One of the things Jesus commanded us to do was to remember the cross through the Lord’s supper.

Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32

“For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭11:23-26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Let me invite you to do 3 things:

  1. Invited them to accept Christ.

  2. Invited them to join a group.

  3. Invited them to give.

Text me at 843-830-2464 as needed.

-Pastor Darien

Lord’s Supper




Go out into the mission field


Other notes


I. Jesus inaugurates the new exodus.

II. Jesus ends the mournful exile.

III. Jesus loves his fiercest enemies.


I. Out of Egypt 2:13-15; Hosea 11:1; Matt 3:17

II. Return from Exile 2:16-18; Jeremiah 31:15-16; 33-34

III. The Branch for the Nations 2:19-23; Isaiah 11:1, 10


  • Exalting Jesus in Matthew by David Platt

  • Preaching the Word: Matthew commentary by Douglas Sean Osbourne

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • Gospel Transformation Bible

  • NIV Study Bible

  • Jesus Through Middle-eastern Eyes, Kenneth Bailey

Read More
Lessons from the Wise Men - How to Respond when God Speaks | Matthew 2:1-12

Series: The Sovereign King Arrives

Title: “Lessons from the wise men—How To respond when God speaks”

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12; 6:33; 28:18-20

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Bottom line: Like the wise men, when we hear from God, we trust and obey God promptly and completely.


Opening story:

Billboard: “Wise men still seek him”


I. King Herod

A. Read verses 18–19 first without the phrase, “from the Holy Spirit.“ Then add it later.

B. King Herod

  1. Lustful, wicked tyrant

  2. Edomite i.e. descendent of Esau, son of Isaac. Therefore, not a Jew so hated by the Jews he ruled.

  3. Destroyed anything that threatened his throne.

  4. Did not know the word of God.

II. Priests and Scribes

A. They new the word, unlike Herod.

B. But they did not act on it because they did not believe it.

III. Wise men

A. They knew the word of God from 2-3 places:

    1. The Hebrew Scriptures would have been available to wealthy men like these to read. The star in Numbers 24 connects Jesus to those scriptures.

    2. The priests and scribes shared where Jesus was to be born in their presence.

    3. God spoke to them through a dream so they wouldn’t return to Herod.

B. They knew the word of God AND acted on it—they believed it.

    1. They went to Jerusalem believing that the logical place to find the son of the King of the Jews.

    2. They went to Bethlehem when they learned that from the priests and scribes.

    3. They went home another way when God spoke through a dream.


Bottom line: Like the wise men, when we hear from God, we trust and obey God promptly and completely.

Like the wise men, when we hear from God, we are wise to obey his word(s) promptly (right away) and completely. This leads us to Jesus in all his glory. This is where we want to be! This leads us to worship him, like the wise men.


One of the things Jesus commanded us to do was to remember the cross through the Lord’s supper.

Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32

“For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭11:23-26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Let me invite you to do 3 things:

  1. Invited them to accept Christ.

  2. Invited them to join a group.

  3. Invited them to give.

Text me at 843-830-2464 as needed.

-Pastor Darien

Lord’s Supper




Go out into the mission field


Other notes

Summary: The Savior, the Wise Men and the Vision of Isaiah From this study, the following may be noted: Oppressors and oppressed are sinners and both need the grace of the new Savior. Suffering does not produce people without sin. The prophet needs courage to tell oppressed people of their sins and their need for grace. Isaiah promised special blessings for the city of Jerusalem. Arabs would arrive with gifts and shepherds would appear. A great light, along with the glory of God, would shine upon Jerusalem. The Gospel authors saw these promises fulfilled in the birth of a child. “The hopes and dreams of all the years” are shifted from Jerusalem to a child born in Bethlehem. At his birth Jewish shepherds and Gentile Arabs came together in adoration of a child in a manger.

Jesus Through Middle-eastern Eyes, Kenneth Bailey


  • Exalting Jesus in Matthew by David Platt

  • Preaching the Word: Matthew commentary by Douglas Sean Osbourne

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • Gospel Transformation Bible

  • NIV Study Bible

  • Jesus Through Middle-eastern Eyes, Kenneth Bailey

Read More
How Did Jesus Christ Come? | Matthew 1:18-25

Series: The Sovereign King Arrives

Title: “How did Jesus Christ come?”

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25; Gen 3:15

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Bottom line:

How did Jesus come?

  1. Personally, motivated by love

  2. By the Holy Spirit,

  3. Humbly as a human baby boy.


Opening story:

“Douglas Osbourne (?) was having opportunity bear witness to the incarnation was sitting across the table from a group of Muslim men in the Middle East during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month. They were finishing a meal late one night (they just broke in their fast), and they asked me to share with him what I believe about God.

Knowing that Muslims believe Jesus was a good man, but certainly not God in the flesh (such a claim is blasphemous in Islam), I began to share about who Jesus is.

I told him that when I decided to ask my wife to marry me, I did not send someone else to do it for me; I went myself. Why? Because in matters of love, one must go him/herself. That’s a picture of the incarnation.” Page 27


I. The scandal (1:18 - 19) surrounding Christ’s conception.

A. read verses 18–19 first without the phrase, “from the Holy Spirit.“ Then add it later.

Two facts:

  1. Mary is “with child“

  2. Joseph doesn’t want to stay with her

  3. “Now, if this scenario is still scandalous in our anything goes, play by your own rules culture, imagine how it would have been in there anything does not go, abide by gods rules culture”

B. explain cultural context

  1. Fathers first arrange the marriage

  2. They become “betrothed“ for a year. Married but not living together nor sleeping together.

  3. How does Joseph feel? Angry? Jealous? Humiliated? He’s resolve to do what is best for both of them: divorce her quietly.

  4. A. Obey the law by exposing her sin and letting punishment occur

  5. B. Compassion/mercy equals do it quietly

  6. C. Shows the justice and mercy of God

II. The spirits (20–21) significant role in Christ’s conception. “From the Holy Spirit“ compared to Luke 1:35

A. it was the work of the Holy Spirit to genesis Jesus.

  1. Not that he was born to become gods son. He was and always has been the pre-existent son of God.

  2. The Holy Spirit took the preexistent son of God informed him into a human man. (Psalm 139:13–14)

III. The surrogate (22–25) referring to Jesus his surrogate, earthly father, Joseph.

A. If the Holy Spirit is the shy member of the Trinity, Joseph is the shy (or quiet) member of the holy family. We have no recorded words of Joseph. Yet, his actions speak loudly of obedience rooted and 1) love, and 2) Faith.

  1. Read versus 19–25 to list all Joseph did

  2. He obeyed

  3. A. Quickly

  4. B. Completely

B. Why is Joseph so important to Jesus?

  1. He functions as a competent and reliable witness to Mary’s virginity. (Isaiah 7:14)

  2. “Joseph, son of David” (1:20). Joseph adopts Jesus into the house of David fulfilling prophecy. Joseph is legally and biologically from the line of David. The only one (besides Jesus) called a “son of David“ in the gospels is Joseph.

  3. Jesus becomes legal for two reasons:

  4. A. Because he married Mary, believing her and the angel.

  5. B. Because he named Jesus as his legal father.

  6. How did Joseph make Mary‘S son his?

  7. A. The first 17 verses confirm Jesus is the promised one (genealogy)

  8. B. The last eight verses confirm Jesus is truly from the light of David.


Bottom line:

How did Jesus come?

  1. Personally, motivated by love,

  2. By the Holy Spirit,

  3. Humbly as a human baby boy.

Therefore, we

  1. Fear God,

  2. Walk in the Spirit,

  3. In prompt and complete obedience.

Martin Luther…

In the 16th century, Martin Luther said, ‘Scripture is the manger in which the Christ lies.’ As a parent goes to a crib to find their baby, so the Christian goes to the Bible to find Jesus.

Don’t inspect the crib and forget to gladly submit to (obey) the baby.


One of the things Jesus commanded us to do was to remember the cross through the Lord’s supper.

Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32

“For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭11:23-26‬ ‭NIV‬‬


  • Exalting Jesus in Matthew by David Platt

  • Preaching the Word: Matthew commentary by Douglas Sean Osbourne

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • Gospel Transformation Bible

  • NIV Study Bible

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Why Did Jesus Christ Come? | Matthew 1:1-17

Series: The Sovereign King Arrives

Title: “Why Did Jesus Christ Come?” #Advent #MakeDisciples

Scripture: Matthew 1:1-17; Gen 12:1-3; 2 Sam 7:12-13; Matt 28:16-20

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Bottom line: The sovereign, savior-king Jesus came to rescue people from the kingdom of darkness and to send us out to do the same.


Opening story:

If you were to hold a gem in your hand to view it’s beauty, wouldn’t you almost immediately begin to turn it as you looked at it? Sure. And you’d do that because you know that it could look a little different depending on the angle from which you view it. Yet at the end of the day, it’s the same gem.

Looking at the four gospels is kind of like that.


I. The Gospel of the Kingdom.

A. Matthew is a gospel or good news.

B. Matthew is 1 of 4. Yesterday, I bought a book that is a chronology of the life of Christ based on the 4 gospels (harmony of them)

1. John: Son of God

2. Luke: Son of man

3. Mark: Suffering servant

4. Matthew: Sovereign King

II. Intro to the King. King Jesus is…

A. Son of Abraham (2,000 BCE) (Gen 12:1-3)—Abrahamic Covenant

B. Son of David (1,000 BCE) (2 Sam 7:12-13)—Davidic Covenant

C. Messiah—Christ is Messiah in Greek. Means anointed one or king.

D. Jesus—Jesus is Joshua in Greek. Means Yahweh or the Lord saves.

III. Overview of the Kingdom

A. Gospel: the Message of the kingdom

B. Disciples: the Citizens of the kingdom

C. Discipleship: the Demands of the kingdom

D. Church: the Outposts (FOB) of the kingdom

E. Mission: the Spread/Expansion of the kingdom

F. Demons: the Enemy of the kingdom

G. Hope: the Coming of the kingdom (in full)

IV. Timing off the Kingdom

A. 3-14s generations

B. DVD = 14

C. Letter N

D. God designed history around the birth of his Son. Christmas is at the center of salvation history. And yet our hearts are so far from comprehending the importance of the gospel.

1. Israel was so immersed in their culture that the were blind to the arrival of the Messiah they were praying for

2. America is too.

3. John writes to Christians to, “Be in the world but not of it.”

V. The Scandal of the Kingdom

A. The pattern of unrighteousness

B. The women

C. The gentiles/races

D. The sexual immorality

Matthew 28:16-20

Notice what the Savior-King, Son of Abraham and David came to do: To send us out into this world…


Bottom line: The sovereign, savior-king Jesus came to rescue people from the kingdom of darkness and to send us out to do the same.


A. Like the leaders, will you completely reject Jesus?

B. Like the crowd, will you casually observe/consume Jesus?

C. Like the disciples, will you unconditionally follow Jesus?

Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32

Other Notes

Platt’s bottom line: “The Gospel of Matthew is an account of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and King predicted by the OT.”



“Grace, grace, God’s grace,

Grace that will pardon and cleanse within

Grace, grace, God’s grace,

Grace that is greater than all our sin”


- Exalting Jesus in Matthew by David Platt

- Preaching the Word: Matthew commentary by Osbourne

- ESV Global Study Bible

- Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

- Bible Knowledge Commentary

- The Outline Bible, Wilmington

- Gospel Transformation Bible

- NIV Study Bible

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With Great Blessing Comes Great Responsibility | Colossians 1:24-29

With Great Blessing Comes Great Responsibility

As redeemed followers of Christ, we have the blessing and responsibility to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with all people and build up the church.

Colossians 1:24-29

Mindset - v24

Mandate - vv25-27

Mission - v28

Moxie - v29

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What's the Big Deal About Jesus Christ? | Colossians 1:19-23

Series: Colossians: Supreme!

Title: “What’s the Big Deal about Jesus Christ?”

Scripture: Colossians 1:5-23; John 1:1-8, 14:9; Heb 1:3

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Bottom line last week: Jesus Christ deserves our highest praise (worship) and deepest devotion (way, work, witness) because he supreme over all things creating us from nothing and redeeming us from sin and death, shame and guilt, hell itself.

Bottom line this week: Jesus is supreme because he reveals God to us and reconciles us to God.


Opening story:

“On April 15, 1912, the white star liner Titanic raised her stern high above the frigid waters of the North Atlantic and began a slow, seemingly calibrated descent as her lighted portholes and towering stern slid silently toward the ocean floor. That famous night saw the extremes of human behavior – from abysmal cowardice to the terrible beauties of sacrificial love. But with the Titanic gone and her lifeboats spread upon the icy waters among the crying, drowning swimmers, the story was almost totally devoted to self-serving cowardice, for of the 1,600 people who were not able to get into the lifeboats, only 13 were picked up by the 18 half-empty boats that hovered nearby.

“In boat #5, when third officer Pittman heard the anguish cries, he turned the boat around and shouted, “now, men, we will pull toward the wreck!“ But the passengers protested, “why should we lose all our lives in a useless attempt to save others from the ship?“ Pittman gave in. And for the next hour boat number five, with 40 people on board and a capacity of 65, heaved gently on the calm Atlantic, while the 40 listened to the fading cries of swimmers 300 yards away. The story was much the same on the other boats.

In boat #2, fourth Officer Boxhall asked the ladies, “shall we go back?“ They said no, so boat number two, about 60% full, likewise drifted while her people callously listened.

On boat #6, the situation was reversed as the women begged quartermaster Hitchens to return, but he refused, painting a vivid picture of the drowning overturning the boat. The women pleaded as the cries grew fewer. Of the 18 boats, only one boat, number 14, returned to help – and this was an hour after the titanic’s sinking, when the thrashing crowd had “thinned out.”

“To me, the personal drama of the sinking of the titanic is a parable of the world gone wrong. Following humanity is adrift on the unfriendly seek, alienated, unable to help one another despite some furtive individual attempts. The wrongness of everything points to the fundamental problem of peoples estrangement from each other and from creation by sin. It is a picture of the world desperately in need of reconciliation and the harmony and rightness that brings.


It’s Who You Know

During the American Civil War, as a result of a family tragedy, a soldier was granted permission to seek a hearing from the President. He wanted to request exemption from military service. However, when he arrived at the White House, he was refused entry and sent away. He went and sat in a nearby park.

A young boy came across him and remarked how unhappy he looked. The soldier found himself telling the young boy everything. Eventually the boy said, ‘Come with me.’ He led the dejected soldier back to the White House. They went around the back, none of the guards stopped them. Even the generals and high-ranking government officials stood to attention and let them pass through.

The soldier was amazed. Finally, they came to the presidential office. Without knocking, the young boy opened the door and walked straight in. Abraham Lincoln, standing there, turned from his conversation with the Secretary of State and said, ‘What can I do for you, Tad?’

Tad said, ‘Dad, this soldier needs to talk to you.’

The soldier had access to the President ‘through the son’. According to the New Testament, in an even more amazing way, you have access to God through the son’ – Jesus.

Many people pray, but not all prayer is Christian. Christian prayer is distinctive – it is Trinitarian. St Paul writes, ‘Through him [Jesus] we have access to the Father by one Spirit’ (Ephesians 2:18).

This is why prayer is such an immense privilege. You are able to speak to God, the creator of the universe, as your Father. You come to him through Jesus, the man who is God, our Lord, brother and friend. Your prayers are inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, who lives within your heart.

Bible in One Year 2021 With Nicky Gumbel: Day 310 • Devotional

Excess versus:

John 14:6

Romans 5:1-2

James 4:8


Better questions: What’s the big deal about Jesus Christ?

Because Christ is supreme. Why?

  1. He contains and revealed the fullness of God to us. (19)

  2. He reconciled us to God. (20-23)

Bottom line this week: Jesus is supreme because he reveals God to us and reconciles us to God.

  1. Who is God? (1:15)

    1. He is our actual Creator sent by his Father to reveal the Triune God to us. (15)

  2. What has God done? (Or is doing?) (1:16–23)

    1. As Supreme Lord…(In regard to creation)

      1. He created us.

      2. He sustains us.

      3. He is reconciling “all things” to himself.

    2. As Supreme Head…(in regard to the Church) (18-23)

      1. He started and heads the Church. (18)

      2. He revealed God to us. (19)

      3. He reconciled to himself us to God, by making peace through is blood, shed on the cross. (20-22a)

      4. He is presenting us to himself holy and blameless forever. (22b)

  3. Who am I?

    1. A rebel, traitor and sinner reconciled to God by the blood Jesus Christ. (20, 22)

    2. A fellow servant of Paul to the gospel mission of Christ. (23)

  4. What do I get to do?

    1. Live accepted, forgiven and with eternal access to my creator and redeemer. (20-22)

    2. Serve in and through the Church of Christ the gospel mission of Jesus where I live, work, and play. (23)

  5. Who should I share this with?

    1. Neighbors

    2. Co-workers, fellow students, faculty

    3. Family and friends

III. Jesus is the (supreme) Savior of the Cross (19-23)

A. He reveals the Father to us (19-20a)

    1. God the Father found pleasure and having all of his fullness dwell in Christ.

      1. Fullness means that the totality of divine power and attributes is in Christ. “This means that we need to look to no one except Jesus for the full revelation of God‘s character.

        1. If God could only be perceived in closely Dash?? reasoned theological language, only the most brilliant could understand him.

        2. But the fullness was in Christ, and all we have to do is look at him. As we see him in the gospels and hear him preached, we can know what God is like.”

    2. “It was God’s pleasure to “reconcile to himself all things weather on earth or in heaven.

      1. God means to reconcile creation to himself.

      2. Reconciliation to God is an explicitly one-sided process! He does virtually everything. All we have to do is respond.”

B. He reconciles us to God (20-23). “The Father’s method of reconciliation is seen in two parallel clauses from verses 20 and 22:

    1. “making peace by the blood of his cross“;

    2. ‘he has now reconciled [you] to in his body of flesh by his death.’ “God‘s method is the death of Christ.”

C. We see 4 things about the Father’s reconciliation here:

    1. The fathers reconciling pleasure 19–20a

    2. The fathers reconciling method 20b, 22a

    3. The fathers reconciling purpose 21–22

      1. “When a great 17th century Christian woman and encourager of God‘s servants, lady hunting done, invited one of her friends, the Duchess of Buckingham, to hear George Whitefield preach, she received this reply:

        1. ‘it is monstrous to be told, that you have a heart as simple as the common riches that crawl on the earth. This is highly offensive and insulting; and I cannot but wonder that your ladyship should relish any sentiments so much at variance with high rank and good breeding.’”

        2. “Paul’s pronouncement that we are “alienated… Hostile… Doing evil deeds“ may sound a bit harsh to us too, but it is terribly true. (21) All it takes is a telling difficulty, like floating on the cold Atlantic, to find out what is really there.“

      2. Illustration: “Luther used a simple analogy to explain this process.

        1. He described the condition of a patient who was mortally ill. The doctor proclaimed that he had medicine that would surely cure the man. The instant the medicine was administered, the doctor declared that the patient was well. At that instance the patient was still sick, but as soon as the medicine passed his lips and entered his body the patient began to get well.

        2. So it is with our reconciliation and justification. As soon as we truly believe, that very instant we start to get better (sanctification); the process of becoming pure and holy is underway and its future completion is certain.” We are as good as saved at that moment, however. (Justification)

    4. Fathers reconciling condition 23

      1. Illustration: “ It is said that years ago in a western city a husband and wife became estranged and chose to separate. They moved away and lived in different parts of the country. The husband happened to return to the city on a matter of business and went out to the cemetery to the grave of their only son. He was standing by the grave in fond reminiscence when he heard a step behind him. Turning, he saw his estranged wife. The initial impulse of both was to turn away. But they had a common – hearted interest in the grave, and instead of turning away they clasped hands over the grave of their son and were reconciled. They were reconciled by death!”

      2. Who are you unreconciled with right now?

        1. Don’t wait for someone else to die to try to be reconciled.

        2. If you need a grave, put your self-pity and rights in the grave.

        3. Work on what you can control and surrender what you cannot. And you’ve got a chance to do a miracle of reconciliation in a relationship that you have or don’t have right now.

        4. God loves to reconcile people. To God and to each other.

Application: Christ must be first in our witness.


Bottom line this week: Jesus is supreme because he reveals God to us and reconciles us to God.

Who do you need to forgive? Have you asked God to forgive you?

Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32

  1. Who is God? (1:15)

    1. He is Father and the one who sent his son to us to reveal himself to us.

    2. He is our creator and redeemer.

  2. What has God done? (1: 16–23)

    1. As Supreme Lord…(In regard to creation)

      1. He created us.

      2. He sustains us.

      3. He is reconciling “all things” to himself.

    2. As Supreme Head…(in regard to the Church) (18-23)

      1. He started and heads the Church. (18)

      2. He revealed God to us. (19)

      3. He reconciled to himself us to God, by making peace through is blood, shed on the cross. (20-22a)

      4. He is presenting us to himself holy and blameless forever. (22b)

  3. Who am I?

    1. A rebel, traitor and sinner reconciled to God by the blood Jesus Christ. (20, 22)

    2. A fellow servant of Paul to the gospel mission of Christ. (23)

  4. What do I get to do?

    1. Live accepted, forgiven and with eternal access to my creator and redeemer. (20-22)

    2. Serve in and through the Church of Christ the gospel mission of Jesus where I live, work, and play. (23)

  5. Who should I share this with?

    1. Neighbors

    2. Co-workers, fellow students, faculty

    3. Family and friends

Outline Bible

I. Christ and the Church at Colossae (1:15-23)

A. Who Christ is (1:15): He is the visible image of the invisible God.

B. What Christ has done (1:16-23)

  1. In regard to creation (1:16-17, 20)

    1. He created all things (1:16) PAST

    2. He sustains all things (1:17) PRESENT

    3. He will reconcile all things (1:20) FUTURE

  2. In regard to the Church (1:18-19, 21-23): He has been appointed head of the Church.

Scott Pace outline (15-23) modified

LAST WEEK Part 3a)

I. Jesus is the (supreme) Lord of Creation (15-17)

A. He is the authority of creation (15)

B. He is the agent of creation (16)

C. He is the aim of creation (16-17)

Application: Christ must be first in our worship.

II. Jesus is the (supreme) Head of the Church (18)

A. He is the source of the Church (18)

B. He is sovereign over the Church (18)

Application: Christ must be first in our work.

I added “supreme” to last week’s points. After all, there are little lords, little heads, and little saviors in our world to contend with. Jesus is supreme in all categories!

THIS WEEK (Part 3b)

Application: Christ must be first in our witness.

NT Wright



17 “And he is ahead (before), prior to all else…

18 “And he himself is supreme, the head over the body, the church



Describes who Jesus Christ is and why he matters to us with respect to authority (work), allegiance (way), and awe (worship).

In Hebrew, “head” has several meanings (like in English):

Jesus Christ is…

“First born” (15 & 18)

“Supreme” (17) = “head” or “before all things”

“Head” of there body = church (18)

“Beginning” = “head” (18)

If the Colossians are to grow as Christians, they need to know who Christ is and what he has already done (and does)!

God = Jesus Christ

3 Things this poem/hymn points us to about Jesus Christ and what God has done in and through him:

  1. By looking at Jesus we discover who God is.

    1. While nobody has ever seen God, in Jesus God has

      1. Come near, and

      2. Become one of us

    2. Jesus is the mirror image of the invisible God who is there but not normally seen

    3. Seeing what Jesus did gives us a better view of who God is. (Rom 5:8)

  2. Jesus holds together the old world AND the new, creation, and the new creation.

    1. Jesus Christ is the one through whom creation was made, and

    2. Jesus Christ is for whom creation was made.

    3. When the beauty of our world causes you to catch your breath, remember it’s like that because of Jesus. “Firstborn over all creation”

    4. Also, he’s who heals the world from evil through live, cross, burial, resurrection and ascension. “Firstborn from the dead”

  3. Jesus is therefore the blueprint (pattern) for the genuine humanness which is one offered through the gospel.

    1. As head of the body, the Church

    2. As first to rise again from the dead

    3. As the one through whom cruel death God has dealt with our sins and brought peace and reconciliation

    4. As the one through whom the new creation has now begun.

This is when Jesus has summoned us to experience genuine humanity.


4 Christological passages in the Bible:


C - Colossians 1:15-23

H - Hebrews 1:1-4

jO - John 1:1-18

P - Philippians 2:5-11


You Can Resist Evil

With the rise of global terrorism, world leaders have spoken a great deal about vanquishing evil. But, as one writer in the Guardianpointed out, ‘Their rhetoric reveals a failure to accept that cruelty and conflict are basic human traits.’ As Albert Einstein said, ‘I do not fear the explosive power of the atom bomb. What I fear is the explosive power of evil in the human heart.

Meet Your Blood Donor

Our god-daughter’s second child, Hazy, was diagnosed with leukaemia in 2015. Medically, her only hope was a matching donor. A young German man, who has to remain anonymous, sacrificially gave his bone marrow. Wonderfully, his donation saved Hazy’s life. Can you imagine what it would be like for Hazy to meet her donor?

(Read more of Hazy’s story here.)

In an even more remarkable way, you can meet your blood donor. Jesus came ‘to give his life as a ransom for many’ (Mark 10:45). At the last supper, when Jesus took the cup, he said: ‘This is my bloodof the covenant’ (Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24). The ‘precious blood of Christ’ (1 Peter 1:19) is stressed throughout the whole New Testament:

  • It makes forgiveness possible (Colossians 1:14)

  • It purifies you from every sin (1 John 1:7)

  • Through it, you draw near to God (Ephesians 2:13)

  • It brings peace and reconciliation (Colossians 1:20)

  • It gives life (John 6:53)

  • It enables you to overcome Satan (Revelation 12:11).

In today’s passages, we see different aspects of what all of this means.


NIV Study Bible

Perhaps an early Christian Hymn on the supremacy of Christ used here to counteract the false teachings at Colossae.

2 Parts:

  1. Supremacy of Christ in creation (15-17), and

  2. Supremacy of Christ in redemption (18-20).

“Image of God” (15) cf. “radiance of God” (Heb 1:3)

This figure of image suggests 2 things:

  1. God is invisible (“no one has ever seen God” John 1:18)

  2. Christ, who is the eternal Son of God and who became the God-man, reflects and reveals him (cf John 1:18, 14:9) “Anyone has seen me has seen the Father”

1:15 “firstborn over all creation”—Just as the firstborn son had certain privileges and rights in the Biblical world, so also Christ has certain rights in relation to all creation—

    1. Priority

    2. Preeminence

    3. Sovereignty

1:16 “by him all things were created” (cf John 1:3)—7x in 6 verses Paul mentions “all creation,” “all things” and “everything,” thus stressing that Christ is supreme over all.

Including “thrones or powers or rulers or authorities” Colossians heresy includes hierarchy of angelic beings.

1:17 “He is before all things” referring to time, as in John 1:1-2, 8:58

1:18 “Beginning” of the new creation. “Firstborn” Christ was first to rise from teh dead with regular body. Others raised from the dead in the Bible died again. (Raised vs Resurrected)

1:19 “fullness”

  1. Gnostics = the summation of the supernatural forces controlling the fate of people

  2. Paul = the totality of God with all his powers and attributes

Kent Hughes notes:

Dominant theme: Absolute supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ as the head of all creation and of the church.

3:1 Overall exhortation/application: “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is (for now) seated at the right hand of God.”

2:6 Says it another way: “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him.”

Hughes’ hope: That our view of Christ will be so expanded and permanently impressed on us that we will as a habit seek those things that are above (as we walk in him).

Background and context:

80 miles from Ephesus on the coast in western Turkey in the Lycus Valley.

A bit in the shadow of Hieropolis and Laodicea.

Probably came into being during Paul’s 2-year Ministry in Ephesus (Acts 15:10) because it says that during that time, “All the residents of Asia [which included Colossae] heard the word of the Lord.” P. 212

Epaphroditus and Philemon came to Christ during this time. Philemon later hosted a church in his home. Epaphras became a lieutenant in evangelizing the Lycus Valley.

Gnostics—those who professed superior knowledge—were a group of self-proclaimed spiritual elites who propagated a false gospel.

Base doctrine was basically dualism (Platonic) which said anything physical or created was evil and that only the spirit was good.

“To the gnostics, Christ was not Creator, the incarnation Was not real, adn Christ was not enough!”

This gnostic system was made up of ascetic disciplines (borrowed from Jewish legalism) designed to help you work your way up to God. Secret passwords, astrology and elements of Christianity all mixed up.

Very complex and proudly intellectual who looked down on the simple Colossian believers.

This is the alarming message Epaphras brought to Paul as he waited in prison.

Paul’s response presents Christ as Creator and fully sufficient Redeemer! Christ isn’t part of the answer—he’s all of the answer!


  • Exalting Jesus in Colossians by Scott Pace

  • Preaching the Word: Philippians, Colossians and Philemon commentary by R. Kent Hughes

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • Paul for Everyone, The Prison Letters, NT Wright’s commentary on Philippians and Colossians

  • Gospel Transformation Bible

  • NIV Study Bible

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What's the Big Deal About Jesus Christ? | Colossians 1:5-20

Series: Colossians: Supreme!

Title: “What’s the Big Deal about Jesus Christ?”

Scripture: Colossians 1:5-20; John 1:1-8, 14:9; Heb 1:3

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Bottom line: Jesus Christ deserves our highest praise (worship) and deepest devotion (work, witness) because the gospel of Christ has rescued us from our rebellion and hopeless condition.


Opening story:

God put the cookies on the bottom shelf when he came down as Jesus. He did this to make it easier for us to understand and comprehend more of who he is and what he’s like.

This translated note was translated Aug 8, 2021:


The apostle Paul is going to hear about the Colossian church from Epaphras. He’s going to hear:

  1. About their faith, love and hope.

  2. About the false teachings that are moving in and infecting the church family.

It is in response to this second point that moves Paul to write this letter to them. He wants them to remain spiritually healthy in Christ.

The bullseye of discipleship at Grace CF is Christ-like character and competency. That’s high faith, love and hope according to Colossians 1 and Philemon 5.

This week we transition from the prayer of thanksgiving to a Christological hymn of praise that should move us to worship him in awe and gladly submit to him in obedience to his loving authority.


Absolute supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ as the head of all creation and of the church.

3:1 Overall exhortation/application: “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is (for now) seated at the right hand of God.”

2:6 Says it another way: “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him.”


Better questions: What’s the big deal about Jesus Christ?

Paul answers this question with a hymn sung to remind people why Jesus is supreme and therefore deserves all our worship, work, and witness.

Bottom line: Jesus Christ deserves our highest praise (worship) and deepest devotion (work, witness) because the gospel of Christ has rescued us from our rebellion and hopeless condition.

I. Jesus is the Lord of Creation (15-17)

A. He is the authority of creation (15)

    1. Jesus makes the invisible visible (even thought limited by his humanity cf. Phil 2:6-8)

    2. This alone makes him worthy of worship

B. He is the agent of creation (16)

C. He is the aim of creation (16-17)

Application: Christ must be first in our worship.

II. Jesus is the Head of the Church (18)

A. He is the source of the Church (18)

B. He is sovereign over the Church (18)

Application: Christ must be first in our work.


III. Jesus is the Savior of the Cross (19-23)

A. He reveals the Father to us (19)

B. He reconciles us to the Father (20-23)

Application: Christ must be first in our witness.


Three Ways You Can Exercise Faith

The islanders were cannibals. Nobody trusted anybody else. His life was in constant danger. He had come to tell them the good news about Jesus. He wanted to translate John’s Gospel into their language, but he discovered that there was no word in their language for ‘trust’, ‘belief’ or ‘faith’.

John Paton (1824–1907), a Scot, had travelled to the New Hebrides (a group of islands in the south-west Pacific) determined to tell the tribal people about Jesus, but he struggled to find the right word for ‘faith’. One day, when his indigenous servant came in, Paton raised both feet off the floor, sat back in his chair and asked, ‘What am I doing now?’ In reply, the servant used a word that means, ‘to lean your whole weight upon’. This became the expression that Paton used. Faith is leaning our whole weight upon Jesus.

Bottom line: Jesus Christ deserves our highest praise (worship) and deepest devotion (work, witness) because the gospel of Christ has rescued us from our rebellion and hopeless condition.

Do you believe (fully leaning on) Jesus is Lord over creation? Does your worship reflect that?

Do you believe (fully leaning on) Jesus is Head of the Church? Does your work reflect that?


Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32


“By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:27‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Outline Bible

I. Christ and the Church at Colossae (1:15-23)

A. Who Christ is (1:15): He is the visible image of the invisible God.

B. What Christ has done (1:16-23)

  1. In regard to creation (1:16-17, 20)

    1. He created all things (1:16) PAST

    2. He sustains all things (1:17) PRESENT

    3. He will reconcile all things (1:20) FUTURE

  2. In regard to the Church (1:18-19, 21-23): He has been appointed head of the Church.

Kent Hughes outline

I. Christ: Supreme in eternity (15a)

II. Christ: Supreme in creation (15b-17): In 4 ways:

A. Firstborn (authority)

    1. Sounds like first person created but ignores context

    2. Creator of everything (from nothing) and eternal

    3. Firstborn means first in rank/honor. Ex. 800,000 catalogued insects of which there are billions of species

B. Creator (agent)

C. Goal (aim)

D. Sustainer (atom)

III. Christ: Supreme in the Church (18)

Scott Pace outline (15-23)

Main idea: The glory of Christ deserves our highest praise and deepest devotion because the gospel of Christ has rescued us from our rebellious hearts and hopeless condition.

I. Jesus is the Lord of Creation (15-17)

A. He is the authority of creation (15)

B. He is the agent of creation (16)

C. He is the aim of creation (16-17)

Application: Christ must be first in our worship.

II. Jesus is the Head of the Church (18)

A. He is the source of the Church (18)

B. He is sovereign over the Church (18)

Application: Christ must be first in our work.

III. Jesus is the Savior of the Cross (19-23)

A. He reveals the Father to us (19)

B. He reconciles us to the Father (20-23)

Application: Christ must be first in our witness.

FF Bruce Outline

I. Christ the Agent in Creation (15-16)

II. Lord of the Universe and Head of the Church (17-18)

III. Christ the Agent in Reconciliation (19-20)

NT Wright



17 “And he is ahead (before), prior to all else…

18 “And he himself is supreme, the head over the body, the church



Describes who Jesus Christ is and why he matters to us with respect to authority, allegiance, and awe (worship).

In Hebrew, “head” has several meanings (like in English):

Jesus Christ is…

“First born” (15 & 18)

“Supreme” (17) = “head” or “before all things”

“Head” of there body = church (18)

“Beginning” = “head” (18)

If the Colossians are to grow as Christians, they need to know Christ is and what he has already done (and does)!

Centrality and Supremacy of Jesus Christ

God = Jesus Christ

This shows us how to live in and for him each day.

3 Things this poem/hymn points us to about Jesus Christ and what God has done in and through him:

  1. By looking at Jesus we discover who God is.

    1. While nobody has ever seen God, in Jesus God has

      1. Come near, and

      2. Become one of us

    2. Jesus is the mirror image of the invisible God who is there but not normally seen

    3. Seeing what Jesus did gives us a better view of who God is. (Rom 5:8)

  2. Jesus holds together the old world AND the new, creation, and the new creation.

    1. Jesus Christ is the one through whom creation was made, and

    2. Jesus Christ is for whom creation was made.

    3. When the beauty of our world causes you to catch your breath, remember it’s like that because of jesu. “Firstborn over all creation”

    4. Also, he’s who heals the world from evil through live, cross, burial, resurrection and ascension. “Firstborn from the dead”

  3. Jesus is therefore the blueprint (pattern) for the genuine humanness which is one offered through the gospel.

    1. As head of the body, the Church

    2. As first to rise again from the dead

    3. As the one through whom cruel death God has dealt with our sins and brought peace and reconciliation

    4. As the one through whom the new creation has now begun.

This is when Jesus has summoned us to experience genuine humanity.

My Notes

4 Christological passages in the Bible:


C - Colossians 1:15-23

H - Hebrews 1:1-4

jO - John 1:1-18

P - Philippians 2:5-11

Gospel Transformation Bible

  • Christ is supreme over all things—visible and invisible

  • Christ is Lord over all

    • From creation of all things

    • To redemption of their souls

  • Christ is both

    • Transcendent Lord of all things far removed from them

    • Immanent Lord of all things near to them

  • Christ created all things and brings peace to all who trust him

  • Christ is head of

    • Creation (15-17)

    • The Church (18-20)

NIV Study Bible

Perhaps an early Christian Hymn on the supremacy of Christ used here to counteract the false teachings at Colossae.

2 Parts:

  1. Supremacy of Christ in creation (15-17), and

  2. Supremacy of Christ in redemption (18-20).

“Image of God” (15) cf. “radiance of God” (Heb 1:3)

This figure of image suggests 2 things:

  1. God is invisible (“no one has ever seen God” John 1:18)

  2. Christ, who is the eternal Son of God and who became the God-man, reflects and reveals him (cf John 1:18, 14:9) “Anyone has seen me has seen the Father”

1:15 “firstborn over all creation”—Just as the firstborn son had certain privileges and rights in the Biblical world, so also Christ has certain rights in relation to all creation—

    1. Priority

    2. Preeminence

    3. Sovereignty

1:16 “by him all things were created” (cf John 1:3)—7x in 6 verses Paul mentions “all creation,” “all things” and “everything,” thus stressing that Christ is supreme over all.

Including “thrones or powers or rulers or authorities” Colossians heresy includes hierarchy of angelic beings.

1:17 “He is before all things” referring to time, as in John 1:1-2, 8:58

1:18 “Beginning” of the new creation. “Firstborn” Christ was first to rise from teh dead with regular body. Others raised from the dead in the Bible died again. (Raised vs Resurrected)

1:19 “fullness”

  1. Gnostics = the summation of the supernatural forces controlling the fate of people

  2. Paul = the totality of God with all his powers and attributes


  • Exalting Jesus in Colossians by Scott Pace

  • Preaching the Word: Philippians, Colossians and Philemon commentary by R. Kent Hughes

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • Paul for Everyone, The Prison Letters, NT Wright’s commentary on Philippians and Colossians

  • Gospel Transformation Bible

  • NIV Study Bible

Read More
How to Bear Fruit in Every Good Work | Colossians 1:9-14

Colossians 1:9-14 (NIV)

How to Bear Fruit in Every Good Work

9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We

continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and

understanding that the Spirit gives, [a] 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please

him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being

strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great

endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you [b] to

share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from

the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we

have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Verse 9: For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for

you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and

understanding that the Spirit gives,

Paul asks God to fill them with knowledge of God’s will “in all spiritual wisdom and


It is significant that Paul is praying for knowledge for the Colossians – they were under siege by

people who were telling them that they needed a better knowledge: a gnosis. The Gnostics

were teaching that Christ was a good place to begin but there was so much more they could

know and experience if only they would incorporate the Gnostic system of passwords, rites and


These folks were know-it-alls. They were elitists and intimidating, and some of the

Colossians were falling for it…feeling like they were lacking.

Paul’s prayer hit the problem head-on.

The Gnostics word for knowledge was “gnosis”, but Paul used the word “epignosis”

which was closer to “full knowledge”…which was significantly spiritual.

Paul knew that spiritual knowledge is foundational to a sound, fruitful Christian life.

Proverbs 1:7

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,

but fools [a] despise wisdom and instruction.

This knowledge starts with a proper attitude towards God.

Right knowledge leads to right behavior

Romans 1:28

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God

gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

The wisdom and understanding that Paul prays for are inseparable from the knowledge

of God and His will.

When praying for knowledge of God’s will, he is not just praying for them to know what

God wants them to do…it’s bigger

+ Filled with an understanding of God’s entire plan and scope for salvation.

…an understanding for God’s full saving purpose for man

…an understanding how God views us, and His purposes for us in Christ Jesus

Do we really want to know God’s will? You know, it might conflict with ours…

Praying for business…

This knowledge of God’s will only comes by spiritual wisdom and understanding

“Spiritual understanding” references understanding through the Holy Spirit

The scriptures are the primary source of knowledge for the believer as they are studied in the

power of the Holy Spirit. This produces a person whose life, through their actions, bears fruit

and pleases God.

When we pray for others, we often pray for healing, well-being and spiritual growth. Maybe we

should be praying for people to have “knowledge of His will in all wisdom and understanding”

We should be praying that for each other, for our pastors, our family and new believers.

We need to be prepared to be part of the answer to our own prayers too…HOW? Read

and meditate on God’s word.

We need to be able to filter out OUR culture’s gnosis through the filter of God’s


Examples of cultural influence in our knowledge…

Verse 10: …so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing

fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,

Knowing God’s will and being obedient to it are the only way we’re going to be able to

live a life that even comes close to being worthy of Him.

“Bearing fruit” in every good work – does that describe us?

Pray that your knowledge increases so you can live and follow in the way that God

wants for our lives. When you do that, you can begin to understand God’s will and live a

life that pleases Him…live out the desires He has for us. In turn, you will see God’s will

more clearly.

Obedience to the knowledge of God which has already been received is a necessary and

certain condition for the reception of further knowledge.

In the Hebrew mind, knowledge and conduct were bound together.

From their perspective, a person did not know something unless they did it.

– true spiritual knowledge means ACTION.

- Paul prayed that they walk their talk…DO WE?

These days, people of knowledge, don’t seem to be people of action. (except Gene). And

people of action tend to neglect the pursuit of knowledge.

-an ignorant “soul-winner” who only knows a pattern of tracts through scripture may not

have a thought-through of his own. On the other hand, a Biblical scholar who has never

led a soul to Christ.

WE NEED BALANCE – a profound knowledge should profoundly affect one’s walk.

Any doctrine that isolates the believer from the needs of the world is not a spiritual


The result bears fruit – a constant, ongoing reality.

Why did Paul add … growing in the knowledge of God, again? He knew that once you start to

bear fruit in every good work, you naturally open yourself to “increasing in the knowledge of


It’s an upward spiral: the more one truly serves Him, the more one increases in the

knowledge of Him…and the more one knows Him, the more one wants to serve Him.

John 7:17 – Jesus made it clear that doing the Father’s will made possible the reception of the

knowledge of the Son.

17 Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes

from God or whether I speak on my own.

Romans 12:1-2

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a

living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not

conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you

will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Conform to the pattern set before us…die that we might live

We are told to “die to self”, but it’s critical that as we die to self, we grow in understanding of

what it means to die to self…what it means to live in Christ.

Verse 11: being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may

have great endurance and patience

Power of His Glorious might – the power of God - the creation, parting the red sea, the

virgin birth, raising Lazarus from the dead and the resurrection of Jesus.

- with that power, Paul prays that they would have endurance and patience

Paul was praying for them to have the steadfastness that which enables one to hold

one’s position in battle. There were forces in the Lycus valley who were looking to

destroy the Colossian Church.

Paul was praying that they would stand…endure…persevere…remain steadfast…

stay at it.

As Winston Churchill told students at his former school “never give up. Never

give up. Never give up. Never. Never. Never!”

- If you’re going to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will, and live a life that please

Him, you’ll need both, endurance and patience.

Endurance is a reference to adverse circumstances. Patience is a reference to difficult

people. Possessing endurance, does not mean one will succeed in patience.

Endurance and patience, when combined together, are beautiful. Of course, they exist perfectly

only in Jesus. Paul knew that, which is why they should be strengthened with all

power according to his glorious might…

The church with “endurance and patience” is a great church…a church that walks in a manner

worthy of the Lord”

Where do we stand with this? Where do you stand with this?

Verse 12: …and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you [b] to share in the

inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light

Now He is starting to talk about our inheritance

We also walk in a worthy manner by being thankful. We cannot walk worthy of God without

joyfully giving thanks to our God for our salvation. WHY? Paul gives 3 reasons:

1. He has qualified us to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of

light. Not through anything we have done. We are now in the realm of LIGHT.

2 Corinthians 4:6

6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” [ a ] made his light shine in

our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the

face of Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:5

5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the

night or to the darkness.

2. We are rescued

Verse 13: For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the

kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

We have been rescued!

The 4 R’s of our testimony: Rescue – Renew - Resource – and Release

We have been rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the

kingdom of the Son He loves.

He rescued us from THIS kingdom and released us into His

Stockholm Syndrome – emotional connection with captors

3. Reason 3 comes in Verse 14: in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

We have been purchased for a price…fully redeemed and fully healed in Christ. Free from sin.

Summary: Interceding for each other is remarkably valuable…

A church that is growing in the knowledge of Christ and His will, and consequently is walking

worthy of Him, will do great things for Him. Let’s commit ourselves to this…if we haven’t yet,

let’s start now.


Scripture References (NIV)

“How to Bear Fruit in Every Good Work”


Colossians 1:9-14

Colossians 1:9

Proverbs 1:7

Romans 1:28

Colossians 1:10

John 7:17

Romans 12:1-2

Colossians 1:11

Colossians 1:12

2 Corinthians 4:6

1 Thessalonians 5:5

Colossians 1:13

Colossians 1:14

Read More
What Does a Healthy Church Look Like? | Colossians 1:1-8

Series: Colossians: Supreme!

Title: “What does a healthy church look like?”

Scripture: Colossians 1:1-8; Col 2:6, 3:1; Gen 1:28; Mark 4:8; Acts 18:18-19:22

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Need: Grow in Christ-like character summed up as faith, hope and love.

Bottom line: We become a healthy church as each person grows in their faith in Christ, love for each other, and hope in the future.


Opening story: Ken and I are going to play in our first Ultimate frisbee tournament next week in Sarasota, FL. I tell you this for 2 reasons:

  1. We want to represent Christ well and play well. (And not get broken in the process)

  2. It is an opportunity for me to explain to you a pivotal rule in the game. The Spirit of the Game.

    1. The SOTG rule in short is to treat other players and fans as you’d like to be treated. If that sounds familiar, that’s probably because you’re familiar with the golden rule of Jesus.

    2. The way it works in reality is that there are no referees in Ultimate. When a foul is called by a player, the opposing player either agrees and the penalty is assessed, or he disagrees. If he or she disagrees, they then take a couple of minutes to share their position. If they then agree, the penalty is assessed. If they still disagree, they part ways and the play is done over. The spirit of this rule is we’re not trying to get away with something but to honor the players by following the rules the best we can.


The apostle Paul is going to hear about the Colossian church from Epaphras. He’s going to hear:

  1. About their faith, love and hope.

  2. About the false teachings that are moving in and infecting the church family.

It is in response to this second point that moves Paul to write this letter to them. He wants them to remain spiritually healthy in Christ.

The bullseye of discipleship at Grace CF is Christ-like character and competency. That’s high faith, love and hope according to Colossians 1 and Philemon 5.

Mark 4:8 and John 15:16 is all about us being fruitful by grace through faith. Are we?


Absolute supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ as the head of all creation and of the church.

3:1 Overall exhortation/application: “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is (for now) seated at the right hand of God.”

2:6 Says it another way: “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him.”

Bottom line: We reverse the curse in our own lives when we believe the word of God in word and action.

OUTLINE (Willmington’s Outline Bible)

Paul and the Church at Colossae (1:1-14, 24-29)

A. The apostle’s praise of this church. (1:1-8)

    1. How they received the gospel (1-6); Paul commend them in regard to 3 things:

      1. Their faith toward the Lord. (1-4a)

      2. Their love toward one another. (4b)

      3. Their hope toward the future. (5-6); They are looking forward to the joy of heaven (the best is yet to come)

    2. From whomever they received the gospel. (7-8) Epaphras shared Christ with them and is now ministering with Paul.


Bottom line: We become a healthy church as each person grows in their faith in Christ, love for each other, and hope in the future.


Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32


From Warren Wiersbe’s commentary:

“Do the heavenly bodies have any influence over our lives? The millions of people who consult their horoscopes each day would say, “Yes!” In the United States, there are about 1,750 daily newspapers, and 1,220 of them carry astrological data!

Is there any relationship between diet and spiritual living?

Does God speak to us immediately, in our minds, or only through His Word, the Bible?

Do the Eastern religions have something to offer the evangelical Christian?

These questions sound very contemporary. Yet they are the very issues Paul dealt with in his magnificent Epistle to the Colossians. We need this important letter today just as they needed it back in a.d. 60 when Paul wrote it…

…All kinds of philosophies mingled in this cosmopolitan area, and religious hucksters abounded. There was a large Jewish colony in Colossae, and there was also a constant influx of new ideas and doctrines from the East. It was fertile ground for religious speculations and heresies!” - W Wiersbe

Our goal at Grace isn’t to become famous, but to be known for our love and faith…wow!

“Colossae was one of three cities located about 100 miles inland from Ephesus. The other two cities were Laodicea and Hierapolis (Col. 4:13, 16). This area was a meeting point of East and West because an important trade route passed through there. At one time, all three cities were growing and prosperous, but gradually Colossae slipped into a second-rate position. It became what we would call a small town. Yet the church there was important enough to merit the attention of the Apostle Paul...

“Colossae probably would never have been mentioned in the New Testament had it not been for the church there. The city is never named in the Book of Acts because Paul did not start the Colossian church, nor did he ever visit it. Paul had heard of their faith (Col. 1:4, 9); but he had never seen these believers personally (Col. 2:1). Here was a church of unknown people, in a small town, receiving an inspired letter from the great Apostle Paul!”

During Paul’s ministry in Ephesus, at least two men from Colossae were brought to faith in Jesus Christ—Epaphras and Philemon (see Phile. 19). Epaphras apparently was one of the key founders of the church in Colossae, for he shared the Gospel with his friends there (Col. 1:7).

Philemon had a church meeting in his home (Phile. 2). It is likely that Apphia and Archippus, mentioned in this verse, were respectively the wife and son of Philemon, and that Archippus was the pastor of the church (Col. 4:17).



Willmington’s Outline: (Bold would be this week)

I. Paul and the Church at Colossae (1:1-14, 24-29)

A. The apostle’s praise of this church. (1:1-8)

    1. How they received the gospel (1-6); Paul commend them in regard to 3 things:

      1. Their faith toward the Lord. (1-4a)

      2. Their love toward one another. (4b)

      3. Their hope toward the future. (5-6); They are looking forward to the joy of heaven (the best is yet to come)

    2. From whomever they received the gospel. (7-8) Epaphras shared Christ with them and is now ministering with Paul.

B. The apostle’s prayer for this church. (9-14)

C. The apostle’s proclamation to the church. (1:24-29)

II. Christ and the Church at Colossae (1:16-23)

A. Who Christ is. (1:15)

B. What Christ has done. (1:16-23)

C. What we “get” to do as a result of who we are in Christ. (My addition)

Kent Hughes’ outline:

Background, context

I. A Celebration of Joy (1-2)

II. A Celebration of Thanksgiving (3-5a)

III. A Celebration of the gospel (5b-8)


NT Wright notes:

Main thing: “He (Paul) is delighted to hear that the wonderful new plant of the gospel has been planted in Colossae, and that it’s bearing fruit and growing, as indeed it’s doing in the rest of the world.” P. 142

“He’s thanking God that it’s taking root with them, and he wants to tell them how to nurture it and help it to bear more fruit.” (Cf. John 15:16)

Fruit = love (fruit of the Spirit; Gal 5:22-23); Replaces fruit of flesh

How? “The word of truth of the gospel” is powerful!

cf. Mark 4:8 Parable of the Sower

Gen 1:28 “Be fruitful and multiply”

3 main features of this fruit: faith, love and hope. (Cf. 1 Cor 13:4-8)

“The faith that reaches out to grasp what God offers in King Jesus;’ the lovewhich binds the community together; the hope that looks eagerly forward to the time when God completes what he began in Jesus.” P. 144

Kent Hughes notes:

Dominant theme: Absolute supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ as the head of all creation and of the church.

3:1 Overall exhortation/application: “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is (for now) seated at the right hand of God.”

2:6 Says it another way: “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him.”

Hughes’ hope: That our view of Christ will be so expanded and permanently impressed on us that we will as a habit seek those things that are above (as we walk in him).

Background and context:

80 miles from Ephesus on the coast in western Turkey in the Lycus Valley.

A bit in the shadow of Hieropolis and Laodicea.

Probably came into being during Paul’s 2-year Ministry in Ephesus (Acts 15:10) because it says that during that time, “All the residents of Asia [which included Colossae] heard the word of the Lord.” P. 212

Epaphroditus and Philemon came to Christ during this time. Philemon later hosted a church in his home. Epaphras became a lieutenant in evangelizing the Lycus Valley.

Gnostics—those who professed superior knowledge—were a group of self-proclaimed spiritual elites who propagated a false gospel.

Base doctrine was basically dualism (Platonic) which said anything physical or created was evil and that only the spirit was good.

“To the gnostics, Christ was not Creator, the incarnation Was not real, adn Christ was not enough!”

This gnostic system was made up of ascetic disciplines (borrowed from Jewish legalism) designed to help you work your way up to God. Secret passwords, astrology and elements of Christianity all mixed up.

Very complex and proudly intellectual who looked down on the simple Colossian believers.

This is the alarming message Epaphras brought to Paul as he waited in prison.

Paul’s response presents Christ as Creator and fully sufficient Redeemer! Christ isn’t part of the answer—he’s all of the answer!

His celebration of them is ours too for we are the church.

I. Celebration of Joy (1-2)

A. Saints (holy ones)

B. Faithful brothers (family) in Christ.

C. “In Christ” i.e.

    1. We all partook of all that Christ has done,

    2. All that he was (and is)

    3. And all he’d ever be

    4. “Archeologists tell us that many of the nameless slabs in the catacombs of Rome carried the inscription “in Christo” (in Christ) and significantly also bore on the same slab its spiritual corollary “In pace” (In peace), testifying to the radical newness and joy that came in Christ.”

D. “Grace and Peace” are a Christian blend of Hebrew and Greek greetings.

    1. Customary Greek greeting was chairen, a form of grace, meaning greetings. Paul made it charis or grace celebrating the work of grace in their lives.

    2. Customary Hebrew greeting shalom or peace means more than simply the absence of trouble, but well-being that springs from a sense of the presence of God.

    3. “It is the same for all people: there must be grace before we experience the shalom of God. Grace (God’s work) comes before peace (our new relationship).

II. Celebration of thanksgiving (3-5a)

A. Faith, hope and love are mentioned throughout the NT as a sort of “apostolic shorthand” for genuine Christianity. They can’t be manufactured by people—only from God.

    1. Faith—

      1. always named first because apart from faith in Jesus Christ, there’s no Christian experience of love and hope.

      2. Jesus is the object of our faith. We either do or don’t believe that he is who he said he is and that he’ll do all that he’s promised to do.

      3. Faith = putting your full weight on or trusting (think stool or plane ticket) Illustration: When I got on the plane to go to China in 2003 without meeting any of the team.

    2. Love—

      1. Love for all the saints. I.e. Christians or the Church.

      2. Loving God is seen in how we love our neighbors. But our church family is even more important than that. (John 13:34-35) It’s not enough to be orthodox in your faith. There must be the fruit of love towards your spiritual family.

      3. In that world, they were to love barbarian, Scythian, slave and free, male and female, Jew and Greek, learned and ignorant…joining hands around the table. It doesn’t matter what they look like, sound like or even smell like. We love them up close and personal.

    3. Hope—

      1. “The hope laid up for you in heaven” is another way of saying, “The best is yet to come.” This is the point of our series through Revelation we just finished.

      2. Hope in heaven brings joy as you live in light of eternity where things will be so much better.

III. Celebration of the gospel (5b-8)

A. Paul celebrates the fruit of the gospel.

    1. It’s power transforming power)

    2. It’s reach (the whole region)


  • Exalting Jesus in Colossians

  • Preaching the Word: Philippians, Colossians and Philemon commentary by R. Kent Hughes

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • NT Wright’s commentary on Philippians and Colossians

Read More
How Does the Bible End? With an Invitation | Revelation 22:10-21

Series: Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come

Title: “How does the Bible end? With an invitation.”

Scripture: Revelation 22:10-21; Genesis 3:1-19; John 7:37; 20:31; Isaiah 55:1; 2 Peter 3:1-13

(Commentary helps listed at the end)


Bottom line: Revelation and the Bible ends with an invitation to come to Him: To watch, wait and witness (despite the suffering) until he returns to take us home to the New heaven and earth.


Opening story:

God is always working for his people. (Rom 8:28) He’s not waiting on us to ask. Ask, yes! But God’s working whether we ask or not. God initiates mercy and grace. See Gen 3:1-19.

Seminary student Christmas shopping spree. They gave us play money and then let us go in and “buy” gifts for our children. (Isaiah 55:1)

Read Genesis 3:1-19; Revelation 22:1-9


We have seen:

  • Jesus and his churches (1-3)

  • The throne and judgments of God (6-16)

  • The whore, the King, and his bride (17-22)

It’s also noteworthy that these last 2 chapters of Revelation and of the Bible occur when sin has been abolished from the universe. No more sin, shame, guilt, death—it’s all history.

Bottom line: Revelation and the Bible ends with an invitation to come to Him. (Several, actually) To watch, wait and witness (despite the suffering) until he returns to take us home to the New heaven and earth.


LAST WEEK invitation 1-2:

Two invitations from God to us as we anticipate the New Eden and the reverse of the curse: (6-9)

A. Obey God. (6-7)

B. Worship God! (8-9)

Five more invitations for a total of 7

  1. Obey the word. (22:6-7)

  2. Worship God! (8-9)

  3. Proclaim the truth of God. (10-11)

    1. Unlike Daniel, reveal, don’t seal his word from the world. Why?

      1. Because “the time is near”

        1. For each of us it’s only a heartbeat away.

        2. For all of us, it’s never been closer. We’re another day closer today.

      2. A day is coming when change will no longer be possible. (11) What some say…others say we can still change…

      3. “Imagine being at the Grand Canyon and having a tour guide take you to some massive precipice. You look over the edge and realize that the drop is so deep it makes you dizzy. Then the tour guide says, ‘Let the self-assertive fool who wants to destroy himself disregard caution, ignore my instructions, and go over the edge.’ Is that what the tour guide wants you to do? P. 414

      4. 3 things we know in our gut:

        1. We all know that we do what we want to do.

        2. We all know that we are responsible for what we do.

        3. We all know that God will hold us accountable for what we do.

    2. “How we respond tot he truth of God’s word in this life will confirm our character and determine our destiny forever.” -D Akin

  4. Pursue the will of God. (12-15)

    1. He’s coming soon. He will…judge or reward after he…

      1. Examines our mind

      2. Tests our heart

      3. Gives us according to our ways

    2. As judge, Jesus is fully qualified as he is the omniscient One

      1. Alpha and omega

      2. First and last

      3. Beginning and end

    3. Be washed in the blood of the lamb

      1. For justification

      2. For sanctification

      3. Washing = “persevering in faithfulness to Christ and refusing to compromise with the world” -D Akin

      4. Gives us access to

        1. Tree of life

        2. River of life

        3. City of life…forever!

      5. In contrast to those who did/do not.

        1. They are left outside the city in the lake of fire (“dogs”)

        2. Dogs in that day

          1. Stink and are dirty

          2. Roll in their own stink

          3. Cannot wash themselves

  5. Respond to the invitation of God. (16-17)

    1. Jesus authenticates the message of Revelation in v. 16.

      1. Root = source (before David, as God)

      2. Offspring = descendant (coming from David, as man)

    2. He’s the God-man who’s the bright morning star (Num 24:17)

      1. This passage is Christological.

      2. Colossians will expand on this (we’ll start that series next week)

    3. The “Great Invitation” is a 4-fold invitation (17):

      1. The Holy Spirit says come!

      2. The bride, the Church of Jesus, says come!

      3. The one who hears is invitated.

      4. The one who thirsts for abundant, eternal life is invited. (Cf. Isaiah 55:1; John 7:37)

    4. Spurgeon says with respect to content and location of these verses:

      1. It’s placed at the end of the Bible because it’s the aim of the Bible.

      2. It’s like the point of the arrow with the rest of the Bible being the shaft and the feathers.

      3. John wrote in his gospel these tings are written so that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, and that by believing you might have life in his name. (John 20:31)

      4. As far as you’re concerned, this book has missed it’s target unless you’ve accepted his invitation.

      5. All the books in the Bible cry to sinners, come to Jesus! Take the water that quenches your thirst!

  6. Heed the warning of God. (18-19)

    1. Severe warning (adding/subtracting)

    2. Everyone

    3. Comprehensive

    4. Literally Revelation (but by implication, all of scripture)

    5. Believers love, obey and receive the word.

    6. Unbelievers hate, disobey and reject the word.

  7. Pray for the coming of God (Return of the King). (20-21)

    1. “Yes” - answer the question

    2. “I am” - remember who he is

    3. “Coming” - second coming/return of the king

    4. “Soon” - one heart beat away; 1 day is like 1,000 years to the Lord (2 Peter 3)

  • There is a God.

  • You’re not him.

  • Are you ready to meet him?

In sum, Revelation ends with a 3-fold posture to assume: watch, wait, and witness.

  1. Watch - Keep your eyes on the clouds…He’s coming again! He’s coming soon! Are you ready?

  2. Wait - Persevere. No doubt, suffering will accompany us as we wait. Do not grow weary in doing good in the meantime. Lean into your witness.

  3. Witness - This is the great work he’s left us to join him in. Exalt the King. Expand the kingdom. As we keep our eyes on the clouds, we also keep our eyes on the crowds (Greg Stier). This is how we’re to continue to do good. Our witness will result in invitations being accepted. It may also result in the ultimate witness of martyrdom. If so, so be it. To live is Christ, to die is gain and more of Christ.

Ever since Genesis 3, the Garden and the Fall, God has been pursuing us with an invitation to repent and return to him. To repent and believe the truth that sets us free. So it’s entirely appropriate that God would end Revelation and the Bible with these grand invitations.


Bottom line: Revelation and the Bible ends with an invitation to come to Him. (Several, actually) To watch, wait and witness (despite the suffering) until he returns to take us home to the New heaven and earth.

Closing story:

Jim Hamilton’s notes

“The resurrection guarantees the return.” -JH

Mines of Moria scene in the Fellowship of the Ring where Gandalf the Grey gives his life to save the Fellowship.

Gandalf the Grey is resurrected and then returns as Gandalf the White. He comes back to them to help them finish what they started—to save the world from darkness. P. 411

Jesus is coming back and he’s inviting you to join him. Of all the ways he could end the Revelation, he chooses to end the letter with an invitation to come to him now.

The question is, will you accept his invitation?


Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32


“The whole point of the book of Revelation is to engender an encounter with Him. An encourager that then empowers us to follow him and his paradoxal way.” - Darryl Johnson

Revelation = Apocalypse = unveiling = breaking through

2-fold purpose:

  1. Seeks to set the present moment (in all it’s brokenness) in light of the unseen realities of the future.

    1. Jesus is coming, and bringing with him a whole new creation!

  2. Seeks to set the present moment in light of the unseen realities of the present.

    1. A fundamental conviction of apocalyptic literature is that “things are not as they seem.”

    2. One of the unseen realities of the present is that the time is near. Nothing around us in history or nature tells us the time in near without help from scripture)

    3. The great purpose-the pastoral purpose-of Revelation is to open up that more and see Jesus in the midst of it all.

Mark 1:15 “The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God has come near.” Jesus had to tell us this.

Matt 24-25: Thrust is the time is near. Believe me. “Be alert” And yet, there’s a process that takes time at hand. See kingdom parables too.

Jesus talks about the future as imminent AND lots has to happen over time. Wars, rumors of wars, famines, false messiahs, gospel to the whole world…

This tension is real.

Doesn’t every generation feel Ike they’re the last one? Makes sense in light of Matt 24-25.

Beginning = arche = source and pattern of the series; not just the beginning of the series

End = telos = destiny/purpose of the series

Ex. Acorn’s telos is an oak tree and grove

The telos of humanity is to become like Christ.

After darkness is complete…

Before the faintest sign of dawn…

Tiny star seems barely able…but is a reminder that the night will end…will be defeated.

The star pulls the morning sun behind it…

…just as Jesus pulls the kingdom behind him.

Maybe your life feels like the darkest part of the night right now. Look to the Bright morning star and remember what he is pulling behind him.

Need: To believe Jesus’ words, ways and works with respect to the time is near and his handling of our rescue and evil’s demise. (My take)


No, God wants you to repent. To change your course heart, mind, soul and strength and follow his ways, words and works.


  • Exalting Jesus in Revelation by Daniel Akin

  • Revelation by Jim Hamilton

  • Revelation by Paige Patterson, New American Commentary series

  • Breaking the Code by Bruce Metzger

  • 2020 Sermons by Matt Chandler

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • Discipleship on the Edge, Darrell W. Johnson

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Reverse the Curse: What is the New Eden? | Revelation 22:1-9

Series: Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come

Title: “Reverse the Curse: What is the New Eden?”

Scripture: Revelation 22:1-9

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Need: Believe that God’s word is “trustworthy and true” enough to follow fully and faithfully.

Bottom line: We reverse the curse in our own lives when we believe the word of God in word and action.


Opening story: Curse of the Bambino

The Curse of the Bambino was a superstitious sports curse in Major League Baseball(MLB) derived from the 86-year championship drought of the Boston Red Sox from 1918 to 2004. The superstition was named after Babe Ruth, colloquially known as "The Bambino", who played for the Red Sox until he was sold to the New York Yankees in 1920.[1] While some fans took the curse seriously, most used the expression in a tongue-in-cheekmanner.[2]

Babe Ruth as a member of the 1918 Boston Red Sox, the final season before the drought.

External images

Picture of the graffitied "reverse curve" road sign

Removal of the sign (then re-graffitied to read "reversed the curse") by a crew including Governor Mitt Romney, following Boston's 2004 World Series victory.

Prior to the drought, the Red Sox had been one of the most successful professional baseball franchises. They won five of the first fifteen World Series titles, including the first in 1903, more than any other MLB team at the time.[3]During this period, Ruth was a core contributor to the Red Sox's three championships in 1915, 1916, and 1918. Following the sale of Ruth, however, the once lackluster Yankees became one of the most dominant professional sports franchises in North America and set the record for World Series titles by more than twice the amount of any other MLB team.[4] The curse became a focal point of the Yankees–Red Sox rivalry over the years.

Talk of the curse as an ongoing phenomenon ended when the Red Sox won the 2004 World Series.[5] The Red Sox's championship was prefaced by them overcoming a 0–3 deficit against the Yankees in the American League Championship Series (ALCS), the first and, to date, only time an MLB team won a best-of-seven playoff series after losing the first three games.

The curse had been such a part of Boston culture that when a "reverse curve" road sign on Longfellow Bridgeover the city's busy Storrow Drive was graffitied to read "Reverse The Curse,"[6] officials left it in place until the Red Sox won the 2004 World Series. After the World Series that year, the road sign was edited to read "Reversed Curse" in celebration.[6]

Read Genesis 3:1-19; Revelation 22:1-9


We have seen:

  • Jesus and his churches (1-3)

  • The throne and judgments of God (6-16)

  • The whore, the King, and his bride (17-22)

It’s also noteworthy that these last 2 chapters of Revelation and of the Bible occur when sin has been abolished from the universe. No more sin, shame, guilt, death—it’s all history.

Bottom line: We reverse the curse in our own lives when we believe the word of God in word and action.


I. Description of the New Eden

A. We will be nourished by God. (1-2)

    1. Water of life

    2. Tree of life

    3. Leaves of healing

B. We will worship our God. (3)

    1. Curse is reversed

    2. Throne of God

    3. Appropriate response is worship/service (Latreuo) Ex. Romans 12:1

    4. Worship God as Father and Lamb

C. We will see our God. (4)

    1. We will see his face.

    2. His name will be on our forehead.

D. We will reign with our God. (5)

In the meantime, accept these invitations (2 of 7):

II. Two invitations from God to us as we anticipate the New Eden and the reverse of the curse: (6-9)

A. Obey God. (6-7)

    1. His words are trustworthy and true

    2. The Lord sent his angel to show his servants what’s coming

    3. He’s coming soon!

    4. Blessed are the obedient

B. Worship God! (8-9)

    1. John’s signature

    2. John’s overwhelmed response is and isn’t appropriate (faith vs feelings—-> discipline)

    3. We’re servants who worship and we’re worshippers who serve

    4. When we take a good thing and turn it into a god-thing, we sin and commit idolatry

III. Five more invitations (NEXT WEEK)


Poem from pg. 409-410

-Jim Hamilton

Bottom line: We reverse the curse in our own lives when we believe the word of God in word and action.


Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32



We make Superman out to be a god.

God makes Superman out to be a cartoon.

A little girl once defined repentance as “Being sorry enough to stop doing it.”

Fort Knox holds 173 billion dollars in gold.

It has held the nation’s gold deposit since 1937.

It could create a 20x20x20 ft cube of gold.

Now imagine how much gold it would take to create a 12,000x12,000x12,000 foot cube. Now 12,000 stadia! (1,500 miles)!

What’s the real treasure in the new heaven, earth, body and city?

God himself.


  • Exalting Jesus in Revelation by Daniel Akin

  • Revelation by Jim Hamilton

  • Revelation by Paige Patterson, New American Commentary series

  • Breaking the Code by Bruce Metzger

  • 2020 Sermons by Matt Chandler

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • Discipleship on the Edge, Darrell W. Johnson

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What's the New Jerusalem? | Revelation 21:9-27

Series: Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come

Title: “What’s the New Jerusalem?”

Scripture: Revelation 21:9-27

(Commentary helps listed at the end)

Need: We need to see how dangerous it is to set our hearts on the treasure here on earth.

Bottom line: The real treasure of the new heaven, earth and city is God himself. We look forward to a new heaven, earth and city because there we will:

  1. Live in God’s presence

  2. experiencing his mercy

  3. Satisfied by his pleasures, and

  4. Aware of his justice forever.

God is the treasure. And God treasures us!


Opening story:

A lot has changed in the last 500 years…

Read Rev 21:9-27


We have seen:

  • Jesus and his churches (1-3)

  • The throne and judgments of God (6-16)

  • The whore, the King, and his bride (17-22)

It’s also noteworthy that these last 2 chapters of Revelation and of the Bible occur when sin has been abolished from the universe. No more sin, shame, guilt, death—it’s all history.


The New Jerusalem will be a perfect city. (9-21)

The New Jerusalem will be a perfect temple. (22-27)

  • “I did not see the temple in the city”

  • Why? Because, “the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.” (22)

  • John 2:17-22

  • Ephesians 2:19-22

  • “This means that whereas formerly there was a structure, a tent or a building, that was holy because God was there, now the structure is the whole of the reality. The temple is the new heaven and new earth. Just as the temple was formerly the holy place in the midst of the wider world, now God and the Lamb are what the temple was: they are the holy in the midst of the world, and there is not a particular building that is the temple because the world itself has become the temple. This is what the OT prophesied in the passages such as Zechariah 14:20, 21.” -Jim Hamilton

  • “The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.” (23)

  • “Have you ever taken a flashlight outside on a clear, sunny day? You can barely see the light of the candle or flashlight at all.” -Jim Hamilton

  • I can remember getting a new Timex watch for Christmas and trying to see it glow during the day. You could never see it because the light in the room or outside was way to bright. You had to go into a closet and close the door to see it. The light of the sun and moon will be that dim in comparison to the light of the glory of God.

  • “but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life” will enter this city.

  • “God wrote these people’s names in the Lamb’s book of life before foundation of the world. It is not unfair of God to write down some names and not others. He is God. He shows mercy to whom he pleases (Exodus 33:19). He does not owe mercy to anyone. He has chosen to guarantee that some will be faithful to him, and the rest he allows to make their own choice. They choose to worship the beast and suffer the consequences. But it is not as though those who names are written in the Lamb’s book of life do not get the same choice. God so works that they are born again, and as a result they have the ability to see God’s hidden kingdom. Because of that, they choose to resist the beast. They choose, and God chose them. Humans are responsible, and God is sovereign.” -Jim Hamilton p. 399

The New Jerusalem will be a perfect garden. (22:1-5; Next week)


“Image that you were born into a miserable situation—no family, no future, no hope. A father you did not know and never would have met sets his love on you. He makes elaborate plans to redeem you for himself, make you part of his family, and give you hope and a future. The price for your redemption is shocking, but this father who has decided to adopt you doesn’t even flinch.

At a cost to himself that you cannot fathom, a price that you will not understand until your own faculties have matured, he ransoms your life. The redemption entails a journey of a distance we have no categories for comprehending, a sacrifice that risks everything , suffers, dies, and rises from the dead, and in the triumphant resurrection your life is secured. He has bought you back, and he will fetch you home.” -Jim Hamilton

Better questions:

Have you chosen him?

Bottom line: The real treasure of the new heaven, earth and city is God himself. We look forward to a new heaven, earth and city because there we will:

  1. Live in God’s presence

  2. experiencing his mercy

  3. Satisfied by his pleasures, and

  4. Aware of his justice forever.

God is the treasure. And God treasures us!


Lord’s Supper, 1 Corinthians 11:17-32


The value of a pearl can vary dramatically depending on many factors, such as its type, size, color, surface quality, and more. A wild pearl will be worth more than a cultured pearl. However, on average, a pearl's value ranges from $300 to $1,500.› h...

How Much are Pearls Worth | The Pearl Source

A natural pearl (often called an Oriental pearl) forms when an irritant works its way into a particular species of oyster, mussel, or clam. As a defense mechanism, the mollusk secretes a fluid to coat the irritant. Layer upon layer of this coating is deposited on the irritant until a lustrous pearl is formed.› ...

How Pearls Are Formed - J. Thomas Jewelers


We make Superman out to be a god.

God makes Superman out to be a cartoon.

A little girl once defined repentance as “Being sorry enough to stop doing it.”

Fort Knox holds 173 billion dollars in gold.

It has held the nation’s gold deposit since 1937.

It could create a 20x20x20 ft cube of gold.

Now imagine how much gold it would take to create a 12,000x12,000x12,000 foot cube. Now 12,000 stadia! (1,500 miles)!

What’s the real treasure in the new heaven, earth, body and city?

God himself.


  • Exalting Jesus in Revelation by Daniel Akin

  • Revelation by Jim Hamilton

  • Revelation by Paige Patterson, New American Commentary series

  • Breaking the Code by Bruce Metzger

  • 2020 Sermons by Matt Chandler

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington

  • Discipleship on the Edge, Darrell W. Johnson

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What's the Great White Throne of Christ? | Revelation 20:11-15

Bottom line: The text teaches us that one day each and every one of us will stand before God and his throne and will be asked to give an account for our lives. (It’s true it’s already written down) There’s a God, you’re not him. Are you ready to meet him?

Read More