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The Best is Yet to Come | Revelation 1:1-8

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The Best is Yet to Come | Revelation 1:1-8 Darien Gabriel

Series: Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come

Title: The Best is Yet to Come

Scripture: Revelation 1:1-8 NIV

Main commentary help:

  • Exalting Jesus in Revelation by Daniel Akin

  • Revelation by Jim Hamilton

  • Breaking the Code by Bruce Metzger

Last week’s title: As We Wait in Uncertain Times, Put Your Hope in Him for All Time (Psalm 146)

This week’s title: “The Best is Yet to Come”

Main idea: “Those who hear and obey God‘s word concerning who Jesus is and what he does will be blessed by the Lord.”

Bottom line: No matter how bad things get, the best is yet to come. And his name is Jesus.

Opening story/illustration

The Matrix

In the sci-fi movie The Matrix, Neo is told that the truth of their world is that they are shielded from reality by an illusion created by machines that control everything. Then Neo is given a choice. He can take the blue pill and forget what he just heard and live on in ignorance asleep to the truth. Or, he can take the red pill and become empowered to live in that true world that true reality.

We have a choice too. Revelation and God’s word tell us that we’re asleep and unable to see the reality of our spiritual condition unless someone opens our eyes with truth. God opens our eyes to see the truth through his word. But we have a choice to believe or not believe. We can remain skeptical and ignore the truth putting our heads back into the sand or we can “swallow the pill” of truth and live in reality fully aware of the dangers that surround us.

Other illustrations:

Persecuted Pastors

Dr. Danny Akin (professor at asked a pastor in a persecuted country what his favorite books of the Bible were. He said Daniel and Revelation. (See story at bottom)

9/11 vs 9/10

What would you do if you knew with complete and total certainty what would happen on Sep. 11, 2001 on Sep. 10, 2001? What would you do? Something? Nothing? We would start telling people, of course.

There’s something coming that makes 9/11 and COVD-19 and WW II look like birthday parties. It’s described in Revelation.

And you and I know that it’s God’s word and therefore will come to pass.

It’s like 9/10/01. We know what’s coming. What will we do about it? Will we dare to share?

Prologue with doxology to introduce this circular letter to the churches.

“The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  • Revelation = unveiling, revealing

  • Apocalypse = unveiling how it all ends

  • From God—>to Jesus—>to the angel—>to John—>to the 7 churches—>to the rest of the churches in that day—>to the universal church—>to us and our churches—>His servants = us

  • “Soon take place” means this could happen at any time.

    • We’re lulled to sleep because it hasn’t come in 2,000+ years so we think what’s one more day.

    • But whenever it does happen, we’ll feel that way. Is that the mindset you want? Really?

“who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  • Word of God= truth; do you believe?

  • Testifies to what he saw (and heard) in his visions on the island of Patmos around AD 90 (60 years after the resurrection)

  • It’s all about Jesus Christ

“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

To obey this because you want to. Glad obedience from the inside.

Not like when you’re asked to take out the trash. You do it, but your heart isn’t into it. That’s not what “take it to heart” means.

What will Revelation call us to do?

  • Act justly

  • Love mercy

  • Walk humbly with our God

  • Glorify and worship God for his justice and his mercy

  • Walk in hope believing that the best is yet to come no matter what we’re going through now


The “time is near” reminds us of the urgency and posture in which we are to live. Like in the time of the Passover, we live with our shoes on, our bags packed, ready to roll. It’s living in this world holding everything loosely except his word.

“John, To the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne,”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  • Grace and peace - the order matters; Know Grace, know peace. No grace, no peace.

  • Peace = complete wholeness and holiness

  • Number 7 is used a lot by John; complete or all; comprehensive

  • Describes Jesus here as timeless One and king/Lord

“and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood,”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Who is God...who is Jesus and what has he done/is he doing?

  • Jesus called “the faithful witness”

  • “The firstborn from the dead” - who is second,!

  • “Ruler of the kings of the earth” - sovereign

  • Love - “loves us”

  • “Freed us from our sins by his blood” - the lamb of God who was our substitutionary atonement on the cross

  • Many reasons to worship/revere/fear him already

“and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Who are we and what do we get to do?

  • He anoints us as kingdom priests. What do priests do?

    • Represent God before people

    • Represent people before God

  • The makes him worthy of all praise forever!

““Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  • Greg Stier likes to say, “Keep your eyes on the clouds ️ and on the crowds.”

    • Clouds - watching and ready for Jesus’ imminent return

    • Crowds - to be a witness in the meantime; a sacrificial lamb among wolves

  • Everyone will see him - even those who know and reject

  • Everyone will mourn him

    • For their sin

    • For their loss

  • “So shall it be! Amen.” It is certain.

““I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.””

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  • Beginning and the end (outside of time)

  • Timeless One

  • End of prologue


Think about some of our several sermon series titles from last year. And I am not this good:

  • Joy No Matter (what)

  • As We Wait (for his return)

  • The Best is Yet to Come (His name is Jesus)

  • Undeserved Grace

  • Better Together

  • Jesus Manifesto

As we wait for his return, we walk better together in joy and undeserved grace no matter what our circumstances because the best is yet to come and his name is Jesus.

Am I ready?

Do I believe this yet?

Am I prepared to take to heart what is written here today?

Will I worship God for his justice and mercy in our world?

Will I love God and love people by mercifully and gently giving people the reason for the hope that I have? (1 Peter 3:15)?

9/11 vs 9/10: What would you do if you knew with complete and total certainty what would happen on Sep. 11, 2001 on Sep. 10, 2001? What would you do? Something? Nothing?

There’s something coming that makes 9/11 and COVD-19 and WW II look like birthday parties. It’s described in Revelation.

And you and I know that it’s God’s word and therefore will come to pass.

It’s like 9/10/01. We know what’s coming. What will we do about it? Will we dare to share?

What is God saying to you right now?

What are you going to do about it?

These are not rhetorical questions. Take some time to stop and pray right now.

Let’s pray. Amen.

Basic outline of the book

The Christ of...

  1. Communication - he is the God who reveals his will to his people.

  2. The Churches (vision)

  3. The Cosmos (vision)

  4. Conquest (vision)

  5. Consummation (vision)

  6. Challenge


“The majesty and glory of the warrior lamb, King Jesus, who is coming again to rule and reign forever!”


Intro/Prologue (1:1-3)

Doxology (1:4-6)

”The revelation” or unveiling of the mystery of who God is and what he’s up to. (Hint: Kingdom of God in our world)

We’re called “servants” which is someone who gladly serves his master no matter what the task or cost.

Seems like v. 1 is the purpose: (1-2)

  • To reveal, unveil the word/testimony of God

  • From God the Father

  • To and through Jesus Christ

  • Through an angel

  • To John

  • To the Churches in that day

  • To us, the universal Church

  • What must soon take place/happen in our world

  • To servants of Jesus Christ i.e. the Church

v. 3 The beatitudes

  • the person...

  • who reads/listens to this prophecy aloud (to hear, believe and take to heart)

  • w/ urgency (time is near)

”Unveiled/revealed will of God to bless

“revelation: God’s will is to bless his people”

Revelation: Encouraged by victory

“He is the God who communicates his will to his people.”

Title as truth: God reveals his will to his people.

vv. 4-6 Writing to (audience) the 7 churches (representing all the churches forever) of Asia Minor.

Grace + Peace

Who is God?

  1. God, the Father, Timeless One

  2. Jesus Christ, Messiah/King, Faithful son, firstborn from the dead, resurrected one

  3. Holy Spirit, 7 spirits

Jesus also...

  • freed us from our sins, by his blood

  • loves us

  • made us a kingdom of priests to serve

  • worthy of all our praise

  • eternal one

Who is coming again

from the the clouds...every eye...

conviction and repentance

beginning and end

Almighty God

Who he is and what he does...who we are and what we get to do (make list)