Better Together | Turning the World Upside Down | Acts 17:1-15

“Turning The World Upside Down” (Acts 17:1-15)

Series: Better Together

Bottom line: Paul and Co. gives us a battle plan for turning things around (180˚) where we live, work, learn, and play. 


When I trusted Christ as a freshman at Clemson, my main motivation was that I wanted to make a real difference in our world. I wanted to turn the world upside-down, so to speak. Paul, Silas, Timothy and Luke did too.

Episode 1 - The Power of Love 

The power of God (resurrection) flows through the love (cross) of God. In receiving it we are empowered to love others sacrificially through word and deed.

The result will be 2-fold:

  1. Movement: A great, fruitful Jesus movement of power and love. 

  2. Suffering: A great anti-Jesus movement of fear and hate.

How do we do this strategically? 4 “E’s” - Here’s 1-3:

  1. Establish point of contact with people. Paul started with ✡️ synagogue  

  2. Expound the word (teach/preach/proclaim/share)  

    1. Christologically (Jesus is Lord/Messiah)

    2. Boldy (conf faith)

    3. Intelligently (reasoned, explained, proved) over emotion

    4. with personal integrity

  3. Expect dramatic responses

    1. good 

    2. bad

Truth: Jesus is Lord, no matter what. #authority

Application: Our job is to proclaim the word in power and love. Casting seed in anticipation of a great harvest. Pray for harvesters.

Episode 2 - Noble Bereans

The word of God reveals the truth about God’s power of love story. It also reveals how we can enter that story personally.

The result will be 2-fold: (again)

  1. Movement: A great, fruitful Jesus movement of power and love. 

  2. Suffering: A great anti-Jesus movement of fear and hate.

  1. Fourth “E” - Encourage examination of what is taught. The Bereans studied:

    1. openly

    2. eagerly

    3. carefully

    4. daily

Truth: We fight not against flesh and blood but rulers and powers not of this world. #war #spiritualwarfare 

Application: Our job is to proclaim the word in power and love. Casting seed in anticipation of a great harvest. Pray for harvesters.