First Love | Revelation 2:1-7; 2 Tim 1:7

Series: Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come

Title: “First Love”

Scripture: Revelation 2:1-7; 2 Tim 1:7 NIV

Main commentary help:

  • Exalting Jesus in Revelation by Daniel Akin

  • Revelation by Jim Hamilton

  • Bible Knowledge Commentary

  • Be The Church by Seth McBee

  • Break the Code by Bruce Metzger

Last week’s title: “Motivated by the Risen Jesus...”

This week’s title: “First Love

Our series is “The best is yet to come” as we walk through the prophetic apocalypse that is the Revelation of the Risen Christ, a circular letter to the early church—and us today. My prayer is that you’ll be strengthened, comforted and encouraged through this word today.

Now some of you may be thinking right now...things can’t get much worse. Better is good, best, well, I’m listening.


What is it that happens to people between...

  • Their wedding day and the day they sign divorce papers?

  • The day their child is born and the day they see their child as a disappointment and brat?

  • The day a loved one is diagnosed with awful condition and the day that loved one, whom we cherish, becomes a burden?

What happens is a loss of first love.


Maybe this is how some of us feel right now about our faith in the risen Christ. We’re just going through the motions and doing our duty. This is not victorious living!

This week’s main idea: “Rev 2:1-7 teaches us that the great commandment matters to God. Jesus identified our greatest obligation was wholehearted love for God, which declares to us that God is not pleased by dutiful obedience that does not flow from genuine love. Here, Jesus mercifully reveals his glory to the church in Ephesus to summon forth from them the first love that he requires.” (Hamilton, p. 63)

My Bottom line: Remember how far you have fallen! Repent and return doing the things you did at first. (Remember, Repent, and Return)

Story: “First love”

First time I saw my wife. (Share story)


  • Revelation probably written to be read aloud in one sitting in the context of a church gathering. We will do this by the end of the series somewhere, somehow. (See promise of 1:3)

  • From the risen Jesus Christ to the 7 churches in Asia Minor.

The church at Ephesus:

  • Paul wrote letter to them 43 years earlier (AD 53)

  • While there (several years) oversaw discipleship of entire region (Acts 19)

  • Was most prominent church in the region at the time

  • Temple to Artemis (Diana) goddess of love and other stuff; 7th wonder of the ancient world

  • Silversmiths rioted when Paul came

  • Nothing there since 14th century

Context: (by chapter)

1: Vision of Risen Christ

2-3: Letters to 7 churches from risen Christ

4-5: Vision of throne room of the risen Christ

6-16: Judgment of Risen Christ

17-22: Fall of Babylon and arrival of New Jerusalem

Structure: It’s a chiasm (# corresponds to 7 churches in order)

1 Ephesus - forsaken first love, Jesus

2 Smyrna - no rebukes

3 Pergamum - Several rebukes

4 Thyatira - Several severe rebukes

5 Sardis - Several more severe rebukes

6 Philadelphia - no rebukes

7 Laodicea - Lukewarm love, Jesus

  • Bad news is that only 2 of 7 churches are not rebuked even though they are still in the apostolic age.

  • Yet, there’s good news in that there is hope for every church because the risen Jesus tells them how to recover. Remember, repent and return.

    • Jesus is still among his church!

    • Jesus loves to reprove and discipline his church.


2:1 The Authority of the Risen Christ

2:2-6 The Address to the church at Ephesus

2:7 The Call to hear and heed the promises


  • John writes to the angel of that specific church

  • Angel = messenger

  • Writing down the words of the risen Christ

  • We should read these letters to the churches in light of the glory of the risen Christ

  • How would the demeanor of your worship service change if the governor came in and joined you for worship?

  • Jesus describes himself using words from 1:12-16. He does this for each church he addresses.

    • Him who holds the 7 stars (angels) - Jesus is in control of his messengers

    • Him who walks among the 7 lamp stands (churches) - Jesus is present and at work

  • The early church met in houses; so even though Jesus writes to “the Church” he’s writing to the network of churches that make up the church of Ephesus. (Kind of like if Jesus wrote a letter to the group at Grace, he’d be writing to all the different groups of people who gather under the banner of Grace Christian Fellowship)


  • Risen Jesus had a lot to commend them for:

    • pure doctrine

    • Hard working

    • Persevering

    • Condemnation of wicked people

    • Not grown weary of doing good and working hard

    • Opposed practices of the Nicolaitans (probably encouraged idolatry and sexual immorality)

    • We can summarize these into 2 categories: Deeds (hands) and Theology (head):

      • Hands - hard working, persevering, not growing weary of doing good

      • Head - pure doctrine, opposing false teaching, church discipline of wicked people

      • What they are missing is Heart - Love for the risen Christ

  • Risen Jesus had one rebuke:

    • You have forsaken/abandoned (not just lost) the love you had at first.

    • At first = when your eyes and ears were opened to the truth that sets you free.

  • Remember (consider) how far you have fallen from that love you had at first

    • Not necessarily at the beginning of your walk with Christ; maybe at a significant spiritual marker

    • I remember having lots of tears at the altar during a service at summer camp—when I was the youth pastor! Then later wondering where that passion to surrender all went

    • Our faith ebbs and flows—where are you today?

    • Perhaps you’ve never experienced a moving, life-changing encounter with the living God. Try this:

      • Think about your sin before a holy, holy, holy God.

      • How do you propose to cleanse yourself from your sins? Good works are like mensural rags in God’s eyes when performed to be cleansed.

      • How to propose to satisfy God’s righteous wrath for your sins?

      • There is only one mediator—Jesus

      • He died to pay the penalty for sin.

      • If you trust him, God will forgive your sin and adopt you.

    • This line of thought—

      • from God’s holiness

      • To our sin

      • To God’s justice against sin

      • To the provision of God made for our salvation in Christ and the mercy he shows to those who trust him

      • —this thinking on the gospel is what will fire anew our first love.

    • Just as thinking on your need for Jesus will fan the flames of your love for him, so also thinking on God’s mercy in giving you a spouse you don’t deserve will refresh your zeal for your spouse...

  • Repent turning from duty to delight; from self to others first; to living to please Jesus over pleasing yourself

    • The great commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength

    • And others as yourself

  • Return and do the things you did at first

    • When your mind is consumed with devotion for the one you love, you do what pleases them

    • Evidently, this devotion waned in the church of Ephesus

  • Warning and Reward

    • If you don’t repent, I’ll unchurch you

    • If you do, see v. 7


  • Whoever has ears quickened by the power of the Holy Spirit listen up and follow

  • Reward for those who overcome -

    • Right to eat from the tree of life

    • Be with risen Christ in paradise


Remember how far you have fallen! Repent and return doing the things you did at first. How?

  1. Remember (consider) how far you’ve fallen, (Admit that you’ve dropped the ball here)

  2. Repent of sin, and (Confess and turn from your sin...)

  3. Return to Christ by doing the things you did at first. ( (or back to) the risen Jesus Christ and savior and Lord). How?

    1. Be zealous for the gospel—fall in love with Jesus and his good news again!

    2. Be diligent about sound doctrine—be in the word!

    3. Be faithful in living out the gospel—be like the risen Christ!


When we remember how far we’ve fallen, and humble ourselves, we repent of our sin and return to the risen Christ and the things we did at first. This is the way;-)...and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through the Son...the risen Christ Jesus.

“Believer or unbeliever, one sure way to grow in your love for God is to think on the gospel

  1. God’s holiness and justice against sin,

  2. the peril of your condition,

  3. the provision made in Christ, and

  4. your need to trust in Jesus.” (Hamilton, p. 70)

Will you remember, repent and return to him today?

Let’s pray.


Hamilton’s notes on all 7 churches:

Verse: “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity but of...

“Power, love and self-control/sound mind” 2 Tim 1:7

Analogy: Head, heart, hands

Consider combining the two...

Head - Sound mind/self-control

Hands - Power

Heart - Love

If Jesus wrote a letter to GCF, what would it say?

Probably a summary of what he charged all 7 churches to do:

For the sake of Christ,

  1. Be zealous for the gospel,

  2. Reject false teachings, and

  3. Live in a manner consistent with the gospel.

Greatest need of the early church (and today’s church) according to Hamilton:

“to be faithful to Jesus, to hold fast to the gospel, and to live lives that are pleasing to him.”

Good News: “God has given us everything that we need to know to be right with God through Jesus and live in a way that pleases him.” -Hamilton

Main Point (Hamilton): “For the glory of God, Jesus charges the churches to be zealous for the gospel, reject false teaching, and live in a manner that corresponds to the gospel.” (LGLP, xDM)

Generally, for all the churches...for the glory of God, Jesus charges the churches to...

  1. Be zealous for the gospel, (pursue steadfast faithfulness to gospel—which 2 & 6 were commended for)

  2. Reject false teaching, and (be diligent about sound doctrine)

  3. Live in a manner that corresponds to the gospel. (Live in pure devotion to Jesus, avoiding idolatry and immorality that grows from false teaching (and unbelief))

  4. Practice church discipline, when necessary.

  5. Be faithful unto death (cf. 2:10)

Story: Pastor Greg Wills (Hamilton, p. 61)

Notes from Bible Knowledge Commentary (BKC) on Rev 2:1-7:


  • Paul had visited Ephesus about 43 years earlier in AD 53.

  • Paul was there for several years and preached/disciples so effectively “that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in th province of Asia heard the word of the Lord” (Acts 19:10).

  • Silversmiths started a riot because their business of making shrines of Artemis was threatened.

  • Ephesus—long history; most prominent church in region.

  • Uninhabited since 14th century. (Immediate area)

  • Mostly 2nd+ generation Christians

  • Note how Paul draws from the description of the risen Christ in ch. 1 to re-describe himself to the 7 churches:

    • ““To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands.”

    • ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭2:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬


  • Commended for their faithful service for 40 years! Specifically,

    • hard work

    • perseverance

    • condemnation of wicked people

    • identification of false apostles (false teachers in each of first 4 churches)

    • enduring hardships

    • not growing weary in serving God

Verse 4: REBUKE

  • Despite many commendations, soundly rebuked for forsaking the love they had at first.

  • Word order is emphatic: Literally, “Your first love (agape) you have left.”

  • Agape - deep love God has for people (cf. Eph 1:15-16 (35 years earlier))


  • Pure doctrine (HEAD)

  • High level of service (HANDS)

  • Devotion to Christ (HEART) ——LACKING!! HENCE REBUKE

  • Risen Christ wants all three!!


  1. “Remember the height from which you have fallen!”

  2. “Repent”—Our love for risen Jesus should be greater than...

    • Spouse

    • Kids

    • Parents

    • Best friends

    • Boy/girl friend

    • Self

    • Idol

    • Hero

    • Cause, manifesto, dream

    • god

  3. (Return) and “Do the things you did at first.”


WARNING: “If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.” (Lampstand = light or presence of Christ in the church = church will die)

PROMISE: “To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is the paradise of God.”

  • When you eat this fruit, you live abundant life forever.

  • Tree that was in the garden of Eden is now in the New Jerusalem.

Illustration: (Cf. With Isaiah’s reaction in Isaiah 6:1-8) Isaiah went from “Woe is me” to “Here I am” in a very short time. How long would it take for you to surrender all to Jesus and let him send you wherever to do whatever? How long would it take for you to give Jesus a blank check? Not long if you see him as he is today.