1. Grace isn’t cheap. Don’t treat it cheaply and don’t represent it as cheap. That’s false teaching.
Grace Christian Fellowship –the sign says: “Love God, Love People”. We love God, and we love
people because we so strongly desire to show people the true Grace of God through Jesus Christ.
That tells people
the message is more important than the brand…
that love is more important than a logo…
that the objective is more important than optics
that it’s better to be a hospital for the lost, than a country club for the saved
that Grace itself is precious…that time here is short, but eternity isn’t…
that conviction is more important than comfort
we can’t say “we’re good”, when we know we’re all bad
Grace is costly. Grace is Honest. And Grace is redemptive
but at the same time, any of this done without love is worthless
2. Let Grace train you…like a marathon. Training can hurt, but understanding what you’re training for
puts everything in perspective.
3. Put away anything in your life that doesn’t bear fruit for God’s kingdom, and keep Him as your main
4. Know His word and teach it with authority.
5. Stand tall, confidently and passionately love God and love people.
Our hearts should well up with praise in response to the Grace of God.
Grace has a Face and He truly is amazing.
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