Why You Need to Know the Truth | Revelation 13:1-10

Series: Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come

Title: “Why You Need to Know the Truth”

Scripture: Revelation 13:1-10; Joh 8:31-32; Mark 13; Matt 11:28-30

(Main commentary helps listed at the end)

Last week: “What to do when you feel defeated”

This week: “Why You Need to Know the Truth”

Two weeks ago: “What to do when you feel defeated”

This week: “Why You Need to Know the Truth”

Opening story:

Scotland Yard detective, an expert on identifying counterfeit bills, was asked how he was so good. He answered that he studied the authentic bills so thoroughly that he couldn’t help but recognize the fakes.

Q: Do you know the real Messiah/Christ well enough to recognize a fake one? Because Jesus seemed to think it would be very hard for even his followers to do this.

Eugene Peterson writes in his Message paraphrase of Matthew 11, “Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly’ (Matt 11:28–30).

This is the remedy to overcoming the gaps between what we say we believe and how we behave/live (which is evidence of what we truly believe). The unforced rhythms of grace are the means of getting God’s grace to flow in and through us daily.

Do you know Jesus or a satanic imitation?

My Bottom line: Knowing the Truth—really knowing—sets us free and leads to peace in a world of uncertainty, deception and falsehood.


  • Satan’s fake christ (13:1-4)

  • Murderous blasphemer (13:5-8)

  • The call to persevere (13:9-10)

The beast = Antichrist

Nero parallels



  • Key: Verify do we see Jesus as he really is enough to recognize a fake? If it were easy, Jesus wouldn’t need to warn us.

    • Knowing the word of truth is how we recognize fakes.

    • Ill. Scotland Yard detective, an expert on identifying counterfeit bills, was asked how he was so good. He answered that he studied the authentic bills so thoroughly that he couldn’t help but recognize the fakes.

  • Satan is intent on appearing as a savior to receive praise.

    • What about us? Why do we pursue praise from people?

    • Is it really any different? Are we worthy?

    • For Satan to claim to be the messiah is to say that Jesus isn’t.

  • Let’s forsake any false hope in any mere human government or leader bringing in the Kingdom of God or any kind of salvation. Don’t be fooled by the fakes. Stop looking to the next shiny, new political leader to turn things around in the areas that matter most.

  • Impersonating God and Christ, Satan will blaspheme God and kill Christ-followers.

  • How are you preparing for this?

    • Word—saturating your mind

    • Way/Walk—by grace through faith daily

    • Works—carrying out the vision of the KOG where you live, work and play

  • God is our sovereign Creator still. Walk/rest in that.

    • Rom 8:28

    • Satan can’t create anything.

  • False prophets utter false teachings like

    • Universalism—everyone is ultimately saved.

    • Inclusivism—some go to hell but not anyone faithful to whatever religion they like; this all-roads-lead-to-heaven mindset is deeply embedded in our culture already.

    • Jesus said plainly, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

    • Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Note the order:

      • Hear teaching. Obey it.

      • After obeying, true knowledge (comprehension) sets in.

      • Results in freedom.

    • Do you believe Jesus’s teachings on hell?

  • Confident you can’t be led astray?

    • If you’ve been chosen by God, then you cannot. You’re name is in the book of life.

    • Is that you?

    • Doctrine of election is a comfort to those who are elect.

    • I believe in the doctrine of election to the extent that the Bible teaches is. But I also see human responsibility and freedom in play. We’re not robots.

    • God chooses. He chose:

      • Adam and Eve

      • Noah and his family

      • Isaac over Ishmael

      • Jacob over Esau

      • Judah over Reuben

      • David over his older brothers

      • Israel over the other nations

      • You, if you’re in Christ Jesus

      • You, if you will trust Christ today

    • Sturgeon acknowledged the brain strain this tension between God’s sovereignty and human free will. He told people that he often prayed, “God save the elect and elect some more.”

    • How do you know if you’ve been chosen? J. Hamilton wrote:

      • IF you feel awful when you sin—not because you got caught but because you have offended God your holy and good Creator—that’s good evidence that God is at work in your soul. Repent and turn back to God today and walk in the confidence of your name being in the book.

  • Call to persevere (9-10) - There’s no avoiding God’s providential will. If he’s decided something, he’s fully prepared and warranted to carry it out. If you or I was to die for him, we die. This is why he follows it with the call for believers to endure nad keep believing. Because we’re going to be tempted to give up and give in.

Do you know Jesus or a satanic imitation?

My Bottom line: Knowing Truth—really knowing—leads to peace in a world of uncertainty, deception and falsehood.

Main commentary help:

  • Exalting Jesus in Revelation by Daniel Akin

  • Revelation by Jim Hamilton

  • Revelation by Paige Patterson, New American Commentary series

  • Breaking the Code by Bruce Metzger

  • Seven Seals by Matt Chandler, 2021 sermon

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Book of Revelation, NICNT, Robert Mounce

  • The Outline Bible, Wilmington