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Around the Corner and Around the World | Revelation 10

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Around the Corner and Around the World | Revelation 10 Darien Gabriel

Series: Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come

Title: “Around the corner and around the world”

Scripture: Revelation 10

(Main commentary helps below at the end)

Last week: “Have you got your heart in order?”

This week: “Around the corner and around the world”

My Bottom line:

With his authority to speak,

his presence to embolden, and

his word to proclaim to the nations,

Jesus recommissions his church in the tribulation

to multiply disciple-makers (xDM)

around the corner and around the world.


Jim Hamilton tells the following story:

“My parents had come to visit my sister and me. We were working at Kanakuk, a Christian sports camp in Missouri. But that night the softball game I was playing in wasn’t over when my parents and sister were ready to go. I told them to go on, and they did.

These were the days before cell phones. I knew my parents would be staying at a resort called Holiday Island, I began to wonder how in the world I would find my family. I got to Holiday Island and pulled into what looked like an office. Thankfully, someone came to the door, but when I asked if they could help me find which time-share my parents were in, I was told there were thousands of time-shares at Holiday Island. To make matters worse, there was no central system that logged all the units. He couldn’t help me.

Suddenly I realized that I was alone in the world, with no idea where to go, no clues as to where to start, and no way to contact my family. So I despondently got in my car and started driving farther into Holiday Island. Then I saw a familiar sight: there was my sister’s car! And under the windshield wiper was a note—I have it with me to this day. It reads as follows:


We are at 15 Ironwood Dr. on the Island. Go to the Island—turn right on Appaloosa Dr.—2nd street is Ironwood Dr. Go to the end of the street. 15 Ironwood Drive.

Love, Dad

PS: It is 7:20 pm—we will be back here at 8:20.

It was 8:15 when I found that note. As I began to follow the directions, I soon crossed paths with my dad coming to get me, just as he said he would.

  • Jim’s father revealed to him detailed truths about the future that encouraged him not to give up in the present. Where his family was and when he was coming to get him.

  • He gave him specific instructions on what to do and told him what he was going to do as well.

Jim Hamilton’s dad left him a note on his sister’s car telling him

  1. Exactly where his family was and

  2. Exactly when he was coming to get him.

I. 10:1-3 The Angel of Salvation through Judgment

Note the authority this angel has as he represents Christ. Later we’ll hear authority from “The voice”.

Reminds me of this funny story:


The captain of the ship looked into the dark night and saw faint lights in the distance. Immediately he told his signalman to send a message” “Alter your course 10 degrees south.”

Promptly a return message was received: “Alter your course 10 degrees north.”

The captain was angered; his command had been ignored. So he sent a second message: “Alter your course 10 degrees south—I am the captain!”

Soon another message was received: Alter your course 10 degrees north—I am seaman third class Jones.”

Immediately the captain sent a third message, knowing the fear it would evoke: “Alter your course 10 degrees south—I am a battleship.”

Then the reply came “Alter your course 10 degrees north—I am a lighthouse.”

In the midst of our dark and foggy times, all sorts of voices are shouting orders into the night, telling us what to do, how to adjust our lives.

Out of the darkness, one voice signals something quite opposite to the rest—something almost absurd. But the voice happens to be the Light of the World, and we ignore it at our peril. (A voice of authority in life)

Paul Aiello, Jr.

II. 10:4-7 “No more delay” at the 7th trumpet

“No more delay” - no more judgments; no more time to repent and believe; time to wrap this up!

III. 10:8-11 John Eats the Scroll

“The Voice” = The risen Lord Jesus Christ recommissioning John (and us); voice of authority (Either God the Father or God the Son)

“Go” with authority

“Take the scroll” = take my revealed words (could be the future but more likely the good news)

“Eat the scroll” = Digest it so that you process it internally and then proclaim it having processed it personally along the way.

“Prophecy again about” the nations - to the nations regardless of creed, religion, ethnicity, or anything else. All people.

Summary: (note how this mirrors the Great Commission in Matt 28:19-20)

  1. GO: Go (or as you go) with authority (Holy Spirit authority)

  2. TAKE: With God’s revealed words (Bible)

  3. EAT: Internalize the message personally

  4. PROPHESY: Proclaim it again around the corner and around the world (to the nations cf. Acts 1:8)

Compare with Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:8 and see the similarities. (See Luke 24 and Mark 16 as well)

Last week’s challenge was to share Christ with the person God brought to mind at that time. How did you do? Did you take that as if it were from God? Did you ignore it? Did you see God move? He isn’t done. And perhaps you have a second chance...but there are no guarantees as this poem suggests.

Poem: "Around the Corner" (Charles Hanson Towne)

Around the corner I have a friend,

In this great city that has no end,

Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,

And before I know it, a year is gone.

And I never see my old friend's face,

For life is a swift and terrible race,

He knows I like him just as well,

As in the days when I rang his bell.

And he rang mine but we were younger then,

And now we are busy, tired men.

Tired of playing a foolish game,

Tired of trying to make a name.

"Tomorrow" I say! "I will call on Jim

Just to show that I'm thinking of him",

But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,

And distance between us grows and grows.

Around the corner, yet miles away,

"Here's a telegram sir," "Jim died today."

And that's what we get and deserve in the end.

Around the corner, a vanished friend.

2 major applications on top of...

  1. Be Confident. Be confident that God is Lord of all and will accomplish his purposes. Per the angel standing reminding us everything is under Jesus’ feet, no terrorist, no rogue governments, no dictators, no usurpers of democracy, no kings are going to stand in the way of God’s accomplishing his purposes.

  2. God Reveals Truth. We can know truth because God has revealed himself.

    1. We’ll never have all knowledge—only God is omniscient.

    2. But we have knowledge because God gave Jesus the scroll. God—>Jesus—>Angel—>John—>us!

    3. We have it and can trust “the things that must soon take place” (1:1).


Jim Hamilton’s dad left him a note on his sister’s car telling him

  1. Exactly where his family was and

  2. Exactly when he was coming to get him.

Jesus said to his disciples in John 14:1-3,

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”

Almighty God has sent his angel to his servant John “to show to his servants the things that must soon take place” (1:1).

Main commentary help:

  • Exalting Jesus in Revelation by Daniel Akin

  • Revelation by Jim Hamilton

  • Breaking the Code by Bruce Metzger

  • Seven Seals by Matt Chandler, 2021 sermon

  • ESV Global Study Bible

  • Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • The Book of Revelation, NICNT, Robert Mounce