Grace Christian Fellowship

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Follow, Flee, Fight | 1 Timothy 6:11-21


       1 Timothy 6:11-21 

Here we come to the end of Paul’s 1st letter to Timothy.


He closes the letter w/ words to the rich.

FOLLOW   “But you, man of God”  

Here is the Warning “flee from these things”


God’s Word is our weapon in this fight. 

The fight of faith is the fight to believe.  Don't just run, run to something.

So Timothy should “flee” “and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.”

“Pursue” – constantly strive for.  

“We are simply to run from evil as we run from danger, and to run after goodness as we run after success.”  John Stott


“Fight the good fight of the faith.” .

 “Worthy of Worship”

Words to the Wealthy

1.     False pride “not to be arrogant or to”

2.     False security “set their hope on the uncertainty of wealth”

As we reflect on this today, let’s ask ourselves.

1.     Are we following Christ?

2.     Are we fleeing sin?

3.     Are we fighting the good fight of the faith?