Bottom line: There’s a God, you’re not him, are you ready to meet him?
Read MoreBottom line: We worship Jesus for who he is and what he’s done (and what he’s doing to do): He came and He’s coming again!
Read MoreBottom line: We worship Jesus Christ because of who he is and what he’s done. We exist to worship him and enjoy him forever.
Read More-Reprioritize Everything (Order & Urgency)
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:10-28
Blessed to be going through Revelation. Human history (like a good book or movie) seems to be accelerating toward the end. Here is some context of the big picture that will encourage us as we move toward "the end" when God will be "all in all".
The Gospel (verses 1-11)
The Resurrection (verses 12-19)
The First Fruits (verses 20-28)
The Awakening (verses 29-34)
The Spiritual You (verses 35-49)
The Victory (verses 50-58)
M2E - micro ministry encounters (these can happen every day where you live, work and play since God is always working - John 5:17, John 6:44).
GRQ - Gospel Readiness Quotient - variables include sin, prayer, activities (how your time is consumed) and relationships.
The last enemy is death. Death will be swallowed up in victory. So, instead of focusing on death every day, let's talk about Life and Victory through the faith and hope we have in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!
Read MoreSeries: Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come
Title: “How to See The Future”
Scripture: Revelation 18 (Commentary helps listed at the end)
Introduction: Makes me think of how quickly things can change in a nation. Afghanistan fell to the Taliban this week in 1 day. We know that the foundations of the existing government were weak already so while it fell suddenly, they were vulnerable as soon as our troops left.
Our nation (America) is sliding towards destruction too. And while this slide may be gradual, the crash will also likely to be sudden. Perhaps revival will delay or prevent this. Are you praying for revival in our land?
What will get us through the great tribulation as the church? We’ll have to figure out how to work together to live for Christ with the daily threat of dying for Christ.
What will get us through is this truth:
Bottom line: “The future is bright even though the day is dark.”
Our need: Eyes to see that these dark days as a blip on the timeline of eternity and live accordingly; a drop in the ocean of time.
Quote: “Today, the greatest challenge facing (evangelical, Bible-believing) American (Christians) is not persecution from the world, but seduction by the world.” —CJ Mahaney, pastor
Quote: “We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered to us, like an ignorant child who goes on making mud pies in the slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are too easily pleased.” -CS Lewis, Weight of Glory, pp. 25-26
Last week in Revelation 17 we saw how evil turned on evil when the Beast destroyed the Whore.
In Revelation 18 we will see more of the downfall of Babylon and how those seduced by her are drug down with her into destruction. Are you in that crowd? God calls you out today! (V. 4)
We have seen:
Jesus and his churches (1-3)
The throne and judgments of God (6-16)
The whore, the King, and his bride (17-22)
I. God judges the whore. (1-8)
II. The world laments over the whore. (9-19)
III. The angels sing of the doom of the whore. (20-24)
Reminders of Afghanistan. Christians there are dying today for their unwillingness to be seduced by Babylon. They are the martyrs spoken of in Revelation.
Question: Would you be willing to die for what you believe in?
Where do you see yourself right now?
Living in light of today?
Living in light of eternity?
Where do you want to see yourself?
What’s keeping you from repenting and believing that the way of Jesus is the way to go?
Repent of your sins today. Trust and follow the Lord Jesus Christ who knows the way, the truth and the life.
Rome was considered Babylon (code to the Church in John’s day) and he was prophesying it’s destruction around AD 95. In AD 410, after a long slide into destruction, Alaric, with his northern hordes of Goths, pillaged Rome and laid it waste in one week.
John wrote Rev 17-18 to (Bruce Metzger):
Stimulate faithfulness in first century persecuted Christians
To remind them of their ultimate victory in Christ no matter what
It’s a warning to believers . Babylon is allegorical of the idolatry that any nation commits when it elevates
Material abundance
Military prowess
Technological sophistication
Imperial grandeur, and
Racial pride over the Creator.
This seems familiar to me as an American citizen.
Revelation concerns the character and timeliness of God’s judgment not only on people but also nations…and all authorities, corporations, institutions, bureaucracies, denominations and even churches. -Bruce Metzger
Questions: Are we drawn to the spiritual “Red light districts” of our world? Or are we drawn to the kingdom of God?
Other Illustrations:
dad joke/Funny: “Everybody is talking about the apocalypse like there’s no tomorrow…”
“Keep your eyes on the clouds and the crowds.” —Greg Stier
Live in light of his imminent return.
“Jesus didn’t give the Church the book of Revelation so we’d build ourselves bigger bomb shelters, but so we’d would build longer dinner tables” - @RayOrtlund
Other thoughts wrt joy and circumstances and Jane / Nightbirdie
“Sow a thought, you reap an action;
Sow an action, you reap a habit;
Sow a habit, you reap a character;
sow a character, you reap a destiny.”
-E. Stanley Jones
Main commentary help:
Exalting Jesus in Revelation by Daniel Akin
Revelation by Jim Hamilton
Revelation by Paige Patterson, New American Commentary series
Breaking the Code by Bruce Metzger
2020 Sermons by Matt Chandler
ESV Global Study Bible
Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel
Bible Knowledge Commentary
The Outline Bible, Wilmington
Discipleship on the Edge, Darrell W. Johnson
Series: Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come
Title: “Which city are you living for? What woman are you chasing?” Revelation 17 PG-13
Scripture: Revelation 17
(Main commentary helps listed at the end)
Bottom line: “Live for the Lamb and his pure bride, not for the beast and his foul whore.” -Hamilton
Our need: “We need to be convinced that it’s better to live for the Lamb and his pure bride than for the beast and his foul whore.” -Hamilton
We have seen:
Jesus and his churches (1-3)
The throne and judgments of God (6-16)
Now we move to this section on the whore, the King, and his bride (17-22)
The world is the foul whore.
The Church is the bride of Christ.
Who do you want to live for? Which city?
Babylon the Great, or
Serves the beast
Sells it’s soul to the world, the beast’s foul whore
Lives for what will look good for a short while before being destroyed
Carries out his purpose
Leads to the Great Babylon aka Hell
The New Jerusalem
Serves the Lamb
Fellowships with the church the Lamb’s pure bride
Lives for what will last forever
Please God through obedience
Leads to the New Jerusalem
Which religion: Works or grace?
Intro/Opening story:
“Tale of Two Cities” in 11th grade English class
Also consider:
Foxes Book of Martyrs
Outline (from Willmington’s Outline Bible):
I. The information in regard to this prostitute (17:1-6)
A. Her corruption (17:1-2, 4)
She commits adultery with both potentates and people of this earth (17:2)
She says blasphemous things about God (17:4b)
She is utterly materialistic (17:4a)
B. Her compromise (17:3): She has aligned herself with the godless political systems of this world.
C. Her caption (17:5): On her forehead is written,
“Babylon the Great,
Mother of all prostitutes and obscenities in the world”
D. Her cruelty (17:6): She is drunk with the blood of martyrs she has murdered. (Share story of 21 Martyrs)
II. The interpretation in regard to this prostitute (17:7-18)
A. What John sees (17:7): He sees a woman riding a beast with seven heads and ten horns.
B. What John is told (17:8-18)
The woman represents a corrupt religious system depicted by the city of Babylon (17:8)
The beast represents various kings (17:9).
Some have already ruled (17:10-11)
One king will be the most powerful (17:13)
Ten kings are yet to rule (17:12)
These kings will destroy the woman but will themselves be destroyed by the Lamb (17:14-18).
My sister-in-law and I were talking movies the other day and we were discussing the difference between DC comic movies and Marvel comic movies. I noted that I thought it was ironic that DC who boasts darker, more realistic stories uses fictional cities (Metropolis and Gotham) whereas Marvel, who tends to take itself less seriously uses real cities (mostly) like New York and Budapest.
How serious are you taking the city you’re living in?
John calls us to be in the world but not of the world. (1 John 2:15-17)
Where do you see yourself right now?
Which woman are you more identified with?
Which city seems more like home to you?
Where do you want to see yourself?
What’s keeping you from repenting and believing that the way of the Lamb is the way to go?
Repent of your sins today. Trust and follow the Lord Jesus Christ who knows the way, the truth and the life.
Other Illustrations:
dad joke/Funny: “Everybody is talking about the apocalypse like there’s no tomorrow…”
“Keep your eyes on the clouds and the crowds.” —Greg Stier
Live in light of his imminent return.
“Jesus didn’t give the Church the book of Revelation so we’d build ourselves bigger bomb shelters, but so we’d would build longer dinner tables” - @RayOrtlund
Other thoughts wrt joy and circumstances and Jane / Nightbirdie
“Sow a thought, you reap an action;
Sow an action, you reap a habit;
Sow a habit, you reap a character;
sow a character, you reap a destiny.”
-E. Stanley Jones
Main commentary help:
Exalting Jesus in Revelation by Daniel Akin
Revelation by Jim Hamilton
Revelation by Paige Patterson, New American Commentary series
Breaking the Code by Bruce Metzger
2020 Sermons by Matt Chandler
ESV Global Study Bible
Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel
Bible Knowledge Commentary
The Outline Bible, Wilmington
Discipleship on the Edge, Darrell W. Johnson
Series: Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come
Title: “Why worship God for Armageddon?
Scripture: Revelation 16:1-21
(Main commentary helps listed at the end)
Bottom line: God is glorified in his just wrath as he brings is awesome wrath on his enemies—wrath that fits the crime. (Just ask the heavenly host)
Intro/Opening story:
Brave Church by Rowland Smith
The year was 250 CE and Rome found itself facing, invaded even, by a different kind of enemy. It was not an army it could simply defeat on the battlefield, but a plague that swept through parts of the empire.
Most historians think the invader was akin to Smallpox or Bubonic Plague, based on the early descriptions of symptoms. Whole households were disappearing to the ravages of the disease. Proximity was spreading illness at unprecedented rates, causing fear and panic as people saw their friends and family quickly falling ill, only to escape symptoms by death.
Plague and Panic
Bodies were left in the streets, being removed from houses so that remaining inhabitants could hopefully live in relative safety from whatever was attacking. The sick were driven out into the public areas to die a slow and painful death. It caused panic among the public, resulting in many fleeing to the countryside to escape the confines and tighter living of city neighborhoods. At one point, up to 5000 per day were falling in Rome alone. The empire was dying in epidemic proportions!
However, as many fled, there was one group of people that stayed. They cared for the sick, buried the dead, attempting to thwart the plague by burying bodies and covering them in lime, or burning bodies that had been piled in the streets. Who were these lunatics that stayed and cared for those who were dying? Who was this group that ran into the plague instead of fleeing in panic? They were known as Christians.
Love and Loyalty
These so-called Christians that lived within the Empire were found with the sick and dying, not running from them. As people suffered in the community, they responded with love, care and concern. They put their hands on the hurting and brought comfort to their suffering.
In 260 CE Dionysius wrote a tribute to their efforts saying, “Most of our brother Christians showed unbounded love and loyalty, never sparing themselves and only thinking of one another. Heedless of danger, they took charge of the sick, attending to their every need and ministering to them in Christ…”
These anomalies of common sense stayed to care for the wholeness of the community, dealing with the ravages of death and infection rather than running to the hills in search of safety. The Christians lived in search of love and in search of a response that looked like Jesus’ life. A life where love triumphed danger and where the values of the kingdom of God overruled the safety of one’s life.
These values resulted in a bravery that was not witnessed in the rest of the community or in the civic rulers. Only the Christians were brave enough to love, in spite of the dangers.
A Growing Faith
Most historians reflect on this era of Roman history as a critical time in Christian history as well. This response of the Christian community is often cited as one reason that this faith in Jesus grew among the population. Even pagan observers noticed a constant charity and love for others. During these times of plague and great need in Roman history, Christians were observed to be standing in the gap where the empire failed to bring wholeness.
The emperor Julian complained in a letter to his pagan priest in Galatia that the virtues and responses of the Christians were out matching their own citizens. He observed that recent Christian growth was partly due to, “benevolence toward strangers and care for the graves of the dead.” He goes on to say, “The impious Galileans support not only their poor, but ours as well, everyone can see that they lack aid from us.”
Curious Values
The early church, as it lived in Rome, gained notice as a community that lived under a different set of values that were based on love and care for neighbor. They brought human care to situations in ways that other philosophies and belief systems did not, and so people were drawn to it. They were drawn to a community that cared for them in spite of their outsidedness and differences in beliefs. And so, the Romans noticed this strange band of brave people that were connected by a Galilean named Jesus. They noticed these oddities because they lived by virtue of a particular verb…love.
Teach the frame reminding us about Rev 11:15 that Jesus will be king. (Time permitting)
Read through and explain Rev 16 as the last 7 judgments of God on his enemies.
We must read Rev 16 from God’s perspective—not ours. Explain why…
Each plague:
The place
The punishment
The promise or perversion
1st 3: response of the righteous
2nd 4: response of the wicked
If time…
Final thoughts with help from Nicky Gumbel:
I. Jesus is coming back. He tells us this in his beatitude. Second coming of Christ—
are you ready? We’re one day closer to it than we were yesterday.
II. Jesus took your judgment. “It is done” reminds me of “It is finished” from Jesus on the cross where he died for my sins so that I wouldn’t have to. (John 19:30) Cf. Romans 6:23 and John 3:16
III. Judgment is delayed. (But this is his final warning) Judgment is for those who “refused to repent and glorify him.” (16:9) …but not forever. It is right and good that God would judge those who deny him giving them what their actions and attitudes deserve. Are we ready? Are we warning others?
IV. Judgment will be totally just. 16:7 (heaven praises him for this too) And we’re reminded that God’s judgments are “true” and “just”. That’s because he is truth and he is holy. This is consistent with his perfect and unchanging character.
As Greg Stier says, let’s keep our eyes on the clouds and on the crowds as we wait expectantly for his imminent return. Let us not walk in fear but in love rooted confidently in the faith we’ve received in Jesus Christ.
Read 10 commandments (Exodus 20); 2 Peter 3:8-9; 1 Thess 5:1-11.
Invite people to repent and believe.
Tell someone.
If you want your name written in the book of life, pray to God something like this,
Dear God, thank you for revealing your word and ways to me today. Thank you for helping me understand better who you are and what you are doing.
I believe that Jesus Christ, the son of God, died for my sins in my place so that I could receive mercy and have life in his name. Forgive me for my sins and fill me with your Holy Spirit to overflowing. Help me read and obey your word daily as I learn to walk in step with you. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Other Illustrations:
“Keep your eyes on the clouds and the crowds.” —Greg Stier
Live in light of his imminent return.
“Jesus didn’t give the Church the book of Revelation so we’d build ourselves bigger bomb shelters, but so we’d would build longer dinner tables” - @RayOrtlund
Other thoughts wrt joy and circumstances and Jane / Nightbirdie
“Sow a thought, you reap an action;
Sow an action, you reap a habit;
Sow a habit, you reap a character;
sow a character, you reap a destiny.”
-E. Stanley Jones
The Framed Picture of Revelation 11-16
144,000 sealed—6 trumpet plagues (7-9)
True Prophet John (10:1-11)
Persecuted Church (11:1-14)
Christ is King (11:15-19)
Persecuted Church (12:1-13:10)
Satan’s False Prophet (13:11-18)
144,000 sealed—7 bowls of wrath (14-16)
Notice the symmetry and how it purposefully points to the most important truth in the book of Revelation. Just another way God reinforces the idea that he’s purposefully revealing himself to us for our good and his glory.
Other notes:
Main commentary help:
Exalting Jesus in Revelation by Daniel Akin
Revelation by Jim Hamilton
Revelation by Paige Patterson, New American Commentary series
Breaking the Code by Bruce Metzger
2020 Sermons by Matt Chandler
ESV Global Study Bible
Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel
Bible Knowledge Commentary
The Book of Revelation, NICNT, Robert Mounce
The Outline Bible, Wilmington
Bible in One Year reading plan, Nicky Gumbel
Exalting Jesus in 1 Kings by Tony Merida
Discipleship on the Edge, Darrell W. Johnson
Bottom line: We break free from the pattern of this world when we surrender to Jesus’ transforming words, ways and works of life.
Read MoreTotally Trustworthy
Who or what do we place our trust in?
2 Kings 18 & 19
Hezekiah trusted in the LORD.
Trust (outline from Tony Merida)
T - Take it to the Lord
R - Recognize the Greatness of God
U - Unload the Problem to God
S - Seek the Help of God
T - Treasure the Greatness of God
ACTS Prayer
A - Adoration
C - Confession
T - Thanksgiving
S - Supplication
Scripture: Psalm 100
Always begin with praise. Give thanks to the One who made you!
Verse 1 - shout for joy all you lands
location, language, families united (Genesis 10:5,31)
that all may seek the Lord (Acts 17:26-27)
Verse 2 - service to the Lord = worship
this is the purpose for all people/lands
come before His presence (Hebrews 4:14-16)
Verse 3 - Jesus is Creator and Sustainer
CREATOR - He made us
not we ourselves (Genesis 11:1-9)
Human innovation always contains noble intent and the capacity to be used for evil.
Scattering can be God's good plan (Acts 8:1)
SUSTAINER - He keeps us
the sheep of His pasture (Psalm 23)
Verses 4-5
Thankful journal. 365 days x 3 entries/day = 1,000+ in a year. Helpful reminder of His blessings especially when things are gloomy.
His truth is to all generations!
Can you say that God is your strength and song?
Has Jesus Christ become your salvation?
Is the LORD your God and will you praise Him?
Salvation = Healing = Deliverance
Bondage comes in many forms: financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, addictions, traditions, societal, generational
Steps you must take include: awareness of the bondage you are under, honesty about the consequences and struggles, repent by turning to God in faith, and believe that Jesus Christ will lead you by His Word and Spirit to a better place (now and forever).
Read MoreOne of our elders, Chris Karpus shared his testimony about his sudden cardiac arrest. The situation was so serious that his family was told he was brain dead. However, God brought Chris back to life! On Sunday he shared the story of Lazarus as well as the story of the invalid who was told to take up his mat and walk. Listen to this powerful sermon and testimony and be reminded that no matter what our plans are, God has a bigger plan. Our dependence on God is more valuable than anything else.
Bottom line: The display of God’s holy justice in saving his people and winning their praise is meant to make us want to be among the redeemed, not the condemned.
Read More“Jesus didn’t give the Church the book of Revelation so we’d build ourselves bigger bomb shelters, but so we’d would build longer dinner tables” - @RayOrtlund
Read MoreBottom line:
God will keep his word to the righteous and to the wicked.
God enables endurance to the end by
1) showing salvation to the redeemed &
2) judgment to the wicked
Read MoreA continuation of our sermon series: The Best is Yet to Come. Revelation 13:11-18. Thank God that by his hand he has written your name in the Lamb’s book of life.
Read MoreBottom line: Knowing the Truth—really knowing—sets us free and leads to peace in a world of uncertainty, deception and falsehood.
Read MoreBottom line:
God protects his people against all satanic opposition and his people proclaim the good news that the kingdom of God is near until it’s here. He does this as he keeps his salvation promises to his people.
Read MoreBottom line:
God will protect his people against all satanic opposition, and
They will proclaim the good news until the kingdom comes.
Read MoreMy Bottom line:
Obedience is an expression of faithful love.
Tie in 3 applications:
Listen - written and living word
Love - God and people (6:5)
Lead others - who? From inside out (6:6-9)
Hand impression in clay
Heart - compass that points to true north