Love Mercy | Micah 6:8

ACT JUSTLY & TO LOVE MERCY. In order to understand what acting justly and loving mercy looks like, we need to look at the perfect embodiment of justice, mercy AND humility – Jesus Christ. God’s justice is perfect. In God’s perfect justice, the payment for sin is blood. This week Pastor Darien addresses the issue of Justice and mercy through the lens of God’s Word, showing us what true justice and mercy really are.

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Act Justly | Micah 6:1-8 | How God Wants Us To Respond to Racial Injustice, part 1

Using passages from Acts 10:1-11:4; James 2:1-9; Galatians 3:26-29; Micah 6:1-8, Pastor Darien talks about practicing what we preach on how we interact with anyone different than us by acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with our God. This is not limited to black-white relations but that’s a huge part of this today. Includes people of all cultures (not races). There is one race - the human race started in Eden. Many ethnicities scattered at tower of Babel.

Micah 6:1-8, reminds us to live justly for God’s glory. Pastor Darien shows us how this applies to racial reconciliation.

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Be Not Restless | Joy No Matter | Philippians 4:10-23

Pastor Darien continues our series on Philippians: “Joy No Matter"“ by addressing the issue of contentment in this sermon, “Be Not Restless.” In this passage, the Apostle Paul writes to the Philippian church , telling them that regardless of circumstances, he has learned to be content. Paul faced need and abundance, hunger and plentiful food. He experienced shipwreck, suffering, prison, and more. He also experienced great moves of God as he took the gospel to the gentiles. Paul noted that he could be joyful and content in any circumstance, because Christ was with him, in him, strengthening him. Paul goes on to admonish the the Philippians, because they have the same Christ in them, providing them the same contentment. Read along as Pastor Darien delivers this timely message.

Notably, if Paul could be joyful in prison and in need, then there is great hope for us in our present circumstances. The gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ means I can be joyful in all circumstances!

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Aim Well, Loose Your Arrow | Luke 10:25-37, Deut 6:4-9
  • Children are not a disease, hassle or distraction. Not even a necessary evil. They are a lasting reward for our efforts and gift from God himself.

  • Contrary to modern sensibilities, a large family is a blessing. Think about the blessing your current family is. It can be more. God is encouraging more children for his people. Obviously we’re all limited and so should our family be. But when weighing out the cost of another child consider the blessing will be even more than you can imagine.

  • A quiver full of arrows is meant to be emptied. Don’t empty is aimlessly.

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The Exchange | No Matter What | Phil 3:1-11 (Part 11)

Continuing our series of Philippians (Joy No Matter), Pastor Darien teaches how to change our self-confidence (or lack thereof) to Savior-confidence. The idea is that God is the one who works in and through us for His good pleasure. When we put our trust in Him, we place our confidence in Him. What He brings to pass is always for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28), so we can rest in Who He is.

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Be An Example | No Matter What | Phil 2:19-30 (Part 10)

Continuing our series of Philippians (Joy No Matter), Pastor Darien teaches how we must be an example no matter what as we follow Christ. Series: Joy No Matter, Part 10

Scripture: Phil 2:19-30 Title: “The Example"

Today’s Bottom line: Follow the Example, Be the Example as You Worship the Example, no matter what.

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Shine Like The Stars--No Matter What | Phil 2:12-18 (Part 9)

Continuing our series of Philippians (Joy No Matter), Pastor Darien teaches how we must work out your salvation as God works in and through you so you’ll shine like stars in this dark world no matter what. The path of humility and sacrifice that Christ modeled is our path as well. We have a mission to make disciples, and a disciple becomes like his/her teacher. Thus, we follow Jesus in sacrificial humility.

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Embrace Christ's Attitude, No Matter What | Philippians 2:5-11 (Part 8)

This sermon is about thinking like Christ, having the mind of our Savior. Pastor Darien continues our study of Philippians. This week we study chapter 2, and the mindset God calls us to have, the same mindset of Christ as He humbled Himself to become a man, adding humanity to His deity, further humbling Himself to take on the form of a servant, serving the people he was with, serving to the point of sacrificing His life, even dying on the cross. Ultimately, God raised Him from the dead. Paul tells us to have the same mindset.

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